  • Report:  #913771

Complaint Review: Symmetry Financial Group | Ripoff Report Verified Safe™ ..businesses you can trust. Commitment to 100% customer satisfaction. Extensive portfolio life annuity products with many options Term Life Non-med Term Whole Life UL EIUL Disability Critical Illness Annuity EIA SPIA and more. - Internet Internet

Reported By:
James - ASHEVILLE, North Carolina, United States of America

Symmetry Financial Group | Ripoff Report Verified Safe™ ..businesses you can trust. Commitment to 100% customer satisfaction. Extensive portfolio life annuity products with many options Term Life Non-med Term Whole Life UL EIUL Disability Critical Illness Annuity EIA SPIA and more.
204 whitson ave st 2c Internet, Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

REVIEW UPDATE: June 6, 2018: Symmetry Financial Group remains committed to increased customer satisfaction and has improved their business practices over the years to better serve their customers. Symmetry Financial Group is truly dedicated to making sure their customers are satisfied and that any complaints which do arise are addressed promptly and fairly.

To date, Symmetry Financial Group has made good faith efforts to resolve all complaints reported on Ripoff Report. Based on our experience, the member business has proven to be among the top members of the Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program as a Verified Safe Business™.

Over time and since becoming a member, Symmetry Financial Group has remained actively engaged and improving the way they address customer service complaints. As an active and current member of the Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program we are happy to report that now more than ever Symmetry Financial Group remains committed to improving customer satisfaction.

Remember, no company or individual can ever satisfy 100% of the people 100% of the time. There are no products or services that will always be perfect for everyone and even the best companies will receive complaints from time to time. However, by participating in the Corporate Advocacy Program, the member business has made a commitment to working with its customers to resolve complaints quickly and fairly whenever possible.

Please keep in mind that as a consumer you have some responsibilities as well. Success has many definitions that based on your past experiences, current situation and your perceived expectations. Success with any product or service is always based on the proper application and understanding. The fastest car will not run if you never turn the engine on. Look at how you used the product or service that was provided in relation with the instructions that you received. The Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program will help you get your voice heard but please be prepared with documentation and fair representation of your concern, also have an idea of how the company can fix your concern. Can they offer additional services, extend warranties, offer a fair refund or just get you talking with someone that can help. ..let them know and let us know!

*Any consumer not receiving satisfaction from a member of the Corporate Advocacy Program should email us at [email protected].

Ripoff Report Verified™ REVIEW:

Editor’s UPDATE: A positive rating and recognition has been given to Symmetry Financial Group for their above average commitment to making the insurance business profitable for both agents and agency builders.

Ripoff Report’s discussions with SFG have uncovered a genuine enthusiasm by the company to uphold this commitment. Agents with Symmetry can expect that the company will work towards providing not only the best opportunities available, but will do so with the highest levels of integrity and knowledge.  SFG leadership has drawn upon over 100 years of cumulative experience in the insurance industry and have pooled their expertise to create a model that is truly revolutionary.

Symmetry Financial Group stated that they are truthfully committed to sharing the wealth of opportunity, all while delivering high levels of service and training to their sales forces.  As successful businessmen, SFG’s owners know that this philosophy is a key component to ensuring short-term and long-term success in any business.

A top manager with Symmetry recently said this of the company’s leadership, “Having come from the largest financial institution in the United States, where leadership was talked about often but rarely developed, I have been extremely impressed by not only the leaders of the company but how often they are speaking of and implementing growth all the way down to an individual level.” 

Ripoffreport Report Image
Ripoff Report Verified™ .. part of Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business..

..The information provided in this report is based on comments made by Casey Watkins and Brandon Ellison during an on-site inspection held by a third party verification company with no biases toward Symmetry Financial Group.  

Symmetry Financial Group (SFG) is a company that gains access to public records such as loans that were financed and data from certain age groups.  The company’s target market for clients would be people who have financed loans, recent home buyers, and people who are between the ages of 55-80 who want to make sure burial expenses are taken care of with retirement protection. Brandon stated, “Seniors are outliving their money.”  The company works with agents who are self-motivated and want to make money part time or full time.  Symmetry Financial Group feels they are a franchise opportunity with a much lower cost which sets them apart from others.

The company sends out forms from a mail house explaining what their product are and if customer is interested they will fill form out and mail it back in with information such as age, race, height weight, and smoking status, etc. An agent can then purchase that lead from SFG for a cost of $16-$42.  The agent can then set up a meeting with the client or customer and explain potential options for coverage.  Leads are generated by the forms that are returned from potential customers.  These leads are then purchased by agents and the agents then make contact with the potential customer.  The process for closing a sale is based on the client dealing with the agent and then agreeing on a policy that works for that client.

An agent never has to buy leads from Symmetry Financial Group.  Every time an agent does purchase a lead, its costs SFG money.  However, sales are much less likely without these leads.  An agent’s main goal in working with the company is to sell insurance to people and families that need these services.  If an agent never wants to buy build a lead.  Their main job is to sell product. Casy Watkins states, “SFG does not pay agents.  Commissions pass through insurance companies.  SFG does offer incentives but that’s the only payment SFG has with agents.” The company states they try to get the message out to everyone that all leads will not turn into sales and that you must have thick skin.  All leads have potential but are not guaranteed. 

  The company states “Very few promises are made to agents; SFG promises to treat everyone fairly and promise not to take money from them.  Agents will be released as long as agents do not owe SFG money and allowed to sell for other people.  Clients are not promised anything from SFG because SFG is the ‘middle-man.’” Brandon Ellison went onto explain that as an agent working for SFG one may promise a client to always answer any questions they may have regarding their business, however SFG itself does not promise anything to clients.  When a client is not happy with their expectations, SFG will work with client to produce refunds if necessary, however this is rare.  SFG will talk to agent and client and figure out best solution to remedy the problem.

Internally, the company is working to set the correct expectations and establish more training while getting agents to understand their role and that they represent Symmetry Financial Group. The company states that many complaints come from agents and setting better expectations can help with this.  They are making active approaches to remedy concerns and working to create better hands on training and software to get reports out faster to agents.  The company is also focused on getting agents to be more business minded and managing expectations.

Symmetry Financial Group states that because there are so many agents and managers, the company rarely sees complaints.  Sometimes clients will complain to SFG for something that the Insurance Company messed up; however this is not SFG’s problem in almost all cases.  They stated that complaints are resolved by talking to the client and explaining the issue to them in a non-defensive manner.  Agents will complain to SFG that that they are trying to make money selling leads. However, SFG actually loses money selling leads and would rather agents attain these leads on their own to save costs, but the leads are there for the agents if needed. 

  Casey Watkins stated that, “Complaints on Ripoff Report were factually not true in many instances.” Furthermore, he emphasized complaints on Ripoff Report are not possible to resolve.  A recent complaint involved a misunderstanding between an insurance company and client where insurance company was drafting a premium and the client did not want the policy anymore. A miscommunication lead to the policy not being canceled and client was unhappy.  They stated that many of these types of complaints are outside the control of SFG; however SFG will do whatever they can to make clients happy.  SFG in this instance personally got on the phone with the client and explained to them it was a misunderstanding and that the issue had been resolved. Mr. Watkins stated “Complaints from clients at SFG is like buying a Toyota and the alternator goes out. It’s not really the dealerships fault that this happened. It is more the manufacturer of the Toyota, however many people need someone to blame.”

Furthermore, the main thing that SFG tries to explain to their employees is that they are in the service industry and to not be argumentative while always doing what’s best for client.  Some complaints from clients are from agents losing their tempers and maybe arguing and upsetting clients.  The company tries to remind agents to take a deep breath and don’t get emotionally involved.  SFG regularly checks up on agents to ensure satisfactory service is being rendered.

Symmetry Financial Group stated that they have not changed much because the complaints on Ripoff Report as the complaints are not addressing changes the company can make. They state there is no validity to the complaints that are out there now.  Employees are taught to treat all clients with the utmost respect.  All SFG can talk to the agents and tell them they represent the company, however, the reality is SFG cannot control every single agent and sometimes clients become unhappy.  Agents are very competitive and take it personal when they are being outdone by a fellow co-worker.  They stated that SFG continues to get better and hiring quality agents which is the easiest way to ensure customer satisfaction. 

The company states they are happy to be a part of the Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program because it allows customers to get to know SFG better and to see the truth about the company who they are.  However, they feel that up to this point Ripoff Report has been one sided and is inaccurate thus far.  If it gives SFG the opportunity to turn negatives to positives they are very happy with it. 

Statements from Symmetry Financial Group

  Symmetry’s field agents often express the confidence they have in the system in place. One new SFG agent said, “The great mentoring and support, humble leadership, great system, and abundant resources I’ve found with SFG saved me from leaving the insurance industry”.  This is one of the many positive feedbacks we received while conducting research on Symmetry and very in tune with what other agents have to say.

Symmetry Financial Group is serious about providing a unique and genuine opportunity.  Employee feedback and surveys continuously produce reports similar to the following, "SFG is the perfect vehicle for me to help people, not just through insurance but by empowering them to have their own company."  Rip-off Report was also pleased to learn that SFG’s past and current approach to business is focused on its pledge to its agents success.  When we asked employees what advise they had for upper management, these are some of the responses, “I appreciate all you do for us and your willingness to put your time and energy to help us become better. The system you have in place is allowing me to do what I was meant to do!” and “Keep the innovative thought process coming for our industry”


Symmetry Financial Group recognizes that complaints posted on Ripoff Report (whether true or not) are issues requiring attention and are not to be ignored.  When handled correctly, complaints are valuable learning opportunities. With the feedback generated by Rip-off Report’s Investigation, Symmetry Financial Group has examined every complaint independently and worked to resolve and/or clarify where any issue may have stemmed from.

In summary, after Ripoff Reports investigation and 3rd party review, which included discussions with Symmetry’s owners, Ripoff Report is convinced that SFG is committed to providing a quality and beneficial service to its employees and clients.

Read more about why consumers should feel confident when doing business with a member of Rip-off Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. Yes, it’s a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and businesses alike.

Read about Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program,.. A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. this program works. 

As a matter of policy, when a business becomes a member of the Corporate Advocacy Program they agree to allow Ripoff Report to contact every client who filed a complaint so they can make things right with them.  In order to confirm that the complaints were resolved, Ripoff Report is copied on all responses so we can insure that the member business did right by their customer ..  




Symmetry Financial Group Internet

OK!!!! Set the record Straight. This sounds awesome! They are the best objection handlers in the world! THey are nice guys!!! THey are smart! You can make some Money!!! HOWEVER!!!! They are ripping you off big time. If you know how insurance contracts work then you will see how these guys are making more than you off any policy you sell. They start you at 60% which if you check around you can get 80% with free leads all day long if you look, have a license and are willing to travel. They try to get you to hire hire hire hire!!!! This is so thay can make even more money off of you while you make nearly nothing to hire others. You get a small % and you get 5% bumps every two months if you make them at least $3000 per month on your own pen. These are scammers and they are truly getting away with it. It looks awesome but please check around!!!! You will find better contracts and free leads!!! These guys are great objection handlers so they are read for this but be smart enough to do your own research. You will find better I promise. I just got off the phone with investment life solutions???? and they offered me 90% contract with leads cost matched at 30 a lead!!!! DO YOUR RESEARCH AND YOU WILL FIND WHAT i AM TALKING ABOUT. THEY ARE GREAT AT MAKING YOU BELIEVE!!!! YOU CAN DO A LOT BETTER SO DO THE MATH AND READ AND MAKE PHONE CALLS TO GET THE TRUTH. DONT BELIEVE ME! BELEIVE WHAT YOU HEAR ELSEWHERE.

7 Updates & Rebuttals


Neptune Beach,
Warning advice for agents

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, April 03, 2013

I would suggest getting your 0215 License on your own then market yourself!!! You will get contacted by every insurance company and IMO in the industry. Trust me, I've been contacted by many companys like NAA. DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING!! Read the conctract and all provisions concerning selling through that particular IMO. I wouldnt trust the Agents trying to get you to sign with them, because they will get a piece of the pie of all your sales and future residuals. Talk directly to the specific Insurance Company you want to represent and getting commission of 80% to 90% with possible residuals is better than a lower commision percentage and no residuals.



#3General Comment

Mon, March 25, 2013

I would like to ask , are you still involved with the company now? I was thinking of starting a new source of income, this company got my attention. I am curious if you are still as happy now as you were in jan.


North Carolina,
United States of America
An Insider Opinion

#4UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 25, 2013

First off, it's a good indication if basic words are misspelled and a bajillion exclamation marks are used in a post that it's likely not the most educated opinion.  Secondly, I truly believe that most of this garbage gets posted by competitors who are worried because SFG's business is growing so quickly.  With that said, all I have to share is my own experience with SFG:

I came on with SFG 5 months ago with my family on food stamps.  The leadership gave of their  time and resources, showed me how to make money honestly in this business, and I'm on track to make  75K or more this year after expenses.  The training has been excellent, the people have deep integrity, and I've never worked for a more generous company.  The reason this company was started was because the "practice company" started bleeding their agents dry and making them pay too much for resources. The structures at SFG are designed to put maximum profit and opportunity back into the hands of the agents.  The higher-ups live frugally and give freely, which is a refreshing change. As for my business expenses, I usually turn about 10-15% of my commissions back into leads.  I'm operating a business at 15% overhead.  Not too shabby, and I'm grateful for the opportunity.

It hasn't been easy.  I almost quit in my second month because I hit a rut, but my mentors came alongside me and coached me through it.  Have I had to invest in this business with my time and turn a percentage of my profits back into leads?  Yes, because this is legitimate business and not a get-rich-quick scheme.

I'm sorry that the customer above had a bad experience.  I've heard of some less-than-stellar agents that have worked for SFG.  Personally though, the people I know in this business are all people I would trust to insure my own family.  My retention is over 90% and I always do for each family what I would do for my own... And that's how they trained me from square one.

I can afford to send my little girl to a good school because of the leads I buy, my clientele are thrilled to have somebody who cares help them, and I'm mentoring others in learning this business too.  I owe them that because of how much people invested in me when I came on.  
It's not perfect, and it's not for everybody, but SFG is the company I've been looking for all my life, and everybody I know who works here is thrilled to be a part of it.  


United States of America
Consumer Ripoff

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, September 15, 2012

As a former customer of Symmetry I don't know about how they set up their business or pay their agents, but I can tell you they must make money because they sold me a life insurance to cover my home mortgage for 400 % over the market rate. This was probably my fault, "Consumer beware" I believed the agent..!! ,  that my insurance was a good deal. After I got pushed to finish the paperwork, I did the research that I should have done before I did business with a less than honest company.

I paid $82 a month for insurance I could have gotten for less than $25 a month. So while I cannot say if this company is ethical with their employees, I can say for certain that they are totally unethical with their clients. If they call you to "Help" your family with insurance to cover your mortgage or your life. Do your homework before you meet with them. Better yet, don't meet at all, you can do better yourself, who needs a company or agent that takes advantage of their customers for a buck !!


United States of America
Symmetry Financial Truly Ethical in Every Way

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, September 11, 2012

I currently work with Symmetry Financial Group and have for more than 1 1/2 yrs. I personally worked with two other insurance companies with free leads and was never offered 80% to start. The leads I received from these other companies were old and never amounted to anything. I was expected to cold call and bug all my friends to get business.

Symmetry Financial Group has changed my life literally. I have been able to make a substantial amount of money through their lead system which has been awesome. They are up to date leads and reap major return on your investment. I support my family quite nicely with these leads.

The company itself pays for a portion of the A leads to invest in the agent. Their system is amazing and if you follow it you will succeed. I am a testament to that. The issue is that if you don't follow the ir system you won't succeed. There will always be someone who doesn't follow directions and wants to blame everyone but themselves.

I personally don't care what the company is making since I am doing well and they are the ones who have supported me along the way. I have never had a company taken such a personal interest in my success. Furthermore they put out massive amounts of monies to get these A-1 leads and subsidize the costs as well as other functions they perform as a company. 

Additionally, Symmetry incourages people to  focus on personal growth and character which is quite refreshing. And I have not found one time or thing that would point to them being unethical in any way shape of form. In fact quite the opposite. They have been a class act from day one.

As far as recruiting, if you want to only be a producer and not recruit that is up to you. However this company will get me off the road because of having the knowledge that would cost thousands that they provide for the asking.

If you are small minded you don't need apply it is only for those who have a business mindset  who will succeed.


North Carolina,
Half truth Bill

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 21, 2012


Ive bought in to the whole thing too and I know exactly whereyou are right now.

A couple of things you are not thinking of are:

Yes you get in front of qualified leads, but you pay 75% ofthe cost it takes to generate that lead. So Symmetry eats the other 25% but at the same time making more money off every policy you sell. Lets break it down.

$35 for the lead that cost them $45 to generate. Average sell is $500 in your pocket and $650 or so in theirs. So the personal production side they make $640 per sale after advances and you made $465.Why cant you make $500 and they make $600? This also goes for your entire down line which is quite a bit if youre a good recruiter.  Also As you move up, your lead cost goes up! So the better you do the more you actually pay the entire cost it takes to generate each lead. You also have to start paying the difference of each lead that your team buys. So youre paying full cost and
making up the difference in your teams cost which allows Symmetry to not pay a thing for each lead once youre that big and still collect a spread on you and your team. This is why a lot of other brokerage firms and captive companies do
not charge for leads but set monthly goals for agents. They already make good money off the producers and dont nickel and dime expense.

The other thing I saw happening more and more is monthly, quarterly, and by-annual conferences and meetings that cost you money. Even though they try to say they dont do that like the practice company as they put itNAA that they use to work for.

Dont get me wrong, they are very smart business men that are making a lot of money on someone elses idea. Symmetry even admits the system is 99% NAAs structure.  Dont you find it funny how you have to place ads in craigslist to hire people with a title saying, THIS IS NOT NAA? Soon it will say THIS IS NOT SYMMETRY.Obviously the system they
created pissed a lot of people off. I also find it funny that a lot of the top agents and agency managers are broke! Thats because you only hear turned in numbers not issued. Ive seen it with my own eyes. My only point is the owners
of Symmetry may come across as your best friend or the most trust worthy guys but keep in mind they are doing this to make money, bottom line! Be careful and dont shut out other options.


North Carolina,
United States of America
If your are not a winner, it wont work

#8UPDATE Employee

Tue, August 21, 2012

About this

 If you know how insurance contracts work then you will see how these guys are making more than you off any policy you sell. They start you at 60% which if you check around you can get 80% with free leads all day long if you look, have a license and are willing to travel.
 Yes you can get free leads from about anywhere. And it sounds if you no nothing about lead generation and the cost involved. You make yourself sound silly when you say free leads. To create a lead of any value then you have a large expense involved. So when you give up a little on the starting contract then that gets you in front of qualified leads and not free leads. 
Also if you have ever seen the promotion guidelines or been involved and realize that they want to move you up that commission structure as fast as possible then then what you are saying makes no sense.
Yes getting you to hire helps move you up the commission structure and earn more on your own pen as well as help increase your spread income the more you hire. Would you rather have a 5% spread and a 65% contract or hire more and have a 15 or 20 % spread and a 75 or 80 % contract. 
Remember when they move you up in contract they make less. So hire hire hire... only if you want to make more money easier.
Go work those better contracts and free leads and then waste your time posting about how sucky that is.

Any company or person of any size or of any quality will have the people who couldn't make a living in a pie factory posting crap like this. Search Mother Theresa Scam and see what you find. 

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