  • Report:  #475444

Complaint Review: TEAM WINMARK - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
- Seattle, Washington,

http://teamwinmark.com/home Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was an employee of this company for a little over 6 months. When I first started I had high hopes as it was "promised" to me by all of the high ups of how they take care of "their own" and the fortunes made there. In the time I was there, I only seen 4 fortunes: Brad Reynolds, Freddie Mills, Jeffery Williams, and Jeff Ivy who made these fortunes off the sweat and hard work of young and impressionable minds. Like many others, it took me a good month and a half to get a badge and in the meantime I wrote deals under the manager whom I was working for at the time. The three days of training was a complete waste of time and a disgrace to any normal company that takes pride in itself. They teach you how to lie to the customers and essentially do whatever it takes to get them to sign on the dotted lines, even if it means blatently misleading them, which they encourage, I might add. So while I was writing deals for my manager told me he was going to pay me cash for all deals wrote, but the only repayment I got was the occasional Espresso and a constant stream of talk of how I was on my way to the top. Being my first job as a contractor, I knew very little of how the system worked, but by the time I left I had acquired a PhD in how to rip people off, compliments of Mr. Reynolds naturally. I have to say though, in retrospect, the saddest part of the entire ordeal is how much money a person can make running a contracting business honestly - not a word in the lexicon of Winmark. So towards then end of my run with these scam artists I decided to see how much dirt I could compile in hopes of scutteling the ship right after I abandoned it. It turns out that these frauds have virtually no overhead and they had masterfully planned scheme to maximize the profits by ensuring people quit before they were paid, thus 6 to 7 weeks of free labor. They have an office in Federal Way where they conduct meetings where both of the Jeffs, and what a set of twins they are, figuritively speaking, which costs them 1,200 a month. New hires are free and endless because employees are paid a small portion of whatever anyone they bring to the company sells (about 2 percent of the profit on each revenue generating unit), so they have also eliminated any hiring overhead. As stated in virtually every article here, it takes between 4 and 6 weeks to get a badge, but on top of that, the pay cycle is 4 weeks behind, so it takes 8 to 10 weeks to see a commission check, so you'd better make that 200 in training pay last, but hey, I can live off 20 dollars a week, I mean, who can't, right? So about 90 percent of the people they hire last all of 5 to 7 weeks then quit, leaving all of the money they have made to Brad and Freddy, that is providing you don't owe them from the 500 dollars you owe off the bat as a new hire to pay for your drug screen and background check. Pricey huh? Only about 10 times more then my company pays per employee. Oh, and we can't forget the Winmark house. This is a nice little deralict rambler in South Seattle where Winmark lets employees stay, who aren't making enough, what a shocker, to make it on thier own, something I would imagine is totally normal for a company that DOESN'T plan on giving it to it's own employees six ways from Sunday. And when Brad and Freddy come to town, you better beleive every coke dealer and call girl within a 15 mile radius KNOWS THE EXACT moment their flight gets in and what time they'll be at the crackhouse, uh, ur, I meant to say Winmark house. I remember one of the last weeks I worked there and I thought I would drop in and see what kind of fresh dirt I could get in hopes of getting Comcast to give them the boot, to no avail I might add. I was greeted by a super high, bug eyed Brad that was about as close to a speedball OD as a person can get, I suspect the 5th of Jack was all that kept his heart rate under 200 bpm. I didn't stay long since Brad was feeling a little fresh and decided to knock out one of my fellow employees, probably a good sign to head out. So, to sum it all up, while Jef Ivy and Jeffery Williams are making 10k a month and 40k a month, respectively, and Brad and Freddy are raking in millions, only about 98.9 percent of it is earned dishonestly. Someone needs to put a stop to this criminal enterprise. Everyday people are being taken advantage of so a few greedy people can line there pockets from impressionable young employess to senior citizens like your grandmother. Its time for Comcast customers to stand up and say something, they are the ones really getting it.

Anonymous winmark insider

Seattle, Washington


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