  • Report:  #1038632

Complaint Review: The Hartfor Insurance - phoenix Arizona

Reported By:
Chris - everett, Washington,

The Hartfor Insurance
phoenix, Arizona, United States of America
8008114832 x2303737
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
If anyone is thinking about having Harford for their insurance company, think again. I was in a car accident for the first time in 35 years. I was sitting at a red light and was rear ended. I did drive a 1993 Miata, hit by a pick up truck, you know the kind, 4x4 f150 with cast iron grate on the front. Since I did not get help from the drivers insurance that hit me, I decided to go to mine. Big mistake !

When I signed up for Hartford insurance, I told them I wanted full coverage, towing, and rental car. Unbeknown to me,,,there is different level of rental car insurance, and my towing only covered 50.00. I had discontinued AAA, because I was tired of paying for two towing policies. Another mistake.

Since the other insurance company will only give you an additional 3 days coverage after they have made their offer. I went to hartford for the additional rental car expenses, since I did not have a vehicle any longer. Now I was advised I only had 20.00 a day rental coverage. Enterprise does not have any cars for 20.00 a day. So now I am having to pay 10.80 a day out of my own pocket to have a vehicle. My claims adjuster wanted to know if I wanted to try a different Enterprise office, at a different location. I ask her, what difference that was going to make since they do not have vehicle rentals for 20.00 a day. I was told by my claim adjuster that it was my responsibility to read my policy and make changes accordingly. I repeated that I was not advised of this at the time I  was issued the policy. Again I was told it was my fault.

Now trying to get my vehicle repaired. I was told I only had 50.00 (again was not aware of this until now) towing, and if I had the car towed to the body shop it would come out of the cost of having the vehicle repaired. I was asked by Harford if I could drive the vehicle to the repair shop. I told them I was not going to risk getting a ticket, because there is no tail lights. So the owner of the body shop drove the car with someone following him to the body shop. Of course the repairs are going to cost more than the Hartford was willing to pay. I do not have the extra money to pay for the additional repairs. I was laid off in October, I am living on 200.00 a week unemployment, and am going to school full time. The Hartford doesn't get this either.

Now you have got to understand, I am the original owner of this vehicle, it was in perfect running condition, and planned on keeping this car the rest of my life. I told the claims adjuster I would not drive anything other than a Miata in the same condition. The only replacements I have found of course are on the east coast. I was advised today March 27th, 2013, that out of the kindness of her heart, she would extend my rental vehicle until Monday April 1st, 2013. So now I have 5 days to find a vehicle, in between going to school, and oh yes Easter is in the equation also. I advised her I was not driving a junker that I had to worry about repair bills. I was advised that this was life, and I needed to buck up to the plate and take action to find a vehicle, any vehicle. They are giving me 4759.54 for my vehicle. The closest I have come to finding something comparable is 5995.00. I told the adjuster I should not have to drive anything that is not comparable to what I had. She was going to hang up on me, until I stopped her to ask for her email address. I sent her two emails, one with the comparable vehicle, and one email with my exact same car for sale on the east coast. I wonder how many days it will take her to get back to me on my emails. I am sure it will be past April 1st.

I was then told I was sent an email with a link to auto dealers in my area for comparable autos. I did not get the email with the link. I ask her for the email address. I tried the one she gave me thehartford/replaceyourcar.com. This website does not exist. When you put in website address, it comes up with cars.com, autotrader, etc. Which I have spent going through for hours at a time for a month.

I have had injuries due to this accident, but have not been able to really deal with them, because I spend my one day off a week dealing with Hartford. I was told by the claims adjuster today that this process would not of had to take so long if I had not just taken what they offered, and I was the one making this difficult. I was suppose to do what I had to do, and move on. Instead of dragging this out. Are you kidding me ? I hired these people to look after my best interest, and they have not done it.

I would like to know what we do pay for insurance for. Why not do what others do, and pay for the ticket without insurance, and go oh well ! They don't protect their clients, or make sure they are satisfied with a different vehicle. No,,,we have to do all the leg work for them, and have a melt down in the process, with juggling everyday life, and the pain someone else has caused you. The insurance companies add to the pain and suffering, not to help you through it. I can't even deal with my medical issues, because I am dealing with them all the time, and playing phone tag for days.

After paying insurance companies for 45 years, they owe me a new vehicle as far as I am concerned.
Report Attachments

8 Updates & Rebuttals

The Insensitive Lobster

Santa Fe,
New Mexico,
Yeah, well, good luck with that.

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, April 02, 2013

Well good luck in your frivilolous lawsuit. By all means, post a copy of the court documents.

Another Hartford Ripoff

Lobster Whatever ?

#3Author of original report

Mon, April 01, 2013

You could not be farther from the truth in your statements. You don't know me. It is time you looked in the mirror. I have accepted my lack of good judgement, and am moving forward. My attorney will take care of the rest.

The Insensitive Lobster

Santa Fe,
New Mexico,
I stand by what I said.

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, March 30, 2013

Oh, Hartford Ripoff..

I, too, have been in customer service for a long time; about 23 years. I've seen and heard from COUNTLESS customers who DIDN'T READ the agreement before they signed it. And, when the conditions of the contract start up, they screamed about how they were "scammed" and "not informed". This is just a reflection of how Americans refuse to accept responsibility for their own actions. That, my friend, is what has been "lost in this society" (as you put it). Even the OP states, "I was told by my claim adjuster that it was my responsibility to read my policy and make changes accordingly." So, right there, they're admitting fault. Why are you defending such a negligent person? 

Also, companies can't "hide" behind a SIGNED, LEGAL contract/policy. If the company violates the contract; well, sue them! But, I find it despicable that customers expect sales reps and customer service people to act like their personal life coaches. I mean, do these people want the contract read to them word by word at the point of sale instead of reading it on their own? Should there be someone employed by these companies to knock on your door every week, stroke your hair, and lovingly talk about your policy? Get real. Bottom line: read that contract, and if you don't like the terms, don't sign it. It's that easy. People enjoy appearing as victims for the attention and so they can reinforce the illusion that they didn't do anything wrong. Sorry, people, not the case. You made your bed, so sleep in it.

Another Hartford Ripoff

Insensitive Lobster

#5Author of original report

Sat, March 30, 2013

Just to let you know, unfortunately there is something that has been lost in this society. It is called customer service ! I went to my insurance on the advice of an attorney, because the person that hit me, his insurance was not helping  me. Since I pay my insurance every month for this very reason, I expected them to be lobbing on my behalf between the other insurance company. This is the way it USE to work. Now the insurance companies hide behind their policies, and forget the customer if they have been wronged or not.

I worked in customer service for 30 years. If I got a customer where someone was not informed about a product that was sold to them, I made it right.  I did what ever it took to make it right, so the customer did not have to suffer a hardship any longer.

It is true what they say, "you get what you pay for". When I had an insurance policy with a local agent, they use to call me every year to go over my policy. What Hartford should of done, was notify me that the rental car company they use, (in case I ever had to use them),I would not be 100% cover ed to rent a vehicle. I would have to be paying out of pocket.
As far as I am concerned they should also be dealing with the other insurance company to cover the difference. Once again that would be good customer service.

I have learned my lesson, even though you pay more for having a local agent, it's worth it. I never would of had to deal with all of this with my other agent.

Obviously everyone that has posted negative remarks, are most likely agents themselves, and are hiding behind their policies. Or are in sales and are used to lying to their customers, seems to be the norm. Lying has gotten to be just normal everyday practice now days. I have even been told you have to lie in order to survive in the work force these days.

So all of you that have sent remarks to read my policy the next time,,,,the next time you purchase something, and you find out maybe 2 or 3 years down the road that what you thought you purchased in a warranty, insurance, the new cell phone plan,,,,etc, is not what was promised to you, I want you to think about the emails you sent to this website.

The Insensitive Lobster

Santa Fe,
New Mexico,
You should've read your policy. It's your fault.

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, March 29, 2013

It seems to be a constant in society today where people DO NOT read what they sign. Then they get all butthurt and whiney when then conditions of the contract start up. Sorry, folks, you have no one to blame but yourselves. If you would've taken five minutes to review your policy before this incident, you could've contacted your agent for more coverage. 

And, by the way, to "Another Hartford Ripoff". I don't doubt the fact that some idiot thought he could get 12K for a 1993 Miata, but according to Kelley Blue Book, it's only worth about $1500 - $2600 depending on condition and mileage. Even when I put in "perfect condition" with only 1 mile on the odometer, the value maxxed out at about $4500.00. So unless your friend selling a twenty year old car for 3-4 times what it's worth has stashed diamonds in the hubcaps, I wouldn't recommend it as an investment.

Report Attachments

Another Hartford Ripoff

Are you kidding flynrider ?

#7Author of original report

Fri, March 29, 2013

Obviously flynrider is not a classic car enthusiast. For your information, not only is a Miata considered a special interest car, even though it is 20 years old, it is now considered a classic. I found an exact model of this car on the east coast going for 12,000.00. So if I were you, I would keep my comments to myself. As far as the insurance company goes, this person is not the only one they have mislead.

Why were you looking at this site for the Hartford flynrider ?

The Outlaw Josey Wales

Golden Meadow,
what is ur purpose 4 rebutting flyrider

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, March 28, 2013

 u r no help at all, so why rebutt??????stop being a bully


Not sure what you think you're entitled to.

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, March 28, 2013

   I read this long report and the gist seems to be that this company should give you whatever you decide you deserve.   While that would be really nice, in the real world these things are governed by the policies we buy.     Keep in mind that ultimately, the party that is responsible for your losses and related expenses is the owner of the truck that hit you.

"  I was told by my claim adjuster that it was my responsibility to read my policy and make changes accordingly. I repeated that I was not advised of this at the time I  was issued the policy. Again I was told it was my fault.  "

  This seems to be at the heart of the problem.   Are you seriously trying to claim that you did not bother to read your policy because it was someone else's responsibility to tell you to read it?    Ignorance is not a substitute for responsibility.

    Just to save you some trouble in the future, let me pass on this tidbit :  Retrieve every insurance policy you have and read them all.  That is the only way to know how you are covered.     While this is common sense and most people understand this concept, I'm doing you a public service by explicitly telling you what to do. 

" After paying insurance companies for 45 years, they owe me a new vehicle as far as I am concerned.  "

    You are delusional.   We're talking about a 20 yr. old Mazda.   How long you've been paying insurance companies has nothing to do with the market value of your eldery import.  

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