  • Report:  #1334485

Complaint Review: TrackR - Internet

Reported By:
Benedikt - Dublin, Ireland

Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

 First of all, I created this account for the sole purpose of actually getting to talk to someone from the TrackR team. I've almost given up after several attempts to get in touch with someone from the TrackR support but then I thought that if I put this on Twitter, they might actually bother to get back to me. So what basically happened was that I ordered my TrackR on the 31/08/2016. On the 19th of September I then contacted the support and informed them that I unexpectedly had to move in the meantime due to personal reasons . As the TrackR hadnt been shipped to this date, I assumed that it shouldn't be a problem to just change the address to send it to. I provided them With my full name, order number, new address, a fair bit of text to explain the circumstances and asked them explicitly not to send it to the address I initially provided.

On the 26th of september I then reveived an email from Jay saying that it cannot be shipped to the new address as it doesnt come up in Google Maps. It probably had something to do with the formatting of the E-mail so I sent the address to him once again making sure that everything was correct and even attached a screenshot from Google Maps. Jay still hasn't gotten back to me. Then on the 03/10/2016 so almost 2 weeks after I contacted them the first time seeking their support I received another e-Mail saying that my TrackR has successfully been shipped to the address I asked them not to ship it to. I contacted them again in order to find a solution for this but it has almost been 3 weeks so far and I still haven't heard a single word back. All I have received so far was newsletter telling me about some new Bravo thingy. Although the fact that I moved caused this whole problem I expected better support. Well not better support but at least some support at all.

I am highly unsatisfied with this and I am herby asking you to contact me as soon as you read this. You probably won't but at least I have now shared my experience. I know that you have high volumes of inquiries coming in every day but thats no excuse for this. Especially not when you're promising to get back to every customer within 24 hours. 50€ down the drain I guess. Best regards Order No.529760

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