  • Report:  #1292048

Complaint Review: Trade Guy - Wellington Internet

Reported By:
NicZA - Harlow, United Kingdom

Trade Guy
Wellington, Internet, New Zealand
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

In September last year I purchased 3 items of clothing online from Tradeguy.co.nz. When they finally arrived, all 3 items had some defect in some way or form. After 6 emails and various Facebook postings, I got no replies for my request to send the items back for their 100% money back guarantee. I resorted to Hellopeter.com and posted a negative review about their lack of customer services, distribution of very poor quality items and not replying to customer query emails. Only then did I get a reply from Trade Guy. They then said my review was unfair but they would still refund me, as the defects weren't as serious as I was making them out to be. A defect is a defect and I am entitled to a refund on poor quality goods. 

In November they said the refund had been processed, they lied, it never had been processed. From November to February I was emailing to get an update, never got a reply, I received 1 reply to say they would look into it, but nothing came of that.

Second negative review, I then get a reply. They have since managed to get the second negative review deleted off Hellopeter.com. They were then saying my reason for return wasn't warrented, that there was no fault in the clothing (after saying that there was) but would still process refund if I removed the negative review.

We are now 7 months down the line from my initial emails wanting to return the items, which they now have. They are claiming the clothing was worn and my refund is hence null and void. The levels that this company has stooped to in order to not have to refund a customer are shameful. I was entitled to post a negative review as they don't respond to emails, facebook posting or messages, due to them being ignored. Numerous other people on Hellopeter.com have reported exactly the same problem, that they don't respond to customer email enquiries.  There has always been some excuse. I was blamed for purchasing "low budget" items from their website, though never advertised as such. They blamed their software for spamming my emails, hence they never knew I had emailed them. One would think that if this was an ongoing problem with Zendesk, that they would have sorted the problem out.

So as a result of me not removing the negative review, they have changed their story from "yes you will get a refund if you remove the negative review", to "there was nothing wrong with the clothing you returned, but will still refund you". lying about actualy refunding me, to "we feel you have worn the clothes already and hence no longer qualify for the 100% money back guarantee." How convenient that this is their conclusion after 7 months. 

They now have their clothing back, and my money and I sit empty handed. But have the audacity to say they will send the clothing back to me, at MY expense. Total disgrace of a company. How many other customers have been bullied into removing negative reviews in order to get their refunds? I would never advise purchasing from this website.

12 Updates & Rebuttals


New Zealand
Hardworking NZ business under vitriolic attack

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, March 28, 2016

Like others I have bought clothes from Trade Guy, and I have been happy enough to buy regularly. I am also a NZer and have met a couple of the team at their office in Wellington.

This isn’t a review. Others have said it’s inaccurate from the get go - no 100% guarantee is advertised. No terms and conditions are broken.

Either way a lot of things have been said about Trade Guy that suggest there is a defamation case to answer here should Trade Guy ever choose that option.

Disturbingly, the reviewer not only attacks Trade Guy but other customers with the same acidic vitriol. Who tells someone to “sit in your little corner and be quiet, the adults are busy here” ?

If the photos turn out to be photoshopped then NicZA moves into realm of despicable rather than just horrible.

In this day and age we live in a world where internet reviews are common and that is a good thing. This review stands out as being a gnarled and nasty attack by someone either bitter at not getting away with it. Or is this just a steam blow for his inadequacies, or being bullied in life?(NicZA repeats that over and over, but I see no evidence of it from Trade Guy). Maybe an inflated sense of self entitlement who knows. 

There is no doubt at all that people will see thru it. It’s too heavy, too brutal, it’s not balanced in any way. Even those in doubt are likely to see it for what it is by a cursory glance at other reviews spanning years thanks to google.

As consumers we expect the right to have an opinion. The trick is to have your opinion respected. For that you need to not exaggerate, be credible and not be so totally at odds with general opinion. Shooting down perfectly reasonable points raised by others such as MarkR dilutes the validity of anything NicZA have to say.

I have met Ed and Oscar. I know they are hardworking and their business that started in 2014 has created jobs, profits and taxes and has grown because of customer loyalty. The last time I looked these guys have over 330,000 likes on Facebook. They have a lively member forum and have been nothing other than pleasant. I sincerely hope that the actions of the NicZA does nothing to dull any of that, or the spark that led to their endeavours.


Vendetta from a child who doesn’t like other points of view or being told he’s wrong

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, March 27, 2016

I got heaps of clothes of them and never had any bother. 

Nothing against free speech or sites like this one. But this guy has been writing guff about trade guy everywhere on the net (except where they have tons of support) and it’s an attack campaign rather than a legitimate review in my opinion. 

 Why does he tell MarkR to read their 100% Money back guarantee again? Maybe NicZA should understand that MarkR is simply stating there is no 100% Guarantee. Duh!

 His vitriolic spew to MarkR tells you how much weight to give to this guy.“pipe down”& “such a loyal little zealot”& “sit in your little corner and be quiet, the adults are busy here”

 Have you heard this guy? He’s not so keen on free speech if he get criticised. He doesn’t like other points of view or being told he’s wrong. Telling someone they don’t understand -????- when this guy has written repetitive yards of badly argued rubbish - there is nothing to understand as far as I can tell NicZA - you’ve said it over and over. Nastily. It’s Embarrassing!

 I think the level this NicZA has gone at it, trade guy should seriously consider defamation.


United Kingdom
Basic premise of this report is wrong, and 'proven' points by the writer are full of holes

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, March 27, 2016

I too am a customer of Trade Guy and have purchased from them regularly. I am a member of the VIP Vibe club and have never experienced bad customer service. Ever.


I agree totally with MarkR that the basic premise of this report is inaccurate. Trade Guy offers money back if lost in the post but if goods are delivered then they offer replacements or credit to anyone not satisfied - the home page clearly states “Send it back for a full replacement or credit, no problem.” but says terms and conditions apply, and one of which is “If 24 hours have gone by since delivery, or the item has been worn, has signs of use, unfortunately we can’t offer you an exchange” and “your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it”. Whilst the overall guarantee is comprehensive there is no 100% money back guarantee


I run a beard oil shop on Shopify, the same platform Trade Guy uses. NicZA casts doubts on Trade Guy having supplied more than 26,000 orders with very few complaints. Well I can tell you that you cannot alter order numbers including the starting number. What’s more, in conversation with Oscar Davison from Trade Guy, they are happy to prove to any customer the legitimacy of their order numbers via PayPal who process their transactions. Anyone buying from Trade Guy simply has to look at the order number they get via PayPal too.


Now if Trade Guy are as bloody awful as NicZA states they are - where are all of the complaints? Trade Guy has positive verified ratings everywhere on numerous sites going back years with relatively few negatives usually down to slow delivery in remote locations.


NicZA casts doubt on Facebook taking action and like so many of his points, proclaims he has ‘proven’ Trade Guy wrong? I actually saw what looked like a troll post from him and reported it to Facebook who said they would investigate. I know from Oscar that several people did the same, and like me sent a screen shot to Trade Guy so have every reason to believe that some action was taken by Facebook from what I saw and heard.


My final point is theory. From what I can tell, NicZA wrote a bad review about Trade Guy on Hello Peter, a South African review site. But then he wrote a second bad review on the same site which isn’t allowed for the same transaction. As Oscar explained it skews their statistics. Trade Guy asked NicZA to remove the second poor review which Hello Peter would have removed anyway. They have a clause, right or wrong, that states “This Guarantee is void in cases where a buyer has set out to deliberately hurt or undermine the business name Trade Guy” now I’m not saying I agree with that clause, actually I don’t, but it’s there on the site. As I understand it either NicZA or Hello Peter took down the second bad review and Trade Guy actually agreed to satisfy NicZA if he sent back his clothes. He had provided photos of goods not up to scratch prior to sending them yada yada.


Now I am not going to comment about those photos. There is a guy on the forum who has the same items as NicZA who works with photoshop and is going to post here (1) What his items look like and (2) a Photoshopped version of them / why the photos here are photoshopped etc etc, that’s not my point.


My point is that, as I understand it, the items went back to Trade Guy and they noticed that they weren’t like the pictures / and had been worn. But, the killer was NicZA lost patience and did a 3rd bad review. Realising they’d been duped, Trade Guy said enough is enough, as did Hello Peter who deleted the 3rd review, and Trade Guy said they will return the clothes at NicZA’s expense to South Africa.


I think what has Trade Guy fans so annoyed is that NicZA has not been straight, claims to disprove Trade Guy and like MarkR has said here, and others have said elsewhere, the review is basically built on sand as there is no 100% money back guarantee at Trade Guy, and many of us love this boutique shop of 5 guys who work hard, and this is hurting them.


The kicker is no matter what you can’t remove reviews like this. Ever. The site is protected by US laws that mean Ripoff Report are not liable for content. But NicZA is liable in every other country around the world for defamation where this stuff is read. Oscar says Trade Guy will not sue, but as time goes on and a lot of people think they should, what will happen next? It will be interesting to see. 


For anyone reading this, look around the internet - Trade Guy is legit. Ask friends etc. DON’T be fooled by what many are calling a vendetta. I recommend Trade Guy without reservation as do so many others.

Dear MarkR

#5Author of original report

Sun, March 27, 2016

Dear MarkR from the USA. I'm SO glad you had a pleasant experience with Trade Guy. I wish I had had the same experience. I didn't. I think you need to go read their 100% money back guarantee again. I don't care that your items arrived speedily. That was never my gripe about receiving my items. So that little piece of your praise has nothing to do with my issue. You may have got top of the range quality material. I didn't. So have every right to request a refund. You have no knowledge of the emails that have passed between trade guy and myself, so you have very limited knowledge on this issue. I'd be more than happy to forward these to you so you can actually make an educated comment about the issue. So until such time, pipe down, because YOU are misinformed. I don't take lightly to blackmail from Trade Guy. And because I didn't, 7 months later, their creative excuses started, which forced my hand to post negative reviews as that was the only way they would respond. I'm sorry that I was not one of these apparent hordes of zealots to experience the might of Trade Guy service ice and quality. I have every right to post negative reviews about them. As you do to post good ones, such a loyal little zealot that you are. But like I said, you don't even know the half of what has transpired between myself and Trade Guy, and until such time, I suggest you sit in your little corner and be quiet, the adults are busy here.


Inaccurate report by vendetta writter

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, March 27, 2016

First of all - Trade Guy doesn’t have a 100% money back guarantee. They replace or credit if something goes wrong, you only get your money back if it never reaches you after 2 attempts according to their site. It says that on the front page, and other pages. This report is more like a vendetta!

Second of all - this guy NicZA who is leaving bad reviews for Trade Guy everywhere except where they have heaps of positives. 

From what I’ve read this guy is trolling them pretty bad and making a lot of people pretty mad. I don’t know if he tried to scam them for his money back but I do know from my experience they are a great bunch at Trade Guy and I would recommend them to anyone.

I bought my hoodie back in late November and got it before Christmas as I paid for VIP shipping. Excellent material and I love the compliments I get!!!!! 

Fantastic Hoodies. Fantastic Company.

Trade Guy is a typical bully

#7Author of original report

Wed, March 23, 2016

Trade Guy, I have disproved all of your allegations with pictures and screen captures.

Hellopeter.com was the ONLY website that has removed the report as there were 2 separate complaints about you, which goes against THEIR policy, not because of what I had reported. So as to these others you refer to again you LIE.

You keep throwing 26,000 transactions, big deal, only you can say that as us, the public, can’t see that anywhere. So that number actually means nothing.

As for the whole deodorant allegation, again, absolutely bottom of the barrel excuse as anyone who has tried on your cheap quality clothing would have transferred it as well. Hence no one returning items are then eligible for a refund according to this. Pathetic excuse really.

As for the blackmail, you seem to be forgetting that YOU are the blackmailers, saying first, via email, that I have proof of, that you will only refund me if I remove my negative report about you. Well I have stood up for myself and not backed down. This you cannot tolerate, and have lashed back at me. I WILL NOT BE BLACKMAILED by YOU Trade Guy. And I will continue to stand up for myself.

Every one who reads this will see the damning evidence I have put forward, you have actually achieved nothing, but made yourself look stupid and childish. What you also forget is that it has taken you 7 months to NOW decided that 1) there was apparently no fault in the clothing. I have proved with photos that this was not true. 2) That I photoshopped the images. If only I was that good with editing software. 3) That the items returned were in fact not what you send me or not the same as what was ordered. Again due my account on YOUR website, this has been proved otherwise. 4) Smelling of deodorant. Nothing more needs to be said about this lame excuse either. 5) Claiming that I was blocked on Facebook and other websites because of my reports, again disproved and not true. 6) Keep trying to justify the poor quality of your items on your website too, and even admitting to me that you no longer sell such items. This shows you are aware of your lack of quality control and you do sell inferior items.

Had you had a problem with the returned item, like any reputable company, would have refused a refund there and then, according to your claims. But no, you have dragged this out over 7 months, thinking I will lose interest. Well I haven’t. Telling me the refund had been processed in November, when it hadn't. Always a story, always a lie.

You have shown yourself again and again for the bully that you are. I’m sure you have loads of positive reports on your website, which you control, and hence can remove any negative ones at will, to make yourselves look amazing. Funny that.

All of your fabricated, embellished and totally ridiculous excuses only started after I refused to back down from your bullying. And everyone needs to know this. YOU are the liars and the BLACKMAILERS. Not me. Your behaviour in dealing with this shows you like a typical “high school bully”, that derives pleasure from targeting individuals. Yes you’ll have your ‘Following’ of ‘loyal customers’, but anyone with any sense will see what you have done here, constantly changing your story, and a new excuse created after everytime I disproved an allegation from you.

You really are a Mickey Mouse opperation.

Trade Guy

New Zealand
Nic, we will not be blackmailed

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, March 22, 2016

Nic we have set out everything we have to say. There is nothing wrong with the items returned to us and we are convinced you have worn them for some time. You have written this across many sites but some have taken your content down and even banned you. There is a wealth of opinion that agrees that in keeping to our terms and conditions we are doing the right thing. Of course you have damaged our reputation greatly, but there is a principle at stake here. We will not be blackmailed into giving you money to remove this. Our guarantee covers customers for any kind of problem except using our clothes and sending them back / threatening to damage reputations unless money is paid. We are confident that people can judge that for themselves. Anyone in any doubt can visit other sites and see the sea of positive comments set against the tiny minority within 26,000 orders who have had a problem - less than 35, with the majority resolved with compensation and NO-ONE refused a refund!! Nic you are the ONLY customer we have EVER refused a refund to. THAT says everything that needs to be said here. Your clothes are available for you, as per our terms and conditions. Your review says only one thing: If you spend $53 dollars with us, including $13.99 hoodies clearly marked as bargain range (heck the photos even had that as a watermark), find fault and return them, we will promise to refund you. However, if we then see that the photos you supply where clearly 'mocked-up' to look as bad as possible, and reek of deoderant we will ask questions. That is in our terms and conditions. If you then blackmail us with threats of hyper long poor reviews, we will, in light of said photos and condition of items, refuse to refund you. THANKFULLY, we can say, in 26,000 orders, that is not normal behaviour!

No comback or reply from Trade Guy

#9Author of original report

Tue, March 15, 2016

So Trade Guy,

No reply or response to the last posting I did, proving how you have lied the entire time. I have called you on all your lies, and you are now choosing to only respond to posts on other websites that I cannot add pictures to, which proves what a joke of a company you are. 

That in itself goes to show how you have lied and tried to cover up the entire transaction. YOU are now sitting with egg on your face. And its shameful what you have put me through. And if people are able to read these reports and see the damning evidence against you, and as a result don't have to go through what I have been through with you, then none of this has been done in vain.

No response to the previous report. No apology. No refund. You're a disgraceful, immoral and totally unethical company.

The Lies keep piling up

#10Author of original report

Fri, March 11, 2016

You cannot be serious to think or have the audacity to say that those pics are photoshopped. Please, get real. Anyone with eyes can see they have not been touched up in any way what so ever. And you know very well that those are the original pictures that were emailed to you in my very first email requesting a refund for the poor quality cheap clothing. So how dare you now change your story, YET again. Nothing you have reported is concrete in anyway what so ever. 

I include a screen capture of my order dated 29 August 2015. That shows exaclty what I ordered. When you click on the items it takes you to the respective items page for ordering. So you will notice that the Swag Swagger is exactly the same as I ordered, except mine had the fabric flaw.

Click on the Maverick item and again, bottom left corner, light grey with green trimming, lovely straight hem and non unwinding woven pulls, as your picture on your website depicts, mine certainly did not arrive looking like the one advertised. So I suggest you get your records straight, and get your facts straight too. Clealry I am doing a better job of tracking my order and returns better than you are. 

Stop focusing on Hellopeter. Stop focusing on Facebook, as neither had any repercussions on me. YOU simply removed the comments I posted on your page as a failed attempt to get you to reply to my emails. 

I cannot believe that you are now claiming as well that the pics are not of the clothing I ordered and second that it is not what I sent back for a refund. You truly are unbelievable. But actually it doesn't surprise me that you have the incorrect items that apparently had "no faults" associated with my complaints. If your disgusting customer services and the cheap, low quality of your clothing and none existant quality control is anything to go by, your admin skills are clearly just as flawed as the rest of your argument.

This has gone beyond the refund now. You have continuously changed your story, lied, covered up, passed the blame, tried to make me look like the bad guy here and I'm sick of it. By doing this you have in fact shown yourself for the rotten company that you are. You never replied to my email from February, I gave you 2 weeks to respond. You didn't. So it AGAIN is YOUR fault the negative posts keep appearing. How you can actually post replies like this, make you look like the fools. As I have been able to back everything up with proof. You just come back with excuse after excuse. Job well done Trade Guy.

Report Attachments

Trade Guy

New Zealand
Nic That's some slander - updated

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, March 11, 2016

Hi Nic, you're doing this all over the net, we will not be blackmailed. Facebook limited your account to prevent you visiting our page after complaints from fans. HelloPeter removed 2 reviews for breach of rules? We were happy to refund you if you'd stopped slandering us, but you wrote more. Then we noticed the returned clothes had been worn and still smell of Lynx body spray! We can't accept them and see no defects. We will return them if you arrange a courier, or arrange storage in your name.

For anyone reading this, it's worth pointing out that in 26,000 orders, this is the FIRST time we have refused to accept a returned shipment.

We are seriously considering opening net reviews on Nic as a consumer, as we know we aren't the only company he has had 'issues' with, and he's a real danger to the reputations of legitimate business.


Updated following your second essay. By blackmail we refer to your threats to write artistic reviews all over the internet if we did not refund you. We refused for the reasons we gave above. Hence, you have left inventive reviews all over the internet, especially when HelloPeter delete what you have written because it breaks their rules and Facebook stopped you in your tracks. We are impressed with your photoshop skills because that is not the product we either sent or received back, but unimpressed by your fiction.

Scraping the barrel of excuses

#12Author of original report

Thu, March 10, 2016

Please explain to me how this is blackmail from my side from what I have said in the previous report??

Blackmail is YOU not refunding ME until I remove the negative review. Thats Blackmail. 

My Facebook was NEVER limited/blocked/Suspended, so stop lying about that as well. I received NO notifications from Facebook Admin, so that story doesn't float.

As for the assumption that I wore the clothing because you can smell Lynx body spray on it? Seriously, is that your argument? After 7 months now you say there was deodorant on the clothing. Had this been the issue you had right from the begining, we probably wouldn't be here right now. First of all, I don't wear that brand. Second, every single person who has ever tried on your clothing and sent it back for a refund and left a scent residue on the clothing should also then be refused a refund as the clothing is worn. So that creative little comment again holds no credibility.

The one item had an uneven hem, it looked bad, thats poor craftsmanship, hardly a result of being worn.

Second item, lose threads on multiple locations, and woven pull ties coming undone, as they weren't finished off properly, again, poor craftsmanship, hardly a result of being worn

3rd item, perfect rectangular fault in the fabric down the left side of the item, poor quality fabric, and craftsmanship, and non existant quality control, again, hardly a result of being worn.

Yet you are now saying there were no flawes found. You lie. 

And I would love to know who all these companies are that I have "issues" with, PLEASE inform me of them, because this is definitely news to me. And you are hardly a legitimate professional company. YOU blackmail. YOU lie. YOU keep playing the victim. YOU still havent replied to the email I send in February. And funny how the only time I get to have any sort of response from you is on these poor review websites, as you don't even have the professionalism to reply to customer emails. I find it very hard to believe that 1 negative review could be so daming for your self proclaimed amazing international company. 

The items you sent me were of very poor quality, and you have the audacity to now blame me for this. 

Like I said, the excuses you are coming up with are seriously bottom of the barrel excuses, very unprofession for such a "legitimate" company, and quite honestly childish. 

It all goes back to your lack of customer services and the poor, cheap and faulty cloting that I had every right to ask for a refund for. But no, YOU have dragged it out for 7 months. 

Report Attachments

Trade Guy

New Zealand
Nic - that's some slander

#13REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, March 08, 2016

Hi Nic, you're doing this all over the net, we will not be blackmailed. Facebook limited your account to prevent you visiting our page after complaints from fans. HelloPeter removed 2 reviews for breach of rules? We were happy to refund you if you'd stopped slandering us, but you wrote more. Then we noticed the returned clothes had been worn and still smell of Lynx body spray! We can't accept them and see no defects. We will return them if you arrange a courier, or arrange storage in your name.


For anyone reading this, it's worth pointing out that in 26,000 orders, this is the FIRST time we have refused to accept a returned shipment.


We are seriously considering opening net reviews on Nic as a consumer, as we know we aren't the only company he has had 'issues' with, and he's a real danger to the reputations of legitimate business.

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