  • Report:  #2882

Complaint Review: Travelbridge Air Land Sea Ltd - Peoria Arizona

Reported By:
- Sun City, AZ,

Travelbridge Air Land Sea Ltd
9635 W Peoria Peoria, 85351 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My husband and I bought into travelbridge. We were led to believe the condo coupons were for free stays at the condo of our choice. We "bit the bullet" and paid for a condo in Pinetop and it was advertised as a 1 bedroom, but was more like a studio remodeled to look like a 1 bedroom. We left after 2 nights of claustaphobia. We have to write a letter to Travelbridge and maybe get our money back for the other 5 nights. We are considering retaining a lawyer even if we get only a portion of our membership fee back. We were deceived and stupidly believed their sales pitch. This is a scam that is very common in Arizona. I have learned since.

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