  • Report:  #1168581

Complaint Review: Troy International / Outsourced Marketing Group - New York New York

Reported By:
Truth is what matters - NYC, New York,

Troy International / Outsourced Marketing Group
690 8th Ave New York, 10036 New York, USA
(212) 804-8578
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

After my experience at Troy international for the past 6 months I felt like I need to write something about it. I spent time there trying to understand exactly what’s going on and I have really deep insight and a good understanding of it. I did not know but there are online a lot of complaints about that company and more especially about Jason Malone the owner and I have to confirm them by saying that all articles posted online are the exact truth. Yes this is a scam and trust me going through this experience will only be a huge waste of time or worst money. Actually, Troy International doesn’t exist anymore. They recently changed name for “O.M.G” and guess why? To avoid all online complaints about the company. As a corporate trainer we even had sometimes to go online and write good fake comments about the company to balance it…I know it sounds crazy right? This business is a network of others companies and they use that trick really often to make sure that nobody found out about who they really are. In fact this is the 3rd time that Jason Malone changes company’s name and when things getting really screwed they usually move to another city to restart over again. Since thing doesn’t work well for him right now in NY (he was before at Miami) he might move to L.A so you guys should be aware of this. 

All of this is fake! They hire everybody, it doesn’t matter if you did music as Major or Biology you will be legit. They give a chance to everybody because without people they cannot make money. If you are foreign be careful, they love to hire foreign or (illegal) people to make sure that they can control them by promising Visas.

So now your question should be how can they keep people in that business? They keep people there simply by:

  • Lying about the opportunity/difficulty and the time you need to reach ownership
  • Brainwash using workshops and campaigns to build people’s confidence and make them think that they are either close to reach it or weak if they are about to quit.
  • “Harassing”, indeed you have to spend time with your team at least 3 times a week after work when you finally can rest. This is unbelievable because you work 6 days a week, you are facing negatives all day long, you have no time for friends and family, you make no money but it doesn’t matter let’s get a beer! They call that team night, crew night or it could be a one on one with your leader. Once again here the goal is to control you and make you forget how bad your week was. They usually pay you drinks and get you drunk…Smart. Moreover they even call you on Sundays. They pretend that when you do that your weak is smoother…but this is only to make sure that your friends or parents are not going to mess up everything by as they say “negging you” out. Obviously any friends or parents would never tell you to stay and fight in that crazy job.
  • Finally, make them believe that they could easily become the next "rock star" since many people did it before already! Sounds good right? They are going to give you example of managers who has 2, 5 or 10 offices. The problem is that if you are trying to check it out you won’t find anything of it…

There are a lot of negative things to say about this business and obviously I would not recommend for anyone to work there thus I am going to try to be really clear, honest and explain accurately why you definitely should not work there. I will describe what they say/promise and the difference between what will really happen. I believe this is the best way for people to understand exactly from inside how work those types of companies. Furthermore, make sure to read all articles from others people to have different point of views. That would help you to make your mind about all of this.

First of all you start by a first round interview and this is a face-to-face interview. They will mention quickly what kind of job they do and make you feel like it is interesting. From here starts the lie. The job is a basic sales role but at that point they won’t tell you clearly. Your job is to go door-to-door, businesses to businesses trying to sale your shady product on a day-to-day basis. Obviously it would not be so attractive if they had to say it that way but this is exactly what it is. So they trick you and consider that because of their “magic” story about how much you can grow and develop yourself in that business (will go over it in a bit) and the show performed by a person during the second interview you more likely to accept the position and believe it or not it works!

Hence in the second round interview you will go on "the field". People are always surprised because they don't expect that and this is for me one of the biggest proofs showing that they are not Crystal clear from the beginning.  You will go all day long on the field (paying for you rides and your lunch of course) with a "leader" which is the person you have to demonstrate your skills and your personality if you want to get the position but in reality that person needs you so bad to build his/her team. That person will deliver his/her best performance hoping that after those lies (how much money they make, how long it takes to fulfill the training program) or let’s call it misunderstandings you will start. To be more accurate, the only way for them to make money or to get to the next level is by having you doing well. So think about it: That person spent about 1,2 years in that place running after his/her dream. He/she has been brain washed every single morning and deeply believe in it what you think would be the best way for he/her to get new people in his/her team? Sadly lying. I still wonder myself if those people are lying to scam people or if they do it because they are desperate and truly believe it but anyway they don’t even realize it anymore since they have been into it for too much time. Even if you bring a logic argument about how bad and unstable it is to work on commission they find a way to balance it.

So let’s now talk about how to perfectly scam people?

During that second interview you will feel like you are having a discussion with somebody but you won't at all...what I mean is that at that point every single words that person will tell you is a recitation of a piece of paper that has to be known and “spit” by heart to interview. They call it "car ride out" and the purpose of it is to sell you the most beautiful way ever this fake opportunity. After having witnessed that person doing face-to-face sales you will have at lunch what they call the "lunch time break down". Again they will go over the structure of the company and the compensation hiding shady information. Here the rule is simple: if you don’t ask questions they would pretend that it was clear and this is why they believe that they don’t lie because you actually did not ask…For instance when people start they don’t really get that this is a 100% commission based job. If you try before the lunch to go over compensation or deeper questions they just going to pull you out waiting to sign somebody in order to impress you and make you feel like it is easy to make money. Here is the funny part. From Jason Malone to Corporate trainers (the brain washed one) they are acting like machines. They are not able to think by themselves anymore therefore if you just get off from how and what they use to do during the interview they just freak out. They know things by heart so when times come to be natural and have a real conversation they are totally lost. So if you want to have fun start asking questions about the compensation in the first 5 minutes of the interview and you will see their reaction…PRICELESS! Ask them as well if this is a pyramid system or why there are a lot of complaints online or even better what if it takes only 12 months to be a manager you are still corporate trainer after 2 years?

All of these companies are obviously pyramids structure where the goal for you is to get people in your team to reach the next level which could be according to them running your own office within 12 -15 months. This is once again a lie, I met people at this office that worked for 2,3 years for OMG and still being Corporate trainer just as I was. But I met as well managers who did it in 1 year but this is impossible to verify. Again all of this has to be known by heart in order to develop your team. They are ready and well prepared to answer every single "negatives" that you may bring to the discussion. So if you come with “Do you have to go to the field when it is raining?” they will answer “When it is raining do you melt?” They actually have a “Corporate trainer pack” to learn in order to be ready to overturn negatives. Doesn’t matter if it is raining, snowing even if there is an earthquake you will have to pitch 60-80 doors a day. That was for me the worst part since I was feeling like lying and for those reasons I “interviewed” only a few times. Over the lunchtime break down they will explain to you that when you start as an account executive you will make 100$ per application and good new this is true. Unfortunately they "forget" to mention the tricky part of it. Let me be really clear. First this is 100% commission! If you don't sign you won't make any money even if you work as hard as you can 60 to 70 hours a week. (Monday - Friday 7.30am to 6.30pm + Saturday 9.30 to 4.30 + team night + crew night + Sundays call = NO LIFE)

They forget as well to tell you that before being ready to sell the product you need time to be confident, understand the system and most important get a really good knowledge of the industry since they are many competitors. Imagine: you are going to the Bronx to an area and you start pitching every single store on your way. You show up without appointment and you explain that person (if you get a chance) that he/she is wrong to work with his/her company and in order to fix that he/she should sign your piece of paper. Believe me you better be persuasive! Without mention that the person you are talking to 90% of the time is lying to get rid of you, curse you out because he had a really bad experience with sometime your own company! or is busy. I can guarantee you that I have seen many people work 3-4 weeks signing 1 or 2 applications at the beginning which is 200$ the month...yes…awful. Something really funny as well is that because it is so hard to make money people usually stay only few days/weeks. If you go to them and ask them: “Where is Jack I have not seeing him for the past few days?” They will answer: “Oh Jack had a surgery but don’t worry he will be back in about 3 weeks”. Of course he will never come back. What a JOKE! They don’t even think about the fact that every workers talk to each others. That was my little morning’s happiness; ask them what happen with somebody listen to their bullshits since I knew that he/she quit because he/she did not get paid or just because he/her was bored. On top of that if you are good you can sign people and never get paid on it and let me explain why. When you sign a business you will need many information from them (business information, tax id, social security number, a void check and sometimes bills) because they don’t trust you or because they got screwed before, they wont give it easily since it is really personal and again they don't know you. Even if they give it to you then you will submit your application back to the office at the end of the day and be like “Yes today I made some money”. Then the application goes over a process which can take rarely half a day, but most of the time 2 to 3 days. Sometimes it is approved and you get paid on that if Jason Malone is in the mood to pay but we will come back to that, but 70% of the time it is not. After all the hard work to sign that person 4 days ago you will have to go back there and explain that they refused the application because you need more personal information. Good luck! First it is a waste of time because you have to fix something you had already signed to get money of and of course if you spend your time to fix applications when do you have time to find new customers? Without mention that the owner can be really hard to catch because he is working only in the morning or only late night. This is one of the problems that workers face everyday. You do sign 2-3 times a week but your applications don’t go through. In order to pre-empt that during the morning meeting they set up a little show to make new people believe that everybody is making good money. Let’s say for instance that Monday I closed 2 deals for 280$. Tuesday morning they will “give me recognition when recognition is due” so they will call my name and everybody will clap it up for me loudly of course to make sure that I am proud of myself and that every new starts appreciate the show and think “This is actually true they making money”. In reality out of those 2 apps I will probably never get paid because sometimes you fix apps but sometimes when you come back to the business people don’t trust you anymore and in that case you can just throw up that app in the trash which is really frustrating. But don’t worry in that situation a leader will explain to you that “This happens to me all the time and you know what that makes me stronger day after day” Ok I get that but still I don’t get paid anyway.

Let’s now come back to the corporate structure. After a few weeks if you are good enough you will become a “corporate trainer”. They make it sound like a huge accomplishment. You will have a ceremony, claps and cheers from the crowd and the best of it a little diploma with your name on it. THIS IS NOT A JOKE. The goal here again is to brainwash you by saying “Look you are new here you are already a corporate trainer after only 2 weeks Waow! I have never seen that before” and guess what? It is works again! Next thing you will do is grabbing your phone and tell the world you became a corporate trainer…Please don’t! At that exact point you are done. Become a corporate trainer won’t change anything (beside the fact that you will get paid 140$ per application). You will still go outside under the rain or the snow. You will still have bad days without earning any money, you will still get curse off and days after days you will discover that the service you sold and promised to people is not exactly as you promised. Therefore customers will call you back and be really upset and of course you will have to deal with that by yourself. There is a customer service but if they can’t handle the problem (90% of the time) you will have to go there in person for the fifth time and waste your time fixing something already signed and paid…

In summary your job is not only to sell and close deals. You have to fix things all the time, which means for you loosing money. As a corporate trainer you will start to interview and if you get lucky getting people in your team. During your first interview they might mention that you have interview really often but obviously this is not true. I have seen people without any interviewee for 2,3 months and let’s recall that to become a manager you need a solid team of people. So how can you become a manager if you have no interview? I still wonder…

Anyway one of your new mission as a corporate trainer is therefore to build a team. Build a team in that business is like wining the lottery. You have to get lucky to find the right person who is either super good on the field (will come with time) or able to be helped financially. You don’t dream even if you work 6 days a week it may not be enough to live. When I was there I was working Saturdays and Sundays in another place to be able to live and I was not the only one. As a matter of the fact many corporate trainers even the good ones had to be really careful about how much money they would spend for lunch on the field. On top of that and because your job is not hard enough I guess, as a leader you are going to have to deal with people lives’ problem which could means sometimes giving them money because they are not even able to pay for the train, lunch or rent. And here is the vicious circle; because you want to build a team and get rid of the face to face sale you have three solutions become a really good friends, give them some apps sometimes and help them to keep them (Clever version but much more work!), trying to pay things to retain them, which won’t work in the long run or lie. I talked to many “top leaders” and at one point they all had to give money away to help their people to pay rent or to pay lunch. Trust me many workers there have terrible situations. 

I could not finish my article without talking a bit about the captain of the boat aka mister “pretty bad a*s”, so let’s talk about Jason Malone the owner. As he believe “A few good days make a good week, a few good weeks make a good month and a few good months make a good year”.  He is the owner and he is about 35 years old. His job on a daily basis is to show off enough to sound so successful to you that you will believe the opportunity. Also his job is to “pre-empt” you as much as he can on every aspect by always giving you the right answer at the right moment. When he has no solution face to face since he needs to check first either in is manager’s book or with another leader above him, his only solution will be to pay you a drink or to pretend that he can not find the information right now because is computer is loading. He is experienced and he has been in the business for 5 years. Again all managers are well prepared for all of this. For instance once every 6 months they organized a huge conference where people from different offices meet. To make sure that people don’t miss that opportunity to watch such a show they make it “mandatory”. On top of that you will have to pay for the ride to get there, for the hotel and they wont serve any food or water during that event. The goal for them is to make it sound so official. They even ask you to go meet people and get 3 numbers by the end of the day. All day long you will witness people getting recognition for “impressive” work and you will listen to people show off about how much money they make and how many offices they have and that will help to keep new people in. Even if you are new and corporate trainer in the company you probably will receive recognition such as “top leader”. The funny part about it is that you really wonder what you did to deserve such an honor. Anyway despite the fact that everybody is so successful when you try to find more information about all those people it becomes hard to not become really skeptical especially when on Google you find things like that:




Moreover I met some manager that after being a bit drunk admitted, “I don’t make a dime of this business”. Jason Malone is like the other one. Desperate. He is trying to pursue is dream and the only way to do that is by lying and pretending being rich. I have to admit that at the beginning I believed all of that It takes time and strong personality to escape from this trap. To playing is “role” he will sometime pay for drinks, food but the reality of that job is that even if at the moment you earn money 2 weeks later you could shut down the business and re start over again. He is now living with a manager who failed in Boston and has to restart over again. When I left the company after seven months he has nobody in his team but this is not a big deal since according to the lunchtime break down in about 5 months he will get his team ready. Finally, in the office another manager failed in Baltimore and has to restart over again…what a fruitful business!

To be honest it is hard to quit after too many time in that business. You always saying yourself 6 more months but then 2 years passed on you. Why? Because quit is for them a bad word. They have been educated every morning to hate and banned that word in their mind. Furthermore it is like saying at yourself “Am I that dumb to spend 4 years in that s*** and still don’t make it”. I believe this is the main reason why they stay locked.

Because the turn over is SUPER high people don’t get the time to fully understand the system and the process. So when they quit they have applications sometime pending (in process), sometime approved. But since they don’t even know the difference between they believe that after signing it is good which is not as already explain above. Don’t get me wrong all the complaints about Jason Malone are true and this is exactly what is happening. When somebody quit even after a good job done he won’t pay you and this is how the pay system works. When you sign an application and it get approved as a corporate trainer you make 140$ and Jason Malone without doing anything makes 100$. This is why the more good people he has the more money he makes. But when you want to leave (of course it is your right) he looses money so to anticipate that he keeps the money that he owes you. I know personally about 7 people who worked there who quit without getting their money and this is such a shame after all the hard work they did for that small amount of money. Recently he just passed the line by first refusing to pay somebody who quit but we were used to that. But this time he get to the next level by calling the cops and pretending that that person was trying to still papers of his company when that person just came to ask for his/her due. Fortunately he will face the court for that. This is the type of guy you will face if you come work for O.M.G so you cannot say you did not know.

Those above are all the things that you should consider before joining O.M.G and Jason Malone’s office. If you look for more articles online you will find the exact same description as mine, which reinforce the fact that this company is a scam. Don’t blame people working there they are just too brainwashed to realize how much time they waste there and how awful it is to work for Jason Malone who doesn’t care about giving you what you truly deserve after working really hard. Let me now end of all this with a positive note (little joke) that only people who worked there can understand and this note is your daily did you know fact…

Did you know that Jason Malone is back to the field to “kick some asses”?!

Once again my name was Mister X, I was a corporate trainer and I just presented the Jason Malone’s Scam principle. If it works for him it will work for you, see you guys at the bells and the gong!

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