  • Report:  #1096818

Complaint Review: Troy Timpel - PHILADELPHIA Pennsylvania

Reported By:
Kiki1984 - PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania,

Troy Timpel
621 South 4th St. PHILADELPHIA, 19147 Pennsylvania, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Someone told me this shop was good. They told me who to request Jason only that guy wasnt there. There was a long line of people and I got stuck with Troy. He did not listen to what I said. I asked if he had worked on really dark skin before. He started gettin an attitude with me and told me to look around that there were black folk all over But I figured this was a good place to go so I stayed. All the other people workin were talkin to the people gettin tats. This guy said nothin to me. He talked about partyin and drinkin with his boys.

He would talk to the other artists but not me. He has no people skills until he wants somethin. He is sneaky. He wont answer questions. When I looked at him he looks the other way up at the ceiling I was payin $150 an hour and the whole time his phone was goin off with texts. When I asked him why he says he got other businesses. I was not askin the man to be my BFF. When I got up to go to the bathroom I could hear him make comments about me bein a jungle monkey and the monkeys only come out at night but monkeys never drink beer they drink Jameson. He knew I heard what he said.

I turned around and walked out without payin. All the guys were yellin at me as I walked out tellin me they were callin the cops but I kept goin. When I tried to talk to the owner he refused to see me. I tried goin in when Troy was not workin and the owner was never there. He was always hiding in the back or the other artists would say he is out getting food. I never had an issue with the owner but now I DO. I gave up trying to talk to him because I realized that this racist he employs brings him in a ton of money. DO NOT go to this shop!

Yeah, I would have put somethin on Yelp except I dont trust this guy. He reminds me of one of those people who ties someone to a railroad track laughs and then leaves while the train comes along. Yeah this stuff might go on in Alabama but look where this shop is at. It cost me $200 to get someone to finish his horrible work up. Apparently this man makes a ton of money doin tattoo conventions. Take a look at his facebook page and see how many people of color are on there. Need I say more? 

2 Updates & Rebuttals


This is absurd.

#2UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Fri, February 07, 2014

I work at the 621 south 4th location of Philadelphia Eddies. Nobody here would ever speak to a customer like that. Nobody here is a racist. We take pride in treating our clients with respect, and none of this would ever fly. As Troy said, we take all payments up front, so walking out would never happen. "Jason" does not work here, and we don't have a back room to hide in. Please do research before putting something like this out in the air, and trying to ruin the reputation of someone who is respected in the tattoo industry, with good reason. Troy is the owner of this shop, and is here 6-7 days a week. There isn't a thing in this fraudulant claim that makes any sense, or is in any way, shape, or form true.

Troy Timpel

Troy Timpel response

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, February 06, 2014

I was recently emailed a link to a posting on ripoffreport.com.  I was shocked reading this story.  This incident never happened to me, and I am shocked to see if on there.  I think the consumer posting has our shop confused with another tattoo shop on the same block of a very similair name.  Philadelphia Eddie had 2 locations on the same block and often times the two shops are unfotunately confused for each other.  Eddie sold the shops in 2002 and retired.  The 2 shops are independently owned and operated.  The Artist "Jason" that she is refering to works at 605 s. 4th st. Eddies tattoo.  I am the owner of the 621 s.4th street Philadelphia Eddies 621 tattoo.  

There are several descrepancies in the story given.  If she had come to our shop looking for Jason we would send her up the street to the other tattoo shop, as we have an agreement to send requested artist to the respective shops they work in.  

We charge money up front.  There would never enter a time that a person would "Walk out without paying".  If He/she had done that they would be committing a crime, and we would respectfully ask for this post to be removed.  If the posting person had committed a crime as they are admitting in the post, I question the ethics of Ripoffreport.com to post this.  That would be if this incident had actually happened in our shop.  

I am an owner of Philadelphia Eddies 621 tattoo, so the comments about asking for the owner do not make sense as well.  We do not have a "Back room" to hide in.  

An interesting side note about there not being people of color at the tattoo convention that I do host is amazing.  The poster has clearly not been to my event.  There are alot of Black, spanish, Japanese, and other cultural people at my event(As vendors and attendees).  My videographer(Resyn Video da tvstudio) that does most postings for my events, and has covered my events for my website/facebook press is black!  He has been working for me for 12+ years.

I am not a racist person, and the tone and content of the post do not reflect or discribe the store in which I own, or the experience one would have there.  Myself and my employees have no memory of an incident such as described and I would like this removed.  I honestly think the posting person has us mistaken.

Please send this message to the posting person so they can see if there was a mistake in the store they are describing.   This is a picture of me.


This is photo of the outside of our store


Thanks for the help in clearing my name.  I am and do alot of things, but being racist has never been one of them...

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