  • Report:  #910590

Complaint Review: Tucson Police - Tucson Arizona

Reported By:
Consciously Aware - , Arizona, United States of America

Tucson Police
270 South Stone Avenue Tucson, 85719 Arizona, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Do you really think moving away will solve anything? Let me ask you something- what would you do if you came home and found a woman climbing into your doggy door, then watched as she hopped (like an olympic athlete) 2 fences and ran into an awaiting car, pretend it was a maroon 2011 Altima- you had a perfect description of her and the vehicle, so you call the Sheriff. The Sheriff laughs and asks if you "know who that was?" and refuses to take a report because you "don't know her name." Then, later, a detective from the Tucson police dept calls your work and asks to speak with your coworker. While on the phone with you, the detective actually asks if you find it odd that he'd be calling to speak with her-

You do find it odd, but don't know what to make of it. Time after time, you come home to an unlocked home, the doors locked different than when you had left, or doors left ajar- animals let out, etc. Your papers are taken from your desk, or arranged strangely in their drawers in an order that you hadn't left them, like someone was trying to prove something- your identity, your personal property, your car title, gun registration, etc., etc., etc...... Now remember that the local LE wouldn't take a report- starting to see a theme here???

What would YOU do, assuming you have no idea what the investigation is about, what attorney would you hire? What would you do when you were called "crazy" just for trying to get help, from an unseen, unknown enemy? How would you react, if your newly purchased 2000 dollar wardrobe had the seams ripped out and button threads cut, never worn shoes scuffed- all while you were at work? Also, I'd like your information about modern surveillance techniques, especially Tucson, Pima and local FBI, in-home, in-car and tracking of suspects across state lines.

Also trying to learn more about GIS mapping and pre-defined radius, radar, 2 way voice verification and wireless/microwave communication- I don't know who is funding this, but a security expert I hired informed me that it wasn't being sponsored by our local LE- and that the surveillance at my house alone, with the boosting it would require cost over 14,000.00- that doesn't include all of the extra places that they place transmitters and additional surveillance, as it corresponds with the tracked whereabouts of our car.

Let me state- although I am certain they are using elevated excuses to tap into some special anti-terror budget (Homeland Security?), that I am in no way a terrorist or a pervert, or anything else they would have you believe to go along with their schemes. I am being targeted and this is pretty scary. My brother has already died, and he was one of the only people who knew for sure who was doing this, he was afraid to tell me, because they coerced him into helping them- one of the last things he told me before he died (in an "accident" while out of state) when asked IF he WOULD help them was, "yes, I would help them, I would let them think I was helping them, but then, I would split the money with you." Now I look back on this, the money? What money?

I have watched as nearly every single business that I frequent has cooperated with this, and people that I recently met, all of a sudden look at me funny & won't talk to me, or usher me out of their buildings fast- some even pretending they never met me, probably because they would be FORCED to cooperate- this is especially true literally anywhere that I have spent one-dollar. It happened at my work with coworkers when I worked at the fire department. We believe they have surveillance in our home, very expensive- and bluetooth/GPS integration on our vehicle- but are unsure in how to locate it. I know people are afraid to be charged with interfering, even if they don't believe the agency involved- but they still won't talk to me, nobody will tell me what they said I did- making it impossible to hire the proper defense attorney and put a stop to all this nonsense, this has been going on 5 years! 

I can only imagine what someone could say about another had they time to spy on someone twenty-four hours every day, everywhere, in every private moment. They are watching my children too, and my children are being seen naked by God knows whom! Do you think they enjoy watching my young son nude, showering, using the toilet? I know that not all law enforcement are suited for their jobs, especially as time goes by, some of them turn- and end up molesting their own children, etc., etc. - how do we know there isn't a perverted psycho watching us? We have moved 3 times, and been followed every time- once we get settled in, the pattern repeats, social contacts are destroyed and shopping is well, less than pleasant.

I try to fight the paranoia and not give into their threats, even when they are uttered an inch behind my head. Where I nearly lost it, was when one of the agents/stalkers, verbally attacked my 14 yr. old son- coming up behind him in the grocery store checkout and saying- "IT'S GONNA HAPPEN." in a menacing tone. This phrase mimmicked a conversation we'd had in our home 2 days prior, when we were discussing them not being able to take away my youngest because we were a good family in a decent home in a lovely, virtually crime free town by the ocean. I was not in the store with my son when this happened, but he ran and told me.

Funny, we looked and looked, and couldn't find this guy- probably, because he'd gained access to the stockroom or the manager's office- that is what these guys do- because everyone is forced to cooperate, or more likely paid off. I know for certain that I did not do anything to warrant this level of attention and scrutiny, nor am I guilty of anything they are most likely trying to say I did. I am not a terrorist. I am not running an organized crime ring. I am not doing money laundering- in fact, when I was working, I couldn't barely afford food for my kids- so guess what- they tried to put that into their ongoing CPS "case" that they dreamed up.

The 2 way speakers in our home are capable of transmitting signals and frequencies. For several years, especially while in Arizona, we were awakened by frequencies, heard also by my departed brother (so bad he couldn't sleep in our home while we were out of town, he said while in my living room before he died this Thanksgiving) that disrupted our ability to sleep. Sleep deprived, we went on with our tampered lives, trying to stay awake and get things accomplished. I was drinking 2 pots of coffee and tuckered out by 2 pm anyhow. My children's teachers were calling and writing, telling me to let the kids get more sleep- but we always went to sleep before 9pm. It didn't matter what time we went to sleep, the minute our heads hit the pillow, the frequencies started- all night. They were tampering with our mail delivery, both US Mail and email.

I received important notices and appointments for my personal affairs and my children's education late, empty, or not at all. Most of this happened in Arizona, I have learned to keep up on things, and not wait for communication to be initiated- a great way to combat their sabotage. All of this, tampering, theft, etc., undermined my ability to parent and take control of my life- most likely another charge they are making in their reports. They stalked us at the grocery store, to the point I refused to buy food and had to have others go get it for me, that was, until I purchased a gun. Then, mostly all of this went away, for a time. I no longer have a gun, just a video camera, ready to go whenever I need pictures of my stalkers.

Someone in the beginning joked that I was "under the radar" and that "they'll take your kids away." I am willing to take offers on people who'd like to help locate the "ghosts" around our home and vehicle, so the haunting can come to an end. This would make a great vacation for anyone who wants to see the California coast. There must be someone who knows what is happening. I can't imagine that I am the only one, this stuff is tried and true. They are very sloppy and non-covert. They left my car doors and compartments open/unlocked. They got into my moms car in a locked garage and left her dome light on and glove box open, for 3 days (because she hadn't checked on it in that long).

They left the front door of my parents home open, while we were all out at a family dinner- my brother was alive then, so I remember it vividly- we went to get family portraits and went out for dinner afterward- before we left, we made a point to lock the front door, with the deadbolt. It was wide open when we got back. In fact, nearly any time they know (because we have plans) we're leaving, something has been tampered with in our homes. One time, while after being out of state, I came back with a new cell phone. I was in the shower and heard from my living room, a female by my desk say- this phone won't work here- and a male voice tell her (most likely with the 2 way voice verification surveillance), "do it anyway and get out of there."

They came in my house, while I was showering! Now, does that sound like they are afraid of me? But I'll bet a million dollars that in some risk assessment profile somewhere I am a threat to everyone- justifying their need for covertness and increased funding! By the way, do a little research before you respond, I am not interested in opinions about mental health, by people who don't know about modern investigation techniques and surveillance. Remember, I already had a security expert inform me of the type of system we have, but he was reluctant to help me take it out, probably, because the fine for obstructing justice includes jail time! Help me, if you can, thanks.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Either get back on your meds....or...

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, July 12, 2012

seek professional help ASAP. You ARE certifiable.

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