  • Report:  #274047

Complaint Review: Tufani Mayfield - Crestone Colorado

Reported By:
- Crestone, Colorado,

Tufani Mayfield
Crestone, 81131 Colorado, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This 'artist' rented a very precious DVD set from my own personal collection, with the understanding that he would keep it in HIS possession and return is within two days. It has now been a month. Whenever I see him and ask him about it, he is very rude. He refuses to take responsibility for what he's done, and says he loaned it to some guy he won't name, saying that this anonymous guy will return it.

I don't rent out this DVD set. It is part of my own private collection, and very, very precious to me. It is also expensive to get a new one.

This man, Tufani, came to Crestone by contacting ME. I had never met him before, but he found my email through the business association website. He wouldn't be in this beautiful place if I hadn't introduced him. Now, he is using people and expecting people to take care of him, and he's a grown man with grey hair!!!!!

No matter how I try to retrieve my precious possesion, he just snarls VERY rudely at me, and fails to take care of the problem. I heartily suggest that ALL people refrain from doing business or taking care of him in any way at all.

Should he ever return to integrity and return my possessions, I will notify all of you. In the meantime, protect yourself and stay away. Men like him come in millions, and the innocent are always taken advantage of.


Crestone, Colorado


3 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Addendum. And update. To clarify and close this issue.

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, February 23, 2019

 The report that was filed against me was a well written fragment of an ongoing smear campaign that was organized by bigots who oppose not only my work but my value as a human being. The internet has proven to be an excellent tool for revealing the truth in a given circumstance. The 911 date used by whomever filed the in itial complaint is indicative of a dangerous cunning that underlies their motivation.

Being Black American I have been a prime target of white supremacist misinformation and disinformation assaults for most if my life. I hope the person who filed this report and any others who perpetuate such violence against black men pay for it. Now technology allows for the truth to be preserved despite the contrivance of covert cowardly criminals like the one who filed the initial report and those who take advantage of it as a tool for malfeasance.

It was a petty abuse of power and provides bigots and other perpetrators with the ammunition they are seeking to continue their inane behaviour. They are I'll minded people and really could benefit from a good dose of moral discipline. Thankfully the pole I befriended in Crestone are still in touch with me. And these are true friends who will not allow fake news and rumours to taint their scruples.

I use objective means for discerning truth. Anyrhing less would be gullible. I am.amazed at how foolhardy people can be with their tactical behaviours and abuses of technology. For a decade since this trifling incident, have sensed a significant spike in unwanted attention. I wondered why I was being followed around and spied on noticeably more than usual.

Eventually I figured it out. Unfortunately opportunism tends to motivate the rats in our society to take advantage of misunderstandings like this one. I encounter obscure cowards who are gullible enough to use this ripoff report (regardless of its having been resolved) as a reason to violate my human rights. This ripoff report is now being used by covert stalkers for some type of community harassment assault. This web site should apply more editorial sense to prevent the support of disinformation and online harassment.

Remember what happened to Facebook. Now this document appears at the top when my name is searched and I doubt if people who find thus report even bother to read the rebuttal and the comment. Realize, despite the deception, this issue was resolved *amicably*. I suspect that whomever wrote the initial report, under color of friendship, is actually one of the people who is responsible for Debra Floyd's death. And ought to be investigated. I had no idea that Debra had passed away for years after we had resolved this, *our* misunderstanding via email.

I send condolences to her family and whatever true friends she had. I wish our friendship had not been interfered with by such sly mountain bigots as those lurking in the underbelly of Crestone. I expect that any one with good sense knows how to respectfully seek the truth. Feel free to send email or simply ask if you have any questions about something you hear about me, rather than assume gossip to be sufficient information to reference. I pity those who rely on such dispicable means to judge other people.


Rhode Island,
United States of America
All is well in OUR world!

#3General Comment

Thu, March 07, 2013

Dear Folks:

  Debra Floyd here. I just wanted to let everyone know that I never wrote that report about Tufani. True, I was very upset at not getting my Buffy DVD back for months and months (and believe me, I am EXTREMELY attached to 'my Buffy', as it gets me through hard times as in 'What Would Buffy Do?'), and I know I ranted about it to a number of my close friends, but I didn't post anything about Tufani on 'Ripoff Report'.  The only thing I can think of is that a dear friend, thinking that he/she was 'helping' me with this issue, decided to post said report as if they were me (I can't figure out what 'good' someone thought such an action would do for me and my life, but I'm sure they were well-meaning).

  Anyways, Tufani DID eventually return my DVD, and all harsh feelings instantly dissolved when that happened.  I was really happy for both Tufani and myself that the circuit was now properly completed and closed.

  You see, one cannot take down any reports, EVER, on 'Ripoff Report'. And since it wasn't me who posted it, I wouldn't be able to take it down anyways.  The friends I asked about this vehemently denied doing such a thing. I believe them. So, it remains a mystery.

  Anyways, Tufani is a wonderful artist of every art form.  He is a person well worth knowing.  My heart goes out to him with love and healing.  He and I are good, and I am writing this as a sort of closure to this whole thing. I pray people see the truth herein and behave thusly.

  God/dess Bless!


Tufani Mayfield

I returned Deb's DVDs. Why is she lying about me now??? So trifling...

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, November 19, 2008

I was doing as routine self-googling to see what search results were saying about me.. and then I found this LIE posted on the web about me! I find what she wrote VERY insulting, not to mention incorrect and unnecessary. I DID returned this woman's DVDs. It shows how a material item can throw a supposedly spiritual person off-center. "Village Witch" eh? What brew has she been drinking? BTW, it was the Village witch who wrote this I beleieve, and the DVDs were Buffy the Vampire Slayer... Real important, huh? Well worth meddling with an honest guy's rep. That was very base. Good thing I'm no politician. I Google my name and weight the +/- Search results speak clearly that I am an artist a very serious one with plenty of positive feedback. Sure, everyone doesnt like me. Does everyone like you? Didn't think so. Some are just more petty than others. Tufani Artist & Real-life vamp slayer. http://tufani.blogspot.com

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