  • Report:  #306855

Complaint Review: TXU - Dallas Texas

Reported By:
- Weatherford, Texas,

www.txu.com Dallas, 75310-0001 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My husband and I are selling a home in North Central Texas. We signed up with TXU energy to provide the electrical service. For several months we received bills ranging between $20 and $25. The home is completely empty. Thermostat set to 62 for the heater, just to protect against frozen pipes. So the small bills were very appropriate.

Then all of a sudden, this month we got a bill for $468.84. We drove over to the house, and just as expected, the meter was spinning like a top. We carefully checked the entire house and there was nothing using electricity. We called TXU customer service and requested that they come fix the meter as soon as possible. I also gave them my home and cell phone numbers and asked that they call me so that I could be present at the time they checked the meter.

After a week and half with no response, I called today (2-7-08) and was told that they came to the house today at 3:05pm, checked the meter, and it was in perfect working condition, so they recallibrated it. I asked why it would be recallibrated if it was working properly. They had no answer for that, but told me that I was expected to pay the $468.84 bill, plus an additional almost $500. that had accumulated since my originial call. Mind you, all of this for a completely empty home that averaged $25 per month previously.

I immediately got in the car and drove to the house. Miracle of miracles, the meter was moving so slowly today, that it took several minutes before the dial moved much at all. (exactly as it should be) I called TXU again and asked how this was possible that the meter was not repaired, but suddenly was working properly. They again informed me that the meter was not repaired, it was always working properly, and although they thought it stange that I could go from $25 to $1000 of usage in a single month, the problem was mine and that I need to pay the bill, or I will be reported to the credit bureaus.

At this point, I turned the master breaker off and locked the house up and left. If there is anyone out there who knows what recourse I may have, please let me know. I intend to fight this, and have no intention of giving them $1000 that I do not owe.


Weatherford, Texas


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