  • Report:  #274792

Complaint Review: UOP Axia Apollo - Phoenix Arizona

Reported By:
- Henryetta, Oklahoma,

UOP Axia Apollo
www.axiaphoenix.edu Phoenix, 85001 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Okay, first off, I know there may be typos in here-get over it.

My first issue with University of Phoenix is how they lie in their commercials. They say you can get a degree by attending college when you want to, only 2 days a week.

That is false. I attended their college. You have to attend college at least 3 days a week to pass the class and get all of your points. And that is if you can go to school Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and get 2 discussion questions done (questions about the subject you are taking), reply to 2 of your classmates' responses on those 3 different days AND get a regular assignment done (and thats just one of your classes, you take 2 at a time) and then you have to do a 200-700 word essay on a subject in the class that is usually due around Thursday and then a 1000 word essay and the same subject, just a different part of it in the same class that is due on Sunday.

The only class I have seen this be different for is math. In math you get a test you have to take on exercises you dont even know how to do. Wonderful!

I have nothing negative to say about my counselors, as I know the pains and non appreciation they get. Mine happened to be wonderful. I have talked to all 3 for hours at a time about college and personal issues. They are very compassionate and they care. I havent heard that from every student, but mine and my husband's counselors are great. (We have the same ones).

As far as instructors go, I have had some good and some bad. But, that is like every college. In my last set of classes, I had a question about the final and I wrote the teacher and email for clarification. She responded asking if I could call her during office hours and she would try to help me. I did call and you want to know what I got? Sarcasm and her patronizing me. She responded to my question with the most vague answer in a tone like she was saying I was stupid for not understanding.

Then, to top it off, she wanted to say that I was not her only student, the class I was taking was not her only class, and that I should look up any future questions about Axia assignments somewhere else because she doesnt write the syllabus or calendar, Axia does. She just grades the assignments based off of an answer key-well that is a top notch teacher hiring process Axia has there! But, I did have one instructor who was awesome-above and beyond in all areas. He always answered all questions thoroughly, graded assignments thoroughly, and was nice enough not to reduce my grade for an assignment by 10% when it was a day late since my baby was in the hospital with pneumonia the day it was due. He didnt even ask for proof, even though I had it. He trusted me since all my other assignments had been on time.

There are those who dont care what life throws at you-you had better get those assignments in on time. I had another situation when I was pregnant that I was rushed to the ER for and remained there over night and my teacher told me that I shouldve had my husband leave the hospital and come home to turn it in for me, so she was docking me 10% for it being a day late. I even offered to fax, email or mail the proof, and I would give her the number to the ER to verify I was there and she said she didnt care-real understanding!

But you know what? I need my basic degree in heath care administration so I can go to another college and go all the way for my RN license. I will finish what I need to do here at UOP online and then go to another college where I can be far far away from this one.

Dont get me wrong, like I said, there are the good ones


Henryetta, Oklahoma


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