  • Report:  #503738

Complaint Review: US BANK National Association ND - St Lewis Missouri

Reported By:
Sheila Schugar - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

US BANK National Association ND
PO Box 790408 St Lewis, 63179 Missouri, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
After using USBank for 5 or more year and never having a late payment.

I missed one payment, the bill was misplaced.

My interest rate was raised from 3.99 to 20.99.

They refused to give me a grace period.

I am also reporting them to the BBB.

Obama, has asked Credit Card Company's to cease gouging customers

34 Updates & Rebuttals

Stop making late payments.

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, May 26, 2010

People like this make me sick. They start making late payments and b***h about how the interest rate went up. Hello? That's common sense. If you didn't know that your interest late could go up with late payments, you shouldn't even have a credit card. Pay your bills on time, loser. 


highlands ranch,
*Don't forget to 'Google' this- PEACE PRIZE POEM RIP OFF, and read it, okay?

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, December 12, 2009

Then go to 'Bing', and type this in, exactly as it appears here- BROCK O'BOMB-A POEM, and read that poem too, okay?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MORTGAGE ALERT<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

*Make sure to read all of St. Clair's Ripoff Reports at the MERRILL LYNCH page of this site if you have a MORTGAGE!

Happy Holidays!

Ronny g

North hollywood,
Freedom of speech..

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, December 11, 2009

Fact: The OP of this report stated after 5 years or more of never missing a payment, due to a misplaced bill, they raised the interest rate from 3.99 to 20.99 and refused to give a grace period.

Fact: The OP (and many others I might add) also wishes the credit card company's to cease gouging (overcharge) customers as the President of the USA has asked them to cease.

Just thought I would post this so the original complaint is not lost in the madness of what this has turned into. The complant is valid and simply stated and meets all criteria to be posted here to warn others.

That is all.



#5General Comment

Fri, December 11, 2009

"What I would like for you to consider is that, in all of your name-calling, finger pointing, and avoidance of common sense and contract law, you are neglecting to realize that maybe USB could start filing ROR's on customers that break their LEGAL contracts with them or cause them problems. "

You speak of legality time and time again and each time it gets more pointless.  No one is claiming the bank did anything illegal.  I don't argue that the bank committed a crime, but that's not the point of this site, is it?  A rip off does not necessarily have to be illegal, and that's the point.  This situation was legal, but also a rip off.  Just because someone CAN do something, it doesn't mean they SHOULD.  Did Tiger Woods commit crimes?  No, but I'm sure you would agree that his behavior was blatantly unacceptable.  At least I would hope so.

"I would definitely love to see that. Imagine a whole website dedicated to exposing slacker customers to other companies so they don't get stuck with these degenerates as patrons."

You regularly refer to people that make honest mistakes (like this person) "slackers".  I have news for you, Mr. Strickland, people can and do make mistakes despite being successful.  It does happen.  Evidently you are some sort of deity that is incapable of error.  Congratulations.

"I'd even moderate that site for free."

Well, you certainly seem to have enough time on your hands for such a thing.

"Maybe after these people find themselves in a position where no company will do business with them, they'll think twice about bad-mouthing an innocent corporation online."

Innocent?  That's laughable.  I'll again go back to my Tiger Woods example (it applies to anyone who has affairs, but he seems to be the man of the hour).  Just because a crime was not committed does not make them innocent.  This is not a complicated thing to understand.

I am the law


#6Consumer Comment

Thu, November 05, 2009

Ronny G,

I can see it's pointless to argue with you. No matter what common sense I try to offer you, you'll just stick with your insane corporate conspiracy theories. That's fine, it's no skin off my teeth.

What I would like for you to consider is that, in all of your name-calling, finger pointing, and avoidance of common sense and contract law, you are neglecting to realize that maybe USB could start filing ROR's on customers that break their LEGAL contracts with them or cause them problems. I would definitely love to see that. Imagine a whole website dedicated to exposing slacker customers to other companies so they don't get stuck with these degenerates as patrons. I'd even moderate that site for free. Maybe after these people find themselves in a position where no company will do business with them, they'll think twice about bad-mouthing an innocent corporation online. It's a two-way street Ronny G; remember your "Freedom of Speech" rant?

Final comments on this situation:

FACT: The customer admitted being negligent.

FACT: The customer agreed to possible rate changes should they mess up on even one payment when they signed the credit application.

FACT: When the terms of the contract took shape, the customer decided to whine on the internet versus owning up to what they agreed to in the first place. 

FACT: If a customer doesn't like the terms of a contract, no one can force that person to sign it.

Your political, moral, and social comments won't save you from simple contract law. Face facts, boy. You lost. Welcome to the land of high CC interest rates. Population: You. Hopefully, next time you guys will learn to pay your bills on time. 


Ronny g

North hollywood,
Oh..just in case...

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, November 05, 2009

..someone does not understand how the word "obscene" can be used in this context...

From American Heritage online dictionary...

Obscene: So large in amount as to be objectionable or outrageous

Need I have to post the definitions of objectionable and outrageous.

Ronny g

North hollywood,
Simple Simon says....

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, November 05, 2009

Congrats on learning how to copy and paste text.

Would it have made the text any more valid if I hand typed it?? And I didn't just learn how to do that..I have been using computers for 15 years so I take advantage of shortcuts..you know..efficiency.

While you're at it, why don't you copy and paste some text about "breach of contract"? That's what's going on here. Breach is a civil matter, not a criminal matter. I never once said that people that aren't paying their bills on time or overdrafting their bank accounts were committing a crime. Stop trying to put words in my mouth.

Explain where there was a breach of contract? it seems to me all sides are abiding..but the customer feels a rate increase of this magnitude is a ripoff for only missing one payment in 5 years...and that to me is simple..to others..not so much it seems.

What is a crime, Ronny G, is that you are letting your personal feelings effect your common sense.

It takes common sense to notice that kind of fee increase due to this circumstance is extreme..and can be considered a ripoff...which as defined is simply being charged too much for something. If you agree this is greed and a but steep of an increase..then whether you want to or not..you agree this is a ripof..not illegal perhaps...but a ripoff nonetheless..and had every right and reason to be posted here. my personal feelings are simply that I agree this is a ripoff plain and simple. You are the one blowing this out of proportion and turning into and endless debate.

I agree that the increase in the customer's interest rate is huge. I also agreed with you when I said it was probably a greed-based response. But, for the millionth time, it's not a ripoff. The customer voluntarily agreed to this when they opened the account! No one is hiding this information! No one forced the customer to enter into the agreement. If you don't like the terms of a contract, DO NOT SIGN IT! Is this hard for you to understand?

What it seems to be hard to understand...is for the bank defenders to comprehend the meaning of a ripoff..and that part of the intention of this site..is for customers to voice a complaint if they feel they were charged too much for something..and expose it to OTHER potential consumers...so they can make the choice if they wish to do business with the accused..I see nothing invalid about this report being here..and I feel no matter who signed what..that it is an unreasonable rate hike if what this customer states is true..simple..right?

So, why are you calling the bank evil when they're upholding an contract that the customer agreed to? Morality isn't even part of this issue.

Evil definition....

From Merriam-Websters... causing discomfort or repulsion

Surely some of us are repulsed by this..and I am sure the poster has some discomfort from it.

As far as "morality"..I think that can be subject to debate,,since it is a subjective idea when dealing with a rate hike such as this for one mistake in 5 years...but I don't think this needs anymore debate..you have the right to feel the way you do..and this customer has a right to feel the way he does..after all he is the one who is suffering from this...not us. One mistake in 5 years...3.99 to 20.99...sorry to say but that is obscene.


highlands ranch,
Reverand Dave, You might want to 'Bing' this- DR MANDELSTAMM OF KIEFF, and click on- 'Controversy of Zion', and then read the passage entitled-

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, November 04, 2009

'The Talmud And The Ghettoes'. Read that passage 3 or 4 times, very slowly. But before reading the entire passage, click on 'Page 94' and read Dr. Mandelstamm's quote in its entirety, okay?

Maybe it will AWAKEN you to the reality of what is taking place in America, & all over the world. And don't forget, you can always 'Google' this- SANHEDRIN TRIAL OF JESUS, and read what is stated at the Wikipedia site to reinforce everything that was stated in the passage entitled- 'THE TALMUD AND THE GHETTOES'.

*And if you need more information to become 'AWAKENED', simply 'Google' this- THE ASCENT OF MONEY PBS, and watch & listen to the Harvard professor. He'll explain how money became so important, and how it also became the 'root' of all evil in the world, okay? 

P.S. The word 'buddha' means 'awake'. Siddartha Guatama was simply a man who was 'awake'. He was noticing what was happening, and he was able to realize things that others weren't able to see. He was called the 'buddha'. He was simply 'awake', unlike so many were back in his time, and unlike so many are today, do you understand, Reverand Dave?

I am the law


#10Consumer Comment

Tue, November 03, 2009

Ronny G,

Congrats on learning how to copy and paste text. While you're at it, why don't you copy and paste some text about "breach of contract"? That's what's going on here. Breach is a civil matter, not a criminal matter. I never once said that people that aren't paying their bills on time or overdrafting their bank accounts were committing a crime. Stop trying to put words in my mouth. What is a crime, Ronny G, is that you are letting your personal feelings effect your common sense. I agree that the increase in the customer's interest rate is huge. I also agreed with you when I said it was probably a greed-based response. But, for the millionth time, it's not a ripoff. The customer voluntarily agreed to this when they opened the account! No one is hiding this information! No one forced the customer to enter into the agreement. If you don't like the terms of a contract, DO NOT SIGN IT! Is this hard for you to understand? So, why are you calling the bank evil when they're upholding an contract that the customer agreed to? Morality isn't even part of this issue.

Ronny g

North hollywood,
Some more education for IamtheLaw..

#11Consumer Comment

Sat, October 31, 2009

Before you post back "crying and whining" about what "crimes" have you committed...lets post the definition of "crime" from 3 dictionaries. Bear in mind...unlike Ashely fails to comprehend...words often have different meanings. The bank defenders are notorious for twisting the meanings of words to make a point or to suit their fancy.

I of course use the term "crimes" regarding you in a very specific context...which according to these dictionary definitions...seem to apply to what yourself, and many other BANK DEFENDERS are guilty of when you insult and belittle those that came here to lodge a complaint..and did nothing to attack or provoke you personally.

So here again...I back up what I state with fact...no nonsense or theories.

crime / krim/ n.
*An unjust, senseless, or disgraceful act or condition  

*The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

 **an evil act,  Informal something to be regretted 

**Collins English Dictionary Complete and Unabridged 6th Edition 2003.

Here is a definition from Ashely's favorite...Oxford English...

 ***an action or activity that, although not illegal, is considered to be evil, shameful, or wrong       

***The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English. 2009.

Ronny g

North hollywood,
IamtheLaw, speaking of "terms and conditions"...

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, October 30, 2009

Seems you and other bank defenders love to throw in the face to many posters that the bank did "nothing wrong" and they needed to read the banks terms and conditions..and then you come here to tell these bank customers that complained here..that they are just whining and crying and have no reason to report here..

Well...I don't think YOU have read the terms and conditions of this site...but choose to come here and tell everyone else what to do..so lets review this websites terms and conditions..and see how many ways YOU are violating it, and how the consumers have every right..and meet every criteria to lodge a report here.

This may be a little lengthy..well you are the expert it seems on terms and conditions..so bear with it. It explains clearly from information posted from the site itself what it's intended purpose is..who it is for..and the terms and conditions. I will underline and or highlight/comment key areas so the evidence stands out.

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Reporting your experiences on Ripoff Report is the next best thing to getting your story on TV or in a newspaper. In fact, many national TV networks and several local TV stations from all around the country come to the Ripoff Report for information. They do this because they know other agencies are not as reliable or as cooperative a source as the Ripoff Report. News stations know that they will get information from us that is unobtainable elsewhere.

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 Rebuttal Guidelines


If you represent the company or person who is the subject of the report, your rebuttal CAN include the following:

    * Your side of the story;
    * Positive references showing that you have a good reputation;
    * An explanation that you believe the report is not accurate in some way (PLEASE BE SPECIFIC If you think the report is a hoax, please say so and demand that the author provide some proof that the transaction/event really happened);
    * Contact information for people to reach you if they want more information;
    * Any other useful information which you believe an interested reader needs to know about you or your business.

* The above information gives the company or bank every equal and fair chance to defend itself against any complaint.

If you are a consumer who has something to say about the person or company reported, your rebuttal CAN include the following:

    * Comments explaining any similar experience(s) you have had with this person or company;
    * Information which you believe supports or contradicts the complaint described in the report;
    * Any other useful information which you believe an interested reader needs to know about the person or business described in the report.

*This is where myself and Edward come in.

Please note that rebuttals should NOT contain any of the following:

    * Profanity, obscenity, threats of violence, racist remarks, false statements, personal information (i.e., social security numbers, credit card numbers, home address(es) or phone numbers), or any other information which violates Ripoff Report's Terms of Service;
    * Rumors, speculation, or innuendo unless you have personal knowledge that your statements are true;
    * Trivial comments (i.e., Nice report!) which do not add anything useful to the discussion.

*We all are guilty of "bending" or breaking these rules on occasion..well the debates get heated and start getting personal. While it is not a bad thing to express our feelings and opinion with conviction..I would have to say many bank defenders have been guilty of speculation an innuendo...and plenty of "trivial" comments (and insults to the posters who came here to report I might add) which do not add anything useful to the discussion.

Items marked with ** must be completed or your REBUTTAL / UPDATE will NOT be posted.
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Be sure to select the best category for your situation.
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I am an Employee of the company with inside information.
I am an Ex-Employee of the company reported.
I have a Consumer Suggestion of a
constructive solution on how to resolve or avoid this Rip-off in the future. Any other nonsense will be ignored.
I have a Consumer Comment
I am none of the above but have comments regarding the Rip-off Report and wish to express my opinion. These comments will be treated as "Letters to the Editor". Solid,
productive criticism, your opinions and other comments accepted only.

*Productive criticism and opinions appear to be allowed on this sight.Where I feel there is an issue..is what the bank defenders consider "productive criticism" many times is nothing more than blatant insult. I am sure the editors of this site do not intend for productive criticism to mean insulting and belittling, that to me is a reasonable assumption.

I am the law

Speak for yourself

#13Consumer Comment

Fri, October 30, 2009

Karl, seriously, why don't you speak for yourself instead of constantly telling us to go to Youtube? You're coming off as some sort of whacko.

Ronny g

North hollywood,
I wouldn't expect an ignorant BANK DEFENDER to understand "feelings"..

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, October 30, 2009

The only one embarrassing themselves is you..over and over..why do you NOT know when to give up?

You don't need to underline anything. There is no "LAW" against anyone posting here if they "FEEL" they were ripped off. I know you don't understand what that means..and the the KANGAROO COURT is the only one who "feels" they can determine what a rippoff is..but once again..you are dead in the water wrong. A rippoff does not mean anything was illegal..it has nothing to do with the law in many instances so get a law book and start reading.

Now..again you shoot your mouth arguing things I never stated. Such as a lawsuit regarding this compliant. I never said there is a lawsuit regarding interest rates..nor did I ever state is was illegal for the bank to do so. I ask why do you feel the need to argue things with me I never even said? Is is making you look very unintelligent. If there are lawsuits regarding these interest hikes it has nothing to do with me. I simply avoid the banks that do this. I feel it IS a ripoff..you agree it is greedy..and THAT is where it should end..but you do not know when to stop kicking a dead horse.

When people are ripped off....the first sense is a feeling..you know what those are? You have a right to rebut these posters if you "feel" otherwise..but you also have to expect opposition. If is CLEAR to me what a rip-off is..and what the term means by the encyclopedias definition..and that my friend is fact. Should I post the definition of "fact" for you also? I know in your sick mind to "feel" everything you say and think is right..and everyone else is wrong..but that is what "debate" is for. Should I post the definition as well? It is proven over and over..that the ONLY reason you come here..is to kick people when they are down..you provide no help that I can see..and you will pay for your crimes against humanity one day..what comes around goes around..I have a strong "feeling" about that.


highlands ranch,
Reverand Dave, You've just convinced me of why he was murdered 1976 years ago. He was obviously exposing the ones who were...

#15Consumer Comment

Fri, October 30, 2009

in charge, and they didn't like what he was doing. Perhaps you should 'Google' this- SANHEDRIN TRIAL OF JESUS, and read what is stated at the Wikipedia site, okay? Pay close attention to this quote: "Jesus was then put on trial by Jewish authorities..."

Now read this quote: "Exposure is a corporation's worst fear." - Harvard Business Professor.

To read that quote, & others, simply 'Google' this- RIP OFF REPORT FUEL FREEDOM INTERNATIONAL MPG CAPS, and go to the 2001 Toyota Tacoma Ripoff Report, then to the 'Update' entitled- "Blame it on a Lawyer". Make sure to read the entire 'Update', okay?

Have a nice week-end.

I am the law


#16Consumer Comment

Fri, October 30, 2009

"However..this site is set up for people to lodge a complaint if they feel they were ripped off."

Ronny G, these are your own words. I underlined a word for you to take a look at. That word is "feel". This website is not for people who "feel" taken advantage of; it's for people who were taken advantage of. Again, rip offs are unexpected and not agreed to. The bank's actions were not unexpected and the customer agreed to a penalty for late payments. Legally, you don't have a leg to stand on. If it was never stated in the credit agreement that the bank could jack up the interest rate, then that would be a ripoff. Do I think that the bank is being greedy? Yes, definitely. That is, however, completely moot to contract law. So go ahead with that class action lawsuit. You'll be laughed out of the courtroom. My advice: let it go and save yourself the embarrassment.

People can "feel" a lot of things, but it doesn't mean that they're true. So, here we are wasting webspace arguing about something that is black and white. You are wrong. I am right. 

Ronny g

North hollywood,
I am the Law needs me to post the definition of "RIP-OFF" again...ugh

#17Consumer Comment

Fri, October 30, 2009

A "discussion" of God should never get ugly...I agree not to discuss him with you. I only hope for your sake you live by his word...we all should, no need for debate or discussion agreed. However, it is interesting that forgiveness is so clearly stated in the words of the bible..but we need some kind of mathematical formula to find whatever it is that is supposed to prove your point?...Yes correct..please do not take the time to look it up..since it does not apply here regardless. Because no sin or crime was committed, there was no intent of malice from the poster I can comprehend, and no "intent" to steal the banks money...period..in any reasonable persons eyes.

now.. debunking...

"Getting back to the legal side of this argument, I will totally agree with you that the bank doesn't have to bump up the customer's interest rate should they be late on a payment. I will also totally agree with you when you say that this is a greedy sort of response. I just don't understand why people feel the overpowering need to scream and fuss at the bank for something they knew was going to happen and something they agreed to legally. What does this person gain by filing a ROR? Nothing. Just people like me saying "You were negligent, you agreed to the terms and conditions, quit whining".

We don't need to get back to the legal side of this..since I never brought up the law..you did. And you are almost starting to sound reasonable by admitting that the bank is being greedy in this case..a good sign.

However..this site is set up for people to lodge a complaint if they feel they were ripped off. Surely I have posted the definition of the term before...if you have not seen it..I will post it again at the end of this post..for all to see...then decide if this complaint meets the criteria.

This customer was not screaming, fussing or whining..but you seem to be. If you don't like what you are reading why do you come here? I guess I was right in that you get some kind of thrill or kick out of making someone who feels bad already feel more bad. Why else are you posting in this report? That is the REAL question.

Definition of Ripoff from the online encyclopedia...

A ripoff (or rip-off) is a bad deal. Usually it refers to an incident in which a person pays too much for something. A ripoff is distinguished from a scam in that a scam involves wrongdoing such as fraud; a ripoff, on the other hand, is in the eye of the beholder.

I can't see how by the encyclopedias definition..and all logic, common sense and reason..that this report does not meet the criteria 100%.

I am the law

No rip off.

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, October 29, 2009

Ronny G, why don't we agree to leave God out of this discussion? It's just going to get ugly and I'm sure he doesn't appreciate being using as a tool for debate. Let's just say that, yes, the Bible does preach forgiveness, but does ask people to make up for their transgressions. There is some sort of mathmatical formula in the Bible a person should use whenever they break a contact with another party. I'm frankly not going to take the time to look it up, but trust me, it's there.

Getting back to the legal side of this argument, I will totally agree with you that the bank doesn't have to bump up the customer's interest rate should they be late on a payment. I will also totally agree with you when you say that this is a greedy sort of response. I just don't understand why people feel the overpowering need to scream and fuss at the bank for something they knew was going to happen and something they agreed to legally. What does this person gain by filing a ROR? Nothing. Just people like me saying "You were negligent, you agreed to the terms and conditions, quit whining".

The reason I fire back at these people is because things like this ARE NOT a true rip off. A rip off, by definition, is something that is unexpected and not agreed to. Am I wrong? Let's do some simple questions and answers.... no political banter, no religious debates....

Question 1: Were the bank's actions unexpected by the customer?

Answer: No, the member signed a document stating that they agree to rate increases should they be late on even a single payment.

Question 2: Was this possible action agreed to initially by the customer when they opened up the account?

Answer: Yes, again, for the same reason as before.

So, in summation, can someone interpret the bank's actions as greedy and unforgiving? Yes. Are they a rip off and illegal? No. Thus, this ROR shouldn't even be on this website.

Reverand Dave

Hey Karl!

#19General Comment

Thu, October 29, 2009

The Angel of Death has been ordered to your house. Don't go to sleep.



"One free blessing with every repo"

Ronny g

North hollywood,
I do not "debate" Christianity ...

#20Consumer Comment

Thu, October 29, 2009

Time for more debunking with you...it never ends...

I would not debate Christianity...I only know what the bible teaches. And if you were truly a good Christian...you would abide by the quote I posted...because it clearly says to forgive others..or you will not be forgiven by the heavenly Father..and when that time comes..we all have to answer.

And if you truly believe you have never sinned or done wrong..you are doomed to begin with and not welcomed in the Christian community.

A legal document has nothing to do with Christianity in this case..and you know it. The legal document allows the bank to raise this customers rate if he is ever late..true..but it does not force them to. If they do not judge customers on a case by case basis..and treat a true deadbeat the same way they treat a good standing customer for over 5 years who was never once late....then in that case I do say it is wrong..and unfair. I am not debating legality here..you are the one who is bringing up traffic tickets and things that do not apply to an honest mistake that caused a late payment..no law was broken here, no "crime" was commited.

Try to learn forgiveness...it is written in the bible...don't be so judgmental...I am telling you that if you read the bible..you will know that your are buying yourself a one way ticket to a very bad place. And if you don't think most of these bank executives are going to the same place..well lets just say it is going to be a busy crowded place.

"Getting back to my speeding ticket example, I'd love to see someone use that excuse on the cops when they show up at your door for not paying the fine. Here's a little exerpt from a play that I've been working on, inspired by this ROR."

This customer did not pay a speeding ticket??

Negligent poster: (crying) "But lord...I didn't mean to be so cruel..I was not aware of my ways..I am so sorry for the pain and misery and cruelty I laid upon people who were already hurt and upset..I am sorry I judged others as you have instructed me not to in your teachings..."

Lord:: "Nope. This elevator only goes down..step inside son"

Ronny g

North hollywood,
Ashely, I will answer your question...

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, October 29, 2009

"Now, from a legal standpoint, this person had a contract and they violated it. It doesn't matter if it was from negligence or from misplacing the bill, all that matters is that it occurred. I mean, the defense of I've been a good customer for 5 years really doesn't matter. I could have a job as a cashier and never be short in 5 years, and one day I misplace a 20$ bill from my drawer and get fired over it. The employer is not going to care that I've never been short before, all they care about is that I'm short now.

SHould the laws be changed? Possibly, if we can rewrite them so that the consumer doesn't get screwed while the banks have to play fair."

There is no law stating the bank HAS to raise a customers rate from 3.99% to 20.99% due to a misplaced bill..which caused a single payment to be late after over 5 years of good standing. Yes..the law ALLOWS the bank to do this..but does it require them to? Is there ever a time in a bank defenders heart..or conscious if they have one..to give anyone a break during these hard times? Or to take a customers history into consideration...just like a Judge in a REAL courtroom does before passing sentence?

And honestly Ashely..even someone as cruel and unreasonable as yourself..can honestly compare a late payment to being 20 dollars short at a register? Why not just say...they found my firend dead in my house and I had a bloody knife in my hand..but I never killed anyone before. This is apparently a mistake that caused a single late payment..and now the bank has shafted him good...no "crime" was committed by either party..but the "penalty" is steep..as you even seem to agree.

Now since I have never argued the legality of this case..and you agree the bank is being hurtful...we are in agreement and this needs no further debate on my end between you and I.

As far as the definition of negligence...I used the dictionary..and the way it was used AGAINST this poster..is not proven. Not everything a person misplaces is caused by negligence....it is only assumed by an ACCUSER that WANTS to find badness in something that just might have been an oversight. Now what kind of people only look to find badness..or make everything out against these posters as worst possible scenerio?..even going as far as wordplay and changing what a poster has admitted to in order to prove a point? Now perhaps THAT can be open for debate..at another time.

I am the law

Not a debate you want to start

#22Consumer Comment

Wed, October 28, 2009

Ronny G, if you're going to get into a debate about Christianity, you will lose; believe me. Jesus did indeed preach forgiveness, but obviously you skipped the section of the Bible where it talks about keeping a promise. Signing that LEGAL BINDING DOCUMENT says that you understand and agree to the terms of the deal. (Very important in Biblical times as well as today.) Trying to weasel out of it is the same as stealing from the party you entered into the contract with. I believe that stealing is frowned upon by the Almighty.

I agree with you that the bank's actions are extreme. I'll even call them greedy. But the fact remains that customers voluntarily agree to everything upfront and sign off on it, so this is their own fault. Misplacing a bill is no excuse. It is always the responsibility of the customer to pay them on time. I've misplaced plenty of bills too, but I have the common sense to set aside a certain time each month to make sure they get taken care of.

Getting back to my speeding ticket example, I'd love to see someone use that excuse on the cops when they show up at your door for not paying the fine. Here's a little exerpt from a play that I've been working on, inspired by this ROR.

Negligent driver: (crying) "But I misplaced my ticket! Please have mercy!"

Cop: "Nope. The rules apply to everyone equally. You're off to jail, boy. Don't drop the soap." (Cop slaps cuffs on whiny driver, laughs, and throws him in the back of the police car.)



#23Consumer Comment

Wed, October 28, 2009

Ronnie, while I agree that the banks hurting people like this is wrong from a moral standpoint, its not wrong from a legal standpoint. There is no law that says a business has to be moral and ethical. If the bank wants to manipulate people like this, then they should fire them and get a new bank. I know I won't stick around with a company that is not acting ethically.

Now, from a legal standpoint, this person had a contract and they violated it. It doesn't matter if it was from negligence or from misplacing the bill, all that matters is that it occurred. I mean, the defense of I've been a good customer for 5 years really doesn't matter. I could have a job as a cashier and never be short in 5 years, and one day I misplace a 20$ bill from my drawer and get fired over it. The employer is not going to care that I've never been short before, all they care about is that I'm short now.

SHould the laws be changed? Possibly, if we can rewrite them so that the consumer doesn't get screwed while the banks have to play fair.

You are also incorrect, negligence is the correct legal word for this situation.


You might look closely at:
In those contracts made for the sole interest of the party who has received and is to return the thing which is the object of the contract, e.g., a loan for a thing's use, the slightest negligence will make him responsible.

Negligence is the opposite of diligence, and misplacing your bills and not paying them is definitely NOT being diligent.

Ronny g

North hollywood,
Okay IamtheLaw..my move..too easy...again

#24Consumer Comment

Wed, October 28, 2009

What "psychic" abilities do you have?..what are you babbling about? Maybe you meant to say "psycho" abilities..to that I would agree.

Now..show me where I am firing back with political rhetoric. Every statement in my previous post was simply a direct response..rebut..or debunking of what you stated to me...I never mentioned politics...so what are you physic about? Do explain?

So now that THAT is out of the way...let the debunking continue...

 You say the poster admitted to "negligence"...I say but what I read the poster states it was a "misplaced" bill.

Lets look up the word "negligence", then the word "misplace"..and learn to compare...

Negligence:   The failure to use the degree of care that is required by law to protect others from harm.

Misplace:  lost temporarily; as especially put in an unaccustomed or forgotten place.

Now I notice a difference in what you say the poster has admitted to..and what the poster actually admits to. But I understand you need to use your own words to make it seem the poster is criminal..and make it seem harsh...in typical Kangaroo Court fashion. So YES...I CAN argue that "fact"..because by you changing what the poster is admitting too in a feeble attempt to discredit the poster..and myself....negates your side of this argument by default...by "de fault" that you are not right in the head. Agree Einstein?


I will not stop posting USB's earnings..oh wait a minute..I have a question. When did I post USB's earnings? That would be a strange thing for me to post...since i have NO IDEA on God's green Earth what USB's annual earnings are..or were. So once again..you know not what you type...the drugs must be a good batch this time I guess.

As far as USB's or ANY banks "politics"..which I prefer to call it what it ACTUALLY is..."POLICIES"...it would be really difficult to debate or rebut the banks polices if I am not allowed to use them as an example. Now I think the Kangaroo Court has enough of an advantage already by pre judging every plaintiff and defendant before hearing the case..and if hearing the case it still does not matter since the verdict was already in..and sentence passed...but please don't try to get us to not even be able to use examples of the topic...to discuss the topic...how much more UNFAIR do you want it to be???/ Jeez Jiminy Christmas.


You posted..

"Am I wrong? We're talking simple contract law here. There's no evil corporate conspiracy here. Submit to the facts. "

This is not about whether you are wrong or right..that is apparent. But this issue is whether the bank is wrong or right....not just legally...but in the sense of what can be determined as a rippoff or unfair...or just plain wrong. Do I need to post AGAIN more definitions...or by now do you know the meaning of the term rippoff..or the word unfair...wrong...google it.

"P.S. Jesus actually preached personal responsibility, so you might want to consult your Bible before you blaspheme. Also, as I've posted NUMEROUS times in previous ROR's, USB was FORCED to take TARP funds; they didn't request them. Please research things before you comment on them."

How is me stating that Jesus preached FAIRNESS and forgiveness blaspheme in any sense of the word? Or do  I need to post the definition of that also?...why do you continually make yourself look unintelligent by posting complete lies and twists...kind of like the banks...that makes sense...

Anyhow..a quote from the bible...

"For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."

(Matthew 6:14,15)

I have researched and I know how USB was "forced" to take tarp funds. And how they are doing so well and strong now they want to start paying it back. Well good for them..now why don't they also do some good with it and ease up a little on the customers...would that be such a bad thing....what would Jesus do?

Your move.... if you wish to be debunked again.

I am the law

I can predict the future.

#25Consumer Comment

Tue, October 27, 2009

Wow, my psychic abilities are way stronger than I thought. I said that Ronny G would fire back with some political rhetoric and he did! And in record time! It wasn't even 24 hours after I posted my ROR! Yay for me!

Ok, now that that's out of the way, let's get to truth time. This customer ADMITS TO NEGLIGENCE. You can't argue that, it's a fact. If you need me to copy and paste the exact sentence from the author's report, I'll do that. All I'm saying is why should this customer get special treatment when everyone else has to obey the rules? To be fair to everyone, either this person gets their rate jacked up or the millions of other customers that went through the same situation would get theirs lowered. Which one do you think is going to happen, Einstein?

USB's annual earnings and politics DO NOT MATTER here. Stop posting it; I don't care if they have enough money to buy and sell the entire planet a thousand times. Who the President is doesn't make a difference. The simple fact of the matter is....

1. The customer admitted they didn't pay their bill on time.

2. Credit products involve a LEGAL BINDING DOCUMENT stating that the customer agrees to rate changes if they are late even on one payment. The customer obviously signed this or else they wouldn't have the card.

Am I wrong? We're talking simple contract law here. There's no evil corporate conspiracy here. Submit to the facts.

P.S. Jesus actually preached personal responsibility, so you might want to consult your Bible before you blaspheme. Also, as I've posted NUMEROUS times in previous ROR's, USB was FORCED to take TARP funds; they didn't request them. Please research things before you comment on them.

Your move.

Ronny g

North hollywood,
So.."punishment" fit the crime negated IamtheLaw??

#26Consumer Comment

Tue, October 27, 2009

I am not a parent....but I was raised by decent ones. And if I did everything right for 5 years..and then made a mistake...I was not "punished". They would let me learn from my experience true..but they would not insult and belittle me..or accuse me of breaking any laws. I guess you would call that "fairness" and "forgiveness"..you should google those words when you have time...it is a good value to teach kids if you have any.

As far as your example of the speeding ticket....I don't see how the analogy works in this case. The customer did not break any laws or cause anyone else to be in danger. Now a reason this is also a BAD example is police do often forgive first time speeders by either letting them go with a warning...or lowering the speed the violator was actually going so the fine won't be as high, and even a judge in a speeding case will take the drivers history into consideration before passing sentence..but either way..this is not the same situation. All the bank has to do is tell the customer that he/she has been a perfect customer for over 5 years...so we will forgive this ONE time....however we have a stricter policy now due to the economic conditions..and may raise your rates if you are late again..

...would that be such an "unfair" thing to do?

I don't feel your rambling is doing any good here. The point to this report is the customer feels the punishment for one mistake after proving to be a good customer for over five years...perhaps does not deserve the interest rate to increase by a factor of FIVE...for one late payment due to a misplaced bill. But then again...we need to consider in the kangaroo Court..that there is no mercy or forgiveness...and what is "fair" in the eyes of the court...is past history proving to be a good customer means nothing...EVERYONE is guilty and should be punished equally...no one is allowed a mistake..and no one is forgiven. .. Guilty next...guilty..next....on and on...

I bet Jesus would not approve of this.

Look...you are NO ONE to be talking about equality or fairness or the constitution (now THAT is something to laugh about..the KANGAROO COURT JUDGE and JURY mentions the constitution??.)...you are most likely a racist..and at the very least a bitter presumptuous nasty person..well at least that is one conclusion that can be drawn by your postings..

As far as Paris Hilton..I don't know what she has to do with this example...but she has done jail time for her offenses...OJ on the other hand walked for an obvious murder and motive and a blood trail etc....so we know already that money can buy your way out of a jam..but this is not the same thing as what the banks are doing....which is now attacking good customers with obscenely high rates..so instead of them spending this year to help the economy..they will be either not use the cards at all...or be using them much less.

I place much of the blame on the banks for our current economic conditions....and I place even more blame on them for consistently doing the EXACT opposite of what they can and should be doing to help us out..after all I would have assumed the 700 BILLION dollar us taxpayers "lent" them in TARP bailouts would have allowed them  to use some of it to help us..and not be only concerned about their ginormous bonuses.

I am the law

You're right.. Guilty.. next!

#27Consumer Comment

Mon, October 26, 2009

So, Ronny G, the fact that the customer has had an account with USB for five years should excuse him from not paying his bills on time? Wow, that's favoritism if I've ever heard it. Excusing a fee or interest rate adjustment like that on a tenured customer, but not a new one is basically telling that new customer "Hey, you're not as valuable to us as this other person." Rules should be enforced equally. Are you a parent? If you are, I'm sure you can agree on that concept.

Here's another example: I've been driving for over 20 years. If I got caught speeding, I'm sure that the "This is my first offense!" and "I've been driving for two decades!" arguments would mean absolutely nothing to that officer. He/she is going to say something to the effect of "Well, I'm glad to hear that, but how long you've been driving has no bearing on this situation. Everyone has to obey the posted speed limit."

Here we have yet another situation where someone was told of the penalty for not following the rules and then they whine about it like a baby when the terms of their LEGAL BINDING CONTRACT take shape. Again, it is the customer's responsibility to make sure their bills are paid on time. I don't care if you're from Park Avenue or a park bench. I don't care if you've been with US Bank since God himself was in grade school. The rules should be enforced equally. I believe that's written in the Constitution, so check your history books.

P.S. I suppose you didn't want Paris Hilton to go to jail for DUI because she's rich and pretty, huh?

Ronny g

North hollywood,
Yep..here WE go again...

#28Consumer Comment

Sat, October 24, 2009

...So...after being a good US Bank customer over 5 years..and NEVER had a late payment, you have one from a misplaced bill....and they raise your rate from 3.99 to 20.99

Well looks like the banks are at it again...doing what they do best. Gouging customers so they earn more money...and keeping the money out of circulation where it could help the economy during the worst RECESSION in recorded history....nice.

And nice of the bank defender Iamthelaw to put in his 2 cents..but just ignore him..he is a dope. In his Kangaroo court..it does not matter that you had a perfect history and no late payments for over 5 years....one mistake on your part....death penalty....and the customer is guilty of criminal activity. That is how the Kangaroo court system works...guilty...next...guilty....next...guilty...next...and so on.


highlands ranch,

#29Consumer Comment

Fri, October 23, 2009

is available at the BANK OF AMERICA page. It appears in the comments section to one of the BofA Ripoff Reports.

Thank You.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>WORLDWIDE ALERT<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

'Google' this- THE WARNING: FRONTLINE PBS, and watch it on the web NOW!!!

I am the law

Here we go again!

#30Consumer Comment

Fri, October 23, 2009


You missed a payment and you wonder why the credit card company jacked up your rate?

Did you even read the terms and agreement info that LEGALLY has to accompany EVERY SINGLE credit application? No, I'd wager not.  

This is the same stupid argument slackers try to use on us when they overdraft their bank accounts. The bank tells you UPFRONT that if you miss a payment, your interest rate goes up. It doesn't matter if you've had that card for decades. It's not political, it's simple contract law, so leave your Obama comments holstered. You, as a customer, are responsible for making sure your bills are paid on time. You shot yourself in the foot, buddy, so chalk it up as your own negligence and deal with it.


It's all legal...

#31Consumer Comment

Fri, October 23, 2009

It's called a penalty rate, or delinquency rate. Get this, if you're late 5 days or more, or late once 15 days or more in a rolling 12 month period, you'll get put at one of these rates... and guess what, it's completely legal, take a read of your cardmember agreement that they sent you way back when your account was opened, and wow, almost like magic, it's in there. Credit card companies are scary in every way, scary accurate, and scary powerful.

In case you haven't kept up on what goes on in our government, read it (if you can understand it) and weep:


I agree in some ways, there was some pretty bad "rip offs" going on with aprs, but keep in mind.... you're borrowing someone else's money. Even worse a CORPORATION'S money... they have the law on their side, why? Because they are the law!

With the new legislation there has been a lot of changes the biggest giving consumers the right to be able to "opt-out" of having your apr increased. If you haven't gotten a change in terms letter yet, you will soon, all the creditors are doing it. But those of you with large balances need not worry as you can stay at your lower apr at the cost of closing your account.

Unfortunately for you, you were put at a penalty rate before the August 20th '09 legislation deadline that made your creditor change it's rules... so there is nooooo way they're gonna reverse that now... why? because Obama (Obrother) took away their capability to do so.

Obama's new credit card legislation didn't do anything for anyone in the long run. It's the same as it was with a few tweaks to mix it up and make it look like he actually did something for once. So. Dare I say. Congratulations, you lost your 3.99 balance transfer promotion and were swung right into a a good ole' penalty rate (by the way these expire in 6 months with on-time payments as long as you're underlimit during that time as well.), but by that time you'll have been screwed out of possibly hundreds of dollars. If only they had a hardship department as a solution for if you were late and couldn't pay these outrageous finance charges, oh wait, they do!

Pardon my bluntness as I am also a consumer and do wish you the best of luck. Cheers.


highlands ranch,
ALERT!!! Over 4 MILLION HAVE 'VIEWED'- THE OBAMA DECEPTION! Anyone can 'Google' this- THE OBAMA DECEPTION, and watch it on the web, correct? OVER 4 MILLION....

#32Consumer Comment

Thu, October 22, 2009

have obviously done so, wouldn't you agree?

Thank You.

P.S. 'CREDIT DEFAULT SWAP POEM' is available at the BANK OF AMERICA page of this site. It appears as a comment to one of the Ripoff Reports.

Ronny g

North hollywood,
Obama is about as an inept "puppet" as Bush was..

#33Consumer Comment

Sun, October 18, 2009

But with that said...and I am by no means a Republican..or a Democrat for that matter..but it seems we have a better shot at improvements against the gouging the banks have been doing to the American taxpayers..left, right, upside down and inside out with the current administration..then the last.

Now where I feel Obama is weak..and perhaps a phony..is that all this tarp money was given to or "forced" onto the banks...and what do the banks do in return???....gouge it's customers into oblivion thank you very much.

At least Bush sent us a check..I know it helped me at the time...and I felt no guilt cashing that "stimulus" check..as it was MY freaking MONEY to begin with!!!

So if Obama does not take off the gloves and deal with this...I highly, highly doubt he will make a second term..mark my words on this. If I am wrong I will come back here and mock myself.


highlands ranch,

#34Consumer Comment

Sat, October 17, 2009

'Google' this- RIP OFF REPORT GM CREDIT CARD SERVICES, and read Betty's Ripoff Report about her interest rate going from 10.99% to 32.44%. Also read the '1st Update' to her Ripoff Report where the "Collapse of the U.S. economy" was accurately predicted back on 9/3/2007 when the Dow Jones was around 14,000. The Dow closed at its all-time high of 14,164 one month later on 10/9/2007. 

Thank You.



#35Consumer Comment

Thu, October 08, 2009

At Obama "asking" Credit Card Company's or Banks to quit gouging customers. Just the sign of a weak President.  He should start Congressional hearings on their practices and policies and start Committee's drafting resolutions and laws to put an end to this "domestic war on US consumer's"...if he was REALLY serious.

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