  • Report:  #1056354

Complaint Review: us jobs/AflacAssist LLC - Roechester New York

Reported By:
George - ROCHESTER, New York,

us jobs/AflacAssist LLC
16 hillendale st Roechester, 14619 New York, USA
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Hi i'm george i was contacted first my us jobs offering this work at home system for 495 dollars when i said no the price dropped to 295 because all of a sudden i qualified for a two hunderd dollar discount i recall asking him is all i'm going to have to pay he assured me that the 295 was all that it he said. and the kit would be mail to me. around 3 weeks later i get a call from  niki monroe  of there marking department  she said without marketing of this system it well just set there not making money my responce to her was okay what do i need to do to get this up and going right.

i don't need to tell you that was my second and biggest mistake she handed me over to tony carter the so call marketing directer at aflac assist somewhere in the conversation he ask me about money i may have in a 401k or an ira that i used toward this marketing campaign third mistake i toll him what was in my ira. that when these crooks really went to work on me. so i let him finnest and said i think about it about a week are two later i recrive a call from niki monroe calling say hi and that i should really invest now. i tolled her that i was working on it then she started calling a little more to see what thing where going if i'm ready to put some money  into marketing

then i hear from tony carter pitching  that i qualify for some kind of inhouse grant that well turn my 10.000 dollars into over 100.000.00 of investments with the company and then he toll me that miss niki monroe had taken a liking to me. by this time pictures of her had ben  sent to me by her are who i though was her. and she was hot well being a horny singel guy if anyone can get me off the fence it a hot girl being thrown in the mix but i still and skeptical so one day on the phone with niki i ask her can i trust what tony was saying about aflac assist she said 100% because tony carter is one of the best in the business. and she right  

next to tom gillbreath he is second biggest crook in all of arizona which you well see later in this letter so one day i got a phone call from niki she said there been some kind of shake up at the office apparently tony carter cousin who worked under tony in the marketing department was taken out of the office in handcuffs she said that the owner and ceo said that the cousin had stolen some money are something having to do with a bank deposit not knowing what to say i just said how thats crazy she said to me that tony well call you. sure enough three day later tony calls me and said that me has quite aflac assist because he felt that the ceo had wronged this cousin he also said that aflac assist is scam

and i should not give them any money he has something better and i should partner up with him this wonderful business is going to be called opportunity central he even showed me the back office from a top of the scene web search so i ask him why is that he said because the web site was not complete a he wil be buying some office space and hiring programers and techs to start this thing up soon if you won't to be a full parner 80.000 dollars well my half of the partnership cost  i said to him i don't have that kind of money right now but i'm working on something.was a company out of ca called baxster and baxster who clam they can get me free grovernment money to pay off dills and to start a business guaranteed if they can not get me grant money i can get a refund

at the end of three months just pay them 1200 dollars and that it well turn into 6 months what did get from them was paper to  submit to social services most  no government grant no refund but at the time that acording to them the money will be granted. in the mean time tony carter come up with a discount of 40.000 dollars off his asking price of 80.000 just the amount i toll him was in my ira he said that he has already spent over 175.000 of his own money to get our business of the ground i toll him that the money i take out of my ira has i 60 day rollover and if it's not put back in that time frame i must pay taxes on that money  he assured me that this money would be back in my ira in a month time. but i was thinking to me this guy all the money in my ira would be foolist so decided to test the water a little bit and sent me 10.000 dollars oh by the way i do have a paper trail on some of this stuff and some emails.

after i sent the 10 grand i get a call from niki clamming that her car was repoed and she needs some money to get her car back my response was i don't have that she called me back the next day clamming to have a dentist appiontment could i help her with the bill so i did. and then tony carter started calling me every other day asking me could i get more money form my ira you name it form he need to pay the help at he hired for our business to the power in our office pace will be turn off he need the 30 gram now how soon can i send it so i taking him and niki's phone calls i been hadd folks i would not be off base my say that tony and niki was working as a team to get as mush money out me as they could so i took the lost and blamed myself for allowing this to happen.

then another office affiliated with aflac assist call me and that they won't to help me get going the business and i have a credit card i said yes but there all maxed out almost then two days later i was contacted by credit card company that someone tried to charge 5000 dollars to my credit card i did not tell them to do this they used the card that was on file. then i receive a call form a company called opportunity central offering to help me with my home base business i said to him do you have a tony carter works there he said hold on for a  minute when come back he said no one by that name works here at that point all i could say is wow .so then months

later i get a call from  tom gilldreath offering his help i tolled  no way i'm doing business with aflac assist ask me why not i tolled him what happen with tony carter his words  was that nuckle head i think he was on crack anyway are you going to do thing with this i do think so i said tom said please don't say no let me speck with the owner of the company maybe i can make this right let me call you back so a week later he call me and said that the owner as agreed to make good on the 10.000 dollars that tony carter cond you out of i still said no so a week are two later tom call me ask if i would be welling to talk to some people was making good money with the program sure enough two are three people

call me on my cell phone and toll me that they was very satisfied and then some with the money they was making with the program and really should do it. tom call s me back again two are three later and ask me so did anyone call you before i could say yes he says here what we can do for you give you credit for the 10 grand that tony carter stoll from what can you come up with because this system is a good as gold. i think a this point i desperate to make something happen and this guy pretended to be my friend and he was going to take me under his wing and show me the ends and outs of the business he even ask me if i would be welling to move to glendale to get this tutelage first hand. he said so credit for 10 grand 20 grand that would make me 30.000 dollars  plus with the inhouse grand that

i have already qualified for would make my total investment well over 300.000.00 dollars and i well be golden so i toll tom about the about the 60 day ira roll over he said don't worry about that i will be able to put that money back into the account in no time flat  no problem what wound up happening i withdrew 15.000 used 2 grand to get catch up on some bills and sent tom gillgreath 13.000 dollars by wire transfer that tom toll me to send the money to with the promise of  once the checks start coming in that i well reinvest the 8 grand putting me that the 30.000 dollars my targeted investment amount along with the inhouse grant i'm in the money for life the way tom put it. so i ask him should i be doing something to work this thing no he said you are my friend i well do this all the work for you.

i did receive some small checks 6 then on the first round of checks totaling less than 3 hundred dollars so i call tom and said what going on these check are really small he said something like don't worry because i come in the middle of the cycle the next round of checks well be much larger so around the second week in january i receive another round of checks small like the first round of checks so tried call tom again to ask him why are the checks so small because he said that this round of checks would be from a full cycle could not get him and he would not return my repeated phone calls but i was able to get a hold of wendy she said that she would look into the matter and get back to me well wendy never did i must of called  her 20 times her has not return my calls and well not answer her phone. all of these people should behind bars  and me now i have to pay texes on that money i got scam out of by these crooks can someone help me to get justice? thanks George B****  home number (((redacted)))

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