  • Report:  #1231458

Complaint Review: VIPWallSt - New York New York

Reported By:
PIH - California, United States of America

228 Park Avenue South New York, 10003 New York, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

All sites abruptly shutdown last week affiliated with www.ageddebt.net,  www.thepumptracker.com, in addition Tom Furlong disconnecting his phone number.  It appears this entity is attempting to swindle over 600 investors (in Toms own email verbiage) by now going 100% SILENT, not returning any form of communication and took offline all sites even Michael Osborn site that was notated in the "Legal" section of The Pump Tracker.  By all measures appears to be a "Fly By Night PONZI SCHEME."  

Tom Furlong: disconnected his phone not returned calls or emails since May 12th (212.390.1373)

Virgil G Williams (303.885.7498)  [email protected]  has also gone quiet

Michael Osborn & Alexandre Sheer are also involved having signed off on Equity Partner Agreements.

Google Michael Osborn and you will see a clear connection to Virgil G Williams, The Pump Tracker and www.ageddebt.net

By all measures it appears as if The Pump Tracker/Aged Debt/VIP Wallstreet literally are attempting to skip town overnight ie a fly by night setup.  Repeated calls/text/emails are not returned with Virgil G Williams sending the last correspondence under this entity stating Principal Funds will be returned yet refusing to provide the date when and also advise what law firm will be coordinating this.  In Virgils own words "I and Tom" run Aged Debt.  What does it look like when there is months+ delay to get paid with every excuse in the book drafted up and then the primary company closes all sites even sites they had built up over 2+years as in The Pump Tracker??? 

Tom Furlong/Thomas Furlong

Virgil G Williams  (previous SEC charges)

Michael Osborn/Michael Ison Osborn (recent conviction for non-SEC charges)

Alexandre Sheer

Ageddebt.net, The Pump Tracker, VIPWallSt, Data Capital Corp

To pull up the main page of above websites(except for ageddebt)go to any "Cached Page" Service.  

7 Updates & Rebuttals


San Diego,
United States
Are you kidding?

#2General Comment

Sun, May 13, 2018

I am George Sharp and I just found this.  Michael Osborn currently owes me over half a million dollars.  Yes, he has paid me in dribs and drabs but the last time I received money was 2014.  My website is the reason that the AgedDebt.net scam got publicized and my communications with the SEC and the FBI are why Michael and Shenae were charged by the SEC for it.  I have written about it extensively and much more at the website MichaelOsborn.info which has always been there.

I am the reason Michael is in prison today, while Shenae Osborn continues to rip off landlords in NYC, including her most recent victim which she scammed the Air BnB.

I have been an advocate against scamming for years and my work is detailed at clippercp.com


Michael Osborn & Shanney Osborn Scams

#3Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 18, 2015

Just to let everybody know the FACTS:  Micheal Osborn's wife's name is Shanney Gallegos Osborn.  She only has 2 children and she is not a Marriage and Family Counselor.  She is simply a woman who loathes for the finest things in life that Michael's scams can provide.

Shanney may not actually know her name was placed on any documents or subscription agreements.  This is Michael's MO, he has done this to other people's wives in the past.  He sent letters in a previous scam stating he was bonded by Lloyds of London for 5 million dollars.  He used the wife of business associates Name, Likeness and Passport to further his scam.  We believe Shanney impersonated this person to other investors to further his Ponzi along.  Michael was in the process of receiving 3,000,000.00 dollars beofre his scam fell apart.  Thankfully!

In this current scam Michael Osborn has apparently paid off George Sharp of San Diego, CA.  George Sharp was owed over 500,000.00 in a Judgement against Michael and Shanney Osborn in California.  Shanney Osborn filed Chapter 7 Bankruptcy a few years back.  I m sure somebpdy can find the BK Docs on line.  She filed in California, she was living in La Hambra with her Mother, Leticia Gallegos.

If you were an investor in this current "Aged DEBT" scam I would contact the Authorities and request they crawl back funds George Sharp has received from Michael Osborn.  George Sharp has stated in the past he "knew of Michael's scam and escrowed monies" because of that.  George Sharp and his Attorney David Harter have in the past received large sums of cash that were wired to them directly from the account Michael Osborn used to process his illegal activities.

It seems a little peculiar that all the Michael Osborn Shanney Osborn and Harold Gregg websites, Blogs and tweets have mysteriously disappeared from the web.  George Sharp spent his life trying to nail Michael Osborn... or at least until Michael was able to satisfy the judgement Georpge Sharp had on him. Michael Osborn paid George Sharp to take down his blogs in the past.  I guess your morals go out the door for cash to...huh George Sharp?

I urge everybody to contact George Sharp and ask where the money is...?

Osborns bought a  GL 450 Mercedes for 50,000.00 with Investor funds and Michael rented a Lexus while living in a 2 bedroom Luxury apartment in Beverly Hills, CA that cost 7,500.00 per month.  Michael annd Shanney would spend the weekend at luxury Beverly Hills Hotels and spas, even though they lived 5 miles away.  I guess the stress of conning friends and family gets to even Michael and Shanney.  Michael and Shanney Osborn rented out a cabin at Big Bear Lake for Christmas and invited the family up so he could show off how great he was. It was only 1,800.00 per day.

Michael Osborn had his wife, Mother-in-law and kids in a luxury 1,200.00 night hotel in Hawaii while he stood trial in Orange County for Grand Theft Auto.  Michael told everybody the Gov't had no case and his private jet was on the Tarmac ready to take him to Hawaii after the not Guilty verdicts. The verdicts were GUILTY and off to jail Michael went.  

Not long enough for everbody suckered in AGED DEBT.  Sorry to those of you who had to deal with this fiasco.  I know many people tried to bring Michael's current indictment to authorities in California and elswhere over 5 years ago.  Obviously nobody in Law enforcement cared enough to stop him then.  I hope anyone involved in AGED DEBT hammers Authorities in NY to finally stop him.  His Colorado indictment should net some Fed Time, but will that be enough for Michael Osborn to stop, wake up and quit screwing good people over?  I doubt it.

In closing I hope you find a way to recover, follow the trails of who got what and when.



Shenae Osborn scam, Shenae Osborn ripoff, Shenae Osborn Fraud

#4Author of original report

Mon, June 15, 2015

Shenae Osborn SCAM due diligence:


1.  Shenae Osborns Hudston St. Publishing EXACT SAME ADDRESS as VIPWallSt.

2.  Equity Partner Agreements signed "S. Osborn"

3.  Hudson St. Publishing exact same website service ie WIX and layout as the recently taken down AgedDebt.net

4.  Shenae Osborn husband Michael Osborn recently ARRESTED for multiple counts of WIRE FRAUD & MONEY LAUNDERING.

5.  I have been defrauded over 36k and S. Osborn signature is on the VAST MAJORITY of The Equity Partner Agreements.

6.  Virgil Williams ie Virgil G Williams  67 yr old ex-con, crook, conman, ripoff artist and also involved in my 36k wire fraud was UNWILLING & UNABLE to state who s****.>

7.  Calls to Shenae Osborn Hudston St. Publishing have not been returned NOR have emails.



Shenae Osborn scam

Shenae Osborn ripoff

Shenae Osborn fraud

Shenae Osborn con

Shenae Osborn crook

Shenae Osborn Conwoman

Shenae Osborn con artist

Shenae Osborn wire fraud



Michael Osborn Ponzi Scheme

#5General Comment

Sun, June 14, 2015

You should contact Linda Kaufman Assistant US Attorney in Denver.  Her email is:  [email protected]   AND Special Agent Patrick Hagearty from the IRS- Criminal Investigations Unit in Denver as well.  His email is:  [email protected] 
Also you should be aware that Michael Osborn is out on a 1 Million Dollar Bond from New York.  He is currently in Colorado.  He used the ponzi scheme funds to raise his bail ( 100k cash payment ).  If you contact the Feds they can capture the money from the Bond Agent and you may be able to recover some proceeds.
You should also look in to George Sharp.  He has a twitter account called GONIFFS.  Our group beleives Micheal used your funds to payoff a large settlement to George Sharp.  George Sharp has had a ton of website about Michael in the past.  He would blackmail Michael to pay him to take down websites in the past.
George Sharp knows that Michael has used illicit funds in the past to pay him.  He claimed he has escrow-ed the funds in the past, which I am sure is a lie.  But if he received any funds from Michael your victims should be able to crawl back from George Sharp or his Attorney David Harter in California.
Michael has a lengthy history of ponzi schemes. He has a number of companies in California he ran over 10 years ago and investors lost Millions there as well. He has no regard for anybody and will sell out his friends, partners and family members to get what he wants.
Virgil Williams went to Federal prison in the past because of Michael Osborn sent him out to sell some bogus Treasuries and he got nailed in a sting.  Nothing happened to Michael Osborn in that matter either.
So keep up the pressure and lets get this guy behind bars so he wont do it again.
Good luck in your endeavor.

PONZI SCHEME Ageddebt.net so FAR NOT ONE LEGITIMATE aged debt/note transaction

#6Author of original report

Sat, May 30, 2015

So far this week in speaking with CFO, CEOs of the companies that the aged debt/notes were marketed to defrauded investors via CONVICTED KICKBACK CON Virgil G Williams and recently indicted/arrested Michael Todd Osborn that used a fake name as Tom Furlong NOT ONE note was legitimate ie so far Ageddebt.net is batting 100% FRAUD!!!! Now Virgil G Williams issues an update at www.ageddebt.net on June 11th which is MORE STALL/DELAY tactics!!! Delaying paying out on fake debt ie ALL one has to do is call up the company ie CEO/CFO and get answer for yourself.  Ageddebt.net, The Pump Tracker, VIPWallSt, Virgil G Williams and Michael Todd Osborn is a 100% SCAM PONZI SCHEME!!!!

So far RIGHT NOW it DOES NOT appear that Ageddebt.net ACTUALLY EVEN DID ONE LEGITIMATE NOTE TRANSACTION!!! Also NOT ONE other defrauded investor who I have communicated with has RECEIVED ONE WIRE!!!! However I received a wire on an ECIG transaction whereby ECIG advised me THEY NEVER HEARD of www.ageddebt.net nor anyone in it!!!

Therefore I was PAID on a fake transaction that never existed by either paying me out of someone else's principal or paying me back some of my own funds once I started to ramp up the text,emails etc for the clear STALL/DELAY tactics in Mid March!!!  That has all criteria of a PONZI SCHEME!!!!

Everyday all I see is MORE CLEAR PROOF Ageddebt.net and VIPWallSt along with The Pump Tracker are about as 100% of a SCAM/PONZI SCHEME and will update this post once I have gotten 100% CONFIRMATION from the remaining several companies.  


Ageddebt.net SCAM   

Ageddebt.net PONZI SCHEME

Ageddebt.net RIPOFF

Ageddebt..net PONZI

Virgil G Williams convicted kickback con

Virgil G Williams PONZI

Virgil G Williams ripoff

Virgil G Williams fraud

Virgil G Williams (Served time online about 8 years or so ago for kickback violation).  Appears he is doing MORE ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES and a WHOLE LOT OF INTERSTATE wire transfers ie WIRE FRAUD!!!!

Michael Todd Osborn Scam

Michael Todd Osborn ripoff

Michael Todd Osborn PONZI

Michael Todd Osborn Ponzi Scheme

THe Pump Tracker SCAM

The PUmp Tracker RIPOFF


Michael Osborn Linkedin Profile

#7Author of original report

Wed, May 27, 2015


Alexandre Scheer email address: [email protected]



Michael Osborn ARRESTED on prior issues NOT the CURRENT PONZI SCHEME!!!

#8Author of original report

Wed, May 27, 2015

Here is recent news article that was brought to my attention MICHAEL OSBORN ARRESTED!!!


Michael Osborn is currently out on BOND!!! The current PONZI SCHEME with over 600 Investors described above he has not faced charges for!!!  

Michael Osborn Scam

Michael Osborn FRAUD

Michael Osborn Ripoff

Virgil William Scam

Virgil Williams FRAUD

Virgil Williams Ripoff

Virgil G Williams Scam

Virgil G Williams FRAUD

Virgil G Williams Ripoff

Tom Furlong (appears to be a FAKE NAME used by Michael Osborn) SCAM

Tom Furlong FRAUD

Tom Furlong RIPOFF

Alexandre Scheer Scam

Alexandre Scheer FRAUD

Alexandre Scheer Ripoff

The Pump Tracker  SCAM

The Pump Tracker FRAUD

The Pump Tracker RIPOFF

Ageddebt.net SCAM

Ageddebt.net FRAUD

Ageddebt.net RIPOFF




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