  • Report:  #172330

Complaint Review: Wal-mart Store #2705 - Franklin Virginia

Reported By:
- Franklin, Virginia,

Wal-mart Store #2705
135 Broad St. Apt. F Franklin, 23851 Virginia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Wal-mart had employed me august 2004 as a full time cashier, Ive had so many problems with that store and how they treated me. I had previously worked at two other wal-marts when I lived in California. Well wal-mart had fired me for going home when a customer spilled a gallon of lemonade all over me.

I went home the next morning I came to work and I got fired. I called Home Office and a Week later I had my job back. Well I think this is why I was targeted the way I was, because management was mad that I called home office on them because I went over thier heads and they had no choice but to give me my job back.

Well august 4th 2005 someone came up to me and told me that co. manager jennifer wanted to see me in the back office. So I went back there and she had two men and herself in there and they proceeded to shut the door and tell me to sit down.

They asked me if I knew why they had called me into the office and I said no, they proceeded to tell me that they had been watching me and they had noticed that I had been doing alot of price over-rides, wich is changing the prices of merchandise. I said, "well yes everyone does that".

They proceeded to accuse me of embezzling over $4,500 from wal-mart by means of price over-rides and that i had been doing it for several of my friends. I said that I have done no such things. I admitted to changing the prices for two people, but never in excess of even $100.00 let alone $4,500. They said that they had sheets of all the things that I price over-ridden and that was thier proof.

They said that they belived that I was a good person and that they didint think that I did these things on purpose and that if I agreed to pay them restitution they would not press charges on me or have me arrested. They left the room drawn up the restitution papers came back in and had me sign them.

They left the room again and the Loss Prevention leader said that he was going to go tell his boss that I agreed to pay back restitution and he said that he didint think that it was going to be neccesary to press charges. Well co. manager Jennifer and his self came back into the managers office with detective Delgado and police officer unser, had me escorted out of the store, in hand cuffs, put into a police car and had me taken to jail charging me with felony embezzelement.

At one time we went to court and they wanted to settle saying that they could only prove 400.00 and thats all I had to pay back. Then they took it to circut court and my public defender said that since in the state of commonwealth of Virginia, The law is embezzelement of over 200.00 is a felony and they had paper eveidance or whatever evidance they had, exceeded that amount by 200.00, If I fought it I could go to jail for a maximum of 5 years. I didint want to take the chance of going to jail, being in a holding cell of the jail for a day and a half was enough for me to realize that.

So wal-mart coughed up a plea bargin wich said that I must plea guilty and pursuant to a guilty plea I would serve 5 years supervised probation and pay back $4,500. Of course I took the plea bargin.

I would like to see any proof that wal-mart has, and I want to know why they had me publicly humilliated the way that they did. Because there is another former wal-mart employee that lives a few doors down from me and, she got fired for the same thing I got arrested for, about 2 months later. They figured that she had embezzeled over $19,000 from the company.

And she is willing to testify that they agreed to her paying back restitution so she wouldent get arrested. So why if Wal-mart said that she embezzeled $19,000, did she not get arrested and treated as unjustly as I had? that is my complaint.

My huspand currently still works at wal-mart, he gets harrased about me daily and they are constantly questioning his integrity.


Franklin, Virginia

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9 Updates & Rebuttals


West Virginia,
And to Robert in NY.

#2UPDATE Employee

Wed, January 30, 2008

Sorry... CSM's have to approve any overrides over $20. So unless you have some dim CSM's around your local store, I don't see that happening.


West Virginia,
One IMPORTANT step you probably weren't informed about, but shouldn't have missed.

#3UPDATE Employee

Wed, January 30, 2008

When you were being called into the office for these overrides, you needed to ask management to see a copy of the Electronic Journal for your operator number that day. Only if they could point out the incriminating $4500 worth in overrides should they have persued you like they did. Trust me, I've had to fall back on the Electronic Journal to free me from a lot of binds. When they promote you to CSM, they only intensify. If you do a supervisor override for one wrong thing, you're boned, but they have to present proof TO YOU before they give you the boot.


law system

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, December 02, 2007

the court system doesn't really care much about true justice. it's about winning or losing. if the chances are high that the defendant will lose, then striking a plea agreement is the way to go. one has to weight the options. fighting it will cost alota money and risk a lengthy jail time if unsuccessful or plea for a reduced sentence and no jail time. doesn't matter if one is guilty or not. according to the law, OJ is not a murderer. the rich can afford to win. walmart employees can't afford a legal team... as for me, i would have fought it. first is to check company policy on over-rides. if you met the policy, then there is no theft. when i worked retail (kinko's), i was empowered to over-ride prices. i have even gone as far to give away services just to satisfy the customer. my supervisor tried to fire me for it. but since i knew my job well, i was responsible in converting those walk-in customers into corporate clients. -a|ex


South Carolina,
Seeing the evidence...

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, December 02, 2007

Sorry to tell you this but since you pled guilty and the case is closed you do not get to see the evidence. if you had gone to trial then Wal-Mart would have had to produce their evidence in court. And I find it very strange that you say your PA said everything was bogus but you seemed so willing to take the plea bargain. Yes, jail is not a nice place to sit, however if I was accused of something I did not do, then i would fight it tooth and nail. make them prove beyond a reasonable doubt. because now you don't get to see what evidence they had, but you do get to try to get work with an embezzlement charge on your record for the rest of your life. I wish you well in the future, but your fight on this comes a little to late.


New York,
Brittany, which store?

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, December 01, 2007

Is that any Wal-mart or only the one where you work? I can't wait to go to Wal-mart to buy the most expensive High Def TV they have and tell the cashier that "Billy Bob TVs and Stuff" has it on sale for $100. Is there a limit as to how many I can purchase?


Actually you may have done nothing wrong

#7UPDATE Employee

Sat, December 01, 2007

i work cashiering for wal-mart and if you over ride a price because a competitor has a lower price that's company policy. if you did it because they're your friends you were wrong. customers do not have to have an ad or any other proof that something is a different price somewhere else, they simply inform the cashier and they will change the price


neccesarry for me to be arrested..? hell no.

#8Author of original report

Tue, February 07, 2006

For those who belive that I deseved to be arrested...I have never been into any criminal acts or had trouble with the law... let alone a tickett.. wal mart said that they had proof but never actually showed any to me.. they manipulated me and they had already been previously harrasing me...and the who embezzeled over $19,000 didint even get arrested. and continues to go into the store to this day.. I really didint understand what was going on or what I was signing..at that point I just wanted to just get the heck out of there... and how they came up with that figure...even my lawyer said at my hearing is completly false.. i had to sign the plea agreement because I didint want the chance to even go to jail for any amount of time at all.. and if they persued it.. even since the only proven over rides were $201.00 that they couldent even prove it wasent just for normal customers or friends...the average cashier monthly price over rides for ads or whatever over $300.00 monthly and for the month that they supposedly were watching me ...I price over rode 2 packs of ciggarettes for my friend.. they were like 3.00 and I gave her both of them for the price of one...was it wrong? yes.. neccesarry for me to be arrested..? hell no.


San Antonio,
I Wonder Why?

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, January 20, 2006

This is so pathetic "Ive had so many problems with that store and how they treated me" I wonder why? "I was accused of emblezzling over $4500, "I had done no such thing","I admitted to changing the price for TWO people, but never IN EXCESS OF EVEN $100". (Is that at a time or per shift?) "They noticed that I had been doing alot of price overrides". (If they noticed, it was a heck of alot more then TWO people and $100.) "Well yes, everyone does". She admits. They had the sheets as proof. she goes to court and takes the plea deal. PLEADS GUILTY. Besides the fact that it's A LITTLE BIT LATE and you've pleaded guilty. This post, in your own words, is a pretty good confession. The sad part is the ONLY THING she wants to know is why she was arrested, placed in hand irons, placed in a police car and made an example of, while the $19,000 thief wasn't. Maybe her public defender can explain it to her, probably not.



#10Consumer Comment

Thu, January 19, 2006

You did price overrides, presumably for friends, since that was what you eluded to. Knowing this was illegal, you did it anyway. If you thought you were in the right, you wouldn't have signed the confession, so you knew you ripped them off. So, now I forget, what is your beef?

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