  • Report:  #251229

Complaint Review: Wells Fargo Auto Financial - Philadelphia Pennsylvania

Reported By:
- MyCity, California,

Wells Fargo Auto Financial
Po Box 13460 Philadelphia, 13460 Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I purchased a vehicle in late 2005 and used Wells Fargo as my finance company. I added the vehicle on to our existing insurance policy with Allstate and maintained that until switching agents (still with Allstate). We then changed to a family agent who placed us with TOPA/RMIS. We have never had any lapse in policy or terminations of any policy. However, shortly after we purchased the vehicle, Wells fargo has sent us letters indicating the placement of Collateral Insurance on the vehicle for failure to provide proof of insurance. OK, we thought this must be a mistake and someone's something didn't talk to the next person's somebody. We called Wells Fargo and submitted via fax the Insurance declaration page. Upon recieving our next 2 statements, we noticed the Collateral Protection charge is still factored in to the amount (nearly $2000!!!).

Then the collection calls began.

I called back to Wells Fargo and after fighting with a collection rep just to get to speak with someone regarding the insurance portion, I was finally transferred to a manager (or so I thought!) who explained that they had no record of recieving my proof of insurance. Did it just vanish into thin air? Did someone just not do their job? OK, mistakes can happen. we faxed it over again figuring this "manager" guy should settle this once and for all. 2 months go by, 4 months go by, and still nothing taken off our bill, all the while, the collectors are steadily calling and getting more in our faces and threating us with their veil little threats, as if it were their PERSONAL automobiles!

2 months after switching to our new insurance, we recieve another Collateral Protection placement letter for nearly $2000! We went through the process of calling again, this time being directed to call Balboa Insurance directly. OK, now we're getting somewhere, not. After Submitting our OLD insurance and the NEW insurance to Balboa, it seems at one point they mysteriously don't have a record of receiving it.

the next time they saw the notes in the computer where we submitted it but nothing was processed and that they would look into it. Several months had expired with nothing being deducted from our statements and now it is showing an outstanding balance just over $4500. You can imagine the flavor of the collection calls now. It was really getting nasty when we changed to our Family's private Insurance agent who placed us with TOPA. Of course we recieved another letter shortly after for Collateral Protection placement (can you guess how much?!)

I promptly called again, and was directed to Collections. I hung up and called Balboa directly again. This time I spoke to a representative who was only interested in recieving the proof of the current insurance coverage and would not listen or look into my claims regarding the other to CP placements. THIS TIME, THEY FINALLY showed a deduction for this 3rd CP placement amount.

I called again to resolve the previous issues, and was directed to have my Agent call. He did while I was sitting in his office. It has been almost 4 months since and things have not been resolved at all. We have followed every guideline we can and still nothing from them. Not only is their insurance outrageously high, but the internal mechanisms of communication between these 2 companies is nonexistent.

Additionally, I have previously purchased a used truck in 1997 wherein Wells Fargo was the finance company, and the same thing happened. It took them forever to get the records updated (both with Balboa, and then with Wells) to reflect the private coverage. It then took almost 2 months for the reduction to show up on my statement.

We have recently purchased a new family vehicle and again, in no more than 2 months, we recieved a CP letter for this vehicle. We called Balboa and got the run-around. We then had our Agent call Balboa and 2 bills later the deduction appeared. We also recieved a confirmation letter from Balboa rescinding the Collateral Protection on this vehicle (for now!)

In my oppinion, Wells Fargo Auto Finance could be a good company to work with if they maintained their policies from a management perspective, dealing with issues of oversight fairly and not as if everyone is a criminal (guilty until you prove yourself innocent. multiple times!). They should have better communication with their partner companies. but then again, THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT THE LITTLE GUYS WHO

PURCHASE A LITTLE CAR FROM A LITTLE DEALERSHIP. They only care about their monopolistic gains and it is just a paycheck to their representative. No wonder American jobs are getting shipped overseas at record pace! Because we just don't care enough to do our jobs properly. I can truthfully understand if I were trying to rip them off and just say "screw them", but I am an average working class stiff, who has his financial ups and downs (who doesn't these days) but I am definately not trying to NOT pay for something I purchased.

This whole company needs to be INVESTIGATED and a little CIVILIAN OVERSIGHT immediately!


MyCity, California


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1 Updates & Rebuttals


Update to Wells Fargo Report - Original Report by Gary Scott

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, March 16, 2009

To everyone that has Posted followups to my original complaint and to those who took the time to email me directly (yes I am keeping all correspondence), THANK YOU for your comments.

I have not updated this posting in a long while as I have only been waiting for litigation (Class Action) to commence against WF. I have relayed my experience to an attorney in the Cleveland, OH area (((Redacted))) who is investigating WFAF and their fraud. I was recently contacted by one of their attorneys (((Redacted))) in their effort of a Class Action case. I am not certain how far along they are at this point. I hope you all visit this site and fill in the form from the first link I provided. Please relay your experiences to them as unemotionally and fact-filled as you can. It seems as if they are proceeding on something and I hope that it is fruitful for all who are caught in this WF crap-hole!

Meanwhile, I recieved an email from a person who claims to be an WFAF insider, and his account of the business philosophy sheds light on WF practices from a different perspective, but also, to some extent, proves the shady dealings that WF engages in. Please read the below email I recieved... enjoy!

============================================================= EMAIL FROM REN: E-Mail from "Ren" to "Gary Scott" ((((Redacted))) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mon, 16 Mar 2009 14:40:03 -0500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hey Gary, I know this complaint article you wrote is about two years old, but I just came across it and was compelled to respond. I completely understand the troubles with force placed collateral insurance. I actually worked for Wells Fargo Auto Finance, and I can tell you the biggest issue (in my opinion) is with force placed insurance. They have troubles from the start because the whole process (ammortization and payment schedule, recording of insurance info, etc.) is actually a very complicated system which is not properly explained (or bothered to be understood) to the representatives. I remember spending a chunk of a day, that I probably should have spent taking calls, asking a lead who was well versed in it to help me understand all there was to know about our force placed insurance. Sadly not many people cared about knowing the answers to customer questions as thoroughly as I did, but I digress to the further issues. One of which you noticed, and that is a severe lacking in fluid communication between the insurance tracking company (Balboa, at that time) and Wells Fargo... which makes it difficult to ensure to anyone that "we" had received the insurance information, but again a rep who knows and is willing can always clear up what insurance data is or isn't received by simply calling Balboa while you were on hold and getting the "effective dates" they are missing. Most of the troubles you faced were merely due to ineffective reps, but not necessarily the delay. The trouble was, especially at that time, was many things were changing internally with WFAF they had just combined with the sub prime indirect auto loans Wells Fargo Financial. Sadly for the customers this meant the company had to immediately begin servicing about double the clients nearly over night AND just about every back shop became flooded with requests to fix, print, or change things on loans. Sub prime loans also have the higher tendency for people to... well... not get insurance, or attempt to skate by, which means nothing to me in terms of stereotyping the customer... but it does mean that everyone involved with insurance tracking becomes swamped with work. It was aweful for customers, and I suppose reps who had to try and appease the customers. I just thought you like a little more explanation as to why to experienced so many problems. Sorry for all the frustration you faced.

============================================================= MY FOLLOWUP RESPONSE TO REN: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon, 16 Mar 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ren,

Thank you for your very well laid out explanation, and to your credit as an insider, it is very helpful to the layperson to understand the complexities going on inside WFAF that could cause this sort of thing. I totally understand the reasoning behind the messed up system as you explained it (converging WFF accounts), and it is truly plausible.

What I don't get is the behavior and attitudes that are given to the customer(s) when they are attempting to put easily verifiable facts on the table to have the accounts rectified and, either from ineptitude or lazyness or complications in the system, things NEVER get resolved. All too often the customer is told their issue is resolved only to find the charge is still added on their bill including additional charges as if no contact were ever made with WFAF.

I would tend to wholeheartedly agree with your timeline of circa 2005 if that were my only experience with Wells. I was a previous account holder for another vehicle I own with WFF and experienced the same issues and outcome... and this was Circa 1997! No mergers or anything then...!? There is no excuse for a company to run as absent mindedly as WFAF is being run. The only thing I can say to my experience that coincides with your description is, WFAF may indeed have an assumption of those being granted Sub-Prime loans are themselves of a "Sub-Prime" class or culture of people. Without stating the racial makeups of the stereotypical persons who would fit in this category, it seems that those customers are treated as if they were stealing the company's money (and the reps personal money!) and that they were less than human - not fit for ethical human treatment.

In addition, the support for this argument seems to be parallel to the recent charges brought against WF (banking unit) by the NAACP wherein WF (and HSBC, to be fair here) were charging minority customers higher rates on loans (Mortgage, Bank, etc.) than those of non-minority status, or white. It seems there is a brooding culture of discrimination and separatism in the business philosophy of WF as a corporate entity.

To contrast, I have a current loan with Citi Financial Auto. We encountered erroneous Collateral protection placement 2x so far and the first time we sent them our insurance declaration pages for both years we've been continuously covered (although they only wanted the current year) and, after a short hold, we were immediately issued an apology and reassured that it will be reflected on our next statement (which we verified). The second time, we called in and immediately they had already corrected it in the system prior to our calling, and assured us that our account was fine (again veried on the statement). Nothing but courteous and polite reps. I only have to make 1 call to resolve an issue and it is reflected in my next statement. I even keep detailed records of calls to them due to my paranoia of dealing with WF. There is no issue with communication between companies or departments to resolve any insurance issues. To date, I am going on almost 2 years without any incident with Citi. That says a lot about their principle operation and Customer-centric attitude they have as core values.

Thank You for your Comments and exposing the culture of this beast! Best Regards to you Sir, Gary Scott (((Redacted))) ==================================================

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