  • Report:  #17417

Complaint Review: Wells Fargo Bank - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
- Carpinteria, CA,

Wells Fargo Bank
http://www.wellsfargo.com Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This morning I found that my Wells Fargo checking account had been billed $2.00 for speaking with a live teller over the phone. I wasn't aware of this policy and neither the automated nor the breathing teller mentioned a fee at the time of the call.

When I inquired about this the CSR explained: if I speak to a live human regarding an issue that could have been handled by automated selection, then the customer is charged $2.00. She went on to say the computer NOT the banker makes the decision to charge the fee!

I chose the human operator because the issue at hand wasn't covered by the available selections, not because I was desperate for a conversation. The computer in its infinite wisdom charged me anyway. It concerns me that an institution that sells itself as prudent, endowed with good judgment and business sense, would not only think that a computer could make that kind of determination, but allows the fallible beast to arbitrarily rifle our accounts and do the Digital Dillinger with our very livelihoods.

If I did not have "on line" access to my account history I wouldn't have known of the deduction. What bother's me further is that most people don't act on a bad idea. We conjure our very best idea THEN take action. So Wells Fargo this is either an example of your best and brightest or your judgment is about three clicks off accurate.

On the other hand you could be just a pack of greedy, low flyin'crows, grasping at every available nickel and dime to feather your nest, regardless of how far you push the envelope of integrity and good taste. Do your customers know you allow this? Customer service told me that information about teller phone charges could be found in a pamphlet at my branch. Just ask your teller.

All well and good but the existence of such a fee never occurred to me. Common practice in the realm of telecommerce is to make one aware at the time of service that a fee will be charged. What ever happened to simple honesty? We the Customers have paid our financial institutions of choice with a high and most profound complement. We have entrusted them not only with the money that fuel's our daily lives but the future of our families and homes. In turn they too grow and prosper. For this they thank us with a legion of questionable service charges and personal indifference. It's not the 2 bucks; it's what they've become. No longer a symbiotic partner of the folks that bust their a*s every day to make ends meet, and raise their families. But an impersonal mindless machine that can only wallow in it's own self-concern and dream of another profitable service charge to hide in their pamphlets. I, like most people at least try to do the right thing.

Most of us know when we're pushing the bounds of ethical behavior. Why don't they? I'd like to ask these banks: Doesn't it bother you that people have HAD IT with way they're being treated? Have you lost that much touch with the people that make YOU possible? What happened to "REAL" customer service? Why do you speak to me rudely when I'm not aware of a service charge that you have deliberately made difficult to find? Why do you have obscure fees that lead to overdrawn accounts that lead to another $29.00 service charge for a $2.00 error that began with your indifference? Be honest, be courteous, and play nice with the other children.

This is pre-grammar school, simple concepts, and no mystery Why am I telling you this? You handle my mortgage! I'm just a workin' guy. I expect you to be smarter than me. Do you, or don't you care.

You spend millions to make us believe you do. I get a grand kick when I see your commercials: Upbeat tempo, hip music and a vivacious group of attractive, down to earth people; brightly smiling as they sincerely thank us for allowing them to be of service.

On the other hand my call to customer service summons the wicked witch of the west who picks my pockets and casts a spell of reprimand and shame for not reading the appropriate pamphlet.

I could go on and on but I have reached the end of my tether, particularly with these two banks (the other one starts with a "B") Am I the only one who has had enough and doesn't want to take any more of their shabby little shakedown tactics? I hope not.


Sick and tired of being Sick and tired


Los Angeles, California

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Wells Fargo Bank

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Los Angeles,
Go Figure

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, April 23, 2003

The Wells Fargo employee rebuttal is indicative of the type of service provided by Well Fargo. It is rude & error-ridden. One must have at least a Bachelors Degree to work at my company. I think this is why it is so difficult for intelligent people to discuss matters with Wells Fargo employees & reps. Your rebuttal had grammatical errors that shouldn't be made by those with a 5th grade education level. Your reply was "Get a Life." Those of us who have had difficulty expressing our dissatisfaction with Wells Fargo customer relations wish that you guys would get an education! I'm done with the substandard quality, employees, and service provided by Wells Fargo.


phone banker calls

#3UPDATE Employee

Mon, March 25, 2002

if you the consumer who is so in tune with your finances and check your balances on your statement then you would see that we notify our customers months in advance of any charges and you have the option. you only get charged for the call if it is something we do for you that can be done automatically. at the end of the call we waive the chg if it was not available on the touch tone system. before you go half cocked read yous statements as we also answer all types of questions that people are at times still want to talk to a live person. get a life and stop whining

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