  • Report:  #545780

Complaint Review: Wild West Ranch - Allegan Michigan

Reported By:
Concerned - Allegan, Michigan, United States of America

Wild West Ranch
Allegan, MI 49010 Allegan, 49010 Michigan, United States of America
(269) 673-3539
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Jan West has to be one of the most deceitful horse dealers. Shame on her for the conditions the horses on her 'farm' live in! Unfortunately in the State of Michigan, to avoid Animal Control from seizing your horses, all one has to do is have hay and water on the property. It doesn't even have to be given to them and the quality of said hay can be horrible! Jan must know this and takes full advantage of it! I have several examples of first hand experience with this woman!
1. I went to look at a buckskin gelding. Upon arrival at WW, there was a pony tied up to a post by the barn. They were sacking her out but every time Jan passed by the pony she would hit her and say she had a 's**+**y attitude' and it needed to be fixed! Poor, poor pony! This happened several times during this particular visit. Then my friend and I followed the boyfriend back to get the gelding out of the pasture. All the horses (about 20) were in a mud lot with no grass, no hay or evidence of any hay chaff and the only water source was a filthy duck pond! There was a very moldy round bale outside the pasture and thank God it wasn't in the pasture as moldy hay can kill a horse. I recognized a horse in the pasture that once belonged to a friend of mine and was appalled to find out it was sold to WW. He looked miserable. The gelding I was to look at was caught, brought up front to a hitching post high and tight. He was a pawer and who wouldn't be while tied like that waiting for a beating? Jan came over to where he was tied and stated that he's 'real spoiled' and 'needed to learn some manners'. She then balled up her FIST and punched him in the stomach right in front of me and my friend/witness. This was repeated two more times during this particular visit. The horse was tacked up by the boyfriend. He did what the guy asked but reluctantly. Then it was my turn. I looked into his big brown eyes and he told me all I needed to know, which was, "get me the hell out of here"! I mounted, rode him off the property onto the dirt road where I asked him to trot and canter. He did excellent for me but then again, I wasn't yanking and cranking him either. When I got back I stated that I would like to purchase him. We haggled about his price which she wouldn't come down on at first. I made my offer which she refused so my friend and I got in my truck and played like we were going to leave. I knew when we pulled that stunt that she would change her mind, which she did. They boyfriend came out and said, "she'll take it" DUH really?!
Now back to the gelding: she lied about his age and told me he was about 12 years old. He was more like 22 according to my veterinarian who did an exam on him and administered his vaccinations. He was also covered from head to hoof in rain rot, not just your ordinary run of the mill rain rot but a severe case so bad he had it around his eyes, on his eyelids, but crusts of it. I bought him for $1100, down from the $1500 she was asking for him. I had to take him to my vet's heated barn to give him a medicated bath as it was early winter. He was also treated for rain rot for the next several weeks until it was finally cleared up.
2. I went to pick up a pony for a friend from Jan's Wild West to deliver her to a buyer up north. When I got to WW, the pony was in a round pen with NO WATER and no evidence of any hay, chaff or food. Jan or the boyfriend did not come out to help load the pony, who I'd never met before. I got the pony from the round pen and led her to the trailer. The first time I tried to load her, she backed away very fast. The ground was frozen snow over ice and she dragged me about 20 feet! She wanted nothing to do with loading. I then had to spend the next half hour to gain this pony's trust so she would follow me into the trailer while Jan watched out her window never offering to help. I finally got the pony into the trailer with some hay as a reward. No true horse person would let someone load THEIR horse without offering to help. What a poor excuse for a horse person Jan West is!

9 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Jan West

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, September 20, 2010

I have just bought a horse from Jan. 

I found her to be totally honest in her presentation of the horse and its issues.  She was totally upfront with some medical issues that were there.

I have had her a few weeks and absolutely love the horse.  She is just as wonderful as the day I took her home.

Jane runs a business and it is what it is. They are working horses and she moves them on if they don't fit the program.

So sorry the original writer feels that way about their farm. I am very lucky to have found my wonderful horse and made another good horse friend.


United States of America

#3UPDATE Employee

Thu, August 19, 2010

OKAY, Just want to let everyone know, This RipOff Report was written by Laurie Meyer of Sunshine Acres Ranch in Gobles, MI. She by the way is a buyer/seller and is also attempting a horseback riding stable herself. Maybe her make-belief story will do her some good and take some buisness from the competition... or maybe not

Jonny Rocket

United States of America
just my 2 cents

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, August 19, 2010

You people have no idea what you are talking about I have never gone out to the WW and not seen Hay out in the fields those horses always have hay and water in the fields that they are in.  As for the duck pond you are insane the duck pond is in the front yard the pond out back is very nice but there is a water trough right by the gate as well and if you can't see hay or even chaff maybe you need to see an eye doctor because you are completely blind!  Jan and "the boyfriend" that's Jim by the way are great people I have been coming out to the ranch since early april and have had nothing but good times out there.  My kids also go out to the ranch and they love it the horses are fed very well and the kids ride them bareback and have a ball.  I have seen absolutely no signs of abuse at all!  Ohh 1 more thing if you can't load a horse into a trailer by yourself without Jan's help you shouldn't own a horse any way what happens when you go home you going to call her to have her load the horse to go somewhere get a life.


United States of America
Abuse? Dishonesty? I DON"T THINK SO!!!!!!!

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, January 29, 2010

Have you seen Jan's place, if I were a horse I would love to live there. Running a pasture with lots of other horses, a 1000 lbs of hay rolled out for you to eat as fast or as slow as you wish, and being ridded by people that have no clue how to ride... what a life... It's like a horse's heaven!!!

I have know Jan for many years now and have never seen her beat or abuse a horse.  I have never seen a water tank empty and a pasture without hay... I have seen the piles upon piles of covered hay that she buys (God knows I don't want that bill)... I have bought many round bales from Jan and my horses LOVE the grass mix she feeds and eat it very fast...  As for the "mud lots" we LIVE IN MICHIGAN 90% of the horse people I know have muddy pastures especially winter and spring and especially with that many horses....

Any horse person knows that pawing is an annoying vice and it doesn't matter how they are tied a horse will paw if it's a pawer... a horse that is waiting for a beating doesn't paw they stand there shaking and watching wide eyed, jumping at every little movement expecting the beating to come.

As for the rain rot.... I personally have a comming 2 yr old filly that has been prone to rain rot her whole life... As a horse person, I have learned through experience that so horses are just more likely to get it than others.......you treat it and it goes away....Now, you took this horse to you vets for a bath but where was you vet when you bought him????

I have gotten a handful of horses from and though Jan over the years and have enjoyed everyone of them.... She has always been honest with me about the horses and tells me all that she knows... She is one of the first people I call with a horse problem because she has delt with many different situations and KNOWS what she is doing. She is also the first person I call when I am in the market for a new horse and when I need to find a home for an old one, like Tater my 27 yr old QH that went for a lesson horse or my 17 yr old Standardbred that is now spoilled rotten....she is an amazing person with a wonderful heart and I know she would never abuse or starve a horse.

Now, finally, about the pony.... Were you on time to pick it up? Did you go up to the house and tell them you were there?  Did you stop to think that maybe you should go ASK for help? You went into a pen with a horse you don't know, without letting anyone know........ Would you walk into a bull pen without knowing bulls?  Would you pet a dog without asking? Why would you attempt to load a horse you don't know without ASKING for HELP? Did you concider that the pony blew back, dragging you "20 feet" because you pushed her too fast?  Maybe she didn't like your trailer, maybe she didn't like you.....maybe, maybe, maybe........ Perhaps you should have just went up to the front door and said, "hey Jan can someone come help me load the pony, i'd appreciate it." or are you too good a horse person to ask for help...

And I know for a fact anyone with doubts and concerns is welcome to visit the ranch with or WITHOUT an appointment... I'm sure that she would be happy to put any doubts to rest and would be happy to show you around the place...


United States of America
Its all true

#6General Comment

Mon, January 25, 2010

I've known her and this place for many years. Everything they say is true. I never liked her. The place is sad and disgusting. She doesn't know anything about horses nor does she care. I would NEVER like to find one of my horses there.


Grass Lake,
United States of America
Jan West

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, January 21, 2010

I have known Jan for a number of years and have bought horses from her. Never have had any problems. She takes in rescues at times and tries to place them in appropriate homes. I have never seen her hit or abuse any animal. I have reffered several of my friends and family to her because I trust her to fit the right horse to the person. I agree this must of been written by someone that had a vendetta against Jan. I will continue to buy from Jan in the future. She is a good person.


Kent City,
No Indication of abuse or dishonesty!!

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, January 21, 2010

This report sounds like it was written by someone with a personal vendetta or some other issue who doesnt know Jan West at all.  I have purchased two horses from Jan.  She is always very upfront and honest with what she knows about the horses and their habits.  I really appreciate her policy to take a horse back if things dont end up working out between the new owner and the horse.  Jan is the only person I have bought horses from who checks in with me to see how they are doing even months after the sale.  She and her employees show a definite interest in the horses they work with.


I have NEVER EVER seen Jan physically abuse a horse.  Her horses have the best personality and attitudes of any riding stable horses I have ever seen.  Some horses are pawers so what?  That doesnt mean the horse has been beaten.  I have owned more than one horse that is impatient at being tied and paws it is just Impatience!


I am sure Jan stated what she knew about the horses age but that doesnt mean someone hadnt been dishonest to her also.  Didnt this person look in the mouth herself? Anyone with a bit of horse experience should be able to look in a horses mouth and be able to tell if it is older than 18 years.  My experience shows a lot of horse owners dont keep accurate track of ages, especially on a horse that has had multiple homes.  If this person was in doubt on anything why didnt she have a vet check out the horse before purchase?  Why would she need a vet to tell her the horse had rain rot couldnt she see that??  You cant tell me a case of rain rot that severe was not visible at the time of purchase.  Even so rain rot does not mean abuse I have had horses that were just more susceptible to that than others big deal!


Why even comment on the moldy round bale?  It wasnt in the pasture and you have no proof that it was intended to be fed to the horses.  Did you ever think it might have been out there because it was moldy and they were going to get rid of it??


You paid the purchase price so stop complaining.  So what if she didnt want to haggle at first?


As far as the pony loading I dont see what the issue is.  You were picking the horse up for a friend doesnt sound like it was Jans horse at that point.  Any horse I have ever bought I loaded up myself.  Any horse I have ever sold the new owner loaded it.  Why on earth would you load someone elses horse for them?  That just makes you liable for any injuries that might occur to the horse during loading.  Perhaps the pony just wasnt used to that style trailer was it a step up and it was used to a ramp?  Again this in no way indicates that Jan is shady or dishonest.    Perhaps you did something right away that made that pony nervous there are hundreds of reasons that pony might not have loaded right away again this does not mean abuse or dishonesty on Jans part.  And if Jan knew you were coming to get the pony I dont find it odd that there was no food or water in the round pen.  She had the horse staged in an area ready and waiting for you rather than making you wait while she went and got the horse.  A horse does not need to have food in front of it every minute of the day.


After reading this complaint it is my opinion that this person is a poor excuse for a horse person, not Jan West.  Get out of your glass house and get a life!  I will not hesitate to do business with Jan in the future, and I will gladly recommend her to anyone who asks.


United States of America
Fraudulent Report

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, January 21, 2010

   There is no validity to this report.  I've spent many years of my life at the Wild West Ranch, and known Jan for many years. I have never seen her strike a horse for absolutely no reason.  Plus you would have to get in an interesting position to "punch a horse" in the stomach.  

  Round pens are for working a horse in, they usually don't have hay or water, because they are not the horses permanent enclosure. (You don't have a fridge on your treadmill do you?)  This is ridiculous. 

  If there is moldy hay outside of the pasture, GOOD! That means she isn't feeding it.  It is not uncommon for hay to get wet and mold, or come in moldy; In such cases it must be set aside and not used!  

  Next, she speaks repeatedly of selling the horse to "a buyerup north", which is a good sign to me that she is "dealer" or a "trader". These are people that deal in the business of buying and selling horses, no wonder she wanted a cheeper.  Yet she doesn't have the ability to tell the age of a horse by it's teeth her ownself? (So she is a trader, but an amateur trader? Extremely amateur.)  If you can't tell a 12 year old from a 22 year old without a vets help, you may need to find a new profession. 
  However, considering a few of the things in this report, it is either SO greatly exaggerated as to reflect very little truth, or completely made up.   

  I would suggest anyone dealing with this dealer, the one filing a fraudulent report, take extreme caution. She is obviously either malicious, or extremely ignorant.  (I'd bet on the former.) 


Kent City,
United States of America
Nothing here means abuse or dishonesty!!

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, January 21, 2010

This report sounds like it was written by someone with a personal vendetta or some other issue who doesnt know Jan West at all.  I have purchased two horses from Jan.  She is always very upfront and honest with what she knows about the horses and their habits.  I really appreciate her policy to take a horse back if things dont end up working out between the new owner and the horse.  Jan is the only person I have bought horses from who checks in with me to see how they are doing even months after the sale.  I wouldn't have gone back to her if I had any doubts about anything she said or did with her horses.  Jan and her employees do care about those horses - I have never seen or heard any comments from them that would make me believe otherwise.  People just assume that because someone buys and sells a lot of horses that they are deceitful and that just isn't true in this case.


I have NEVER EVER seen Jan physically abuse a horse.  Her horses have the best personality and attitudes of any riding stable horses I have ever seen.  Some horses are pawers so what?  That doesnt mean the horse has been beaten.  I have owned more than one horse that is impatient at being tied and paws it is just Impatience!


I am sure Jan stated what she knew about the horses age but that doesnt mean someone hadnt been dishonest to her also.  Didnt this person look in the mouth herself? Anyone with a bit of horse experience should be able to look in a horses mouth and be able to tell if it is older than 18 years.  My experience shows a lot of horse owners dont keep accurate track of ages, especially on a horse that has had multiple homes.  If this person was in doubt on anything why didnt she have a vet check out the horse before purchase?  Why would she need a vet to tell her the horse had rain rot couldnt she see that??  You cant tell me a case of rain rot that severe was not visible at the time of purchase.  Even so rain rot does not mean abuse I have had horses that were just more susceptible to that than others big deal!


Why even comment on the moldy round bale?  It wasnt in the pasture and you have no proof that it was intended to be fed to the horses.  Did you ever think it might have been out there because it was moldy and they were going to get rid of it??


You paid the purchase price so stop complaining.  So what if she didnt want to haggle at first?


As far as the pony loading I dont see what the issue is.  You were picking the horse up for a friend doesnt sound like it was Jans horse at that point.  Any horse I have ever bought I loaded up myself.  Any horse I have ever sold the new owner loaded it.  Why on earth would you load someone elses horse for them?  Perhaps the pony just wasnt used to that style trailer was it a step up and it was used to a ramp?  Again this in no way indicates that Jan is shady or dishonest.    Perhaps you did something right away that made that pony nervous there are hundreds of reasons that pony might not have loaded right away again this does not mean abuse or dishonesty on Jans part.  And if Jan knew you were coming to get the pony I dont find it odd that there was no food or water in the round pen.  She had the horse staged in an area ready and waiting for you rather than making you wait while she went and got the horse.  A horse does not need to have food in front of it every minute of the day.


After reading this complaint it is my opinion that this person is a poor excuse for a horse person, not Jan West.  Get out of your glass house and get a life!  I will not hesitate to do business with Jan in the future, and I will gladly recommend her to anyone who asks. 

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