  • Report:  #133973

Complaint Review: Wild West Ranch - Allegan Michigan

Reported By:
- gaylord, Michigan,

Wild West Ranch
2855 36th Street Allegan, 49010 Michigan, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was looking for horse for my 8 year old daughter, saw that wildwest ranch had a horse for sale, drove 3 hours to go look at it, and it was starved and abused, they wanted 1000.00 dollars for her. I bought it for the sole purpose of feeling sorry for it. Such a sweet horse, this horse was 300 pounds under weight, and did not eat in I don't know how long.

I brought her home for my daughter. The first thing cinnimon (what my daughter named her) did is lay her head gently to my daughters chest. I was so happy to be gone from where they had abused her. She is now at her normal weight and taken care of better than most people.



gaylord, Michigan

12 Updates & Rebuttals

Conni At Coach Stop Farm

Wild West Ranch in Allegan County does NOT abuse horses!

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, February 09, 2008

I have known Jan West for several years and have been at her place several times. I actually bought a Tennessee Walking Horse from her - he was in bad shape when she got him, she put weight on him in the late summer and fall, and then he started losing weight again in the winter because he was at the bottom of the pecking order in the herd he was pastured with. She contacted me because she knows I can feed horses separately in stalls, so I took him and have had him since 2003. He is now about 26 years old and still doing well. I have NEVER seen an abused or thin horse at Jan's place except any new ones she has bought and is trying to see if she can get them in shape to use as saddle horses on her trail rides. Unless there is something medically wrong with the horse, they end up in good shape and are well cared for. She has had two of our draft horses at her place, and treated them very well - one is with her right now (February 2008) and is used for pulling wagon rides and a sleigh in winter. You can view photos of Jan's string on her web site at www.4horserides.com. If you view the photos, you will see clean, well-fed horses being used properly. I sent a note about this old 2005 report to my farrier, who also trims for Jan. My farrier keeps her horses in excellent shape and would not be friends with or work for someone who routinely abuses horses, either. She sent me a reply about this as follows: "That was Circles, I'm pretty sure...the horse that used to wander around loose eating grass, everybody's pet. Jan sold her because she was getting where you couldn't work her and keep the weight on, and she'd already spent several hundred bucks on her teeth, etc., which she told the person when she bought her. Circles wanted to go when a ride went out, and got all upset when she couldn't. After they [the buyer] got her home, they claimed she was scared of everyone, you couldn't get near her, etc. Circles, the lap pet."


Port Hope,
Wild West Ranch is a solid business

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, January 28, 2008

A couple of months ago I started looking to purchase a pony for my daughter. She is a 7 year old beginning rider. Wild West Ranch had one for sale. When I "googled" this business, I ran across this report. Thankfully, I also found other sites that had positive thing to say about them. I talked with Jan at length and decided to purchase the pony. He is just perfect for my daughter and I just wanted to let others know that Wild West Ranch is a very reputable business. They care about their animals and work hard at placing the right horse with the right individual! Thanks!!!! Clara--a very satisfied customer



#4UPDATE Employee

Mon, April 18, 2005

To get to the point your vet dont know squat about horses. Where did he get his liscense out of a CRACKER JACK BOX. Now on the regards to Jan West. She is a liscensed operator of the state of michigan and YOU or anyone else can come at anytime and inspect any of the 30 horses on the ranch. Now about CIRCLES. I know for a fact that she had her teeth floated a month or so before you bought her. Also I know the ferrier and she comes around every 6 to 8 weeks or sooner if needed to trim the hoofs of all of the horses that need it. Nobody forced you to by the wonderful horse that your daughter loves so well. You were also told that you would be given a 100% refund to bring her back to her lovely home, because we do love and miss her... If there are any skinny horses on the ranch then its becuase jan just got them and they came in that way. So why dont you get off your FAT a*s and get a life.


AS EXPECTED!!!! they abuse animals

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, April 12, 2005

Four days after i had bought the horse she was vet checked and was determand 300lbs underweight, at that time she weighed 511lbs, normal weight for a horse that is 15.3hh is approx 800lbs. The veterinarian also stated that its been atleast 6 or more months since she has seen a ferrior. vet stats, that is abuse right there!!!! Jan had told me at time of sale she was approx 18 years old, our vet stats she is 28. she has been reported! and is pending! they have all records they need, and are in the process of prosacution. Wild west ranch has been watched by, well they will know soon enough!! I understand everybody is sticking up for " freinds ", but they abuse animals, and is a proven fact!!!!!!


What proof of abuse?

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, April 04, 2005

"and it was starved and abused, they wanted 1000.00 dollars for her. I bought it for the sole purpose of feeling sorry for it. Such a sweet horse, this horse was 300 pounds under weight, and did not eat in I don't know how long." I'm curious what proof you have that this horse was starved or abused. I have spent many summers at "The Ranch" riding, grooming, and occasionally training the horses. I remember, and was fond of, this horse. (Her name at the time was Circles.) I can tell you how long ago it was that she at, that is, when ever she chose. The Wild West Ranch offeres hay to their horses 24/7 and grain to those that need it. (Circles, or Cinnimon as you call her, was frequently brought out and offered as much as she liked.) We, "the kids" at that time, always had fun brushing and loving on her. She was in fact one of our favorites and some times spoiled with lots of extra attention, and true love and care. If you are worried about her weight and/or condition have a vet check her out, but do not go filing reports on what is an apparent lack of information. Sincerely, Allegra < Horse owner, lover, and old friend of "Cinnimon".


No evidence of abuse or malnutrition

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, April 03, 2005

Just because 'The first thing cinnimon (what my daughter named her) did is lay her head gently to my daughters chest.', does not mean the horse was abused. My horse (who is spoiled rotten, and comes to you when she sees you enter the pasture), routinely does that. It usually means 'I would like to have a face rub'. There are entirely too many details left out to support any claims of abuse or malnutrition. Like another poster asked, how tall is the horse, how much did she weigh, and WHAT DID YOUR VET SAY?


I Didn't See Any Mention of A Vet's Report.

#8Consumer Suggestion

Sun, April 03, 2005

If this horse was truly that malnourished, did you contact a veterinarian immediatley and have the horse checked to verify that it was malnourished and that it had no illness or disease that would cause it? If not, do it now. Then send a repot to Rip Off verifying the information from a qualified person.


been dealing with these people for years this is a crock.

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, April 03, 2005

i have been dealing with wild west ranch for many years now, i have traded horses with them and sent people to them if they have something i lack in what my customers look for, as a longtime seller in the horse industry, i realize that it takes all kinds, to some people a horse that has wintered hard is abused, or a horse that may have needed a floating of thier teeth is neglected, i have gotten probably 20 horses from this place and they have always been what they were said to be, the only time i got a remotely thin horse was a horse that wild west ranch took in because the previous owners were starving her for reportedly kicking out at them, wild west ranch had put close to 400 lbs on this mare in 2 months, i know that they offer free choice hay for all of thier horses and have been extremely good with them all, when i first met them they took in my very skittish american saddlebred gelding and gave me a very broke horse in return, they did not let him go until they found the perfect home. what makes no sense about this is why you WOULD pay 1000 for a horse who was reportedly malnourished and neglected, you dont do that to rescue a horse, you report it to a humane society, what it sounds like to me is you went there, fell in love with said horse, tried to wiggle the price down, didnt work but you wanted said horse very badly and bought it, and got mad later because you couldnt haggle, it, if the horse was happy with your daughter then be thankful that you got a kid friendly horse so cheap, people like this are a dime a dozen, people like jim and jan west are one in a million, i also personally know that if you were unhappy they would have been more then happy to take the horse back and give you back your money, thats how they work. please stop spreading lies about such a great set of people and a wonderful operation.


been dealing with these people for years this is a crock.

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, April 03, 2005

i have been dealing with wild west ranch for many years now, i have traded horses with them and sent people to them if they have something i lack in what my customers look for, as a longtime seller in the horse industry, i realize that it takes all kinds, to some people a horse that has wintered hard is abused, or a horse that may have needed a floating of thier teeth is neglected, i have gotten probably 20 horses from this place and they have always been what they were said to be, the only time i got a remotely thin horse was a horse that wild west ranch took in because the previous owners were starving her for reportedly kicking out at them, wild west ranch had put close to 400 lbs on this mare in 2 months, i know that they offer free choice hay for all of thier horses and have been extremely good with them all, when i first met them they took in my very skittish american saddlebred gelding and gave me a very broke horse in return, they did not let him go until they found the perfect home. what makes no sense about this is why you WOULD pay 1000 for a horse who was reportedly malnourished and neglected, you dont do that to rescue a horse, you report it to a humane society, what it sounds like to me is you went there, fell in love with said horse, tried to wiggle the price down, didnt work but you wanted said horse very badly and bought it, and got mad later because you couldnt haggle, it, if the horse was happy with your daughter then be thankful that you got a kid friendly horse so cheap, people like this are a dime a dozen, people like jim and jan west are one in a million, i also personally know that if you were unhappy they would have been more then happy to take the horse back and give you back your money, thats how they work. please stop spreading lies about such a great set of people and a wonderful operation.


been dealing with these people for years this is a crock.

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, April 03, 2005

i have been dealing with wild west ranch for many years now, i have traded horses with them and sent people to them if they have something i lack in what my customers look for, as a longtime seller in the horse industry, i realize that it takes all kinds, to some people a horse that has wintered hard is abused, or a horse that may have needed a floating of thier teeth is neglected, i have gotten probably 20 horses from this place and they have always been what they were said to be, the only time i got a remotely thin horse was a horse that wild west ranch took in because the previous owners were starving her for reportedly kicking out at them, wild west ranch had put close to 400 lbs on this mare in 2 months, i know that they offer free choice hay for all of thier horses and have been extremely good with them all, when i first met them they took in my very skittish american saddlebred gelding and gave me a very broke horse in return, they did not let him go until they found the perfect home. what makes no sense about this is why you WOULD pay 1000 for a horse who was reportedly malnourished and neglected, you dont do that to rescue a horse, you report it to a humane society, what it sounds like to me is you went there, fell in love with said horse, tried to wiggle the price down, didnt work but you wanted said horse very badly and bought it, and got mad later because you couldnt haggle, it, if the horse was happy with your daughter then be thankful that you got a kid friendly horse so cheap, people like this are a dime a dozen, people like jim and jan west are one in a million, i also personally know that if you were unhappy they would have been more then happy to take the horse back and give you back your money, thats how they work. please stop spreading lies about such a great set of people and a wonderful operation.


How many hands was the horse and what was the weight?

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, April 02, 2005

How many hands was the horse and what was the weight?


Possible solution No one pays $1000 for a malnourished abused horse

#13Consumer Suggestion

Fri, April 01, 2005

It's really a shame, that anyone with an internet connection can slander innocent business owners. I have known the crew at the Wild West Ranch for years. They have one of the best riding stables left in Michigan and with a herd of over 30 horses, they have very little incentive to abuse, or malnourish any horse. I saw the horse that is being referred to here, and I can only conclude that the person filing this report, either knows very little about horses, or is possibly mentally unstable. The owners of the ranch tried on several occasions to resolve this issue, but these people are just plain strange. So my suggestion would be to report this person to the Gladwin Mental health department, in the hopes that she might be able to find the correct level of medication to provide her some mental relief. No one pays $1000 for a malnourished abused horse.

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