  • Report:  #762147

Complaint Review: William E Lane - Phoenix Arizona

Reported By:
Ashley K - Phoenix, Arizona, United States of America

William E Lane
5325 Flower St Phoenix, 85016 Arizona, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
I came to know Mr. Lane as he was a regular guest at a luxury resort where I was working.  After fequenting the resort for almost a year, Mr. lane asked me if I would like to meet him for a drink after my shift.  When we met, Mr. Lane explained to me how his background was in investment banking and he invested much of his money in the real estate market when it was strong.  He said he had started many companies of his own and had taken quite a few companies public for many clients.  He was incredibly charming, a perfect gentleman...or so it seemed. 

Over the year he had been frequenting the resort, he had made it known to several employees that he was going through a drawn out and difficult divorce.  When we began dating, he told me that he and his soon-to-be ex-wife had been separated for a couple years and the divorce was taking so long because there were "so many assests to divide". 

This all seemed believable since he went between drving a "fully loaded" Escalade and a "limited edition" Range Rover.  (What I would later discover is that they were both leased in his wife's name and were soon going to be reposessed.)  He had a collection of wathces (Hueblot, Ulesses Nardin, a 30ct diamond Icelink, etc) that was worth a couple hundred-thousand dollars.  Although he was living in a house he was renting, he took me to a house in Paradise Valley worth over a million dollars he said had to be sold due to the division of assests in the divorce.  He said he was renting until the divorce was finalized which seemed normal as I know a couple of people who rented while assests were being divided during a divorce.

Almost a month later, he moved from the house he was renting into another house he claimed to own.  (I would later discover that both this home and the home in Paradise Valley were in foreclosure, but he had no choice but to move here as he could no longer afford to pay the rent on the home he was leasing.) 

Through all of this Bill appeared to be a knight in shining armour.  He was taking me to lavish dinners, renting limousines, getting rooms at luxury resorts for in town get aways.  He truly swept me off my feet...it seemed like a modern day fairytale.  He eventually admitted he was having financial struggles due to the economy and the divorce.  He said he had invested in a local film maker several months prior to us starting to date, and he was getting into the movie indusrty as the financial and housing markets had been so hard hit. 

This guy was an amazing "salesman".  I really believed this man had made millions and with his years of business experience was going to start a movie studio with this local film maker...no doubt, it was going to be another William Lane success!

He started another "stock deal" a couple months after we started dating.  I didn't know much about that industry, and I didn't ask many questions about what he did.  Right as he began meetings to negotiate a deal with Empire Films, he was finishing up a "deal" he had been involved with for several years with a company, Pavillion Energy Resources (stock ticker PVRE).  Although it seemed his finances were tight, I'm not the type to fault someone for falling on hard financial times.  

I had fallen for this guy, hard!  I found myself doing things I had never done before...putting things on my credit card for him with the agreement the bill was he responsiblity.  I later discovered that even though I had let him put somethings on my credit card, he actually wrote down the information to that card and billed things to it (utility bills, football training for his sons, etc) unbeknownst to me.  I even webt and got all of his children's Christmas gifts...of course with the agreement he was responsible to pay the bill when it came.  (I should've known when it was less than a week before Christmas and this man had not even one gift for any of his three children what kind of person he was...but no, I just kept making excuses for his behavior.  He was really a good man just going through hard time, right?  Wrong!)

A couple months later, he "sales" me on the idea that I should start a limousine company.  As he put it, "with all the people you know in the hospitality industry, you can get tons of referals.  Then when you finally get into nursing school, the business will be up and running and you won't have to work."  He said he found two limos at a "great price" and that he would put up whatever I couldn't in start up funds as a "gift".  He said he really wanted to do this for me since I had done so much for him and he hadn't even been able to get me a Christmas gift...he said he wanted the business to be mine and mine alone, so I would take ownership of it.  Of course, he offered his "years of business expertise" to help me in the operations.  Funny, about 2-3 weeks after we got the limos, his Cadillac was repossed (and the Range Rover had been long gone).  I should mention that I even got ticket and almost arrested driving the Cadillac because even the insurance was in his soon-to-be ex-wife's name, since he had an unresolved DUI and couldn't get insurance, and she cancelled the insurance without telling him. 

At this point, I knew I was in trouble with this guy.  Although everything told me to run from him as fast as possible, at this point he owed me over $20,000.  I knew I had to get out, but I had to get the money back first.  Now he was so busted financially, he actually tried to start an escort service with a known madam, April Aguilar.  No doubt, he was cheating on me the whole time with her and countless others, but when this venture proved to be a bust, I really thought Bill was getting his act together.  He was still in negotiations with Empire Films, and the deal was finally about to close.

Bill and I ended up moving in together.  Of course, it turns Bill couldn't even get a studio apartment without a co-signer and needs me desperately to co-sign on this lease since the house he's living in closed on a short sale and he has to be out in less than a week.  Look, even I ask, "how could I possibly continue with this man at this point?"  But when I tell you this man is a professional con, you can't begin to imagine how good he is at selling his lie! 

He told me how everything was going to be different.  He finally closed the deal with Empire and has getting over $750,000 worth of stock.  He was so greatful for how I stood by him...he was going to pay off my student loans, pay off all the debthe had accrued in my name, told me to quit me job, he was going to take care of everything!

What I ended up learning was that the "stock deal" was no deal at all.  It was simply what's known as a "pump and dump" scam...and, apparently the kind of "investment banking" work Bill had dbeen doing his whole "career".  This is when things really went south!

I'm not the type to not care where the money comes from as long as it's there!  Bill started to realize I was not ok with the type of person he is...a con!  He started saying things like, "I feel like when I give you back all the money I owe you you're just going to leave me".  Duh,  everything you do is illegal and you're getting death threats from the people you've screwed over!  (Not to mention, you're a sex addict that not only cheats but gets prostitues all the time.)  Looking back, I should've seen all this coming.  As it turns out, he cheated on his third wife with his "assistant" who his wife had befriended and even paid for her divorce. 

Inevitably, I cought Bill cheating on me.  Not irronically, this happened just as Bill's attorney became aware of all the money Bill owed me, as well as, the lawsuits Bill was facing for millions.  She wrote up a contract trying to protect me and told Bill if he didn't sign it she would testify against him in court. By this time, Bill knew there was no future with me.  Although he signed the contract, he obviously never planned on making good on the deal.  In the midst of his attorney "outting" him to me, he left for Mexico (with the girl he was having the affair with).  When he came back, he said we could not continue like we were.  I agreed.

I agreed to move out of the house, as I could not afford it on my own.  He went to Flagstaff with two of his children and his new "girldfriend" while I packed my things. Imagine, going out of town with a new female, 20 years younger, and with two of your kids while the woman who supported you and your children the past year is till in the house...those poor kids!  of course, he needed her because he didn't even have a car to get to Flagstaff!

At this point, I have not only realized that Bill's "stock deals" are totally illegal (and he's "washed" the money from the Empire deal through my business account), but I also know that Bill never paid for the movie he claimed to produce and know that he has physically stolen the footage from the guy who wrote and directed it. 

Through all of this, I somehow convince myself that Bill is actually going  to make good on the contract Bill signed for the now $40,000 he owes me.  (It was actually more, but that's how much he told his attorney about).  Needless to say, Bill never made good on anything.  Even worse, he and his new girlfriend, Marjorie Allen, filed for restraining orders by saying I threatened to kill them...what?!  Eventhough Ms. Allen admitted under oath upon questioning from her own attorney that "no actual threats had been made".  The judge upheld these orders.  (Bill has since called the police on Ms. Allen as well).  I should also point out this is another trick of the conman...Bill tried to get a restraining order against Mr. Conway after Bill stole Conway's computer from his residence. 

As if that wasn't enough, he filed a complaint and got me fired from my job.  This man will not quit until he has left you with no money and no resources, so he knows you can not pursuit justice for what he has stolen from you.

Bill started a company in Nevada with the same name as my company and used to documents to transfer title on the limousines to his now fiance, you guessed it, Marjorie Allen.  Apparently, they have since split too.  
Luckily, I was able to take physical posession of one of the cars before this happened.  After spending alomst another $40,000 in attorneys fees the past year, Mr. Lane has now filed bankruptcy.  The cars are both still titles in Ms. Allen's name until a court ruling is made as to who the cars belong to.  It's absolutely sick how these criminals are able to use the law as a shield. 

It's been a year since Bill and I split...a very long year.  My purpose in writing this is so any woman who meets this man and considers dating him is forwarned:  you are nothing but a victim waiting to happen.  Bill's last wife was left filing bankruptcy.  The "assistant" he left his wife for was used to "wash" money from a stock scam in her name as well.  He used his last "fiance" to shelter assests in her name.   This man has a pattern...he's a user!  He will come off like the man of your dreams...an answer to your prayers.  It's not real!  He will leave you not only with a broken heart, he will see to it you are less than zero when he's done with you!

Do not get involved with this man for business, friendship or love.  If you are so unfortunate as to make his acquaintance, do yourself a favor and retreat immediately...nothing but misery awaits any involement with him!
Report Attachments

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Robert Conway

Los Angeles,
United States of America
How Dare You!?

#2General Comment

Sun, September 23, 2012

My name is Robert Conway and I have my own report about this disgrace of a man.  The insults and abuse you hear at a dear friend of mine is beyond offensive.  Mr. Lane is a con artist, a liar, and a fraud. BUT YOU, who post such filth about my friend have just made an enemy you will wish you didn't have!  All I can do is tell you the facts.. Mr. Lane took three years of my life but in the end I WON.  I proved what a piece of human filth he is and I got my movie back.  Ashley has been put through hell just as I have.  YOU dare to make such statements? 
Condenser yourself informed!  I am going to get to get to the bottom of this!  Why does a man in BK own two luxury cars when he owes us all money??  You think you are helping him but you just gave me the ammo I need to take him down! My name is Robert Conway my number is (((ROR redacted))).  My email is (((ROR redacted))), my address is (((ROR redacted))). Tempe, AZ.  Now you know who I am.  You can contact me any time.  I don't hide behind screen names.  We know you are a "model" on
http://stolenvirgin.com.  Funny, I wounder if the BK estate knows about Mr. Lane's porn website??   You called down some s**t I don't think you can handle!  Best,
Robert Conway

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Ashley K

anonymity of fear

#3Author of original report

Sat, September 22, 2012

While the fact you post anonymously is tragic , it is not ironic. Knowing Lane as well as I do, I can confidently say any posts (be it here, scam informer, linkedin, etc) "supporting" Lane are all made by girls he's sleeping with using fictitious names or anonymous. I would've considered this might be his third ex-wife Shawn (who is apparently back staying at his house and sheltering assests for him), but the misspelled words/typos rule her out. She might be as dirty as Lane, but at least she's educated.

Additionally, I can't see her using profanity and street slang....classy and professional! The true mark of an "employee" of B. Lane. If anonymity is important to you, you should know Lane is not only under federal investigation, there are several creditors in Lane's bankruptcy case (#2-11-BK-20177-RTB) hiring PIs to "reveal" Lane's scams and lies. Clearly, we are all sharing our information with each other, as well as, the trustee for his BK.

Based on the information I have, I'm guessing you are the "heavy set" girl that goes by "rowdy riley" on Lane's pornographic website, "stole virgin" , but is actually named Tiffany and works at the dirty dog. Apparently you are helping Lane promote this website and consider yourself his girlfriend. If you are not this person, you will be revealed soon enough as IP addresses and emails are easily traceable. This is only of importance as I will be passing Tiffany's information (and yours if indeed you are not her) along to the attorneys representing the federal government in Lane's BK.

I know they will be very interested in talking to you regarding how Lane is making/giving you money since he testified under oath that he has no income. Your statement regarding his vehicles should go on record with the court as well since he claimed to have no assests. (The court, and I, already have record of them being sheltered by both Eric Neely and Phil Allen, Lane's ex-girlfriend's father. I am awaiting receipt of confirmation of current title/registration, as the cars are now believed to be in his ex-wife, Shawn's name.

It really doesn't matter who currently holds title as they will all be charged with sheltering assets....and apparently Shawn's parents as well, for putting a condo Lane paid for in their name.) You can now consider yourself in the company of these people and anxiously await your subpoena. It could be a year from now. It could be tomorrow, but eventually, all of you will face criminal charges for helping this man.

As far as your statments that I am a "gold digger", it is impossible to use someone for something you already have. Additionally, you should know I have three degrees and counting. Aside from the fact that you have never met me and have no grounds in which to make such a statement, it is ridiculous to claim I would be with a man for money when I have worked so hard to educate myself and provide financial security for myself. If you knew me, you'd know I'm one of the most independent, intellegent women you'll ever come across! If that's not enough for you, I'd be happy to provide you with copies of the contract Lane signed that he owed me $40k and the lease to the house we lived in that I had to sign for because Lane was so busted.

Regarding the cars being repossessed, I was there when it happened. The Escalade he had when I dated him was black not pearl. As well, the Escalade and Range Rover were newer than 2005 and 2003, respectively speaking.

As far as me being mad because he "dumped me", you're wrong again. I left because I knew everything he does to make money is illegal, and he is completely devoid of moral fiber. It was actually a no-brainer. I was no only disgusted to discover what/who he really is, I had leave so as not to be accused by the courts of being part of his scams. I'll leave that for you, Marjorie, Shawn, Eric, Phil and whoever else thinks they can "profit" from knowing B. Lane.

I am also curious to know what is the phone number to the business line that you refer to. I only have record of two cell phone numbers for Lane, both of which are published in this site. Again, I know the BK court will appreciate any information regarding his "businesses" as he denies currently operating a business. Funny , since he has over 50 registered LLCs/INCs in at least 5 different states. Of course, these are nothing but names on paper to launder money made through illegal means. Several are in other people's names. Of course due to his "brilliant business mind", all have a paper trail back to him.

I'm also curious how you plan to explain the warrant issued for Lane that was posted in another report about Lane. That warrant was for failure to comply with a court order to supply financial statements in a case in which Lane has a judgement against him for $150k. I suppose that's just another "gold digger" mad Lane "dumped" her...not at all! That's money Lane owes a contractor for a house Lane will inevitablely face mortgage fraud on, along with several other properties with which Lane committed mortgage fraud.

You should really look into his current legal/financial problems before defending him in a public arena, such as the internet. It's as simple as searching the Federal and AZ superior court websites. Though I have to tell you, that's just the start. Google "William Lane powerclick". You will easily find record of the stock issued to Lane to manipulate a "pump and dump" scam, as well, the article from the LA Times about the three people sentenced to 10 years b/c Lane ratted them out to escape prison himself. He has faced federal charges in NY, FL, NV and AZ...he will certainly turn on all of you when he's forced to try to save himself again. Best of luck to you, as you are surley have no idea of how bad this man is going to use you.



United States of America
bitter b*tches

#4UPDATE Employee

Fri, September 21, 2012

I am an employee close to Mr.lane, and i think it is sad that such false accusations are made... He still has the escalade and range rover. They have not been re-possesed. He is a very successful man that does not need to prove it because it shows in the wealth and profit of his business. I am sorry he dumped u and u couldn't simply get over it. If he is soo awful why do u continue to blow up his phone?

Why did i have to answer a company phone to tell u to stop harassing. I wish you the best in your sad , jealous, pathetic, life and i hope that no one believes this crap because he is a good man and has brought good fortune and wealth to my family. I wish u luck in your endeavors to sabotage future wealthy boyfriends because its no secret your a gold digger and simply seek revenge on exes that dump you.

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