  • Report:  #495675

Complaint Review: Windrock Greyhounds Kimberly Ann Fritzler Colin Fritzler - Clifton Colorado

Reported By:
Kate L - Greenville, Texas, USA

Windrock Greyhounds Kimberly Ann Fritzler Colin Fritzler
http://www.shameonwindrock.com Clifton, 81520 Colorado, United States of America
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Report Attachments

Kim Fritzler, Kimberly Fritzler of Windrock, Windrock Greyhounds is nothing more than a low life puppy miller with a hard on for breeders more successful than she which turns out to be like 100%  of the population of planet Earth.  First of all, I am amazed and dismayed that Kimberly Ann Fritzler used my name, Kate from Greenville, to file a ripoff report against someone I don't even know, when I am another victim of Fritzler's Legacy of Greyhounds with deadly health issues and conforamtion defects.  I am one of the many victims in the documentary Fritzler's Circus of Horrors which you can find by googling that or Fritzler's Legacy.

She has bred over 100 Greyhounds with deadly health issues and confirmation defect. Visit the website by googling Fritzlers Circus of Horrors and Fritzlers Legacy to see actual Windrock Greyhounds.  You will see real advertisements and veterinary letters and vet reports, lawsuits and pictures, as well as newspaper articles and media reports on the various pages.  It is a documentary about Windrock practices, not gossip or rumor.     Take time to start with the index Fritzlers Circus of Horrors and go through the sections.  She breeds nine year old matron bitches whose sisters died in whelp with bellies full of babies.  The reward for becoming a Windrock Champion Greyhound is not retirement in old age, but rather being bred for the umpteeth time!!!!!

 Check out, Shame on Windrock  website. She advertises only one  breed of puppies for sale all the time bred out of defective pedigrees, males, females whose mothers, fathers, sisters, cousins have dropped dead prematurely of deadly health issues or have produced missing testicles, wry mouths, temperaments where Windrock Greyhounds bite their owners children, etc. etc. etc. .   Can you say puppymill, dog abuser and horrific breeder with her Greyhounds being killed by trophy deer jumping into her pens and killing her dogs!!!!!   What?????????    She also has hunting dogs, but you never see much about them. Wonder if crossing her brittanies to her greyhounds is how she came up with the white and red greyhounds. 

Kim Fritzler, Kimberly Fritzler operates in true puppy mill fashionshe lies about health testing claiming to do it, but when you check the actual OFFA health records, less than half of the tests she claims to do show up and those have nothing to do with real health and longevity. She claims to Idex test that is home testing for things like heartworm and giardia which should be prevented, not tested for and a need to cure. Its also a home test for pancreatic cancer!   Go figure that one!   Its a matter of simple caring and animal husbandry to prevent things like heartworm.  . She breeds bitches very old that should be retired at 9 years of age, but instead are having more Windrock defective Greyhound pups with the same pedigree she has bred on for years regardless of the defects produced.   The environment that she raises the puppies in is disgusting.  People who have gone there have taken pups even though they didnt want to support a puppy mill because they just couldnt leave them behind in piles of their own excrement and ridden with ticks.  There are sections on Fritzler Circus of Horrors about her Idex testing and Testing Lies where you can see her actual claims of testing vs. the real OFFA records.

 Owing to Kim's horrible reputation, no ethical breeder will sell her dogs. In fact, no breeder will sell her a Greyhound. She thought she could pull the wool over the eyes of a young couple starting in Greyhounds that the wouldnt know her reputation and would sell her one of their pups.  When they turned her town, she became abuse and added them to her list of victims about whom she lies and creates horrific stories.    No one will sell Kimberly Ann Fritzler a Greyhound, not even overseas. She is well known to  US greyhound breeders who have her blacklisted. Everyone has been on to her for years.  That is why she has to keep inbreeding the defective Greyhounds she has at home even at nine years of age.

  Kim has been brought up on charges with Greyhound Club of America and the American Kennel Club for her practices.   She has used a lawyer to threaten to sue them and thats the only reason she has not been expelled.  She resigned from one club in her area and they were so grateful to be rid of her, they were dancing in the streets.  They said they did remember when she was a normal person and ethical breeder who would help others.  Over the years, she has become a slovenly, abusive, overbearing, nasty piece of work, so different from what she once was.   You will see the pictures of Kim Fritzler then and Kim Fritzler now on the opening pages of Fritzlers Circus of Horrors.   She takes care of her dogs the same way she takes care of herself and her husband.   Take a look!

Kim Fritzler, Kimberly Fritzler  has been sued multiple times, the major one being Marzulf vs. Fritzler for breach of contract, theft, and various other things.  Visit the section Marzulf v. Fritzler.    Fritzler was found guilty on all charges.  A victimized owner had to file suit against Fritzler for her abuses. Fritzler has filed bogus workers comp claims against her former employer UPS.  Kimberly Fritzler doesn't work, and makes a living solely off of the backs of her dogs.   She has nothing to do all day except sit at the computer and further victimize her victims with more of her lies.  Fritzler relates the stories of her own abuses and uses names of her victims in place of her own.  After all, if she would ever look in the mirror and realize who she is and what she has become, shed walk out into the desert and never return.    She could not live with herself!


Multiple websites have removed the trash that fritzler has posted about a variety of her victims for abuse.   She creates fantasies about the people she has victimized projecting her pitiful life and disgusting lack of ethics and lack of quality dogs and bad breeding practices and animal husbandry  into others.   She thinks that one best in show   decades ago, makes her something important and gives her the right to continue breeding from the same pedigrees fraught with the same deadly health issues and conformation defects found in Windrock Greyhound lines.   Since no one will sell a dead cat to her, she has to continue to inbreed on the same deadly health issues and conformation defects she has bred for years. 

She became involved with another victim in Texas when a five month old Greyhound male out of Windrock Chynna Doll was sold as a show and breeding dog MISSING A t******e!!!!!!  She knew about that from the time the pup was eight weeks old, but sold him anyway as a show and breeding dog when the t******e had not dropped at five months of age. That person fought back and so has been further victimized by Fritzler.   Thats the least of what she has done to many people.   At least that dog was alive as opposed to so many Windrock Greyhounds that have died prematurely of skin cancer, brain cancer, bloat, heart defects and on and on.   She breeds them at nine regardless of the fact that they test positive for CATARACTS.  Yes, she finally has one OFFA test that was actually done and it proved her b***h has CATARACTS and she bred her anyway!    As long as she can make some money on the dogs, she would breed them at eleven!!!!! She now claims to be feed lotting cattle.  If the cows receive the same lack of care as her Greyhounds, she will be shut down by the State.  Of course, it is a fantasy that Frtizler is feeding anything except herself!!!!!

Lying and ranting are the very least of Kimberly Ann Frizlery's infractions in this
lifetime.   She has stiffed handlers and others who have provided services for her. She
has falsified papers, rabies certificates, refused to refund money until
someone sued, called peoples places of work and told lies about them, left
filthy messages on recorders ,including a death threat  see BANG BANG YOUR DEAD on the Fritzlers Circus of Horrors page.  Bred multiple litters of defective Greyhound dogs and called them rescues! Elaine Summerhill is Kim Fritzlers partner in crime and Elaine and Kim opened up a rescue where they could dump their defective Windrock and DM/Dyno-mutt Greyhounds that were returned or whose bites went bad or had other conformation defects prior to being shipped.  The page called shameonwindrock has sections on Elaine Ssummerhill and her own hypocrisy and her relationship with Kimberly Ann Fritzler.   Cobred dogs seem to have fallen off the face of the earth, including the dog with the missing t******e out of Windrock Chynna Doll.  

Nothing on those pages are hearsay. Everything on the shame on windrock page is backed by newspaper articles, media reports, OFFA testing records, Fritzlers own advertisements selling one dog on three different website puppies for sale pages, using three different names check out Blue/Dante/Keggar!  Selling the same pup on various pages with different dates of birth and different prices, but the same puppy picture!  You wont believe your eyes.   The page has actual veterinary reports, veterinary letters and actual ads by Fritzlers owners whose dogs have died prematurely.   Just start at Fritzlers Circus of Horrors and keep clicking on the various sections.    Nothing on those pages have been heard by others.  They are actual documentaries of those who have been victimized by Kim Fritzler   She is always trying to ride on the successes of others or her one claim to fame best in show dog from many years ago.   She has one Best in Fundraiser wherein a friend of hers judged.   It was a set up from the getgo.

Kim Fritzler, Kimberly Fritzler has pages and pages of horrible lies and twisted writing defaming people she has issues with on her and who she has victimized.  Check out the shame on windrock website.  Not gossip, not make believe, not fantasies as Fritzler does on her victims. PICTURES DONT LIE!  Newspaper reporters and OFFA health records dont lie.  FRITZLER LIES!!!!  The page is filled with real documentation of atrocities at Windrock which shows  the public just exactly what kind of person she is.  It becomes immediately apparent by Kims victimization of so many innocent buyers and the victimization of so many innocent dogs that she is definitely not all there and is a very sick and hateful person.

I  know that when she does come to dog shows she surrounds herself with Colin Fritzler (if youve seen him, youll understand being surrounded by him) who has to watch her back  because no one wants to be seen standing anywhere near her and no one trusts her not to do something to their dogs that are the competition and very often defeat Fritzler in the show ring and on the lure coursing field.    Kim  is not a nice person. She has been a boil on the butt of humanity for many years in the dog world and the hunting world and any other place she ventures into.  By her own admission, she has beheaded animals that can be found on the protected animal  lists.  She brags about killing and has been turned into the various departments responsible for such atrocities.   She doesnt care what she kills or how she brags about it, but she disposes of the bodies before she can be busted.   She has trophy deer jumping into her pens killing her Greyhounds, so she says.   Guess thats a heck of a story when they drop dead of bloat or heart attacks and cant be dumped into the Summerhill/Fritzler Greyhound Rescue.


She has claimed for years  to be a Best in Show Greyhound breeder even though her only BIS was decades ago. She has created a website to victimize her victims with her lies and her stolen pictures.  One such page was frozen by the webmaster for abuse.   She created another page to slander other breeders.  She started out with a relatively quality Greyhound, but so ill bred it that she has been breeding and inbreeding on the same atrocities of deadly health issues and conformation defects for so many years that she now has more than 100 Greyhounds with the same deadly health issues and conformation defects. Visit Fritzlers Legacy.


Kim Fritzler, Kimberly Fritzle, Kimberly Ann Frirzler and her cohort Elaine Summerhill are also operating a rescue condumping her own ill bred dogs into her own rescue - trying to bilk funds from the public by claiming she is a "non profit rescue." She has already been turned into the IRS for it with documentation taken from her webpages.


Kim Fritzler, Kimberly Fritzler, Kimberly Ann Fritzler, Windrock Greyhounds,  can be blamed for the current restrictive dog legislation that is descending on all dog breeders in the United States.  Her horrific breeding practices are tantamount to cruelty.  Dont be surprised if you find her Greyhounds living in wire cages above the ground, bred each heat cycle even at nine years of age.     This is just another example of one rotten apple ruining it for the good ones.  You never ever see a picture of a litter of Windrock Greyhounds from birth.  They seem to be born and then for sale and then they disappear.  More than a hundred  pups have no follow up, no owners keeping in touch, no dogs having successes over the years, not even the ones she has at Windrock.   But there are advertisements such as Angel Eyes where the owner advertised that her poor dog died of brain cancer before seven years of age.  The actual ad is on Fritzlers Circus of Horrors.


The old girls are bred to the same dogs with the same deadly health issues and conformation defects, the pups disappear and are not heard from again unless they appear the same dog three different times, with three different names, on three different websites for sale for different money as well.   Check out Fritzlers Circus of Horrors and click on Blue/Dante/Keggar.  This is just one example of Fritzlers Fraud, which is another section. Then there is Truth in Advertising and on and on and on.  

Theres no point in my citing all of the sections.  There so many and they are all backed by documentation photos, advertisements, webpages, media coverage, newspaper articles, OFFA health records, etc. etc. etc.


It is quite a horrific documentary of what one person (with a few partners in crimes) has done to the breed of Greyhounds.   She is so stupid that she claims anyone with success is jealous of her.   She claims that anyone that has more than one breed is a puppymill.  She projects her own puppy milling practices and horrific lack of ethics and lack of true caring for her dogs onto others. She creates stories and lies about those she has victimized while all the time, these stories are really about Kimberly Ann Fritzler, Kim Fritzler, Windrock Greyhounds.  She sits at the computer, cites her own horrible Greyhound stories and changes it from her own name to others.   Pitiful! 


She is truly a pitiful excuse for a human being and many people have asked God why he allowed something like her have such beautiful creatures that deserve a lovely life, not to live like pigs in filth (or cow poop as she now claims to run a cattle feed lot) and bred as matrons with deadly health issues and conformation defects, continuing to reproduce more Windrock defective Greyhounds.     God has not yet answered except by using her as an example and using  Windrock as a lesson for the rest of us about how not to treat Gods creatures with which we are blessed.


She may be a member of a National Breed Club, but that is because she joined when she actually cared about Greyhounds and others.   However, Kimberly Ann Fritzler, does not abide by their code of ethics and she has also been brought up on charges with Greyhound Club of America and the American Kennel Club. GCAs Board has been threatened by Fritzler with lawsuits if they expel her and, while anyone can file a frivolous lawsuit in the USA, none of the Board wants to defend against one.  The AKCs r stance is that they are a registering body period.   If Fritzler keeps her paper records straight, there is nothing they can do about her abuse of dogs and people that have the misfortune to know her.

By her own history Kim Fritzler, Kimberly Fritzler is a person completely lacking  ethics and morals and her puppy mill practices reveal clearly that she is  not a responsible breeder and has no heart!  God help the dogs she still has and the poor cattle she is claiming to feed out. The only ones that eat at Windrock are Fritzler and her husband Colin.


She claims to be Windrock, Inc. as if that means anything and that has scared off some people from suing her.   Being an Inc. means nothing.  If you have a few hundred bucks and a computer, you too can be an Inc.  Just google Legalzoom.com and see the process.   She is nothing.  Dont be duped by Inc. after her kennel name.  Inc. makes her no less unethical or a puppy mill breeding matron Greyhounds with cataracts, deadly health issues and other conformation defects.


Some words of advice: 

 Please google Fritzlers Circus of Horrors!  PLEASE!!!!!

Report Attachments

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Sherry Rodarmor of Shefaro Is Guilty of Writing Bogus Reports Against WINDROCK

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, February 19, 2010

Firstly, consumers should know that ripoffreport.com is basically a non-edited database of "consumer complaints" of questionable validity. Anyone can file a "report" and say virtually anything about a person or company regardless of the merit or validity of the claim (many companies have things posted like "The CEO is a pedophile"). RipOff then publishes the report which is then posted and for many companies instantly shows up on page 1 of Google or like search engines. Rip off Report will not remove the report. They allow the person to post a rebuttal - or for a fee, the "editor" will post something next to the claim stating that it is false.  Operating under this format, RipOff.com is basically nothing more than an extortion scheme.
My husband Colin Fritzler, and I Kimberly Fritzler and our WINDROCK Inc corporation have been repeatedly victimized by Sherry Rodarmor, a person who we have NEVER had any dealings with. Sherry Rodarmor is a person with ample time and a obvious vendetta and she is guilty of writing and publishing pages of bogus Ripoff reports under multiple aliases as Rip Off will not even verify identity, let alone do any verification of legitimacy of content.
This particular report is only one example. WINDROCK has never dealt with a person from Greenville, Texas.  Sherry's MO of fabricating a "Windrock dissatisfied customer" and publishing same on Rip Off and other complaint forums is easily seen.
We invite interested parties to contact us at our website of http://www.windrockhounds.net.  The shameonwindrock link is a hate speech site slandering many people and is traceable to Sherry Rodarmor's IP address and links off of her Shefaro. website.
Kimberly A Fritzler

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