  • Report:  #2343

Complaint Review: Woodfin Oil Company - Mechanicsville Virginia

Reported By:
- richmond, va,

Woodfin Oil Company
8180 Mechanicsville Turnpike Mechanicsville, 23111 Virginia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I contracted with Woodfin Oil in Richmond, Virginia to perform a $70 cleaning and inspection.The company,without my knowledge or authorization,made a $435 repair. In addition,my furnace which had been operating flawlessly,would not cut on.

When I complained to company that I wanted the furnace returned to it's original condition, they said that their mechanic determined work needed to be done and I was responsible whether I authorized it or not.

I got another heating and oil company to correct the work.Have been to BBB and Va. Consumer Affairs group-am now headed to court to contest charges.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Late but necessary response

#2UPDATE Employee

Tue, April 16, 2013

To whom it may concern:
I have just stumbled upon your post and apologize for your unsatisfactory experience.  Not having your information I am not able to pull up your account and look into this further.  However, I am sure by now the issue has been addressed and resolved.  However, if it has not please contact us and we will be glad to look into it and make the situation right.

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