  • Report:  #1375080

Complaint Review: Worthy Christian Forums - Internet

Reported By:

Worthy Christian Forums
Internet, USA
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Report Attachments

I joined "Worthy Christian Forums" and moderators committed libel against me by publically brandishing me a nonbeliever which is committing libel, censoring my posts, and removing my church's URL from my profile to prevent its members from being exposed to real truth. See screen captures attached to this report.

This was in response to two threads.  One thread asked "What does your church teach and the other "why do you believe". My church teaches directly how to become immortal via converting false beliefs into true ones, also known as repenting, and growing the soul, also known as praying for the waters of everlasting life.  In the second thread I responded to the question why I believe is because what you believe in determines your fate.  You believe in something to establish that future destiny.  CHristanity teaches that if you believe in Jesus that you'll enter hte kingdom of god, but that believe only applies to people who heard Jesus' instruction on how to become immortal via going to heaven and become born again.  If you believe in someone you will heed what they instruct but if you don't then you will not heed instruction and that is a teaching about the relationship between beliefs and fate, which also reveals the truth of social engineering/brainwashing.  The belief that Jesus is your savior has murdered billions of christians because that's not possible and Worthy Forums is working to protect lies which is what satan is and what the anti-christ is. This makes Worthy Christian Forums a promotor of anti-christ and satanism.

Jesus taught people how to identify false beliefs in their soul and transform them into truth as he said truth will set you free, not Jesus will set you free. Doctrine is brainwashing.  It is specific things to believe in, but Jesus did not teach specific things to believe in and that's because the mistake of a child like soul will believe in things that are not true as a mistake and therefore those mistakes need only be corrected.  Each memory contains a belief and if those beliefs are not true they are identified and/or recognized as painful emotions.  It is a process one engages their own consciousness to remove satanic/false beliefs which opens the door to heaven which is a connection to their own soul.  I teach people in my church how to do this, how to walk the path to Christ, yet according to the slanderous Worthy Christian Forums I am a 'nonbeliever'.  What a joke.  

WOrthy CHristian Forums accused me of not believing in Scripture.  Of course I don't believe in scripture.  I believe in walking the path.  Scripture just brainwashes.  Jesus is quoted to having said in the Essene Gospel of Peace the following, "There is none yet among you that can understand all this of which I speak. He who expounds to you the scriptures speaks to you in a dead tongue of dead men, through his diseased and mortal body. Him, therefore, can all men understand, for all men are diseased and all are in death. No one sees the light of life. Blind man leads blind on the dark paths of sins, diseases and sufferings; and at the last all fall into the pit of death."  Like what Jesus said here the founder and moderators of Worthy Christian Forums know nothing of Christ, and just speak in dead tongue (aka scriptures not understood) and only create dead and dying followers.  Christianity is a religion of death and lies.  

Worthy Christian Forums operates like a satanic secret society.  THey have an "inner court" of believers and an "outer court" of nonbelievers.  If you believe what they do then you get in to the inner court, but it's not about what God believes.  The founder of Worthy Christian Forums state, "Oftentimes I learn by realizing other avenues of thinking presented by various believers. By allowing various avenues of thoughts we expand our horizons and allow the Spirit of God to realign our thoughts with the mind of Christ and continue our growth".  Based on your actions, so as long as you do not disagree with hte doctrine of the forums, which contradicts this statement.  I figured being someone who knows the path to everlasting life in the phsyical body as Jesus taught I would be welcome at Worthy CHritian Forums, but I found out that I was very, very wrong.    

Before posting this report I contacted the forum administrators and asked that they stop slandering my name as a nonbeliever and that I would give them 24 hours before taking other action.  I gave them 48 hours and they've totally ignored the request so they not only slander people, they do it deliberately and premeditatively as criminals. 

9 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
A Nonny Mouse Is A Family Member of Worthy Christian Forums! Using a banned members name 4 this rebuttal

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, August 13, 2019

A Nonny Mouse is likely the wife of the owner, George Whitten. 

George is the owner. And yes, this is a business because they accept donations to keep what they call a ministry up and running. There is no ministry. There is the overhead George has in running Worthy Christian Forums, and there's his mortgage on the mansion he lives in in Arkansas. Though his board profile claims he lives in Tel Aviv. He lies. He's also "One Light" on WCF. 

Worthy is owned by a family of atheists. It isn't the only site they own. And this site isn't the only one where members who know firsthand the truth go to try to save real Christians from real POE Trolls @ Worthy! Word spreads. Especially when the arrogance of a George type starts a Christian forum to bait actual Christians so he and his kin can exercise a two prong attack. One prong are the unbelievers @ WCF. The other are the POE (Poe's law , i.e. fakes who pretend to be Christian in all ways always), Fakes who either defend against the "atheists" , who are actually their family and friends. Or, they post wrong doctrine and insist it is correct just to watch real Christians try to persuade them to unlearn the lies. 

Worthy is lies. A real Christian knows the human race is not worthy of salvation due to our sinful nature. This is why "George" came up with the forum name for this site. It should act as a forewarning. These aren't real Christains because real Christains don't believe they're worthy . But instead real Christians do join. And the real atheist family of George and brood feast for fun and make big $ on all their Christian sites that the family owns. Learn about that at these links. 


And the rip doesn't go unnoticed at other review sites either. http://www.scamion.com/worthy-christian-forums-27


A Nony Mouse is one of the worst offenders at Worthy. They're a "Moderator", who are actually referred to as Watchmen @ Worthy,  there and they banned someone named Anonymouse years ago.

Now Worthy scans the net to find reviews that tell the truth about their forum. And they log on to rebutt using the names of members they've banned thinking those members are the one's writing the reviews due to their bad experiences. 

They may be right. However, I know the real Anonymouse from a different Bible study forum. And they told all about Worthy there. That's how we know this A Nonny Mouse is the wife of "George". 

Real Christians do not patronize WCF. Unless or until you're ready to be abused. As soon as you're found out to be a real Christian there's a target on your back. Worthy Christian Forums is a business scam and evil. Please don't join . But do pass the word. 

God Bless. 

It is a business: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=george+whitten





North Carolina,
United States
Not A Great Place For All

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, August 10, 2019

 The problem with Worthy Christian Forums is that they claim to be okay with all views that are within their Statement of Faith, but that is not true. They claim that they are a place of good Christian fellowship, and that they are neutral on all but the basic doctrines mentioned in their SOF, but they are really an indoctrination place for unconditional eternal security.

If you hold to the Once Saved Always Saved doctrine, you can get away with almost anything. If not, you are there for the purpose of being converted or used to give them arguments they can defeat. If you become too much for them, especially if you make George, their owner look bad, they will look for some charge against you in order to place you on Moderator Review where you need permission to post anything, or they will ban you. If you go in there and look at how many threads there are about OSAS, many started by George the owner, it becomes obvious what they are doing.

They find ways to turn threads into discussions about OSAS that have nothing to do with it. I know first hand how deceitful the leadership can be. I was a member there for 15 years and they accused me falsely of not believing in the inerrancy of scripture, when they knew that was false. It was over something not in their Statement of Faith. Unless you believe in OSAS, and are okay with a place that uses deceit to win converts, not to Jesus, but to OSAS, you don't want to go anywhere near Worthy Christian Forums.


Not the way Christians should behave

#4General Comment

Thu, May 09, 2019

I joined recently and was banned shortly thereafter.  I can only say that the people in charge over there do not behave in a Christian manner.  At a normal online forum people discuss issues they disagree on, but not there.  At worthy christian forums if you don't agree with everything in their "statement of faith" (which is very thorough and specific) you are promptly banned from posting.  

Not only are you not allowed to proclaim a different interpretation of scripture, but you get no warnings and no opportunity for appeal.  You are blocked from posting, black listed as "non-Christian" and that's the end of it.  I'm not surprised to see so many complaints about this site.  Those people don't know what it means to be Christian.

I even started there, with my very first post, asking very clearly "what am I not allowed to say here?  what will get me banned?"  I did not get a clear answer, and I was also not able to respond to the answer I got.  So I posted a second thread with a follow up question, but I still was not able to respond to my own thread, so it was very difficult to have this discussion with the moderators there to find out what the rules were.

Having not received a satisfactory answer to my question and having no ability to post follow up questions or further discuss my initial request, I proceeded to post in the eschatology forum, shortly after which I was blocked from posting.  I'm very disappointed and very frustrated by these people and I do not recommend any Christians join this forum because you will not be treated fairly.


United States
Worthy Christian Forums knows about this report

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, May 06, 2019

The person who claimed no one with an intellect would believe Worthy is a cult is one of the Moderators of Worthy Christian Forums. 

That kind of dismisive personal attack is precisely what lurks at Worthy. And under many different names, screen names, on the board. 

Worthy is owned by a man who claims to live in Tel Aviv Israel. He doesn't! He has a really nice house in Arkansas. In fact that is the headquarters for WCF. People naive enough to donate to WCF "ministry, the forum is that ministry, helped to pay for that really nice brick house. 

The moderators, like One Light, who is the owner of WCF's sock account, are family ! This is why they can brek the rules even under their sock account disguise and still post. While those they bait to respond in kind are prosecuted by the rules. 

Whatever you do DO NOT ever donate to Worthy using PayPal! Consider this when using PP for any online purchase. PP reveals your legal name, address, and phone number and the last 4 of your card or bank account when you pay on-line. 

You do not want the creaturs of WCF to know this information. Because the other way they make money for their fake ministry is they sell that contact information. Call lists, think unsolicited sales calls galore. SPAM email lists, when you give your email at registration or when using PP to donate. And your home address as well, so you get galore junk mail. 

All this is possible through Pay Pal and your forum registration. 

Also, and lastly, be aware that Worthy Christian Forums owns two other Christian forum sites. And their family are Moderator and Administrators there too. 

Christforums.Com and Christianforums.net. 

They aren't Christian. They're capitalist materialist POE's. 

Trust this warning. I know the family. The owner patriarch has a picture of himself in Israel on his account. You're suppose to think that proves he lives in Tel Aviv Israel. No, that proves he visited Israel. It is all part of the con to get your money. 




United States
I know about Worthy

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, September 15, 2018

I met a couple who told me something about Worthy.  I cannot repeat it here.  What's bad about Christian forums is the lack of accountability of the moderators who often engage in sinful behavior. I'm a Christian writer and am currently writing an article on it.  Some churches are pharasaical but what we're seeing is the same pharasaical issues cropping up in forums.  In fact, in the course of my research for the article, I've found forums to be worse because there is less accountability.

Shake the dust off of your feet. Be glad you got out when you did.


United States
Worthy Ministries forum is a Dispensationalist circle jerk.

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, May 14, 2018

If you don't meet Worthy's cultish version of Christianity, they declare you non-Believer and limit your access, even if you haven't violated any of their rules or their Statement of Faith.  They should amend their statement of faith by adding that they believe Antichristian followers of Rabbinical Judaism are God's chosen people (which earns my agreement with the accusation that Worthy is Satanic society).  However, regarding the Original Report, the poster says he doesn't believe scripture, but Worthy's Statement of Faith says the Bible is "the exhaustive, inerrant and inspired word of God."  

A Nonny Mouse

A tree is known by it's fruit

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, July 09, 2017

All anyone needs to do, is to go to Worthy Christian Forums, and read the posts, read the doctrinal statement, read the articles and blogs, etc. and any one will quickly discern, who here is truthful, and who is lying.

No one with a hint of mental health, will perceive Worthy Christian forums as Satanic or a cult. That is some chip you have on your shoulder there. I ask that those who know the Lord, to please pray for the author of the original report here. Thank you, and may God richly bless you as you follow His Son.

Evil Can't Recognize Itself

#9Author of original report

Sun, July 09, 2017

Saying your forum is a great place is like saying Hitler was great from the perspective of the SS.  Ask the Jews and you'll get a totally different assessment.


No one advertised on the forum.  Instead, questions were answered and a place for a website, which the forum had a place for, was filled out.  That's not "advertising".  Your response is slander/libel and apparently you can't admit to your own wrongdoing but instead have to try to defame the character who filed the complaint.   

You actually accuse of being offended?  Christianity has deceived an approximation of 63 billion people from the truth of what Jesus was really about and it ended in their death, not everlasting life.  This is how you defend your death cult?  Playing ignorant, making false claims to badmouth people who would openly speak about the disgusting cult nature of your "forum".


Insinuating not being mature?  Is that like the political democrats that accuse anyone who disagrees with them of being racist?  Do you just insinuate that everyone else is wrong and commit defamation of character when you are the ones that engage in cult practices? 


Bottom line is your forum promotes satanic doctrine that deceives people from the real truth of christ and silences those who disagree and have solutions to protect the failed system of Christianity and that quantifies your forum as evil.  It is you who is offended and projecting that onto your victims what you're guilty of because people decided to not just sit back and cower in compliance to your silencing and speak up about it and let others know of your evil.

A Nonny Mouse

What a great place, don't be silly!

#10Consumer Comment

Sat, July 08, 2017

Worthy Christian Forums, is a wonderful place, full of wonderful people, including those who manage it. This is not a business, so it is hard to figure out why anyone would call it a ripoff, when there is no charge.

The people there are helpful, and the place of full of useful information, what a resource.

Since it is a religious institution, one should not expect that they would treat all religions or opinions, equally. It is frivollous to think, that one should be able to do to their website, and then use it as free advertising to promote one's own religion or church, or website. If one wants to do that, buy an ad somewhere.

That people will not appreciate a website like Worthy Christian forums, is not unexpected. However, sometimes people just need to me mature, and not go to sites that offend them, no one makes anyone go there. 

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