  • Report:  #1190443

Complaint Review: WRBS Shine FM 95.1 - Baltimore Maryland

Reported By:
Realtor in Maryland - Baltimore, Maryland,

WRBS Shine FM 95.1
3500 Commerce Drive Baltimore, 21227 Maryland, USA
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FIRST, I was SOLD a bill of goods! The presentation given by the salesperson was wonderful and the numbers looked good. I signed a contract which is the only way you can advertise with this station. I advertised through the Summer of 2014.

My commercial was awesome however I made my salesperson aware the first week that I was nervouse about the time slot. Saturdays from 10-3...3 spots. I felt as if no one listened to Christian Radio during this time.

"Oh, no...we have LOTS of listeners..you will do fine...give it some time". The second week into it I expressed concerns because I had not received one phone call nor any additional clicks on my website. (I have a form for buyers/sellers to fill-out if intersted in my services).

Several months went by....NO CALLS....NOT one person filled out my form to search for a home...sell a home...inquire about a home...NOTHING....My intuitions became reality. This was a lousy time slot and I paid full price for it. I was scammed from the beginning and felt cheated. I asked that the commercials immediately end however I was under contract. I stopped paying at this point. Then I received the endless emails..."Your account is pass due"

Once my contract ended the Salesperson was either fired or left the company and I received a letter from the General Manager Steve Lawhon demanding payment.

This was my letter to him:

95.1 Shine FM
3500 Commerce Drive
Baltimore, MD. 21227
Steve Lawhon, General Manager
Dear Mr. Lawhon,
I just received you letter today concerning the outstanding balance I owe your company for advertising I was sold from your salesperson. She was fantastic and this letter is not concerning her.
First, it is my intention on getting this matter resolved as quickly as possible so our relationship can end in a professional manner without any further action being taken from you.
Second, I wanted to share with you that with all the weeks I signed up for with my advertising, I have yet to have received one phone call or inquiry through my website asking for services. This entire advertising campaign has become a huge disappointment to me and to those in my circle that have asked "Did it work?". I am embarrassed to say, it has not.
I complained early on concerning the time slot given me yet nothing changed. The complaints came because I received no phone calls or inquiries through my website. I even checked the stats on my site which are easy to do (Weebly.com) and did not find the clicks I was hoping for.  I asked that my time-slot be moved yet it did not happen. I drove to work every morning frustrated hearing (My Competitors) commercials and endorsement by Shine FM and yet felt I was placed on the back shelf at mid-day on Saturday's knowing I could not stop my commercial by contract.
The few settlements I have coming in will go towards the outstanding bill I have with your station.
I wish your station the best in the future and hope you will be more forthcoming to advertisers about their possible return on advertising dollars spent with your station.
I emailed this letter to Steve Lawhon, General Manager of WRBS, Shine FM 95.1 in Baltimore on October 24th with NO REPSONSE. In mid November I received a certifed letter demanding payment. Now I am also receiving phone calls from a collection agency. His poor business practice of not communicating with a client to rectify this matter in the early stages leaves a lot to be desired and it is my mission at this point to get the word out to NOT do business with ANY Radio or TV Station that is not willing to work with a client if they are not seeing a return on an advertising investment.

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