  • Report:  #665725

Complaint Review: www.mrsleepnow.com David Coon Group - Idaho Falls Idaho

Reported By:
KirkT - Pocatello, Idaho, United States of America

www.mrsleepnow.com David Coon Group
1079 Johndon Road Idaho Falls Idaho Falls, Idaho, United States of America
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Report Attachments
Working first hand with this individual I witnessed a bunch of acts of lack of integrity. Where to begin. First is his success rates.

He claims 80-90% success rates. Well that is as he blames you for all the reasons his techniques are weak and dont work... almost at all.

We did a stop smoking cessasion which Every hour he'd light up to get ready for his next quit smoking seminar. At the time I did my research of the 11 people and 2 who couldn't be reached who came to the seminar 1 person quit smoking and/or was losing weight! 9% is a far cry from his 80%+ success rates.

The only person who paid him 1800 for the Hypno-band weight loss system hasn't lost a pound according to Dave.

The instant inductions success rates that he claims are a fraction of what he claims closer to 30-40% so many people have made him look like an a*s.

The last part of this that is absolutely gross was when we did October Fest together and asked a 13 year old or 14 year old child to show the audience her sexy face. I don't about others having a 12 year old myself I'd sure want to beat this guy!

The other cool things I witnessed was him asking a 17 year old waitress if she wanted the orgasm finger. Just a sick individual.

Two reasons coming out with this. First is he failed to do a smoking sessation with me perhaps it was because he was smoking during the session or perhaps because he reads a book every time he does his smoking class.

The second is he tried getting money out of me for the smoking session that failed I actually paid for another smoking program and the next day used that program and that worked. I was smoking the same day I did David's class.

The third reason is this guy lost his home. Because he wouldn't pay his bills. Second he almost lost his car because he didn't pay his bills. Somehow I thought he'd pay me as agreed. Nope he doesn't pay his bills. Then accuses me of stealing making up lies on Police Reports and then wants the video that he never paid for that was taken on my personal camera.

He was foreclosed out of his more on 213 Tyra and now resides in the lovely rental residence of 1079 Johnson behind Winco. IF you are  short on bullshit or need to hear a lot of lies go visit David Cee.

If you need someone to owe you money then make up lies about you simply and easily just do business with this hero. Eventually he will get you also.

Stage Hypnotist video with him telling crowd why that everyone in Idaho Falls is scared of him available upon request. Want to see him trying to seduce a 13-14 year old child into a sexy face on video gladly would share.

Thanks Dave. I spent a lot of time effort and energy assisting you YOU ARE A LOSER!
Wondering if he is still collecting disability while collecting 1000's of dollars of month by ripping off customers with FAKENOSIS?

BAD GUY STAY AWAY. Business or personal!

2 Updates & Rebuttals

John Maclean

United Kingdom
This man is not a Hypno Band practitioner

#2General Comment

Thu, February 17, 2011

This report contains references to Mr. Cee as using the Hypno Band weight loss system and ripping off clients. He is not and has never been a Hypno-Band Licensed Practitioner. The Hypno-Band Weight Loss System is a registered trademark wholly owned by me (John Maclean) and we have over 400 Licensed Practitioners in 16 countries. These incorrect references are a slur on the character of both our company and our practitioners and should be removed immediately. I trust that in the interests of accuracy and honesty you will remove all references to our trademarked product.


John Maclean



United States of America
More ripoffs of David Coon Group of businesses

#3Author of original report

Mon, December 06, 2010

Some other things that are strange business practices of this individual. First to join a Swingers group with the primary purpose of Gaining more hypnosis business is wrong. Not for your marriage only but also for your business practice. The only reason he joined this group was to gain more business.

Another horrifying business practice and is the fact that for Corporate Events his idea of customizing the event is to just change a few words. And they would never know. He is extremely lazy and out for one thing. Money.

While collecting Disability he claimed to have made $63,000 dollars this year. Either another one of his personal lies or inflamations of his mental illness who knows. I don't know about you personally I find this quite wrong.

Disability is made for those with disability not for those who are making a minium of $2000 a month like David. He does $1800 Hypnoband weight loss, $300 quit smoking sessions, collects $120 an hour on skype and then grabs off the government dole. Not nice.

He does deserve good things. Has a kind heart. Means well I just hope he grows up. At age 44/45 it might not be too late. I love David and his family. Just wanting businesses to be weary.

I have watched him take a few. Watched a lady who didn't lose a pound spend $1800 then do a seminar to hopefully get a year worth of services up front is not good business practice. Later he told me the only real reason to do that seminar was to get the check from her and her husband for a year of services up front.

Not realizing until after the fact, he has taken quite a few people. The reason we couldn't contact his customer base is he was scared to piss off the people he already ripped off and I now know to watch carefully whom I associate. Test people for a period of time. Wish I had. Wouldn't be out several 1000's of dollars.

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