  • Report:  #797489

Complaint Review: www.spsreviewforum.com - Internet

Reported By:
Mary - , Texas, United States of America

Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I got SCAMMED by SPELL CASTERS too many times and when I found "Spells, Psychics, Spirits Review Forum. Seeking for true and genuine online practitioners. Open forum for members to share honest comments and reviews" I THOUGHT they were the real deal. Members warned me who was fake and told me who was good. I tried two WICCANS and one HOODOO MAN who the forum said had real power. They stole my money and I have no results!! Now I keep getting spam in the email from the forum also!! Stop sending me emails I DONT WANT TO USE ANY OF THE FAKE CASTERS YOU SAY ARE REAL ON YOUR WEBSITE THANK YOU!!

14 Updates & Rebuttals


Va Beach, Va ,
I want to recant my previous defense of the Sps Review Forum.

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, September 19, 2015

It appears I defended a forum that is in fact in the wrong!! There was no way of knowing that when I did post in "Hope's" defense and M. Miller's. I honestly thought there were attacks set out to harm a forum owner trying to honesyly help indivduals from the threats and scamming from Nigerian scammers. It became apparent after a time on that forum "Hope" was not just attacking scammers, but in fact good people who had the best of intentions. of helping people. 


"Hope" and that forum has become everything I disliked about the threatening scammers. That is not what I signed up for! Quit the forum years ago and see now she is using entrapment to humilate and ridicule others on the net and defame people's characters and businesses in such a way that no logic explains.  Don't know if the site was started wiith good intentions, or if this was the plan all along. Trying to help people in finding and reporting this. I've Made Reports on Pi*sed xxxxxx and I am encourging those harmed by her slander to seek legal justice. I have posted on the P. Off Consumer report for all to see that all my posts be taken off that forum. I am not in any way in support of what they are doing now!!



SPS Review Forum Member (not Hope)

#3General Comment

Wed, August 26, 2015

I joined SPS Review Forum in April of this year.  I was approved for membership in May.  The reason this happens is to weed out those who would advertise their services on this site.  Since the site is a review of people's experiences with supposed spell casters and psychics, this is very important.

Since I have been a member, now a verified member, not one person has guided me to any services, recommended or otherwise.  Usually, someone will pose a question about a psychic or otherwise, and members will discuss their merits or faults, usually the latter.  Hope only intervenes when it is against site policy.

The website does not allow promotion of anyone, any business or otherwise.  I found this site because I was scammed by people claiming to have powers.  And, as it turns out, at SPS, I found others had been taken by the same people.

I will point out it is my belief that people claiming to have powers usually don't and have found out that the internet is a quick and reliable way to scam people and make a lot of money.  This website exposes these people.

Since I have had to register with Rip-Off Report, Rip-Off Report knows I am not the owner of the website.  Also, I am not being paid by her nor have I been asked for any favors by her.  I am just a person that believes in what is right, and exposing all of these charlatans is right.

I have been accused of being Hope by one of these charlatans.  When I showed them photographic proof they did not respond. 

Most members are there as they have lost a relationship and have been scammed by so many of these charlatans, like the ones that started this report against SPS Review Forum.  And no one is telling them where to go to get answers.

Hope frequently will respond and tell members to search the forums to see what others say.  The others are not phony members.  They are real members and some I am in touch with outside of the forum. 

To those of you who are making the slanderous allegations against SPS Review Forums, I wish you luck in trying to see it close.

I have been spending some time at the site educating those on what options they have when they are scammed by the charlatans claiming to be successful spell casters and psychics.  The money I lost at a low period in my life woke me up to this huge network of scammers and charlatans.

These people are the worst in the world, the lowest of low lifes as they prey on others misfortune.  SPS Review Forum lets them know that we, the people they scammed, are on to them and their tricks and we wont be fooled by them and their friends again.

In closing, I would like to thank Hope publically for making this site.  We have a place to express our opinions of truth, the truth about liars and fakirs, about people who decieve, about those that commit extortion to force others to give them money using threats of black magic.

To those of you who started this phony report on SPS Review Forum, I hope at some point you get arrested for fraud and extortion, the same thing you are blaming SPS Review Forum of.  There is no fraud there, only truth, the truth about all of you frauds.


United States of America
A Fake Psychic Got Caught & Now They File A Rip Off Report

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, February 23, 2013

I peruse metaphysical forums as a hobbyist. The forum being called a rip off is simply a bunch of customers sharing their experiences with metaphysical sellers. You can not be ripped off by this forum because they aren't selling anything.

It is obvious that a fake psychic got flagged and they are striking back. If I was the owner of the forum I would wear this Rip Off Report like a badge of honor. She finally made a fake seller loose business by educating the consumer.

A Big Standing Ovation For http://www.spsreviewforum.com/

P.S. I have been a forum member for a few months and haven't received one email from the site. I smell a big load of Bull Puckey!


United Kingdom
www.spsreviewforum.com is a scam operated by a WWW TROLL

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, April 09, 2012

The fearless HOPE forum admin, is a bloke (the male aggression is so obvious), the same guy who lives in fantasy land and pays actors to model for his fictional characters. He can fake up anything. His never-ending daily posting regarding Jan Windglows, Janhette Windglows, James Morgan/Micheal Jenkins, Mike Cahill are the work of a WWW TROLL with no life.

This evil creatures spends his days hiding behind a keyboard: http://www.ripoffreport.com/wanted-criminals/jan-windglows-and-ji/jan-windglows-and-jim-morgan-r-bb3ec.htm

Theres pages of this tale.

What sane person would keep adding to this junk daily?


No one stole your money.

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, January 13, 2012

You gave it away.  You were ripped off at birth and also the education system ripped you off.  You just don't get it do you?


More lies and false allegations against the spsreviewforum.com

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, January 13, 2012

How could you loose all that money to a free forum?

At the www.spsreviewforum.com we do not make you buy anything, even donations are voluntary.

I have never seen so many bad things said about a free site for accepting donations, are you going to slander the rip off report for accepting donations too?

We do not endorse practitioners, the only explanation to your post is that you are one scammer exposed in the forum and your scamming business is drying, do not blame others.

We expose scammers, stop making lies and fake reports, it is illegal to forge documents and publish them, I hope you can find a real job and make lots of money honestly without scamming.

Thank you


United States of America
Spsreviewforum.com is a FAKE Psychic Review Forum

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, December 28, 2011

  1. I know this forum and I know it is a FAKE Psychic Review Forum

  2. I lost $1400 because of www.spsreviewforum.com

  3. They try to hurt the competition and promote their own psychics scam
Why is spsreviewforum.com protecting some psychics from the Google search results?

Excuses like "stopping spam" or "privacy" make no sense because anyone can register to the forum and read them. The only reason is an attempt to promote their own psychics (they usually work in groups) and hurt the competition.

The admin of www.spsreviewforum.com found a pretty unique way to get attention to his scam artists.

They state that they try to find the frauds but what they are really doing is a sneaky way to promote their own list of recommended frauds.

This is a new psychic scam called the Spells Psychics Spirits Review Forum



From Hope

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, December 28, 2011

I am Hope, owner and founder of the spsreviewforum.com (former spellscams.freeforumsblog.com/) This report is part of a defamation campaign started against me and my forum by a group of scammers exposed on the forums.

We have been bullied and harassed by this group for the last few months.

Anyone interested in reading about all the fake reports and lies about us, feel free to visit the forum, we have a topic with the links to all the reports I find: http://www.spsreviewforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=526

The accusations go from ridiculous to risible, so far they claim the forum is run by a "group psychics", Hope blackmails physics, Hope spam email  accounts, Hope steals personal information, , Hope deletes posts, Hope  bans members, Hope extorts members, Hope charges for referrals, Hope is a member of an organized crime, Hope is a psychic in Singapore, a woman in India, Hope is from UK, Hope is associated to psychics and  spellcasters, Hope owns spellcasters sites, Hope invents fake casters,  Hope promotes sites, Hope is another scammer, Hope is vindictive ... and
the list goes on and on, when all that Hope does is to make it possible for members to EXPOSE SCAMMERS LIKE YOU, making up lies and fake reports about Hope and the forum is not going to make us go away.

Last month they sent an email to the spallcasters and psychics discussed and exposed on the forum instigating them to file reports against us, this  email says it all:

You have been featured on the websites spellscams.freeforumsblog.com and spsreviewforum.com These websites are run by a group of psychics. You may have been unfairly accused of being a psychic scammer. These forums are themselves, in fact, scams attempting to defame you and steal business from you.If  you would like the whole world to know that they are scams you do have recourse. You can post, for free, that they are scams on one or more of  the following websites: ( I did not get the links, but I am sure they  point to the reports mentioned above) This is worth your time. It will only take a second to do so. And it will ensure that when people search for one of these websites that they hear your point of view. It will ensure that when people search for "spsreviewforum" for example that they do not take the negative reviews about you as seriously.Google "spsreviewforum" and see what I mean.

Your Friend,
A Fellow Psychic

This email explains the reason behind this defamation campaign, they cannot shut us down, therefore they need to put us down.

To keep the record straight, Hope and the spsreviewforum.com are NOT associated with any spellcaster or psychic, Hope does not endorse any practitioner and does not blackmail or bribes anyone.

I protect the identity of all the members of my forums the same way I protect mine. How and why is my identity so important? I have a job and a family and the last thing I want is for some low life scammer to ruin my  personal life with false claims. I do not sell anything, my forum is just a review site and for obvious reasons we all need our privacy protected in order to be able to speak freely.

Not believing on  spells or psychics does not give anyone the right to attack us or call us scam, please respect our beliefs the same way we respect yours.

Most members are very happy to find the forum; we help and support each other, we bring awareness on scams and expose scammers, feel free to join the spsreviewforum.com and see for yourself (scammers are not welcome)

Hope it helps



United States of America
Scam from www.orishaashe.com - www.spsreviewforum.com

#10Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 23, 2011

Scam from www.orishaashe.com - www.spsreviewforum.com

they promote their own list of recommended frauds like the anon registered domain www.orishaashe.com (Yaya Maria) which is a SCAM too.

I was a member that lost a lot of $$$ to www.orishaashe.com and www.spsreviewforum.com


college park,
SPS Review Forum

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, November 15, 2011

it is a lie spsreviewforum is not a scam and they do not endorse any psychics nor they are one them selfs. They just give u reviews about psychics and scams. The person dat did this report is probably a scammer him self trying to make this website look bad so he can go back to doing what he does best and thats being a scammer.


United States of America

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, November 15, 2011

I am a member of  the SPS Reviews forum  and where I usually will not call someone a bold face liar, the term is warranted regarding the complaint against this forum. This forum is made up of every day people who have been ripped of at some point by a psychic or spell caster. This forum EXPOSES  those who would pray upon a person while in need. I have never been asked to give a donation, nor has ANY one contacted me offering services. What  you will find on this forum ... HONEST REVIEWS. Yes .. everyday people telling of their experiences with one or the other. I have posted a negative review of a caster... HE WAS A FAKE AND I DON'T WANT TO SEE OTHERS RIPPED OFF. Is that wrong? Perhaps to those scammers out there. 


See the other post

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, November 15, 2011

Please see report #794330 for responses, this is a repeat for some reason.


Newport News,
United States of America
SPS Reviews forum

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, November 14, 2011

I am a member of SPS Reviews forum and have been for over a year. Previously it was title Spells Scams Reviews.  I stand befind it 100 percent. It is just consumers sharing their experiences. There is no promoting, or bribery of any kind. If someone comes on advertising they are banned. We all agree NOT to do that when joining. That's different from sharing our truthful experiences, both good and bad. The orginal poster is blantantly fabricating things.

Hope the owner/founder works tirelessly to make and keep the forum a safe and ethical forum. She would never bribe or in anyway insist on any payment, or guide someone to a particular spellcaster or psychic.  Now that we have change servers a donation link is set up just for those who would like to contribute. Thanks to her and to the many contributors many have been saved money and research time.


I am Hope from spsreviewforum.com to set the record straight

#15REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, November 13, 2011

I am Hope; I am the founder of www.spellscams.freeforumsblog.com, recently moved to a new server www.spsreviewforum.com.

This is the 4th rebuttal I file in a one week period; eventually someone exposed in my forum is really hurting and has started a defamation campaign. Whoever you are, you must have a lot of time in your hands lately, what happen, no customers?

So far we have been called an organized crime group run by a psychic in Singapore, a woman in India, some spellcasters who I will not mention here, an organization blackmailing physics and endorsing few practitioners, sure more will come.

The original forum www.spellscams.freeforumsblog.com was created on September 2010 in a free server and recently we moved to spsreviewforum.com,  all services have been paid with donations from our members.

Everyone is welcome to join, except practitioners and members with an agenda; I have zero tolerance and expose every scammer who joins the board. No service advertising is allowed in the member's pages. A new topic for practitioners to post their information without the need to join the forum was created recently.

All these reports have been created with false information by a scammer exposed in my forum; here is the link to the ongoing discussion about the reports filed against us :


We do not make recommendations, we do not endorse any practitioner, and this is an independent and unbiased forum. If you register and post your introduction (a system created by the need to stop shilling and spam) you will find positive and negative reviews in all the discussions and any member asking specifics is guided to read the forum and make its own choice.

Practitioners who come to the forum are banned and exposed, inevitably, some get mad, essentially when business hurt and scamming is more difficult.

If any spellcaster exposed in the forum guides you to read these reports about us in a way to make you ignore the negative reports, be aware, there is a reason why this person is spending all this time and resources to create negative and false reports about us all over the internet, an old tactic, can delete the negative reports?, neutralize the source.

In regards to emails coming to you from the forum, what can I say, I have never sent one and never will, all the communication system in my forum is done by private messages as the email capability is disabled, one more reason why we know you are lying!

If you are receiving notifications from watched forums and topics, log in the forum and disable your notifications options, if you say you are a member, send me a private message and I will send you the instructions how to, but I am sure you will not be able to do so because I know who you are and you have been banned from my forum.

Now, whoever you are, stop the games, I have nothing to loose, this forum is not a source of income for me, not like your dirty scamming business, and I will repeat your own words : "no publicity is bad publicity", we are getting new members with every new report you file.

Thank you

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