  • Company:  #1649

Complaint Review: DMV.us.org

Thu, July 25, 2013

Rip-Off, Property damages
Ripoff Report Verified™ REVIEW:

EDitor’s UPDATE: After an exhaustive review of their products and customer service standards, Ripoff Report gives a positive rating to DMV.us.org and their dedication to honesty, integrity, and ethical business practices.

DMV.us.org provides driving history reports that help people make sure they are not the victims of identity theft and that potential employees have clean driving records delivered quickly and at a fair market price.

Employees state that management is always trying to find ways to improve customer service and the quality of their reports. “It has become clear that every effort is made to satisfy our customers. our safe driving tips program has been very well received by our customers.”

DMV.us.org tells Ripoff Report, .. “When contacted by our customers, the vast majority of the customers claimed to have had a positive experience. In fact, most of the people who claimed to have had a negative experience were angry because DMV.us.org would not remove accurate, but negative information from their reports even when offered large amounts of money.”

Ripoff Report understands that legitimate problems can happen that are technical in nature and of the type that is nearly impossible to avoid given the technological limits of database-based businesses. When these problems turned up DMV.us.org tells Ripoff Report, that in every case, issues are resolved quickly and fairly to everyone involved, also explaining that their IT team works very hard to minimize inevitable technical glitches. They also added, whenever the customer is inconvenienced in any way, they always issue a full refund.
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Ripoff Report Verified™ .. part of Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program.A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business..

The information provided in this report below is based on comments made by Josh Fraser during an on-site inspection held by a third party verification company with no biases toward the respective company.

The company’s business model is to direct market records with their database to customers online as they are searching for information on a variety of items such as police records, people searches, and telephone searches of unknown numbers calling them on their phones. Customers can search for people that they have lost contact with, statistics of trends, habits of people that purchase consumer products, and death records through search engines such as Bing and Google.

All of the company’s sales are conducted online. A user would do a search on a search engine and see the company’s site, click on it and then would see the cost for data information on various levels. In an effort to improve on customer service, the company is working to provide broader information at more reasonable price points. Some of the sites that the company owns are essentially the same, but they use a different word to accommodate search methods. For example the word death, burial, cemetery, and funeral are interchangeable and a user might use one word versus another to find information, therefore, a different site may come up and be able to provide the same information.

Each website does have similar internal processes in how they deal and interact with clients. The company has made an effort to correct glitches in their system. For example, Josh Fraser stated that one number in their merchant account was wrong so they were not getting information from the customer in regard to issues that their customer was experiencing. The company has now corrected that issue. Additionally, the company has adding a live 24/7 chat so the customer can ask questions and resolve any issues they may be experiencing. They have worked to emphasize solving the customer’s issues with what they need by putting a monitoring system in place.

The company has received some complaints in customers not getting enough information for their search. Josh Fraser stated “We are working to improve the database. To resolve issues we have implemented a live online chat and a call center with a full staff available to address any issues the customers may have.” Furthermore, the company does state that they encourage customers to email the company with any complaints. The company stated that if it found that there is a legitimate complaint that they cannot resolve they will refund the customer’s money. One example of this is when the company reached out to a customer through Ripoff Report to find their contact information. The company stated that they gave the customer a refund as well as a free report to remedy the complaint.

Since the company has received complaints on Ripoff Report, they have implement a better support system with 24/7 access for customers. Additionally, they feel that the Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program helps their customers to voice their concern. They have found that this is a valuable tool for their company to know and address issues they may not otherwise be addressed because of lack of awareness. Josh Fraser state, “It is important to know how customers view the services provided, as there is no in person contact or sales department within our company. Ripoff report is a valuable site.”

Josh Fraser stated that in his leadership role within the company he tries to empower employees to “do whatever it takes” to make the client happy by offering a no questions asked refund once research finds the customer complaint to be true. Furthermore, they have revamped their internal system and have acquired additional database software to make more information available to their customers.


DMV.us.org / Statement from employees to Ripoff Report

"We are told to satisfy the customer even if it costs the company money. What the managers care the most about is that customers come away with a positive image of our company. This is also the only company I've ever worked with that has ongoing ethics training programs."

One former employee told us, "That was my first job as a customer service representative. If I had known then how much better the working environment was there and how unethical other companies are, I would never have left DMV.us.org."

Employes rated the working environment very highly. Most were shocked when told there had been complaints about DMV.us.org. "I can't remember a single time someone called us up and didn't end the call on a positive note," one employee said.

Several employees did say that they had dealt with customers who attempted to bribe or blackmail DMV.us.org into removing negative information. In many cases the customers threatened to leave negative information about the company on the Internet. We feel that these bad apples are more likely than not responsible for efforts to damage the company's reputation.


DMV.us.org recognizes that technical problems will occur from time to time with their database. They have indicated that they are currently in the process of updating their servers in order to make glitches happen far less often than they do now. They also are reaching out to people who may have received a corrupted report but not contacted the company directly to offer to refund their money and fix the problem. Customer service staff is going to undergo additional training to explain to customers exactly why accurate information cannot be removed from their database, for any price. They will continue to update their servers and database as technology evolves. Although their rate of database error is very low, they will make infrastructure investments to further reduce data corruption.

Read more about why consumers should feel confident when doing business with a member of Ripoff Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. Yes, it’s a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and businesses alike.

Read about Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program, which benefits the consumer and assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. This program works.

As a matter of policy, when a business becomes a member of the Corporate Advocacy Program they agree to allow Ripoff Report to contact every client who filed a complaint so they can make things right with them. In order to confirm that the complaints were resolved, Ripoff Report is copied on all responses so we can insure that the member business did right by their customer.



