  • Report:  #1534713

Complaint Review: E Cornell - Internet

Reported By:
scammed by e cornell - United States

E Cornell
Internet, United States
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Most of these certifactes E Cornell tries to sell you are worthless! They all costs around 4 K and up giving the students such little value for what you pay for it.  Courses consists of very short videos per week, no powerpoints, no additional resources, textbooks or instruction to help the student understand the material, you are tested on stuff that is not included in the very brief  pre-recorded lectures you get per week which does not get into the topic deeply which is a rip off, you are paying that much money to struggle and look stuff online and asked impossible questions for the one project you have to do with very bad instructions and very little guidance.  The courses consists of one quiz with two questions with unlimited attempts and some worthless discussion questions so there's not enough assignments to base your grade fairly. These certificates are also very useless as you cannot transfer the credits anywhere but they don't tell you that. Admin does not respond when you want a refund. 

That is the biggest scam ever and a money grab bait and switch style business and probably one of the worst online classes I have ever paid for. High price, low value education for what you pay for it. It is clear these are designed to only collect your money. 


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