  • Report:  #1534708

Complaint Review: Meta Facebook - Menlo Park California

Reported By:
Amy - Amelia, United States

Meta Facebook
1 Hackers Way Menlo Park, 94025 California, United States
(650) 543 4800
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Hi Ripoff Report, I am using you all for the first time I complaining about a problem that I am having with my Facebook account  I am not able to see my friends profile numbers list I had my device for 3 years now and I haven't had any trouble with it until now I lost it on Sept 27th and then I got it back on Oct 4th and then I lost it again on Oct 11th and it has been 18 days and still no sight of a resolution I used different methods to get it resolved still no one wants to help me out and I don't think it is fair to keep me from seeing my friends and family and I don't think I did anything wrong I had a friend to look at my device he thinks it is a Facebook problem and I looked on other people device and there's seem find and I looked on my mother's computer and it is the same on there it just shows mutual friends no friends number list so that tells me it is a Facebook problem I don't know why they can't see that can you please investigate this and take necessary action to have it fixed thank you

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