  • Report:  #551312

Complaint Review: 3ix 3ix Web Hosting 3ix Hosting - Internet

Reported By:
John - , New York, United States of America

3ix 3ix Web Hosting 3ix Hosting
Internet, United States of America
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After 4 months of my website going down many times each day, 3ix still would not resolve the issue.

The site would go down for 5 minutes, and by the time livechat picked up it would be up, all they would say it "Your site looks fine. I don't see the problem." and refused to take any steps to ensure my site would not go down again.

Then, after inquiring about it too much, they terminated my hosting account for no reason. I lost my website, all my files, databases, etc. They also would not refund me for the 3/4ths of a year left on my hosting account, and IP banned me from their livechat so I cannot inquire into transferring my domain. 

The following conversations are back to back from that day:
Help24x7: Welcome to 3iX live chat, my name is Eric, please hold for a moment, I am reviewing your question.
Help24x7: your site is working fine now
John: Yep. I know that.
John: It goes down throughout the day.
John: It was down 30 minutes ago
John: I'm really fed up with this.
Help24x7: Is there anything else I can help you with?
John: This problem is not resolved.
Help24x7: your site is working fine now
John: No, my site is not working fine. It's going down throughout the day. The fact that it's currently up means nothing. The past 3 months it's been going down throughout the day, every single day.
John: It's still going down throughout the day.
John: So no this problem is not resolved.
Help24x7: it is fixed now
John: How is it fixed?
John: What did you change?
Help24x7: restarted the server

info: Please wait for an operator to respond.
info: All operators are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. An operator will be with you shortly.
info: All operators are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. An operator will be with you shortly.

info: You are now connected.
Help24x7: Welcome to 3iX live chat, my name is Eric, please hold for a moment, I am reviewing your question.
John: Hi Eric I believe we spoke about 30 minutes ago.
John: About my website going down.
John: You said it was resolved. About 10 minutes after chat was closed, my website went down again.
John: This has been going on for 4 months now and I'm not going to tolerate it any longer. 
Help24x7: check now
John: Not loading.
John: Still down.
John: Ok now it's up.
John: What steps have you taken to ensure this recurring problem will not happen tommorow, or the day after and so on?
Help24x7: corrected now
John: What steps have you taken to ensure this recurring problem will not happen tommorow, or the day after and so on?
Help24x7: you will not face aby problem again
John: I was told this yesterday. I would like to know what steps were taken to ensure I will not be facing this problem again.
John: The website is down again.
John: Now it's back up...
John: Are we still connected?
John: Hello?
Help24x7: its working for me
Help24x7: check it again
John: Yes now it is working again, at this moment, currently. What steps have you taken to ensure this recurring problem will not happen tommorow, or the day after and so on?
Help24x7: monitoring the server
Help24x7: Is there anything else I can help you with?
John: That does not answer my question as the server should already have been monitored to begin with.
John: http://www.3ix.org/data_center.php
John: 24x7 network monitoring and 24x7 security guard 
John: Hello?
John: Are we still connected?
Help24x7: I have already told you that we have corrected your issue so then why are you asking same again and again
Help24x7: there was no server down, just apache was failed and corrected then
Help24x7: Is there anything else I can help you with?
info: Chat session has been terminated by the site operator.

3.) (I forgot to chose to get a report sent on the actual third, this is really the fourth)

DURING this chat, they assure my my site will not go down, then right after they do, it goes down AGAIN. Their only response was to again say it will not go down again (but it did).

nfo: Please wait for an operator to respond.
info: You are now connected.
24x7Live: Welcome to 3iX live chat, my name is Ian, please hold for a moment, I am reviewing your question.
24x7Live: How may I help you today?
John: I've been in chat four times today. The chat session was Closed on me, rudely, by staff without resolving my issue.
John: My website has been going down throughout the day for the past four months.
24x7Live: (((link redacted)))is working fine.
John: I've been told it's an apache issue, but nothing is being done to ensure the site will not go down again.
John: Yes currently it is working fine.
24x7Live: We are sorry for the inconvenience. 
John: But that's irrelevent.
John: What will be done so stop my site from doing down.
24x7Live: Now you will not face any problem.
John: I've been in chat about this issue over 50 times.
John: What steps were taken by you to ensure my website will not go down?
24x7Live: Now you will not face any problem.
John: What steps did you take to ensure it will not go down again?
24x7Live: we are monitoring our server 
John: I get that resopnse every day, the server is supposed to be monitored regardless. That's not a valid answer.
24x7Live: there was one user who was using lotof http resources 
24x7Live: We have blocked them.
24x7Live: now you will not face any problem.
John: I have been told this every day for the past month, about a user who was using too much resources. Why is my website still going down if this user has been blocked for over 2 weeks?
24x7Live: now you will not face any problem.
24x7Live: Thank you for using our 24x7 Live Chat Service, if you would like a copy of this chat, please click the 'Close' button and enter your email address.
24x7Live: You will also be able to rate our service and make any comments you think would help us to improve, your opinion is important to us.
24x7Live: Thank you for chatting. Good-bye.
John: I'm not done.
John: The problem has not been resolved.
24x7Live: Problem has been solved. 
John: I was told "you will not face any problem" an hour ago, and the site went down 10 minutes later.
24x7Live: Site is working fine with with all services. 
John: I was told this 20 minutes ago, again, by another operator
John: and the site went down, again, shortly after.
John: So no the issue has not been resolved, no steps have been taken to ensure my site will not go down.
John: The site Currently running is irrelevent, as the site frequently goes down throughout the say. Its current status means nothing to me.
John: In fact
John: RIGHT NOW the site is down.
John: So RIGHT after you told me "now you will not face any problem." it went down agian.
John: It's been down for 5 minutes now.
John: After you told me "now you will not face any problem."
John: Now it's back up, but the problem still exists, the site is going down continually throughout the day.
24x7Live: now you will not face any problem.
John: You just told me that.
John: And it went down within 5 minutes of you saying it.
John: Just like it did with the past 3 operators.
John: What is being to ensure I will not face any problem?
John: being done, I mean.
24x7Live: Thank you for using our 24x7 Live Chat Service, if you would like a copy of this chat, please click the 'Close' button and enter your email address.
24x7Live: You will also be able to rate our service and make any comments you think would help us to improve, your opinion is important to us.
24x7Live: Thank you for chatting. Good-bye.
John: No.

info: Chat session has been terminated by the site operator.

After having chat closed on me with my site yet again down, I demanded to speak to their supervisor. They never let me speak to the supervisor. They instead opened with a threat to terminate my hosting account for a fake AUP rule which does NOT exist. 

nfo: Please wait for an operator to respond.
info: All operators are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. An operator will be with you shortly.
info: You are now connected.
Help24x7: Welcome to 3iX live chat, my name is Eric, please hold for a moment, I am reviewing your question.
John: I demand to speak with your supervisor
Help24x7: did you read our AUP policy?
Help24x7: we do not host gaming sites on the server but you have uploaded game on the server
Help24x7: I suggest you that delete gaming site
Help24x7: otherwise we will terminate your account
John: link me to this agreement
John: link me to the policy
John: Meanwhile, I demand to speak with your supervisor
Help24x7: also we do now allow mp3, video files, downloading site on the server
John: Yes you do. You don't allow it to exceed 70% of total size.
Help24x7: check below
Help24x7: http://www.3ix.org/acceptable_use_policy.php
John: Link me to the AUP policy.
Help24x7: check above one
John: I see no reference go games
John: all mp3s will be removed.
John: I demand to speak with your supervisor
Help24x7: your site causing most of the problem to the server thats our server is not working fine
Help24x7: System Message: To ensure that your issue receives fast and accurate support a Supervisor is now monitoring this chat.
Help24x7: our techs have already explained you regarding your issue
John: No, shortly after I was in chat
John: my website went down again
John: I've had chat closed on me four times.
John: You're now threatening to shut down my website
John: if I don't delete it
John: simply because I want an aswer.
Help24x7: we have already provided you answer
John: I had to request your supervisor over 5 times
Help24x7: and our techs have assisted you regarding your issue
John: No, you told me my website is up. I asked what measures are being taken to ensure it does not go down again.
John: Eveyr time I ask that chat is closed on me.
Help24x7: and resolved your problem too but you still asking sam
Help24x7: same*
John: The site being restarted does NOT resolve the issue if it going down continually for 4 months.
John: I asked what measures are being taken to PREVENT it from going down.
John: Every time I ask that you close chat on me.
John: without giving me time to resopnd
Help24x7: now I suggest you that delete gaming site otherwise we will take action for your account
John: I have requested a link
John: to the AUP
John: referencing gaming sites
John: 3 times
John: You have not provided it
Help24x7: due to such type of sites, server causes the problem and goes down
John: my site does not host any high bandwith files
John: and bandwith usage is very low
Help24x7: http://www.3ix.org/acceptable_use_policy.php
John: I see no reference to gaming sites.
John: Please quote the reference.
Help24x7: not there but we do not allo
Help24x7: allow*
John: One moment
John: It's required to be in the AUP if it's not allowed.
John: I request enough time to back up my files, if you will be cancling my account.
John: Your AUP does nto contain a statement about policy changes.
John: So it's illegal for you to tell me I cannot host a gaming site after-the-fact.
Help24x7: your site is in working status
Help24x7: you can take a backup from cpanel backup section
Help24x7: we are still not cancelling your account
Help24x7: but you need to delete gaming site
John: On what grounds?
John: I cannot access the FTP at this moment.
John: For some reason.
Help24x7: no need to FTP
Help24x7: you can take a backup from cpanel >> backup section

Help24x7: Is there anything else I can help you with?
John: Yes.
John: I need to know on what grounds you are telling me to delete my gaming website since it's not legal for you to do so.
Help24x7: as per our we do not host gaming site so then you need to delete it
John: As per you what? 
John: I do not understand your sentence.
Help24x7: as per our rule we do not host gaming site so then you need to delete it
Help24x7: as per our rule we do not host gaming site so then you need to delete it
John: Provide a link to this rule please.
John: I'm willing to cooperate but I see no legal grounds, and you are obligated to link me to the rule.
Help24x7: there are no such link
John: So you're telling me that my site, which falls within the acceptable use policy outlined at http://www.3ix.org/acceptable_use_policy.php is not acceptable use?
Help24x7: yes
John: I want to speak to your supervisor, or your supervisors supervisor.
John: I am also in the process of contacting a lawyer regarding your breach of contract.
Help24x7: ok contact
Help24x7: Thank you for using our 24x7 Live Chat Service, if you would like a copy of this chat, please click the 'Close' button and enter your email address.
Help24x7: You will also be able to rate our service and make any comments you think would help us to improve, your opinion is important to us.
Help24x7: Thank you for chatting. Good-bye.

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