  • Report:  #1534175

Complaint Review: Chantal Maisonneuve Lawyer - Gatineau Quebec

Reported By:
Senior citizen - chelsea, other

Chantal Maisonneuve Lawyer
8-409 de la gappe Gatineau Gatineau, J8t0A5 Quebec, Canada
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Chantal Maisonneuve

Thief scammer psychopathic narcissist

Who scams a 95 year old senior?

This lawyer mediator has placed her firm in a retirement home and prays upon the unsuspecting vulnerable seniors. What a piece of work. My 95-year-old mother had a contract with Chantal Maisonneuve. To prepare a letter of demand and have it served to prepare a motion and have it served she decided not to do that and keep all the money $8500.00 and when my mother suggested to mediate her own client, She was told to buzz off. . and that my friends is the extent of her mediation skills, which is on par with her incompetence as a lawyer. Stay far away from this crazy person..

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