  • Report:  #1534173

Complaint Review: Mary Margaret Kane - Peabody Massachusetts

Reported By:
Concerned Family Member = Donald Swett Hunter - United States

Mary Margaret Kane
109 Russell Street Peabody, 01960 Massachusetts, United States
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Mary Margaret Kane isolated her elderly widowed stepfather Donald Swett Hunter who had advanced memory loss. She lives at 109 Russell Street Peabody MA 01960 + has a suspicious life history as an 'insurance nurse' denying claims by patients for medical treatment. She has a long history of lying + deceptive behavior. She + her brother John P. Fallon have a LOT to answer for with regards to the finances of their step father Donald Swett Hunter including 1. His life savings including the sale Of HIS private home in Topsfield MA Where he lived before marrying Irene C.(Higgins) Fallon + moved Into HER home at 4 Lynch St. Peabody MA 01960 2. The original valuable art Donald Swett Hunter collected as a real life master Art conservator. His original art Included Ansel Adam's photographs, Colonial era hand blown glass, Original paintings + his hand Made musuem quality reproduction Tiffany lampshades. 3. $250,000.00 John Hancock Life Insurance policy taken out by Irene C. (Higgins) Fallon + naming Donald Swett Hunter as the only Beneficiary. See the following Rip Off Report articles published about this real life sad story of greed + deception by the adult sneaky relatives = Mary Kane Peabody MA Fallons Auto Wenham MA John Hancock Life Insurance Karma catches up...

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