  • Report:  #409012


Reported By:
- key west, Florida,

KEY WEST, 33040 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I used to work on this boat. The man (AL KING) who claims to be the owner/captain, is neither. His brother owns the boat (and doesn't care who gets scammed), and Al King has no captains license. He smashed into the Hyatt Hotel dock and almost ran over 2 ppl in the water when I worked for him, I walked off the boat and quit. He missrepresents himself and the business. There are much, much more reputable people to work with here in Key west. he will take you out to a dry hole where no fish will be caught, and blame it on your fishing in-ability. Furthermore, from an employee standpoint....he takes all the tips, and makes the captain (who's license he is exploiting to further his scam) do all the beginning set up when you go out, and also end of trip duties when you leave to go home. Speaking as a local here in Key west, I would go with another charter boat at all cost. Afternoon Delight is a straight up rip off to customers and employees. Leave them alone.

Now he has some internet terrorist from Columbus Ohio (ROBERT KRUTKO..just google his name) putting up web sites in my name trying to cause me trouble as a distraction.

I pulled this off another thread. I will copy and paste it here. Read on and laugh.


OMG! Robert is now targeting another Key West resident with his internet libel?

Robert, this is the Miami forum you doofus.

Pat in AZ

Joined: Jul 15, 2008

Comments: 57


ISP: Naples, FL


|Report Abuse |Judge it! |#4 4 hrs ago

Oh, and I forgot to add, just go to www.unitedyachts.us to read the real story about Robert, plus the many documents that provide proof of the way United Yachts tells the story.(conveniently, Robert fails to ever provide such proof in his ramblings)


Miami, FL


Robert claims this supposed 'war vet' (but he doesn't remember where he served or when)is an upstanding guy. I know Al king as a rip off con man who does not pay his bills and causes problems everywhere he goes. Thats why he has been run out of every decent marina in the harbour. I guess Robert forgot he posted this on another thread, ironically enough proving my point.

I will copy and paste the post on 'so called' capt Al.


A friend of mine name capt Al in south florida needs everyone help urgently. Capt. al a two time purple heart recipient (and doesnt like to discuss) has become a victim of discrimination. As a captain in the florida keys for many years al has worked hard to enjoy whats left of his life fishing. recently a marina in south florida after the hurricanes left him sitting for months promising him he would return while telling all the other tennants he wasnt. al while sitting out on the hook (anchor) for months with no water,electric or anything trying to survive. after months his pocket book ran out and business was gone while still waiting to return to the marina he had been at for years. After months went by he recieved a notice they didnt want him back with no explinations attached. He was even paid up on his rent and they had to refund some of it back. after the 30 day notice was given two days later he returned to claim his stuff (storage boxes-equipment) and it was all gone($8000 worth of equipment). we recently found out the state of florida holds the lease with the marina and were asking everyone to please help write the state and tell them nobody should be discriminated against especially on state lands. We feel the state should immediately pull this marinas lease for this reason. The marina was also involved in the theft of another mans yacht at this same location where the boat was later torched and yes the state still allows them a lease . please help our writing campaign to let the state know discrimination and illegal acts should not be allowed and ocean key resort marina should have their lease pulled. the name below is the person in charge of state lands leases please e mail him direct.


i have recently found out capt Al is sick and time is of the essence. Your help is greatly appreciated.

**** NOTICE how it says to contact Al. Wheezy9870 is ROBERT'S e-mail address in Ohio!*****

Look what this sorry excuse for a human being is making up now! This is unbelievable!

Ripoff Report Verified Safe


Miami, FL


|Report Abuse |Judge it! |#6 36 min ago

LOL....Robert must live with Al, because apparently their pocket books ran out simultaniously. Roberts boat was confiscated for thousands in debt, and his house was foreclosed on for non-payment. His wife must be angry as it was her money he squandered. Careful Pat, next he will start a web site slandering you. This guy has a head full of bad wiring.

Decent people when wronged, file suit (to date Al has filed nothing). Decent people who are in the right win those suits. Neither Al king or Robert Krutko have won a single case (although Robert krutko defaults by no showing when he is served for suit against him by those he slanders). Al is still trying to rip off honest folks, and Robert Krutko is.....well...being Robert Krutko...janitor at some flea-bag hotel in Columbus Ohio, and internet terrorist.

I am a REAL vet, and nothing makes me angrier than someone who claims to be a

vet just to make a quick buck off someone elses good nature. We have healthy men

on just about every corner here in Key west who lay on the sidewalk with a piece

of cardboard in their hand with "VET CAN YOU HELP" written on it. They have 2

cups next to them...1 for their booze...the other for peoples spare change.

Robert krutko playing the "vet card" of behalf of Al King (Afternoon Delight) is

the most shameful thing there is. What do you think, people are going to do,

just write you con men a check? Poor planning and bad business practices on your

part doesnt constitute an emergency on our part here in Key west. If Al King is

such a great guy, why was he kicked out of yet another marina in the first

place? Why did he lay on the hook for months? Why not just go to another of the

many many marina's in Key west? Could it be his reputation preceeds him? An yone

reading this should think long and hard about these 2 con men. I am very glad we

have more good charter services here in the keys who are honest and good, rather

than the likes of these two (you give the rest of us a bad name everytime you

cheat someone or get kicked out of a marina). The marina owners here are very

understanding. They realize that weather can keep a boat at the dock for weeks.

They also understand that certain times of t

he year people come up short on money (engine problems etc...). Most will give

you months of grace time to get finances back in order after a storm (unless of

course, you have already lied to them several times).

In other words, you have to be either a pretty bad business man, a rip off, or a

lier to get kicked out, none of which is going to get you any sympathy around

here Robert and AL.

I'm thinking as many marina's have said "no way" to Al King and the Afternoon

Delight, there must be a reason.


key west, Florida


10 Updates & Rebuttals

Tired Of Robert Krutko

New York,
Kurt, Call me back!

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, June 13, 2009

Kurt, I spoke to you in Novemeber or February...I can't remember. I tried to call you recently about new events and accusations. When you called the first time, I wasnt sure what you were talking about, so I didnt put much effort into following up with you. Give me a call if you can. Jamie


New York,
Remember this Robert?

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, February 14, 2009

Please refer to Report Report #0238480 which can be found here: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/238/RipOff0238480.htm ""During this lawsuit i will be able to prove john evans of hydro thunder performance watersports not only lied to several individuals including state police officer but was involned in trying to cover it up. when court transcripts are available i will then prove my facts."" The case was concluded MONTHS ago; YOU LOST. The court documents have been available for months so why haven't you used these documents to prove your allegations as you stated you would above? Why don't you explain why the attorney for RSA Inc. (Reef Snorkeling Adventures Inc., Laura Krutko, President) withdrew from the case? Why don't you explain why the judge WARNED you about your "highly suspicious" evidentiary documents when you moved for dismissal and release of the vessel? You know, your ridiculous claim that a "newly discovered" document that proved RSA Inc was dissolved on Aug 30 2005, but wasn't FILED until Oct 2007 on the same day you filed your motion to dismiss? The reality is the document states a dissolution approval date and the form is signed (but not dated) by Laura Krutko, but the EFFECTIVE DATE was left blank. Go ahead. Take all the time you need to explain this one. When are you going to make these court documents available to Mr. McCarthy so he can read for himself what really transpired during the lawsuit against you? Don't' forget to include the evidentiary documents filed by the plaintiff that include the investigative reports and statements from the folks who were on the scene when the vessel was adrift. When are you going to provide Mr. McCarthy a copy of the judge's order that denied your motion to dismiss so that he can read for himself what you attempted to do and the judge's STATEMENTS as to WHY your evidentiary documents were "HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS?" and he denied your motion? Perhaps if Mr. McCarthy would READ these documents, he might develop a more accurate opinion of the type of people he's dealing with (you and your wife) and re-assess his relationship with you. When are you going to update the Secretary of the Gulf Coast Mariners Association with the FACTS of your case (as filed with the court), including the WARNING to you that the Judge stated, so he can write a follow-up article to the one he printed in their newsletter in March 2007? When are you going to retract the lie you posted about me on RipOff Report?


Ft Myers,
Robert is reporting another business...

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, January 22, 2009

What I don't understand, if he doesn't want people to comment on his postings, why does he post?


Ft Myers,
Robert is reporting another business...

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, January 22, 2009

What I don't understand, if he doesn't want people to comment on his postings, why does he post?


Ft Myers,
Robert is reporting another business...

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, January 22, 2009

What I don't understand, if he doesn't want people to comment on his postings, why does he post?


Key West,

#7Author of original report

Thu, January 15, 2009

OK....Robert say's he verified that I passed the captains course. Then he goes on to say that I have no captains license. How could both be true? I am in the 15th year of my captains issue (we only renew every 5 years). I am also an officer in the sea fairers union (10 years). The only reason Al King hired me in the first place, is because HE HAS NO CAPTAINS LICENSE. He needs a captain on the boat in order to leave the dock with passengers aboard. Thats why he keeps an ad in the paper always searching for more captains (with a valid license) to futher his scam. I chose to walk away from the con man of the Afternoon Delight. All I say is..just use a different charter service...there are several good boats to fish from. Don't be taken by the grifting duo of Al King and Robert krutko. Just Google Robert krutko if you have any doubts. Surly everyone can't be a part of Roberts delusion. LMFAO....Robert you are a piece of work. Google Afternoon Delight as well if you have further doubt. Who is this janitor from Columbus Ohio anyway? Go clean a toilet dude. Submitted: 1/9/2009 12:23:37 PM Modified: 1/9/2009 2:30:45 PM Kurt Key West, Florida U.S.A. ROBERT IS UNDER INVESTIGATION FOR FRAUD We have researched the claims of Robert Krutko and find them to be false. In addition, Robert Krutko is under investigation for fraud and illegal wiretapping. We suggest you have no further dealings with this individual and let law enforcement handle him. We will contact you with updates on Robert Krutko as our case develops. Rest assured, we will bring him to justice.


Key West,

#8Author of original report

Thu, January 15, 2009

OK....Robert say's he verified that I passed the captains course. Then he goes on to say that I have no captains license. How could both be true? I am in the 15th year of my captains issue (we only renew every 5 years). I am also an officer in the sea fairers union (10 years). The only reason Al King hired me in the first place, is because HE HAS NO CAPTAINS LICENSE. He needs a captain on the boat in order to leave the dock with passengers aboard. Thats why he keeps an ad in the paper always searching for more captains (with a valid license) to futher his scam. I chose to walk away from the con man of the Afternoon Delight. All I say is..just use a different charter service...there are several good boats to fish from. Don't be taken by the grifting duo of Al King and Robert krutko. Just Google Robert krutko if you have any doubts. Surly everyone can't be a part of Roberts delusion. LMFAO....Robert you are a piece of work. Google Afternoon Delight as well if you have further doubt. Who is this janitor from Columbus Ohio anyway? Go clean a toilet dude. Submitted: 1/9/2009 12:23:37 PM Modified: 1/9/2009 2:30:45 PM Kurt Key West, Florida U.S.A. ROBERT IS UNDER INVESTIGATION FOR FRAUD We have researched the claims of Robert Krutko and find them to be false. In addition, Robert Krutko is under investigation for fraud and illegal wiretapping. We suggest you have no further dealings with this individual and let law enforcement handle him. We will contact you with updates on Robert Krutko as our case develops. Rest assured, we will bring him to justice.


Key West,

#9Author of original report

Thu, January 15, 2009

OK....Robert say's he verified that I passed the captains course. Then he goes on to say that I have no captains license. How could both be true? I am in the 15th year of my captains issue (we only renew every 5 years). I am also an officer in the sea fairers union (10 years). The only reason Al King hired me in the first place, is because HE HAS NO CAPTAINS LICENSE. He needs a captain on the boat in order to leave the dock with passengers aboard. Thats why he keeps an ad in the paper always searching for more captains (with a valid license) to futher his scam. I chose to walk away from the con man of the Afternoon Delight. All I say is..just use a different charter service...there are several good boats to fish from. Don't be taken by the grifting duo of Al King and Robert krutko. Just Google Robert krutko if you have any doubts. Surly everyone can't be a part of Roberts delusion. LMFAO....Robert you are a piece of work. Google Afternoon Delight as well if you have further doubt. Who is this janitor from Columbus Ohio anyway? Go clean a toilet dude. Submitted: 1/9/2009 12:23:37 PM Modified: 1/9/2009 2:30:45 PM Kurt Key West, Florida U.S.A. ROBERT IS UNDER INVESTIGATION FOR FRAUD We have researched the claims of Robert Krutko and find them to be false. In addition, Robert Krutko is under investigation for fraud and illegal wiretapping. We suggest you have no further dealings with this individual and let law enforcement handle him. We will contact you with updates on Robert Krutko as our case develops. Rest assured, we will bring him to justice.


New York,
Memory Refresher for Krutko.

#10Consumer Suggestion

Sat, January 10, 2009

I guess Robert 'The Liar' Krutko needs his memory refreshed. Here's a reminder of when this he LIED and posted on RipOff Report that I worked for United Yachts: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/312/RipOff0312362.htm QUOTE ''WEVE BEEN TOLD ROBERT IN BUFFALO IS AN EMPLOYEE OF UNITED YACHT SALES N.Y. OFFICE GOOD TRY ROBERT IN BUFFALO TO BAD MY INSIDE SOURCE SAID YOUR WORKING OUT OF UNITED YACHTS NEW YORK OFFICE. SHOWS AGAIN WHAT A SCUMBAG OPERATION UNITED YACHT SALES IS... Submitted: 5/22/2008 6:09:40 AM Modified: 5/22/2008 7:52:54 AM Robert Buffalo, New York U.S.A. I'm convinced. You have now convinced me that you're a liar. I've been self-employed since I stopped working for a major autoparts supplier. I don't know you or Schmidt, but from the blatherings I've read here from BOTH of you, I wouldn't wish to business with either of you. I initially responded to one of your post last year. I was curious as to how a boat could be arrested. Here's the rebuttal I posted last July to your report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/257/RipOff0257482.htm - 243740'' UNQUOTE As anyone can see Robert, you're a proven liar. Anyone who would like to read about what this knucklehead, Robert from Ohio, has been doing, just read these 2 ripoff reports and decide for yourself: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/257/RipOff0257482.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/312/RipOff0312362.htm If you'd like to learn about his losing civil suits and foreclosures, just check with the Martin and Monroe County (Florida) Clerk of the Court websites and search for KRUTKO to learn about his failures. More information about this businessman can be found at the Ohio Secretary of State website. Again, just search for KRUTKO and learn about Special K Investments, Mr. Hotdog, and Mr. Powerwash. Now Robert, do let me know when you're gonna RETRACT the lie you posted about me.



#11Consumer Comment

Fri, January 09, 2009

THIS SCUMBAG HAS MADE MANY FALSE STATEMENT AGAINST HIS FORME EMPLOYER WHO FIRED HIM FOR LYING AND SAYING HE WAS A CAPTAIN. THIS IS VERY SERIOUS OFFENSE... CHECK OUT HIS LIES... ROBERT KRUTKO KURT KOSLOSKI.. LATEST VICTIM OF ROBERT KRUTKO Columbus Ohio *Consumer Comment ..KURT DISGRUNTLED X - PROVEN LIAR Read how Ripoff Report saves consumers millions. Rebuttal Box Respond to this report! Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide "insider information" on this company? Victim of this person/company? Are you also a victim of the same company or individual? Want Justice? File a Rip-off Report, help other consumers to be educated and dont let them get away with it! Robert Krutko Phone: Fax: Columbus Ohio Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. Submitted: 12/17/2008 11:03:59 AM Modified: 1/8/2009 11:13:32 AM Kurt key west, Florida Ripoff Report Verified Safe I don't know what this idiots problem is...but apparently he is so desperate to find another good captain to exploit, that he had another drunk buddy(Robert Krutko) purchase a web site (note the date of the submission) to try to degrade me. So lets start from the beginning. I applied for a captains job aboard a charter boat in key west called Afternoon Delight. The man I met with was Al King. He claimed to be the owner of the boat and a licensed capt. Turned out he was neither. His brother owns the boat and does not care that Al King uses his boat to scam unsuspecting tourists who simply want to catch some fish. During my 2 weeks working with Al King, he received several complaints from people he took hundreds of dollars from, yet produced nothing. In fact, if one person got sea sick, he insisted that we return them to the dock and call it a day (while keeping ALL their money), he considered that a good day. When Al King smashed the boat into the Hyatt Hotel dock (almost hitting two people in the water in the swimming area)...I walked off the boat and quit. I told him to keep his money, I didn't even want to be paid by such a 'rip-off artist' My concience could not permit me to be a part of a scam artists profit making. Fast forward a couple of years; I see an ad in the paper for a captain. I call. I recognize the voice...its Al King. I tell him 'I have worked for you before...you rip off your costomers and keep all the tip money for yourself, and make the unsuspecting employee do all of the boat work while you sit around and drink...thanks...but no thanks' Well Al King called me back several times trying to get me to accept the job. I continued to tell him I was not interested, and to please leave me alone. I thought it was over. Apparently he has some misguided under achieving goofball who called and threatend to open this web site under my name name. Apparently anyone can do this to anyone (if you know their name). So...'what ever dude'. I am not the one who can't find someone to work for me. I am not the one who has been run out of every decent slip in the harbour. I have a job. My next step is to contact the Florida marine patrol and inform them of the scam being perpetrated by Al King and the Fishing chater boat Afternoon Delight. He does not pay his slip fee's, and scams good fishermen out of their hard earned money. This web site is some ignorant persons feeble attempt to get even with me for simply turning down a job from a corrupt little man with bad intentions. Now Robert Krutko is filling every web site he can with crap about me that is just simply made up. I am a local DJ here in key west, and a victim of identity theft by Robert Krutko. Kurt Kurt from key west key west, Florida U.S.A. Video Spotlight Beware! Door-to-door marketing scams are on the rise. PLAY VIDEO Buying home electronics? You may be the next target. PLAY VIDEO Moving company takes a customer for a ride! Don't let it happen to you. PLAY VIDEO Looking for premium tickets? Concert Tickets | Sports Tickets | Theatre Tickets just visit www.TicketFeeder.com Search for additional reports If you would like to see more Rip-off Reports on this company/individual, please use the search box below: In order to assure the best results in your search: Keep the name short & simple, and try different variations of the name. Do not include ".com", "S", "Inc.", "Corp", or "LLC" at the end of the Company name. Use only the first/main part of a name to get best results. Only search one name at a time if Company has many AKA's. Read how Ripoff Report saves consumers millions. Rebuttal Box Respond to this report! Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide "insider information" on this company? Victim of this person/company? Are you also a victim of the same company or individual? Want Justice? File a Rip-off Report, help other consumers to be educated and dont let them get away with it! Repair Your Reputation Got Reports filed against you? Resolve the issues and rebuild trust through our Corporate Advocacy Program. Updates & Rebuttals: Updates & RebuttalsKURT KOSLOSKI IS A DISGRUNTLED EMPLOYEE HARASSING HIS OLD BOSS Robert [12/17/2008 12:45:20 PM] SIMPLY GOOGLE ROBERT KRUTKO, HIS PSYCHOTIC BEHAVIER IS WELL DOCCUMENTED. Kurt From Key West [12/17/2008 2:01:39 PM] What does Robert have to do with this? Patrick [12/17/2008 3:28:11 PM] A TYPICAL KEY WEST SCUMBAG RUNNING HIS MOUTH... Robert [12/28/2008 9:29:19 AM] Well well Robert. Robert [12/28/2008 3:59:33 PM] Good grief Stacey [12/28/2008 11:41:25 PM] MORE ROBERT KRUTKO/AL KING AFTERNOON DELIGHT LIES Kurt From Key West [12/29/2008 5:21:22 PM] KURT KOSLOSKI DISGRUNTLED X - PROVEN LIAR Robert [1/8/2009 10:43:44 AM] Submitted: 12/17/2008 12:45:20 PM Modified: 12/17/2008 1:00:54 PM Robert Columbus, Ohio U.S.A. KURT IS A DISGRUNTLED EMPLOYEE HARASSING HIS OLD BOSS KURT HAS BEEN HARASSING CAPT. AL KING FOR SEVERAL YEARS. CAPT. AL DIDNT KNOW WHO WAS DOING IT UNTIL HE POSTED A HELP WANTED AD. KURT ANSWERED THE AD NEVER TELLING CAPT. AL HE WAS A PREVIOUS EMPLOYEE WHO WAS FIRED BY THE OWNER OF THE AFTERNOON DELIGHT IN KEY WEST. WHEN CAPT. AL WOULDNT HIRE HIM BACK HE CALLED SEVERAL TIMES THREATENING HIM AND TELLING HIM HE WAS GOING TO DESTORY HIM USING HIS 1 DAY A WEEK JOB AS A BLOWNUT ON U.S. 1 RADIO. AFTER AL TOLD ME OF THIS HARASSMENT I SAT IN ON TWO OF KURTS CALLES AND YES HE WAS THREATENING HIM. KURT HAS MADE SEVERAL POSTS THIS CAPT. A OESNT HAVE A CAPT. LICENSE, DOESNT PAY HIS BILLS ALL BECAUSE HE WAS FIRED FOR LYING TWO YEARS AGO FOR LYING ABOUT BEING A CAPTAIN. ANYONE WANTING TEE THE TRUE COLORS OF THIS KEY WEST TRASH CAN GOOGLE AFTERNOON DELIGHT FISHING KEY WEST AD CALL CAPT. AL YOURSELF TO VERIFY THIS. THIS MORNON TWO YEARS EARLIED LIED SAYING HE WAS A CAPAIN AND COULDNT TIE HIS OWN SHOE SO HE WAS FIRED. IF YOUR LOOKING TO HIRE THIS SCUMBAG YOU WILL BE VERY SORRY Submitted: 12/17/2008 2:01:39 PM Modified: 12/17/2008 2:19:42 PM Kurt From Key West Key West, Florida U.S.A. SIMPLY GOOGLE ROBERT KRUTKO, HIS PSYCHOTIC BEHAVIER IS WELL DOCCUMENTED. All you have to do is simply google Robert Krutko. his psychotic behavier is well doccumented. Also go to http://www.unitedyachts.us/ for more info on this moron. I have filed a police report against Robert krutko for identity theft with the Key west police Dept. case number 08-6254. Again, you can spend hours reading about the affairs of Robert Krutko by simply googling his bad name. Submitted: 12/17/2008 3:28:11 PM Modified: 12/17/2008 4:26:41 PM Patrick Mesa, Arizona U.S.A. What does Robert have to do with this? Robert, What business is it of yours what happens between Kurt and Capt. Al? I thought you hated Key West and everyone there? Don't you live in Columbus OH and work as a janitor at a hotel? So now it's your mission in life to ruin Kurt's good name? Why? I hope he sues your pants off for libel and takes you to the cleaners (not that you have any money anyhow). Lord knows someone needs to. All your talk about how you would win all your court cases against United Yachts et al, yet you have had several judgments against you for failure to show. Kurt, Talk to Peter Schmidt at United Yachts. Also talk to Chuck Collins at FWC, South FL District (you'll have to look up his contact info as RoR won't post it). Both are fully aware of Robert's antics and may be able to help you in filing charges. Good luck! (you're gonna need it to fend Robert off) Submitted: 12/28/2008 9:29:19 AM Modified: 12/28/2008 3:02:55 PM Robert Columbus, Ohio U.S.A. A TYPICAL KEY WEST SCUMBAG RUNNING HIS MOUTH... MY BUSINESS HERE IS AN OLD MAN AND WAR VET IS BEING HARASSED AND THREATENED BY KURT KOSLOSKI A KEY WEST SCUMBAG. ANYONE READING THIS CAN GOOGLE- AFTERNOON DELIGHT KEY WEST CALL CAPT. AL AND HE WILL TELL YOU NOT ONLY WAS KURT FIRED FOUR YEARS AGO FOR LYING ON HIS APPLICATION HE IS STILL HARASSING HIM TODAY. ANY SCUMBAG WHO PICKS ON AN OLD MAN-WAR VET I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH. THIS LOWLIFES WIFE WOULDNT PUT UP WITH HIM EITHER THATS WHY SHE LEFT HIM I BET HE TOLD HER HE WAS THE CAPTAIN OF THE USS ENTERPRISE.... KURT YOUR A KEY WEST SCUMBAG AND NOW IM GOING TO SHOW THE WORLD WHAT A LOSER YOU ARE. DONT HIRE THIS SCUMBAG EITHER. HE WILL HARASS AND TORMENT YOU WHEN YOU END UP FIRING HIM FOR LYING.... Submitted: 12/28/2008 3:59:33 PM Modified: 12/28/2008 9:20:27 PM Robert Buffalo, New York U.S.A. Well well Robert. I'm delighted to see you post these remarks: ''ANY SCUMBAG WHO PICKS ON AN OLD MAN-WAR VET I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH.'' So tell us all Bob, do you have a problem with yourself? You remember posting on ROR claiming I work for United Yachts? I'm a combat vet myself-20 year veteran with 3 combat arenas. Ever since you made that post, I call you a LIAR and will continue to do so. Let me know if I need to refresh you memory. Submitted: 12/28/2008 11:41:25 PM Modified: 12/29/2008 11:18:41 AM Stacey Dallas, Texas U.S.A. Good grief Stop with all the crap - you lost - get over it Your 'yacht' was never a 'yacht' - you screwed up, lost and end of story Grow up Submitted: 12/29/2008 5:21:22 PM Modified: 12/29/2008 7:56:05 PM Kurt From Key West Key West, Florida U.S.A. MORE ROBERT KRUTKO/AL KING AFTERNOON DELIGHT LIES I pulled this off another thread. I will copy and paste it here. Read on and laugh. OMG! Robert is now targeting another Key West resident with his internet libel? Robert, this is the Miami forum you doofus. Pat in AZ Joined: Jul 15, 2008 Comments: 57 Tallahassee ISP: Naples, FL Reply |Report Abuse |Judge it! |#4 4 hrs ago Oh, and I forgot to add, just go to www.unitedyachts.us to read the real story about Robert, plus the many documents that provide proof of the way United Yachts tells the story.(conveniently, Robert fails to ever provide such proof in his ramblings) kurt Miami, FL Reply |Report Abuse |Judge it! |#5 53 min ago Oh Robert is targeting others all right...lol..I work in the radio industry, and Robert apparently has a problem with the owners (the LeRoux family), very well respected members of our small community. I am the guy who turned down the job on the Afternoon Delight Charter boat run by Al King. (google Afternoon Delight Key west) Robert claims this supposed 'war vet' (but he doesn't remember where he served or when)is an upstanding guy. I know Al king as a rip off con man who does not pay his bills and causes problems everywhere he goes. Thats why he has been run out of every decent marina in the harbour. I guess Robert forgot he posted this on another thread, ironically enough proving my point. I will copy and paste the post on 'so called' capt Al. RROBERT WRITES: A friend of mine name capt Al in south florida needs everyone help urgently. Capt. al a two time purple heart recipient (and doesnt like to discuss) has become a victim of discrimination. As a captain in the florida keys for many years al has worked hard to enjoy whats left of his life fishing. recently a marina in south florida after the hurricanes left him sitting for months promising him he would return while telling all the other tennants he wasnt. al while sitting out on the hook (anchor) for months with no water,electric or anything trying to survive. after months his pocket book ran out and business was gone while still waiting to return to the marina he had been at for years. After months went by he recieved a notice they didnt want him back with no explinations attached. He was even paid up on his rent and they had to refund some of it back. after the 30 day notice was given two days later he returned to claim his stuff (storage boxes-equipment) and it was all gone($8000 worth of equipment). we recently found out the state of florida holds the lease with the marina and were asking everyone to please help write the state and tell them nobody should be discriminated against especially on state lands. We feel the state should immediately pull this marinas lease for this reason. The marina was also involved in the theft of another mans yacht at this same location where the boat was later torched and yes the state still allows them a lease . please help our writing campaign to let the state know discrimination and illegal acts should not be allowed and ocean key resort marina should have their lease pulled. the name below is the person in charge of state lands leases please e mail him direct. ps. i have recently found out capt Al is sick and time is of the essence. Your help is greatly appreciated. **** NOTICE how it says to contact Al. Wheezy9870 is ROBERT'S e-mail address in Ohio!***** Look what this sorry excuse for a human being is making up now! This is unbelievable! Ripoff Report Verified Safe Kurt Kurt from key west key west, Florida U.S.A. kurt Miami, FL Reply |Report Abuse |Judge it! |#6 36 min ago LOL....Robert must live with Al, because apparently their pocket books ran out simultaniously. Roberts boat was confiscated for thousands in debt, and his house was foreclosed on for non-payment. His wife must be angry as it was her money he squandered. Careful Pat, next he will start a web site slandering you. This guy has a head full of bad wiring. kurt Miami, FL Reply |Report Abuse |Judge it! |#7 3 min ago Decent people when wronged, file suit (to date Al has filed nothing). Decent people who are in the right win those suits. Neither Al king or Robert Krutko have won a single case (although Robert krutko defaults by no showing when he is served for suit against him by those he slanders). Al is still trying to rip off honest folks, and Robert Krutko is.....well...being Robert Krutko...janitor at some flea-bag hotel in Columbus Ohio, and internet terrorist. Mrs. Krutko must be very proud. Submitted: 1/8/2009 10:43:44 AM Modified: 1/8/2009 11:13:32 AM Robert Columbus, Ohio U.S.A. KURT DISGRUNTLED X - PROVEN LIAR KURT IS A KEY WEST SCUMBAG-LIAR. HE NOT ONLY WAS CAUGHT LYING BY A PAST EMPLOYER HE WAS FIRED. A FEW YEARS LATER HE STILL HARASSES HIS X EMPLOYER. THIS MAN IS A SCUMBAG. YOU DO NOT WANT HIM WORKING FOR YOU. KURTS LYING STATEMENTS PROVEN... 'I applied for a captains job aboard a charter boat in key west called Afternoon Delight. The man I met with was Al King. He claimed to be the owner of the boat and a licensed capt. Turned out he was niether' Anyone reading this can go to the florida corporations web site and verify capt. al king is and has been president of this corporation.. anyone reading this can call the u.s. coast guard and verify Al King owns the afternood delight. Kurts non ownership and non licensed comments are lies. YOU FOLKS FOLLOWING THIS CAN SEE BY MY ABOVE POST KURT 'SCUMBAG'HAS BEEN CAUGHT LYING MANY TIMES JUST IN HIS FIRST PARAGRAPH. KURT HAS SAID THE FOLLOWING.. 1- AL KING DOES NOT OWN THE BUSINESS BUT THE STATE OF FLORIDA DOCUMENTS SHOWS HES OWNED IT FOR MANY YEARS AND IS PRESIDENT OF THE CORPORATION.. 2- HE HAS ALSO SAID AL KING DID NOT HAVE A LCNSE- ANYONE CAN VERIFY CAPT AL KING HAS HELD A 100 TON CAPT. LICENSE FOR MANY YEARS 3- HE ALSO ADMITS 'I applied for a captains job aboard a charter boat in key west' HE WAS FIRED BECAUSE IT WAS FOUND OUT HE COULDNT OPERATE A BOAT BIGGER THAN A KAYAK AND COULDNT EVEN UNTIE THE BOAT FROM THE DOCK. WE ALSO VERIFIED HE NEVER HAD A CAPTAINS LICENSE TO BEGIN WITH. THIS IS WHY HE WAS FIRED. AND NOW UPSET HE COULDNT GET RE HIRED. ANYONE READING THIS CAN ALSO SEE KURT AND HIS 20 DIFFERENT ALIAS NAMES ON CRAIGSLIST IS PITTYFUL. LOOK AT THE ABOVE POST HE MADE AND LIES HES TOLD EVERYONE. CONTACT THE U.S. COAST GUARD AND ASK IF THERES A CAPTAINS LICENSE ISSUED FOR KURT KOSLOSKI AND THE ANSWER WILL BE NO. IF YOU CONTACT CAPT. AL KING HE WILL EVEN PUT YOU IN CHARGE WITH THE PEOPLE WHO WILL VERIFY KURT WAS NEVER A CAPTAIN EVEN THOUGH HE SHOWS UP T CAPTAINS JOBS WEARING A CAPTAINS UNIFORMS. THIS PITTYFUL SCUMBAG HAS TO IMPERSONATE A CAPTAIN BY DRESSING AS ONE WHEN HES DEFINATELY NOT SMART ENOUGH TO GET A REAL LICENSE. THE PROOFS THERE PEOPLE KURT IS A LIAR AND ITS BEN PROVEN, NOW HIM AND HIS BUDDYS TRY TO DISCREDIT THAT ALSO. BUT YOU CAN VERIFY ALL THIS YOURSELF.. KURT STICK WITH YOUR OLD KAYAK TOUR JOB , OPPSSSS HE WAS FIRED FROM THAT ALSO.. OH YES AND NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE EVER STARTED EXCEPT WHEN KURT CALLED CAPT. AL KING AND WAS REFUSED FOR BEING HIRED BACK,HE THREATENED THE OLD MANY BY SAYING HIM AND HIS US 1 RADIO BUDDYS WERE GOING TO DESTROY HIS BUSINESS OVER THE AIR WAVES AT US 1 RADIO AND SET U A TABLE BEHIND HIS BOAT TELLING CUSTOMERS HIS BOAT SUCKS. ALL THIS IF HE DIDNT GET HIS JOB BACK. WELL HE DIDNT GET HIS JOB BACK, AND HE NEVER FOLLOWED THROUGH ON HIS THREATS, BECAUSE HES A TYPICAL KEY WEST COWARD... ***** THIS JUST IN.. KURT HAS FALSELY IDENTIFIED HIMSELF AS A CAPTAIN.. KURT IN SEVERL POSTS SAYS HES A LICENSED U.S. COAST GUARD CAPTAIN, AFTER VERIFYING HE PASSED A CAPTAINS COURSE IT WAS CLEAR THE COAST GUARD VERIFIED KURT IS NOT A LICENSED U.S. COAST GUARD CAPTAIN. THIS MEANS HE DOES NOT HAVE THE HOURS AND PAPERWORK TO HAUL COMMERCIAL PASSENGERS ON A COMMERCIAL BOAT. ANYONE READING THIS CAN VERIFY THIS THEMSELVES, THIS PROVES MY EARLIER POINT, HE LIED ON A JOB APPLICATION AND COULDNT EVEN UNTIE A BOAT FROM THE DOCKS. THIS MAN IS A FRAUD AND LIAR. JUST LOOK AT HIS STATEMENTS ABOVE.. AL KING DID AND DOES OWN THE BOAT AND IS PRESIDENT OF THE CORPORATION CROWN CHARTERS INC., HE IS OWNER OF THE BOAT, AND THE U.S. COAST GUARD WILL VERIFY HES BEEN A LICENSE CAPTAIN FOR YEARS. VERIFY THIS IS A LIAR AND SCUMBAG...

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