  • Report:  #917606

Complaint Review: ALL STAR MARKETING - fremont California

Reported By:
John - fremont, California, United States of America

43158 christy street fremont, 94538 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I went to interview for this company after finding an extraordinarily vague Craig'slist ad. I called and tried to get more info out of the secretary but to no avail. You can tell this poor girl truly hates this specific job, and I don't blame her. Her demeanor and the way she looks at you seems to say, "I feel bad for getting you in here but I'm just doing my job. Yes, I bent the truth a little. Don't hate me please." And yes, I can decipher all of that from a persons glare. 

Certain aspects of the job which would make anyone think twice about working here were purposely left out. Things such as, your "2,000$" monthly guarantee....IS NOT A GUARANTEE! You have to do a minimum of 60 in-home presentations at no less than 1.5 hours each (of course you find this out on the 3rd and last day of training. niiiiiiiiice.) Hence why they frame it this way; its impossible to attain.  Nobody in their right mind wants some random salesperson in their home that long.  I'm sure some people do indeed make this monthly minimum but at the cost of transforming yourself into a complete a*****e salesman. You'll be working roughly 6-7 days a week with hours ranging from about 10 to 12 daily. Which is fine if that's what you love doing, but nowhere in the recruitment is this mentioned. They just hope you don't quit when you find out. Cool.

Here's a question; if you claim to have so much pride in your super-successful business, why must you resort to shady and completely deceitful recruitment tactics? Maybe just say in your listing "KIRBY VACUUM SALESMAN NEEDED!" The end. The fact that they don't do this makes it painfully obvious that they prefer to get you in, and sell YOU on working there. Do they say its a sales job? not really. Its a "customer service job." Come on guys, this is intellectually insulting. I'm guessing the majority of people if they saw a "Kirby Salesman" job listing would have no problems never giving it a call. Yea, that's why their ads look the way they do. You're wasting the f**k out of peoples time.

This job essentially preys on the minds of the financially cripple, downtrodden persons simply looking for honest work. The owners "success story" was almost offensive in the way he presented it. Touting everyone in the room as people who "screwed up." Guess what bro, some of those poor kids were straight out of high-school. You're right, they did screw up; they walked into your establishment that day.

The morning meetings are a complete joke and absolutely embarrassing for any self-respecting human. I felt like I was thrown into a creepy mixture of Vacation Bible School and an AA meeting. Being forced to chant things like, "I am a force for GOOD! I am a force for GOD!" was absurd and borderline cult-ish. No, I am not a force for God, and if I was, I wouldn't be accomplishing it selling 3-thousand dollar vacuum cleaners to people who probably don't really want them. Get real. This is brainwashy and just weird. At this "job" you'll be harassing homeowners on a daily basis. Eventually you'll be a living breathing pile of d****e. They turn you into this whilst cheering "BE POSITIVE! OR ELSE!" Creating this completely false-positive environment doubles as a shield against anyone possibly questioning what the hell is going on at this place... "Hey guys, when are we gonna get paid?", "SHUT UP! You're being negative." Yea, this place is psychotic. 

What absolutely bothered me most about this job is the way in which this company, and from the looks of it, every other Kirby distributor in ever, goes about selling their product. Do they encourage lying? Not in the technical sense of the word, but the entire process from A-Z is deceitful. The main owner in one of his many exuberant speeches told people to literally use emotions to convince the customer to buy. What does this mean? Make the customer feel like total s**t for not purchasing. Find any sort of way to make decent human beings, good people, feel like they are somehow doing you wrong for not purchasing a $2600 vacuum cleaner during a recession. Moreover, hearing things like "whatever you do, NEVER start packing up. Just move onto the next demonstration."- after the customer suggests you wrap up and leave is not only one of the worst sales-tactics I've ever heard, but its also... whats the word... Illegal. Or being specifically instructed to go to homes with NO SOLICITING signs and play dumb. This is downright shameful and they make only the slightest effort to mask the sales process as anything but.

The owner claims 1/4 people when given the demonstration, will buy the Kirby. What I've deducted this really means is 1/4 people are kind enough not to say no after having an overpriced 40 pound piece of metal forcefully rammed down their throat. Thanks but no thanks. No amount of money is worth my dignity and respect for fellow humans. Just because you're being slick while being a pushy d**k-salesman, doesn't mean you're not being a pushy d**k-salesman. Just because you're explaining away what you're REALLY doing to people psychologically, doesn't mean you're not really doing it. This product is great, this method of sales is predatory. Period. 

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