  • Report:  #213981

Complaint Review: Allied Interstate - Columbus Ohio

Reported By:
- Starke, Florida,

Allied Interstate
3000 Corporate Exchange Dr. 5th Floor Columbus, 4331 Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
For the last 3 months, I've been receiving recorded calls at all hours as well as on weekends and holidays demanding payment for a bill for which I have no knowledge. Today, I received a theatening letter demanding $477.51. Also it asked for personal and security type information. I checked the letter carefully but found no names of supposed creditors that I even recognized. The last time I can even think I owed any money it was over 9 years for a cell phone service for which I had a contract for. The contract stated that I would be charged $120 if I broke the contract. About one and a half year into it, I relocated and asked that they would change all the info to the other state. I was told that they did not provide service in that area. Thus, I closed the account and paid the bill to date. The only thing I can think of is that 9 years later they might be trying to collect the $120 for closing the account before the second year into it. Should that be the case, I do not feel responsible first because it's not my fault they did not provide service in the state I moved to and secondly, why would they then wait 9 years to try to collect? I always left fowarding addresses on how to contact me. Now this bill does not mention any company or entity that I recognize and why is it at $477.51?

Should I rush and pay this bill today, I could get it reduced to $214.88 (WITH NO GUARANTEES) on their part. As many others whose complaints I've read, they are asking personal information that are protected and they should be by the Privacy Act. Further, any info divulged to some one who I don't know could bring about other scammers and fraudulent people just waiting to take the consumer.

Just wanted to add this information to the already "Bad Reputation that Allied Interstate has around the Country" and once more give testimony on how insulting and threatening they are.

I sincerely hope Government authorities will mellow them down and bring back consumer rights and confidence in the system.

Thank you


Starke, Florida

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Maura, DO NOT pay them! Check this out first.

#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 05, 2006

In addition to the advice given by Heather and Don, I have a few things to add. First, NEVER speak to ANY collector on the phone for ANY reason. It will NEVER do anything positive for you and will in almost every case make things worse. Communicate ONLY in writing, and ONLY by certified mail, return reciept requested. Put the certified# on the letter itself and keep a copy for your records. This proceedure is VERY important. NEVER pay any third party collector on an old debt for several reasons. Especially if you "settle" for less than the amount owed, that will validate the debt and they will sue you for the rest of it! Any payment resets the statute of limitations and makes an old uncollectable debt, collectable. That is what they hope for, and that is why you never talk to them. EVER. That old debt is most likely past the statute of limitations which makes it uncollectable, and they know it! NEVER acknowledge ANY debt to a collector. In some states, this can be used as validation. Always make them prove everything. By the means above, just send a DEBT VALIDATION request where you clearly dispute the debt, and you demand to see whatever you allegedly signed to create the debt, as well as a complete account history and itemization of all charges. Also demand proof that they own the debt and/or have authority to collect it as well as proof that they are propery licensed to engage in collections in your state. If the refuse to validate, or are unable to, they cannot go any further with this, and if they do, you sue them for the FDCPA violations and your actual damages.


Allied Interstate won't answer your letter unless, unless they can prove the debt, if not there'll not answer and make you do there job

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, October 05, 2006

We got a letter from allied stating, we owe at&t. I don't know how, we have at&t now, and they state are account is fine We sent a letter more then 50 days ago, and haven't heard back from them , but they did place this on are credit report. This was disputed with the credit bureaue's and now waiting to hear back from them. Allied will only send validation on account they can prove in court and others they feel you should be the one to correct this, not them. Marura, sent your letter, make them sign for it and keep a copy for your records, check you credit report in about 45 days after you don't here from them. Stay off the phone no good will come of it. alot of people say don't contact the original creditor, in most cases that's true, on one account we were put in collections, we sent the original creditor a payment, they cashed it, and had to remove the collection agency. We did this during the first 30 days. Most collection agency's couldn't validate there owe A$$, if they had to. Some of the advise your getting are from people that work for these agency's, so keep that in mine when you act. It doen't matter if the law changes, they still have to validate. And a funny thing about law, unless the current law it replealed, the date all this stated is the law that will effect you. god luck don't delay, make them prove it, and if that's a big if, they answer you look at what they send, a lot of times it in house reports, or things they make up


little change

#4Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 04, 2006

I know Steve will chime in on this. To you response that once an account is disputed, they can not call you, you are correct, for now. An amendmant to the FDCPA has passed congress and is awaiting PResidential approval, which would slightly change the current rule. It would require a written dispute letter (as you suggested in your response) for the collection activity to stop during the 30 day validation period. In my site, we currently mark an account as a dispute verbally on the phone, but request a written letter be sent afterward. Not sure when this new change would take effect.


Write to them immediately

#5Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 03, 2006

Maura: You've been sent what's called an "initial contact" letter from Allied, which should state somewhere on the face of the letter that "you have 30 days to dispute the validity of the debt, yada yada". You sound unsure of what it might be for, so make Allied prove it to you. You need to write to Allied right now and protect your dispute rights. Simply tell them that you dispute the debt in its entirety and request validation. Tell them that telephone calls are inconvenient at any time. Mail it certified mail, return receipt. This letter will 1) legally inform them that they are NOT to call you again, and 2) their collection activities must cease immediately upon receipt of this letter until such time that they can provide you with proof of the debt. This means that, by law, they can't call you and they can't report anything on your credit report after getting the letter (even though this might be for a 9-year old debt, they could possibly try to re-age when the debt occurred). Don't hesitate, because they could very well report to the bureaus before receiving your letter, then you'll have another battle on your hands to get it off of your report. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act was JUST amended a few days ago to allow collectors to continue with their activities until they receive this letter, so get on it right now. If they do anything else (or get a call from them again) prior to providing you with proof of what they're collecting, then they have violated federal law and you could sue them for damages. So keep copies of everything (and document received calls) for proof.

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