  • Report:  #604220

Complaint Review: Allstar Motivation - O. W. O. world perfume - Las Vegas Nevada

Reported By:
Millie - Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.

Allstar Motivation - O. W. O. world perfume
3110 S. Polaris Las Vegas, 89102 Nevada, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Where do I start...If you live in Las Vegas, and you see the annoying group of kids/ex-junkies at gas stations, strip malls, and Wal-Mart parking lots selling the off-brand perfume..well it leads right back to THIS company!!

after calling the number in the Craigslist Ad...I heard the scripted sales pitch "Company is expanding..blah blah...are you over 18..blah blah..own your own car..we have a 1:00 and a 3:00"

Show up, the Compnay is located on a backstreet where drug dealing and defunct businesses are operated. Came in signed in under "Billy". Told to fill out a "Getting to know you questionare"..seriously, your asking for my SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER...yeah left it blank.

They were playing "Anchorman", and had a few bottles of the product set up on the DVD cart. It was myself and another young lady, after I told her what the company REALLY was, she had a look of dissapointment on her face, but said she will let them go through with the act. We were given a lackluster intro to the video by a guy with short dreads "Dallante". The video was cheesy,a spoof if anything, a minstrel show of young 20 something black kids and a middle aged black guy with messed up teeth talking about "the life"..yeah like i regret getting my college degree

We met with the head honcho in the office next to the waiting room, who went on and on about the product. While looking at my resume he asked what type of experience I had and jotted it down on line paper..umm seriously? He kept going on about the endless possibilities of making money, and how much better our lives will be. The feeble minded would have been sold on the song and dance, but obviously my questions about operations were starting to get on his nerves. to the After informing him that I have a Bachelors Degree in Biolgy and was just looking for something part-time..I was told ill hear from someone regarding a management position. I told him dont even bother, but since I drove down here, thank you for the show, and walked out!

Any adult with SENSE knows that nothing happens over night. If you go to their website and see 5 or 6  people on vacation to exotic places, or driving expensive cars, its because they are using the lowly souls with no back-bone, limited education, and down trodden to get where they are at.

 FYI..NONE of the cars featured in the video were on or around the OWO- All-Star Motivation "Head-quarters"

10 Updates & Rebuttals


Fort Worth ,
Not for everyone

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, March 09, 2015

it's a great job for a hustler type person. you can make big bucks . I'm Not that person. the fragrances are not high quality but neither are most of the fragrances sold in department stores. You get what you pay for. they are not a scam . There are people who are successful at this. Most people quit after one day or don't show up. If you are the right type of person you will do well and love it . Most people who buy your fragrances will be satisfied. if you're not the right fit for a job don't call them scam artists. Just get a job you can excell at and be happy. 

Kelly the bartender

South park,
How allstar is tied with world perfume & Scenuta

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, January 21, 2015

When I answerd an ad many years ago looking for office help , I too was mislead but it was hard to do any research because Scentura was always popping up on every search engine ! Let me back up & say this was the World Perfume days but they are all tied ! Anyways when I asked about Scentura they said that they were nothing like them . So I actually thought we would be selling the stuff to major stores like JC pennys or Macys ! I actually believed this until they started to do the sceinero's on how to appraoch people on the street & bars ! I went out on the field aka parking lots & gas stations & actually fell cause I was wearing high heels cause I thought we might be walking in the stores not on the street ! I fractured my ankle very bad ! They made me go to some sports bar like that & followed me out to my car begging me to come back ! This all happened the same day ! When I got home they never called & I never got the perfume my mom bought out of pity ! My dad called them to ask about workers comp  thats when it all became clear ! If there was more info on World Perfume this would have never had happened ! So I'm gonna break it down so the potential employee of All star can see how its all tied ! 1970,s Larry Haun , Johnny whitworth & Dan long start Scentura ! 1980,s Johnny & dan get into a fight with larry & break away from Scentura ! 1990's -2007 Johnny & Dan start & run World Perfume ! 2007 -presnt according to Billy nolan johnny retired the company but I have a feeling it went bankrupt & apparently Johnny tells all his secrets to Billy & now its Allstar Motivation ! I hope this helps people ! If you do go to the first interview & hear Billy talk about some guy in Texas , its Johnny whitworh ! Johnny got his ideas from Scenutra so basically everything Scentura does World Perfume did & now Allstar Motivation ! I still think Johnny has some kind of ties with Billy Nolans Allstar motivation ! The only differnce from then & now is , Billy tries to create some kind of Rapper atmosphere at his office & they do alot more strange chanting ! Oh & the youtube videos that feature the same group of people in every video ! They do their best to tried to hide that fact but the girl with the angel wings tatoo is in all of them !


Pyramid Sales Scam

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, November 18, 2014

This is a classic pyramid sales scam.  Who says so?  Well, the appellate court of Illinois for one.  I myself would trust the opinion of a state court over the opinion of some mindless drone in denial about what they have gotten themselves into.  If you don't mind scamming and lying to people every day all day (including yourself about the "opportunity") then this job may be for your.  Like any large scale fraud, it requires willing dupes to carry the message.  You will see all of these types of jobs listed as scams here at Rip-off report.  You will also see the same rebuttals about how cool the "opportunity" is, how anyone who says something negative about it is a "shmuck" who is lazy and weak, and how brilliantly successful they or someone they know got they way by following the program.  Here is how all these scams work.

An "office manager" does an interview with you and b***s**** you about how amazing the opportunity is.  You sign on and go out for some period of "training".  Basically you follow someone around doing door-to-door type sales with some knock-off cheap product.  If you show promise, the trainer pays you some small amount for your time (if you sell some product that is).  After training you become a "distributer" (or whatever that concept decides to call it).  You then start selling for yourself.  You will work 14-16 hour days, six days a week, selling crap and making very little money.  Most people don't make enough to cover basic bills, food, rent, gas, insurance for their car, and anything else you can think of that would be a routine expense.  If you show a willingness to keep grinding it out in search of this ever elusive "opportunity" then you will start taking out new people for training.  As you train them, you will begin building your team.  They will have some number of people that you must get to stay and work as part of your team (5-10) in order for you to be "promoted".  Eventually, when you are promoted you get an "office" or become some strange version of a "co-owner" that already exists.  Then you will stop going out in the "field" and start recruiting people to join the organization. It sounds realistic and easy at first, until you start grinding out day, after day, after day and find out just how high an attrition rate this kind of job creates.  If you are trying to support a family or yourself for that matter you wont be able to make enough to support them.  The average person makes between 50-75 per day.  That sounds ok for an entry level job until you break it down.  You will be using your own vehicle, your own gas, feeding yourself on the road every day, feeding your "trainee", and splitting part of what you make with your "trainee" in order to get them to keep coming back.  IF you are reeeeeeaaaally good at sales you will be able to make minimum wage before expenses.  After you figure in all the expenses you generate while working it will be much much much less than minimum wage.  How do they get away with that?  Well, you are an independant contractor - ie self employed.

Now, there is nothing wrong with working ridiculously long hours.  There is nothing wrong with selling things door-to-door (or in parking lots, bars, etc.).  There is nothing wrong with being self-employed, using your own vehicle, paying for your own gas, being an independant contractor, or training people to do what you do.  But the people who start out wont be able to sustain themselves financially due to the low commissions you make.  So in order to keep people in "the program", you have to sell them hard every day, all day, on the dream that some day they will be rich.  So they grind day in and day out for 12-16 hours a day, but don't make enough to survive.  Eventually they find themselves in a huge financial hole that they can't get out of.  They have no car (because it broke down from driving it 100 miles a day and not having time or money to put into maintaining it).  They are probably living with their parents, a roommate, or other "distributors" in a group apartment.  They have no money, save what is in their pocket (50-100 bucks).  They have no family relationships or social life outside "the business" (because they have no time for anything other than work).  They have no marketable skills that they have learned or gained (other than people skills).  The longer they stick it out, the worse everything else in their life gets.  Eventually though, they become completelty dependent on the "organization".  They have to bum rides with thier fellow co-worker.  They live together (often 6-8 people in a 3 bedroom apartment).  They have to borrow money from their "office manager" to continue to survive, so it gets harder and harder to leave.  The experience becomes very cult-like. 

Just like any pyramid scheme, they need a CONSTANT supply of new people.  They will hire anyone and everyone.  They will tell you about how wonderful the dream is to keep you going.  When you burn completely out, they will move on to the next new shmuck.  One thing you can be sure of, the best liar in the office with no morals or scrupples will do the best.  That's the guy that will be eventually "promoted".  That guy will continue to make crap for money because he will be sold on the "regional manager" dream.  He will own the "office", but not really.  At the highest levels of the business, you will make money and lots of it.  But it will require you to have completely ruined the lives of thousands, upon thousands of "distributors" that have been used up and spit out so that you can be wealthy.

It's a scam.  One of the most devious and elaborate legal scams out there.  It taps into our dreams of getting rich.  It sells you on legitimacy because you are working hard for long hours.  Your sacrificing now to get a payoff later.  You are your own boss.  Don't worry that everyone in the office doesn't make enough money to survive or support a family.  Don't worry that your car will eventually be junked because you have to run it into the ground.  Don't worry that you wont be able to see your family or friends.  Don't worry that you will have to move in with other "distributors" in order to make ends meet.  Don't worry that the attrition rate is 1/1000 and you will spend years lying to every person you train.  Don't worry that in order to be successful you will have to ruin lives and be part of a cult.  It will be worth it when you are rich right?




Carrollton ,
General Question(s)

#5General Comment

Wed, July 23, 2014

     I have responded to the same add in craigslist this week, It seems some of these people like it and don't like. I think it may be liget like most of you all said that has enjoyed it like it. I suppose it is what it is, I will find out soon. Is there anything I need to be aware from the current employee's or former employee's, like oh i dont drug testing, background check. I didn't give them any of my personal information on that yet I just would like to know if these things will come up or not. I ask cause I enjoy having my beer at night sometimes and dont wanna pee in the cup with some budlight in my system from the night before. I would apprieate it if you could give me some info back on those questions thanks. 

Eric benton

I went in the carrollton office location

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, January 23, 2014

 I went in for an interview a few months ago but never got a call back...  I did a follow up call for 3 weeks straight. They said if spots opened they would call me back. It wasn't a "scam",  the people were really nice and motivated. I am no fool, I know scams when I see one. You are selling perfume and colonge until you sell enough that they give your own entire office location in a city of your choice. You run that office as your own and you don't have to sell the perfume anymore you hire people to sell it for you. You are given merchandise monthly and a crew to work with. You have to maintain a certain amount of sales. You manage your own office. I didn't get anything "scammish" out of the interview, because you don't have anything to lose. I don't know why anyone wouldn't take the position. I plan on going back soon, I am tired of my marketing sales jobs. If anyone else knows of other great opportunities email me!


Quincy Jones

Las Vegas,
Closed-Minded people won't get it

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, October 28, 2013

To: Millie

First of all, the office is not located on a back street where drug dealing and defunct businesses are operated. It's in a business complex. Where else would YOU have an office?

Why did you tell Billy that you have a bachelor's degree in Biology? Obviously, you didn't learn anything about running a business when you went to school.

I'm pretty sure you were never told that something was going to happen overnight. It takes hard work and dedication to run a business. That's what they teach you. Ask anyone who has their own business or is a self-made millionaire.

Lastly, whatever cars you see in the videos are the ones that DO show up at the office. Sorry, you didn't stick around, but I'm glad you didn't. I would have booted you out the company with that salty attitude.



Need more info

#8General Comment

Wed, July 03, 2013

I currently have an interview with the Prestige Worldwide LLC company in Carrollton, TX set up this week, and I would like to know exactly why some people hate it and why some people like/tolerate it.


United States of America
HA! If $1,200 a WEEK is a scam then keep scamming me!

#9UPDATE Employee

Fri, November 30, 2012

Oooh don't be a haterrr. I been working with Allstar Motivation for 2 years now, am 21 years old, have my own marketing team and about to run my own building. I make up to $1,700 a week and on a bad week around $800. Guess where I started? By answering an add on Craigslist;) just because YOU don't have the capabilities to do a job like this doesn't mean it's a joke. We made a perfume/cologne for people just like you...it's called "Not 4 Haters." Have a good day!

Kelly the bartender

South park,
Knock off

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, November 04, 2010

How can you feel so good teaching people how to sell cheap garbage to people on the streets


United States of America
wow what loosers

#11UPDATE Employee

Wed, September 29, 2010

i answered the add in the paper they told me if i learned to sell the product i could go into management and train others to sell it i made 500 dollars my first week for doing 50 its was easy why do poeple cry and wine when they have to work hard for them self for there own pay. i guess its true what they told me lots of weak people out there thay gave me my own office in only 8 weeks. i could not believe it and now im showing others how to make money for them self now. it feels soo good. to help others. well dont know what to say but they told me i would be selling it and i did and thay fulfilled everything they told me they would do so hay i have nothing against them i have my own business now because of them they even paid for office i did not have to spent a dollar. well good luck everyone and thx Ace Whitworth with Prestige Worldwide in Carrollton thx

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