  • Report:  #173450

Complaint Review: Allstate Insurance - Indianapolis Indiana

Reported By:
- Honolulu, Hawaii,

Allstate Insurance
Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
In this report are details of how Allstate insurance :

1) scams the public on the internet through multiple websites,

2) offered me a false low rate and got me to sign up,

3) 2-3 months later did a bait and switch on me and raised my rates with no valid reasons,

4) checked my credit file when I was specifically told it would not happen.

5) ignored the requests for a valid explanation.

6) only really responded after I reported them to the insurance commissioner

7) turned me into a collection agency

Also contained are or will be :

1) various emails of me going off on Allstate

2) emails of requests for information from Allstate.

3) letters to the attorney generals / insurance commissioners office

4) allstates excuse that they never received any of the emails.

5) a letter from the insurance commissioner

6) a response from a Allstate.

7) emails to and from SAFECO

Other information will be added as I retrieve it from my email history and data archive. (I keep everything I ever wrote, sent or received. You never know when you might need it in the future.. just like this)

The moral of this story

as best said by rap group "Public Enemy" - "Don't believe the HYPE.

"In May 2005, I went shopping online for new auto insurance. After taking more than 12 hours total over 2 days to fill out requests from all these different "companies" websites (I was REALLY shopping). I find that the bulk of the sales leads were given to different Allstate reps.

For all having been provided the exact same information, I received quotes varying by hundreds of dollars. And the fact that I received so many from Allstate, tells me that the 12 hours I thought I was "investing" to be a good consumer, was just a complete waste of time.

After getting frustrated with that, I figured that I would go with Allstate, after all according to their marketing HYPE, "x many millions of people saved money by switching to Allstate !". they were going to save me a lot of money too !

So I picked an agent that seemed to give me a reasonable rate and seemed like he had half a clue. I explained that I already have insurance with Safeco and that I have been with them for years. I explained that I have not had an accident or citation in like the last 10 years.

The agent provided me with a quote. He then asked for my social security number and insisted it was only to check the drivers records as that is how they are stored. I expressly stated that it is not to be used to check my credit reports, and he agreed saying they do not use it for that purpose. In June, 2005 I accepted the price quoted. I purchased the insurance. My first bill was processed online June 25th.

(Note : every time someone inquires into your credit reports, they ding you for a couple of points. That is why I did not want them checking, I didn't want them dragging my score down.)

In September, After a few months of insurance, I received a letter telling me something to the extent of "because of information we found in your credit report, and because of information you failed to provide to us" we are raising your rates. (I will post a copy of the letter, later)

I wrote them several email, demanded an explanation.

I aggressively told them that if they did not have some information, that it is them that failed to ask for it as I answered every question I was asked and even some I thought were completely un necessary and intrusive.

I also explained that there is no negative information on my credit file, Period. I am 38 and I have an income of over $75,000 a year, I pay my bills on time (all auto drafted from my checking account) and As I am rather anal about how my credit is, I retrieve reports from all 3 bureaus at least once a year, many years, 3 or more times a year.

So whatever EXCUSE they have for raising my rates is unwarranted. In addition, what on Gods green earth does my credit report have to do with how much I am being charged for auto insurance ? that's CRAP ! my driving record should be the ONLY factor considered. My personal finances have no bearing on weather I am a safe driver.

With the amount of increase they wanted to charge me for auto insurance, the rate would now be actually MORE than I was spending for the past several years with Safeco. That is nothing more than a Bait and Switch.

I immediately wrote an email to Safeco explained the entire situation (that I left for a cheap "date") and begged their forgiveness (like the prodigal son) and asked if I can come back to the family, full well expecting to have to pay some type of penalty.

SAFECO CALLED ME on the phone within hours.

The wonderful person I talked to at SAFECO looked up my previous account, and told me no problem, and in fact REDUCED my rate from what I was previously paying to even below what Allstate quoted me for their initial insurance cost.

I wrote my Allstate agent and instructed them I am canceling, I wrote their corporate office an email and told them I am canceling and I wrote to the state attorney generals office / Insurance Commissioner and reported Allstate.

Only after I got a response from the state did the Allstate's corporate office bother to return contact, and then it was nothing more than damage control to appease the state. And even then I informed them that I switched back to Safeco.

That was all in September of 2005.

Today, January 26th, 2006. I got a call on my cell phone (voice mail). No introduction or announcement of who they were, just a phone number and a "file number" and said to call them.

I called them back and find out it is a collection agency. Allstate turned me in for collections for money they said that I owe them for insurance services AFTER I had cancelled my policy with them.

Allstate gave the collections company an old address that I had not lived at for more than 4 years and my cell phone number but failed top provide them with my multiple email addresses, work information or current address.

I informed the collections rep, (in a very nice way its not her fault that Allstate is a scam company,) that if Allstate wanted to get in touch with me to tell me I owe them something, they have more than 7 ways of contacting me OTHER than a physical postal address.

The collections rep says that in order for me to "dispute" the account I have to provide them proof of insurance as of October of last year, since Indiana is a mandatory insurance state. Basically saying that if I did not have insurance, then I owed Allstate the money regardless if I cancelled or not.

What does my proof of insurance with another company have to do with the fact that I cancelled my insurance with Allstate ? why does Allstate think I owe them more money ?

The collections rep was nice, but obviously was told by Allstate to go get more money and not provided all of the facts.

Now, I have to be concerned that this will show up on my otherwise spotless credit reports, I have to go jump through some flaming hoops to "prove" that I don't owe anything (I thought our legal system was set up to be innocent until proven guilty ?) and I have to WASTE more time with Allstate over this matter.

I will write more updates as they come available.

The moral of this story as far as anyone getting insurance with allstate

as best said by rap group "Public Enemy" - "Don't believe the HYPE."


Honolulu, Hawaii

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5 Updates & Rebuttals


Providing Proof of coverage

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, March 29, 2013

Hey Curtis,

Sorry to read what happened to you. I had worked for several insurers in the past, including Allstate. Just for future info for everyone reading this, when you originally get a quote from an insurer for auto insurance, the quote is 99.9% of the time, based on info you provided. It's just based on your age, miles traveled, type of car, etc. Once you decide to accept their offer, THATS when they will run your MVR and a credit report. Yes, a credit report. A good company will explain to you that your rate may change once all your reports are run, and give you the premium at that time. 

Everyone needs to remember this pit of advice for protection, DON'T ever cancel your current coverage until you know that the new company ran all their reports, that there is nothing that will change in price and most of all until you receive your policy in the mail after making your deposit. This way, if something does go wrong, your original coverage is still in place, and you'll have it to fall back on.

Now, you NEVER want a gap in coverage with auto ins. That will have a major impact on your rates in the future. If you went back to Safeco and your coverage with them never lapsed, Allstate should backdate their termination to the date you started it. Providing them with proof of coverage benefits you in getting your money back. It also shows no lapse in coverage. You can't be covered by two insurers at the same time. One of them owes you money...the new company in this case. Showing them you had coverage while their policy started makes them backdate the termination to the time you started their policy. If you can't prove coverage with someone slse, they will charge you for coverage used from them. They'll prorate it per day.

I know it's frustrating but heck, show them proof of coverage so they have to pay you back, this should wipe your slate clear as far as owing them. Then, the consumer bureaus can remove that off your credit reports.

Insurance companies can sure save themselves hits against reputation by just being very upfront with customers. Sorry to hear that happened to you! I cannot stress any more...DO NOT allow your current coverage to terminate until you receive your policy in the mail from the new company. You can always get the money back from your prior company by showing them you went with a new company and providing proof.


United States of America
Second bits

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, July 05, 2012

You are correct that insurance credit checks are only "soft hits" and don't affect scores, though I believe on a full report they do show up. 99% Of companies who run checks don't even show the agent or employee running the check the customer's credit score, much less specific credit report information. The company will only see the insurance score broken down into that company's proprietary letter/number classification, showing what rate class that customer is being placed in as a result of a credit check.

Unfortunately, the general public hears "credit report" and thinks they're going to be seeing everything from their outstanding debts to how many wives they've had, which just isn't true. Trust me, you're in much more danger buying a car with in-dealership financing because the sales managers and salespeople often gossip about peoples credit info (first hand knowledge there).

Now, if this consumer has proof that they informed Allstate in writing with a legally accepted cancellation form, which in Indiana is a dated letter, showing the date they want the policy cancelled (has to be in the future or that day, not the past unless another policy overlaps or other extraordinary circumstances are involved), and it has got to be signed and delivered to the agent or company by mail if not dealing with an agent. Some will accept phone cancellations if the customer gives their SSN. The reason for all this is that if your kid/ex wife/pissed off coworker calls up or emails and the company cancels, they have no proof that someone with authority actually cancelled, and can and do get their pants sued off for these things under their E&O coverage.

But, even if you did this, it'd leave you, in this case, with a serious lapse in coverage which, as already stated, would seriously impact your ability to be insured in the future, your choice of companies, and the eventual price. Since, obviously someone who's willing to drive without coverage is going to be considered a poor risk. Allstate has a wholly separate company for these drivers, Allstate indemnity co., Farmers wont take them but places them in their high risk insurer Bristol West, other companies have no options for these drivers or have similar 2nd company options.

Just thought other consumers may find these details helpful.


South Carolina,
United States of America

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, July 05, 2012

First I would like to say "AMEN" to "WOW...".  Insurance is not like a new pair of shoes, you can't just decide they cost too much and return them, then walk barefoot a while.  Not only will your rates increase but if you are a mandatory insurance state you face fines and license suspension for any lapse in insurance.

Also I would like to point out that when an insurance company "runs your credit", they don't actually run your credit.  It's called a "soft hit", they see nothing of your credit history, it does NOT impact your FICO score in any way, and no one who pulls your credit with a hard hit (banks for example) will ever see that an "inquiry" was made by the insurance company.  The only one who can see this insurance inquiry on your credit is you, that's it, that's all.  And how you pay bills has a lot to do with insurance.  As you have just found out, they will carry you for a month or so sometimes without you paying anything.  Some people will walk into an insurance agency, pay one month down and walk out with proof of 6 months coverage and they never pay another dime.  Yes, this factors into your rate because they want to make sure you are going to pay your bill.  If someone's insurance score (not credit score) is too low, some companies will refuse to offer coverage period.  If the complaintant in the above case had experienced a traffic accident before October 1st he would be singing Allstate's praises.

My advice?  Suck it up and learn how the world actually works.  This must have been his very first ever insurance policy.


United States of America

#5General Comment

Mon, August 29, 2011

All I can say is this consumer has no apparent idea of how insurance works for someone who's 38 years old. I'm not aware of any company that doesn't run credit checks before issuing a policy and one of the documents you receive is a fcrda form. they can give a basic rate with no cc, but once they run credit rates can vary widely.

And, to cancel a policy prior to new insurance taking effect is not only illegal and stupid, but it'll raise your new rate. Any lapse over usually 2 days will severly impact your insurance score.

As for why proof of insurance matters; if you can prove you had concurrent coverage with the policy in question, it can be cancelled back to the date coverage overlaps, but not before.

I'm guessing he's here complaining because his complaint to the commission got him nowhere, justifiably so.


email from Allstate

#6Author of original report

Tue, January 31, 2006

I originally posted 3 emails with the first report. I screened out all of my contact information, but apparently the emails were deleted from the report in their entirety. Today I got an email from Allstate. What a joke. (or I should say the joke is on me) My rep that I wrote to, forwarded my hostile email to his regional customer care rep... she wrote back to him "Thanks for making my day with this one. :) " and put in a cute little smiley face... she is having fun thinking it's a big joke... He messed up and sent me her email as a forward... It turns out that Allstate is ignoring the date I told them to cancel the policy, and instead charging me up to the day that my new policy with Safeco went into effect, October 1st, 2006. Apparently since Indiana is a mandatory insurance state, Allstate figures they can charge you until you have proof you have new insurance, weather you want "serviced" from them or not... My original email I sent to Allstate regarding the increase was August 8th (not September as I originally posted) so that makes the matter worse. They sat on my request for information for almost 2 months. Here are snippets from the emails I received today. she included the calculation of how they arrived at a $113 balance, and also stated that they sent me 3 notices about the balance. Too bad I never got the 3 notices. They sent the rate increase to my correct address, they email me and send me updates and marketing hype, the company has my cell number on file (they gave it to the collections company) the agent has my mothers phone number and address as we inquired about insurance for her, they have my work phone number, and finally my home owners insurance is with Allstate so they have the accurate information from that and the mortgage company contact information as well. But apparently they sent the 3 notices that I owed then more money to an address that I have not lived at for 4+ years. (that s what the collections company stated) sounds a little convenient if you want to "accidentally" trash someone's credit. Here are the email snippets ---------------------------------------------- Willis: Thanks for making my day with this one. :) I will respond to the insured on this complaint. FYI we are CUSTOMER CARE not customer service. Customer Service is in the CIC or call center. We are in the region. Lori Allstate Insurance Company Customer Coordinator ---------------- Dear Curtis Your email regarding the collections bill on policy number *********** has been forwarded to my attention. After reviewing your policy records, the reason that you received a bill in the amount of $113.76 is for the earned premium from June 6 - October 1, 2005. Your policy was in effect for 122 days. The total premium of 474.43 ./. 183 days in the policy period= 2.59 earned premium per day. 122 x 2.59 = 315.98 You made two payments : 144.46 6/11/05 72.23 8/6/05 which total to 216.69.... 315.98 - 216.69= 98.99 + 14.00 (4 installment fees) = your balance. Per the confirmation your agent received from Safeco that you policy was effective on 10/1/05, which is the day this policy terminated. The bill you are receiving for 113.76 is correct. You were sent bills 3 separate bills requesting the balance. Unfortunately, after 3 attempts the balance is forwarded to a collection agency. If you pay the balance this should not appear on your credit history. ---------------- notice that it "should not" appear on my credit. I guess she does not know her job well enough to understand the way collection companies work... I guess... she is just doing guess work. I wrote back a nastygram and gave Lori my credit card information. Told her to take her money and choke on it. I also stated that the world has a funny way of balancing out all injustices.... I will update more of this report later. (its almost 2 am now)

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