  • Report:  #2096

Complaint Review: Alternative Legal Center--Edo Burstyn - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
- N. Hollywood, CA,

Alternative Legal Center--Edo Burstyn
8380 Melrose Ave #305 Los Angeles, 90069 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On April 29th, 1999, my mother paid $492.00 to Edo Burstyn of Alternative Legal Center in Los Angeles for dissolution of her 30 year marriage and filing fees. No paperwork has ever been filed with the courts by him.

My mother has tried over the months to contact Edo Burstyn over the phone and via the mail, to no success. On October 20th, 1999 my mother sent him a letter asking for her file and her money back. She has had no response. Since then, my mother has had to hire another paralegal. My mother has her cancelled check and a receipt from Alternative Legal Center.

We have filed a claim with the Dept.of Consumer Affairs in Los Angeles, but they are moving quite slow, and if we need to take him to small claims court, we will do that. I'm afraid the statute of limitations might run out.? I know $492.00 is not alot of money to go through the trouble of court, but my mother doesn't have alot of money, and it's the principle of the thing.

He ripped my mom off at a very vulnerable time in her life, and I cant let him get away with that.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


This is No Small Claim!

#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 23, 2003

I am sadened by this report. To think a simple uncontested divorce through an alternative legal service has received such bad publicity. Also as in this venue often, the comment to aid the consumer is weak on fact and content. The fact is that a "Paralegal" by name by definition and by law in practice MUST be supervised by a practicing attorney. "Document Preparation Assistance" on the other hand is a way that the legal system can be made available to much of the public without the expense of hiring a lawyer. As an industry it is respected and very much needed. In the matter of a fee being paid for an "uncontested" divorce..it was Uncontested..wasn't it, this may be a matter of simple administration and certianly bad business practices. at stake is much more than the out of pocket expenses but perhaps additional pain and suffering ect... I recommend 1) a call to your Attorney General to find out if any "opinion" has been given by them with regard to this person/business. If they are promoting themselves as providing paralegal services and are not being overseen by an attorney who is directly responsible for their work product, they may appear to be engaged in UPL, Unathorized Practice of Law. The state Bar will be aware of this company and will consider your complaint very seriously. Best Regards. RC.


Los Angeles,
Report this person to your Conty District Also

#3Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 11, 2002

This sounds similar to a problem I am also having with a so called "Paralegal". After months of searching I recently found out this kind of activity is illegal under California Business and Professional Code 6400. This office may not be an actual "Paralegal" but instead a Legal Document Assistant only (LDA). Call the county recorders office and find out if he is listed as a LDA. If he is a "Paralegal" he must me working for and under the supervision of an Attorney. In the meantime file a complaint with your County District Attorney's Office and ask that they investigate for Fraud under Code 6400. This appears to be a widespread scam of vunlnerable people now as these people try to operated under the term Paralegal. My heart goes out to your mother, I know how this feels and I am also trying to fight this alone. Maybe, I am not sure, you may want to check the DA investigation if it leads to findings and procecution may prolong the statue of limitations and maybe your mom can recover her money.

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