  • Report:  #639639

Complaint Review: Apollo Van Lines - Brooklyn New York

Reported By:
Keryn MP - East Flat Rock, North Carolina, United States of America

Apollo Van Lines
7251 Royce Place Brooklyn, 11234 New York, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

Why has no one stopped these rip-off artists?  Both companies, Apollo Van Lines and OCO Transportation are owned by same person (Edna Seltzer).  They are kind and caring until they get your possessions, then, they are rude and unprofessional, once they get your money they are rude, unprofessional and abusive. 

Adam Dahan gave me a binding quote for my move from San Diego, CA to Asheville, NC.  Truck showed up 4 hours late on the day of the move.  They were there until almost midnight and left the house a mess (tape rolls, pieces of bubble wrap and tape, pieces of cardboard left everywhere).  They ran out of tape and bubble wrap and pads.  The next morning I found my jewelry box had been gone through and my presciptions were missing.  My camera bags had also been opened and gone through though nothing was missing from those.  The inventory was inaccurate, illegible and listed things such as "entertainment center" which I do not own.  They listed only 4 dining room chairs (there are 8) but listed nine "seats"!  They left boxes they should have taken and did not list things they did take. 

The next morning I called Adam Dahan and asked them to pick up the rest of the stuff and to update and correct the inventory.  I told him about the missing prescriptions.  He PROMISED he would personally correct the inventory, but that the truck could not come back for the other items.  I was scheduled to leave the next day and had to scramble to find a trailer to rent last minute (at a cost of $895) to haul the stuff they left behind.  Adam said he would mail the updated inventory to my new address.  I called Adam each day from the road to ask about the inventory, he refused to answer or call back.  I finally reached him when I arrived to my new address and he admitted he did not update the inventory so he could not send it to me!  I was appalled and upset and just asked when it was being shipped.

The next I heard was a call on a Saturday on my cell from a man who did not speak English purporting to be the driver.  I then received another message from the New York office from a Mark Davis stating that I needed to have the balance (almost $3000) in cash or money order before the driver would unlock the truck.  He said the driver called me many times (once is not many times)  This is on a Sat afternoon when the banks are all closed.  I immediately called Adam and he was so rude, told me that I needed cash and that if I did not have it, the driver would leave.

Luckily I managed to scrape together the cash (all but $40) and told them to deliver on Sun.  I spoke to the driver at 10am Sun. and he immediately said "Why didn't you answer the phone", I didn't bother to answer but asked him when he was going to deliver and he said between 12 and 2pm.  I asked if he might be able to narrow that down and he said he would be there in 1/2 hr.  When he arrived he was followed by a car from which 3 men emerged.  The driver demanded the cash then, after counting it, unlocked the truck and went back to the cab where he proceeded to smoke.  He told me he was not a mover but simply a driver.  The guys who helped me and my son unload were not professional movers but hired day laborers from a temp agency.

Our things were literally crammed into the middle of the truck.  Boxes clearly marked "fragile" and "this side up" were upside down and "pancaked".  Every wood item was broken, gouged or scratched, even the ones they had wrapped.  They refuse to return calls, claim they never received claim paperwork even though someone signed for it.  When I spoke to owner Edna Seltzer, she told me "Don't f*&k with me".  She then proceeded to call me a "crack addict" and a "pothead".  She told me I would get about $200 back and that was it (before they had even seen the claim and pictures).  Other employees "Walter" and "Sonny" called me a "drug trafficker" and claimed I tried to send drugs illegally across state lines using their company.  Their GM, Mark Davis, told me that he "hoped I had a stroke so I would stop calling".  UNBELIEVABLE

8 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
You weren't there so you don't know

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, June 28, 2011

Sounds like you must be his friend or his sister.  You weren't there, you don't know whether I was organized or not, they don't give a crap about anyone as long as they get their money, read the reports....oh, I forgot, you are another one of Adam's "friends", otherwise, how would you know Adam accused me of being unorganized, oh, because EVERYONE ELSE IS UNORGANIZED......



#3Consumer Suggestion

Sat, October 09, 2010

I have a suggestion of how to avoid such a horrible move.  Try being prepared on moving day.  Nothing is more frustrating to a moving crew to find the customer has not packed one single thing or has decided to take more than what the estimate states.  Accommodating the customer should be Apollo's first priority and I'm sure they did their best under the circumstances.  While I know it is extremely stressful to move, it is equally stressful working in the moving industry.

Before you accuse me of being part of Apollo's family or friends, I am here to assure you I have no affilitation with any of the employees of Apollo or their friends.  I have never worked for them either.  I have, however,  worked in the moving industry for another company for many years.

Next time you move and the estimator is at your house, please tell them everything that is going.  Some people intentionally leave items out because they think they won't get charged for them.  Estimates are done based on weight or cubic feet so not being honest with the estimator is only hurting you.

Good luck on your next move.

Keryn MP

East Flat Rock,
North Carolina,
United States of America
Who is this person? Adam's brother?

#4Author of original report

Sat, October 09, 2010

This must be another one of Adam's personas or a person he asked to file this in order to so)mehow salvage this company's reputation by stating it is only one person, well, check the DOT record for this company, check their insurance record, check other websites.  This person spends as much time as Adam does searching the web for these reports of OCO's abusive, non-professional and poor services.  Check the BBB which shows an "F" rating for this company and then decide if it is only ONE PERSON.  It takes more than one complaint for a company to get an "F" rating with the BBB, and one person cannot file 11 different complaints with the DOT because they have to give their name and address as well as send copies of documents. 

This person's (if they even exist) defense of Adam and Edna is just another one of Adam's ploys to try and convince people he is not the scam artists and liar that he is and that OCO is a legit company.  If they were, they would not have done to me and the other person whose move went as badly, and, they would have offered to make good on the damages.

They would not have verbally abused me and defamed my character on the internet.



United States of America
I have only had GREAT experiences with this company and the reps listed

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, October 08, 2010

WOW I cant believe this. I have worked with both Adam and Edna DOZENS of times. I have moved with them myself and so has my entire family and numerous places of business ( mine and my family's) all LONG DISTANCE and I have never had a complaint. I know for a fact they do a huge amount of volume and they do work together but are seperate companies. As a fellow business owner I understand that not all customers remain happy. Many times some issues did come up even with my moves, but Adam always corrected each situation. Being that the only complaint all over the interent seems to come from one person, it leads me to believe that this was simply ONE DISSATSFIED customer. I have read Adam's side of the story and it seems reasonable, especially speaking from my own experience with him. It is unfortunate that one dissatisfied customer is going to such great lengths to tarnish his name . REALLY SAD. Prior to working with Adam and Edna I have had tons of negative experiences with other moving companies. I am happy I only work with them. I would ask potential clients to take both sides of the story into consideration.

Adam D

san diego,
United States of America

#6UPDATE Employee

Sun, September 26, 2010

I apologize to Ms Pomicnic for the inappropriate characterization that Ms Pomicnic smuggled drugs. With respect to the rebuttal, I wish to retract the inappropriate and inaccurate characterizations that were made in this matter. I again apologize to Ms Pomicnic for any problems or inconveniences I may have caused.

Keryn MP

East Flat Rock,
North Carolina,
United States of America
Update on OCO

#7Author of original report

Fri, September 24, 2010

True to form, Adam Dahan has not filed his retraction as per the promise made by him and his home office in New York.

As with all his promises to me during this horrible four months, they lack muster and he never follows through.  Why would anyone want to do business with someone like that.  This company is unprofessional, down right rude and they LIE!  They do not seem to care that they lie and then get caught in the lie.  Each person I dealt with at this company used manipulation, intimidation, cursing, threats and practice the most unethical business practices I, in my long 50+ years on this earth, have ever seen.


Keryn MP

East Flat Rock,
North Carolina,
United States of America
Adam, don't continue to lie

#8Author of original report

Wed, September 22, 2010

Oh Adam, why do you and your mother continue this game?  Don't you know that eventually you will be caught, as you are now.  Defamation of character, insurance fraud, fraud, breach of contract, you should know what these are since your daddy is a big New York lawyer.  Your mouth is too big for your face and one day I knew you would fall right into it!

You and your companies are delusional with the idea that you can abuse, defame and insult hard-working clients who pay good money for your services that you don't bother to deliver.  That you and everyone who works for you blames the victims, talks over them like you are from a collection agency, insult, condescend and blow off customers can cause people to become angry...but of course, we have done something to make you abusive, condescending, insulting and we force you to lie to us, seriously?????

Think about how ridiculous that sounds, do the right thing, reimburse the money and provide a new curio cabinet.  Even if, as you say, those things that happened were a "mistake", a company who admits to a mistake and refuses to correct it is a company who deserves their "F" rating with the BBB.

I am continually told by you, Walter, Mark, Sonny and your mother Edna, to go ahead and sue.  Your mother actually said she wouldn't pay even if she were sued.  The courts do have ways to make you pay if the payout is high enough.  Maybe that is what needs to happen here.  I told you you had one day to print a retraction, you have not done so even though you tried to negotiate that too by saying I'll retract if you retract.  I don't need to retract as I have the TRUTH on my side, something you and your company have only a passing relationship with.

Adam D

san diego,
United States of America
Ms Pomicnic is lying, tried to smuggle drugs and was an all around RUDE and unnecessarily nasty individual.

#9UPDATE Employee

Mon, September 20, 2010

Ms Pomicnic is lying, tried to smuggle drugs and was an all around RUDE and unnecessarily nasty individual. Apollo Van lines and OCO are not the same company (they work together, but are completely separate). Apollo Van lines is owned by Edna Seltzer, and OCO is owned by Jonathan Amos. I came to Ms Pomicnics home to give an estimate and she was extremely kind . I gave her a binding estimate . The cost on move day did not change by a single penny. We were extremely busy during the date of her move as it was the end of the month during summertime (peak season in our industry). We called her to let her know that we would be 2 hours late and although she wasnt happy about it, she said it would not be a problem and understood. When we arrived she did not want to sign the paperwork that by law we cannot begin a job unless signed. She gave my driver a hard time about the basic insurance coverage of 60 cents per pd , which was explained to her many times prior to move day. He was extremely courteous to her, explaining that we cant start the job without the paperwork signed. She yelled at him, cursed at him and threw tape at him until I called her and explained that unless she signs we would have to cancel the job. My driver and foreman, both professionals begged me to cancel the job as they had never seen a customer act this way, and told me We cant work under these conditions . They are both professionals and in their 5 year moving career have never dealt with a customer like this (out of thousands). I had to motivate them to be team players and convinced them to proceed with the move. She also finally agreed. It was apparent that she was stressed out from the move and the fact that it was an extremely hot day and that she was not ready for the move. I offered her to reschedule to the next day at 8AM (because we were indeed late). She said no. It was apparent that Ms Pomicnic was disorganized and did not know what out of her extremely large 4 bedroom house was going. We ran out of materials because there was far more packing (more hours) than originally told to me during my estimate. She took far more items than told (hence the running out of materials) and we still charged her the same price of the move. Normally if there are more items going there is an additional charge (more cubic ft or pds). This is the reason that she was not able to take all her goods and she had to rent a last minute trailer. She took additional goods than there was room for on the truck . She even told me she didnt want to take those goods, making it obvious that she was disorganized on move day. She accused us of stealing marijuana (which are only prescription drugs in the state of CA) that she was planning on shipping over state lines (drug smuggling) and going through her goods (yet nothing was missing from those goods ,including high priced items such as jewelry and electronics). Inventory included only things she owned, (but some people call an entertainment unit a credenza or tv stand, etc) . I promised her goods in 10 business days which is extremely good timing from coast (CA) to coast(NC), on a semi trailer doing multiple pickups or deliveries ( and did honor this request). This is the reason that we could not redo the inventory as I would have liked and told her I would . It was picked up in our warehouse on a Saturday and was loaded onto a trailer by 8AM Monday, by the time anyone was in to redo the inventory , we rushed her goods to her (at no additional charge). We explained to Ms Pomicnic that the balance must be paid in money order or cash (company policy) numerous times, including during my estimate . Every phone call I or my reps made to her resulted in verbal abuse to me and to all of my reps. Being cursed at or threatened. Calling me names that I cant even repeat on the internet, Little S***, F*** or C***. I finally could not take such calls everyday to my office and cell phone when I was trying to help and was left with these horrific results . I wish I can replay some of the saved voicemails. They are appalling to hear that any person can speak like this. Any horrible words uttered from any of my superiors were results of not being able to take her extreme daily distractions at their place of business. They were only said as a last resort , after weeks of being cursed at by her. She even called my cell numerous times in the middle of the night during weekends , waking me and my family up at my home. SHE STILL CALLS DAILY AND HARRASSES US. The only thing I was able to do to avoid such similar responses was forward her calls to my cell and not pick up. I bit my tongue each phones conversation and explained that the reason her move was such a disaster was because of her extreme disorganization. I personally received her claim paperwork. I explained that she needs to deal with the San Diego office , not NY (WHO SHE CALLS AND HARRASSES DAILY, because they politely explain they cannot assist). Any claims that were indeed received by me have been filed and we are awaiting a reimbursement offer for her. All boxes that were damaged were packed by owner (Ms Pomicnic), including the photo she has submitted on this site. This means the insurance coverage will not hold much weight because she didnt pack things properly (without the proper use of tape, bubble wrap, packing paper, etc). All the things she packed in boxes, even delicates and fragile goods were simply thrown in there by her . SHE WAS REFERRED TO US BY HER GOOD FRIEND , WHO WE LATER DID MOVE  AND WAS SO PLEASED THAT SHE WROTE A LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION.

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