  • Report:  #291044

Complaint Review: Aspen Air Rick Beasley HMI Filterqueen Western Health - Post Falls Idaho

Reported By:
- couer de alene, Idaho,

Aspen Air Rick Beasley HMI Filterqueen Western Health
3920 West 5th Avenue Post Falls, Idaho, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Beware of certain employment ads in the local paper, The company Aspen Air LLC is a complete scam, Owned by Rick and Polly Beasley. They put ads in the paper such as:

"Local Company has full time work available. Applicants must be neat in appearance, have own vehicle and able to start immediately! $1,849/mo call 208-457-8381 to set up interview"

They say they pay $1849 a month which is completely false

They put different ads in the paper about every 2 weeks seeking IAQS Specialist and so on. They always train on Mondays and Tuesdays. This is done for a specific reason which I will explain shortly.

Once you call this company they will ask you to come in for an interview. This interview will be at their office and you will attend it with multiple people usually 5 to 15 or so. Everyone usually gets hired for a good reason. They will interview people one by one then they will tell you to call them at a certain time. Once you call them they will tell you to attend a free training class that is not paid. This training class is where all the mind wash and false hope of financial freedom starts. You will be promised a base pay, gas check every week and that the company sets up the appointments for you. This is not true. You will also be shown The Edge program which looks very appeasing to people as it shows how you rank up in the business by selling the product and as you gain rank you get more pay, It is nearly impossible to gain rank in this system this is multi-level marketing at its best.

Once you start training you will be learning how to demonstrate a portable air filter then you will learn to demo a vacuum cleaner. Once you complete your training they will tell you your first 5 days are training and you must practice on your family and friends and to set up appointments with them and that if you make a sale and beings it's a "training" you only get 100.00 for each sale. This system sells for $3298.00 it's a very expensive system that only costs $1000.00 from the factory, so they pocket the rest of the money and you get is chicken feed. The purpose of this "hiring and training" is called FNR weekend (FNR friends neighbors relatives) And it is the most profitable time for this company and its where they make 80% of their money off people. They hire you to make money off you and your relatives and friends, usually what happens is people quit after the first few days or the first few weeks. This process rolls on and on unknown to unsuspecting victims. These people pretend to be nice, kind, caring people, but they are ruthless salespeople who only care about their own well being and lining their own pockets with money made off your family and friends and you get hardly anything for it and guess what you did all the work for them you go out and sell a 3k system to your mother they make $1500 and you make $100.00 wonderful financial freedom isn't it, yes for the owners it is.

The supposed base pay is a total farse. They make the claim you get a base pay if you don't make any sales this is also untrue. For if you don't make sales they let you go. They also claim to pay for your gas but this is also a scam, for you to get the gas check every week you have to run a minimum of 12 demos. And that is almost impossible to achieve.

If you start asking questions or start complaining about not getting enough money or have enough demos to run they will bad mouth you behind your back to the other employees and make you out to be the "negative" person and say that your "stinkin thinking" will cause other people to quit the company and they usually let you go.

It all sounds great and easy but take it from me its not. This is NOT the type of job to get if you have a family and a mortgage, The work is so iffy and up and down you never know what your income will be. Now the promise is that you'll make 4 to 5k a month with ease, it's not easy at all and it can get extremely frustrating. You can go from making a couple hundreds bucks one week then have a week of no sales or worse 2 or 3 weeks of no sales, then just try to ask for that promised "base pay" you won't get it ever. They will explain you don't have what it takes to sell and you should turn in your equipment. Its really not fair to those that believe this is it total financial freedom and attempt to make this phantom money as its not there nor has it ever been. The main money players are the owners and the distributors. If you are a single person with no debt in your life by all means go for it, if your happy making a few bucks here and there. But for a family man its impossible so don't go through the fights with the wife and put yourself through all the stress as I did.

And those office set appointments? Yes they do after your first week of selling like mad to your families and friends but here is how they do it. They have people cold calling folks offering prizes if they let the "driver" come over and show them the product and they tell the people "there is nothing to buy just watch" once they get into your home they unleash all kinds of tactics to get into your wallet. And the prizes you get? Cheap junk that the boss buys in bulk anything from a 2.00 knife set to crummy pizza & movie vouchers that are worthless and vacation flyers that are very deceptive.

The phone room works this way: The phone people start by calling folks asking to do a health survey, asking a few simple questions like "do you have any allergies or asthma?" "What type of heating do you use?" and of course "what type of vacuum do you use?" and they will always say "We don't need to know where you work but what type of work you do?" This question is so they can gage how much money you make based off what work you do, if you make less than 20 or 30 thousand they throw that lead into the trash. But if you are a nurse and make a nice income they will be at your door asap. Leads are put into different categories from as they say "scum" low income people and so on they get put into the "scum" pile and the leads with the good income and owners of credit cards you get into the "money pile" and be sure a sales rep will be at your door. The reason they do these health surveys is to bypass the Do Not Call List as at that moment they are not selling anything to you just asking a few questions, but at the end of the call they will say "we may be contacting you again in regards to this survey" bam now if you say yes they can call you back to solicit a appointment with one of the sales reps and just for watching you get your prize but remember you don't have to buy anything as they say.

Once the rep is in your house be prepared to go through a minimum of 1 to 2 hours of sales jargon and phone calls to the office to make a better deal for you. They say it will only take 15 to 30 min but there is no way it can be done that fast they want to take the time to get you all guilty about the dangers of dust in your house and get you freaked out about dust mites and so on so you'll whip out 3 grand to buy the system so your family will be safe. If you choose to do financing with the company watch out! The APRs are high and a 3 grand system will end up costing over 5 thousand! I know as I have witnessed it all. The product is a fantastic product that works great but it's NOT worth what they charge. If you do ever get a sales rep in your home don't pay more than $1200 at most as the system isn't worth any more than that.

Now this company also runs false prize giveaways at local malls and certain events like fairs. They put out a car, truck, or some nice furniture that you can win. But guess what you will never win it, only get solicited to have a demo in your home and end up with a 3k cleaning system. The expensive prizes are only rented and never given away as there is no way this company could afford to do that as it would bankrupt them if they actually gave them away. All the registration cards in the boxes get taken back to the office and are sorted through the "money people" and the "scum" and then they start calling and setting appointments.

Bottom line is what they do to people is cruel and unfair. People need to know how this company operates. They have people working their tails off for nothing and beings you are a 1099 you're a independent contractor now, so no W2 signing which guarantees a wage from the state. You can end up working 50 or more hours a week if you don't make any sales you get no money. Think helping around the office will do any good think again you make nothing. So don't waste a week of your life get a real job and put these people out of business.


couer de alene, Idaho


17 Updates & Rebuttals


Nothing honest from any Filter Queen dealter

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, January 05, 2010

When Filterqueen dealers and customers get ripped off from these con artists and they keep filing complaints on this site,  soon you will be brought up on some national news magazine show and either Filterqueen will have two choices 1) Get out of the business or 2) Quit selling there wares this way and stand by their product by selling them in Walmart, Best Buy, or on the internet.  After all you get a good deal on one if you go on EBay.

Ryan W

The Truth


Sun, August 16, 2009

Let me start by saying that I have never been cheated out of a single dime by anyone at this company. I love my job and it supports my family. In addition, I make a very comfortable living and am very happy in my life. Is this all because of the company I work for? NO. It's because of me. However, i could have never gotten to this point without an opportunity from the company.

I have seen employees come and go Looking to limp through the system and collect an easy paycheck. Sorry folks, this aint a cushy retail job or some burger joint where half way effort guarantees compensation. Those who give 100%, make big $$$. If you work hard and heed the advice given to you by the people who know what they're doing, you will be successful. I would know, I answered the same ad 3 years ago.


Gather your facts before you slander others

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, July 23, 2009

I ran across this post looking for an old friend, Rick and Polly Beasley. I met Rick and Polly in 1993 in Florida when I responded to the SAME AD. I can tell you that if youarent lazy and get off your laurels, you CAN and WILL make money. I worked for and with Rick for several years, even relocated to Denver and worked for Greg. During the several years I worked for Filter Queen Distributors, I can tell you I made a MINIMUM of $5k per month for running THEIR leads and selling THEIR product. The only reason some one would post this rant of negativity is simple...............you are LAZY and wanting a handout. Maybe sales is not for you, if so.........get a job flipping burgers if you want someone to pay you for what you are worth. The sales experience that I received from Rick and Greg was second to none. I have taken what I learned during my tenure with their organizations, and used it to live a very comfortable lifestyle. Realize, sales isnt for everyone and one way or the other, all employers pay their employees what they are worth and what they contribute to the organization as a whole.........If you didnt earn any money, then that should be your first clue.................


Gather your facts before you slander others

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, July 23, 2009

I ran across this post looking for an old friend, Rick and Polly Beasley. I met Rick and Polly in 1993 in Florida when I responded to the SAME AD. I can tell you that if youarent lazy and get off your laurels, you CAN and WILL make money. I worked for and with Rick for several years, even relocated to Denver and worked for Greg. During the several years I worked for Filter Queen Distributors, I can tell you I made a MINIMUM of $5k per month for running THEIR leads and selling THEIR product. The only reason some one would post this rant of negativity is simple...............you are LAZY and wanting a handout. Maybe sales is not for you, if so.........get a job flipping burgers if you want someone to pay you for what you are worth. The sales experience that I received from Rick and Greg was second to none. I have taken what I learned during my tenure with their organizations, and used it to live a very comfortable lifestyle. Realize, sales isnt for everyone and one way or the other, all employers pay their employees what they are worth and what they contribute to the organization as a whole.........If you didnt earn any money, then that should be your first clue.................


Gather your facts before you slander others

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, July 23, 2009

I ran across this post looking for an old friend, Rick and Polly Beasley. I met Rick and Polly in 1993 in Florida when I responded to the SAME AD. I can tell you that if youarent lazy and get off your laurels, you CAN and WILL make money. I worked for and with Rick for several years, even relocated to Denver and worked for Greg. During the several years I worked for Filter Queen Distributors, I can tell you I made a MINIMUM of $5k per month for running THEIR leads and selling THEIR product. The only reason some one would post this rant of negativity is simple...............you are LAZY and wanting a handout. Maybe sales is not for you, if so.........get a job flipping burgers if you want someone to pay you for what you are worth. The sales experience that I received from Rick and Greg was second to none. I have taken what I learned during my tenure with their organizations, and used it to live a very comfortable lifestyle. Realize, sales isnt for everyone and one way or the other, all employers pay their employees what they are worth and what they contribute to the organization as a whole.........If you didnt earn any money, then that should be your first clue.................


Its all your fault.

#7UPDATE Employee

Sat, May 16, 2009

Well you guys have a bunch of stuff to say. Thing is though, people get pissed because they can't handle the selling and the rejection. End of story. People can make great money if they know how to do this! I believe the product is worth 3k even if it just goes to commission. It really is something great I could care less what they do, I get leads and I enjoy my work cause it really does help people! Screw those at the top! Get past your fear of rejection and just do it and do it and do it. Go listen to Art Williams buddy, you guys crapping your pants have something else wrong and its with you! You couldn't do it cause you don't know how to sell. Stop blaming others.. Go watch The Secret, you attracted exactly what you wanted to see. Its YOUR FAULT. Its YOUR FAULT. Everything in YOUR reality even if it kills you from unseen circumstances ITS YOUR FAULT! (oh if you think thats too new age go ahead and read Think and Grow Rich. Then you go ahead and try to argue your point after that one) Peace -Nate www.healtheamerica.wordpress.com


Its all your fault.

#8UPDATE Employee

Sat, May 16, 2009

Well you guys have a bunch of stuff to say. Thing is though, people get pissed because they can't handle the selling and the rejection. End of story. People can make great money if they know how to do this! I believe the product is worth 3k even if it just goes to commission. It really is something great I could care less what they do, I get leads and I enjoy my work cause it really does help people! Screw those at the top! Get past your fear of rejection and just do it and do it and do it. Go listen to Art Williams buddy, you guys crapping your pants have something else wrong and its with you! You couldn't do it cause you don't know how to sell. Stop blaming others.. Go watch The Secret, you attracted exactly what you wanted to see. Its YOUR FAULT. Its YOUR FAULT. Everything in YOUR reality even if it kills you from unseen circumstances ITS YOUR FAULT! (oh if you think thats too new age go ahead and read Think and Grow Rich. Then you go ahead and try to argue your point after that one) Peace -Nate www.healtheamerica.wordpress.com


Its all your fault.

#9UPDATE Employee

Sat, May 16, 2009

Well you guys have a bunch of stuff to say. Thing is though, people get pissed because they can't handle the selling and the rejection. End of story. People can make great money if they know how to do this! I believe the product is worth 3k even if it just goes to commission. It really is something great I could care less what they do, I get leads and I enjoy my work cause it really does help people! Screw those at the top! Get past your fear of rejection and just do it and do it and do it. Go listen to Art Williams buddy, you guys crapping your pants have something else wrong and its with you! You couldn't do it cause you don't know how to sell. Stop blaming others.. Go watch The Secret, you attracted exactly what you wanted to see. Its YOUR FAULT. Its YOUR FAULT. Everything in YOUR reality even if it kills you from unseen circumstances ITS YOUR FAULT! (oh if you think thats too new age go ahead and read Think and Grow Rich. Then you go ahead and try to argue your point after that one) Peace -Nate www.healtheamerica.wordpress.com


Fort Collins,
Really? Not last time I checked.

#10UPDATE Employee

Tue, March 31, 2009

As Donovan's girlfriend, I would like to add a little bit of information to the ridiculous claim above. My name is Andrea Jensen and yes I am 22 years old. Last time I checked, that is old enough to make my own decisions and dating a guy 6 years older is definitely included in this category. I have indeed worked for Global Breeze since the end of July and we have been happily dating ever since. He did not "get me drunk at a bar and take me to his hotel room." Actually, I had to stay with him because I was scared of my crazy ex-boyfriend coming to my house and stealing things or hurting me. The crazy ex-boyfriend who was really the one that would beat me up on a regular basis. Donovan has never done anything like that. And yes, the crazy ex-boyfriend who actually wrote this little claim here out of pure jealousy. Don't worry, I will not mention your name. But I am one hundred percent sure that it is him due to the threatening text messages I have saved in my phone that match word for word most of what is written in that post. We do not need to go into detail on that; anyone who knows him and has read this agrees. Either way, it is not going to break Donovan and me up. It is also not going to get anyone fired. Basically it just makes "whoever" wrote it look like the jealous, crazy ex-boyfriend that he is. This is also not the first time something like this has happened. Last time, he sent an e-mail to the president of our company claiming to be my mom, stating that Donovan was sexually harassing her daughter and she wanted him fired. However, when they contacted my mom to discuss the issue, she had no idea what they were talking about and was extremely upset about the whole situation. My mom approves of Donovan and loves to come visit us as often as possible. She knows he is a great guy and loves me very much and would do anything for me. For some reason, Donovan having three kids is supposed to be a reason that we can not date? Once again, I believe this is a decision I am fully capable of making on my own. I have met all three of them and they are great kids and I have no problem with the situation. They are quite possibly the cutest kids I have ever seen and I definitely enjoy spending time with them. Also, I have never experienced any "job benefits" for sleeping with him. I am a full time student at Colorado State University and only work once a week for Global Breeze on Saturdays. I do well at my job because I am good at it, not because he gives me better leads. You can not judge a lead by the card; in fact, I dislike it when they do that because I do better without cherry-picking. I am good at my job because people like me and I am honest and know the product. They could give me the worst looking leads and I would still have the same closing percentage. It is an attitude business and the phone room can only get you in the door. Once you are inside, it's all you! Apparently, some people can not understand these things. My sympathies go out to you for being so shallow. Also, good luck buying a Filterqueen on the internet for $1000. I hope I get to be the one that comes to repo it for being a stolen machine. I look forward to it. I love Donovan very much and am extremely thankful to him for getting me out of the abusive relationship I was previously in. As you can see, this guy is completely crazy and needs to find something better to do with his time besides try to constantly ruin our relationship. I look forward to spending the rest of my life in a happy relationship with Donovan!

Ethical Practices

Ft Collins,
donovon adfield is a scam artist

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, March 26, 2009

First of all, I know he is very unethical. He sleeps with employees and gives them job benefits for doing so. He uses his position to manipulate his female employees by giving them better leads for sales by sleeping with them. He has kids and is currently in a relationship with a 22 years old that works for his company. keep in mind he is 28 and has 3 kids. He started this relationship by getting her drunk at a bar and then by taking her to a hotel room which he was living out of. All of this was before she even got a paycheck or worked for the company for a month. I was forced to quit my job because he treated me horribly and constantly reminded me he'd fire me for exposing him. Since then he even beat the poor girl up in her apartment. The neighbors called the cops but she was scared to lose her job considering he was her boss and she was still in college so she didn't press charges. I can prove this by text messages and even police reports. It's common knowledge in the company but anyone who works there knows he will fire them for bringing it up. He even yelled profanity at his secretary, (who he slept with as well) in front of the entire staff. I really do think he is a horrible person and I would plead with any young girls not to work for this dirt bag, no matter how many filter queens you think you can sell. These products are sold for commission and are always way more expensive if you buy them from his company. You can find them online for about $1000, that's almost $2000 cheaper than they sell them. If anyone knows this man it's my opinion that is is a creep, a scam artist and a horrible man. Use caution if you buy from him and don't let him near any of the girls before he makes them another statistic in his unethical, currupt company.

Ethical Salesperson

Why they are always hiring, and more

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, February 07, 2009

They are always hiring because their business model is based on exploiting their employees. As one example, the above mentioned "friends and family weekend" has already been explained. They attempt to pay employees as little as possible, and one way they do that is by always getting new people, and getting rid of the ones who have been there for any length of time. There are not raises for hourly employees that do not get promoted, and past the first promotion, the only way for hourly employees to advance is to get into management, and management employees are most often recruited from outside. They have a policy where any hourly employee who misses a day of work or is late 3 times in a 2-week period is only paid minimum wage for that pay period. It is quite likely that sales bonuses owed to hourly employees are not always paid out on every system sold, but the record-keeping is sloppy in such a way that this may not be possible to verify. They have also attempted to pay hourly employees for less hours than they have worked on a number of occasions. There are many ways that hourly employees can steal bonuses from other hourly employees, and they don't really attempt to prevent it from happening. The reason I called them dinosaurs in my first post is that they operate with an air of borderline dishonesty that may come in part from the tradition of the way vacuum cleaners have been marketed since their introduction, but is seen less often these days due to the increased availability of information. The dishonesty is evident in the way they market their product to customers as a sales call being a prize won in a contest, as well as the pay policies towards their employees. I must point out that in most cases these policies and practices are probably not illegal. Unfortunately, the only way Filterqueen markets their products is through local independent distributors; however, I just found out that there is another distributor in this area. I do not have much information about that company other than that it is based in the Moscow area. I was not able to find information about how warranty repairs are handled, so it isn't clear if there is any benefit to buying from the official distributor, but the products can be found for much lower prices online. Then again, anyone considering this type of product may want to shop around. There is a review of their product available at http://www.air-purifier-power.com/filterqueendefender.html. There are reviews of other, similar products available from that site as well.


Malstrom City,
Aspen Air Threatens to Sue!!!!!

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, January 03, 2009

Well, Aspen Air does a good job of registering their general dislike of this post, But what do they say about the issues brought up by Hmi_insider? .......nothing. If what Hmi_insider says is true, then Aspen Air has no grounds for legal action. I have been watching the job boards for quite a few months now and the same names and phone numbers keep popping up. When I see a company constantly pleading for help, a red flag goes up in my mind. Why does this company always need help? Why don't the employees stick around? Whats wrong with this place? A legitimate company hires employees and keeps them for some amount of time, sometimes for 10, 20, 30 years. A problem company has to post help wanted ads every week because they can't hang on to their employees.


Malstrom City,
Aspen Air Threatens to Sue!!!!!

#14Consumer Comment

Sat, January 03, 2009

Well, Aspen Air does a good job of registering their general dislike of this post, But what do they say about the issues brought up by Hmi_insider? .......nothing. If what Hmi_insider says is true, then Aspen Air has no grounds for legal action. I have been watching the job boards for quite a few months now and the same names and phone numbers keep popping up. When I see a company constantly pleading for help, a red flag goes up in my mind. Why does this company always need help? Why don't the employees stick around? Whats wrong with this place? A legitimate company hires employees and keeps them for some amount of time, sometimes for 10, 20, 30 years. A problem company has to post help wanted ads every week because they can't hang on to their employees.


Post Falls,
Response to claims...

#15UPDATE Employee

Tue, December 02, 2008

As a person who is a current employee of Aspen Air there is a bit of bias, but the truth is what we're looking for here and that is the reason we are all at this site, to find the truth, expose the lies and in the end, better our communities by catching the "bad-guys" i.e. the scam artists. You probably got to this page looking for information on the Filter Queen, Rick Beasley or other parts of the company in order to do research. (That's how I found it) But the point of this response is to expose the lie that has been slung about this company. I came to work at Aspen Air out of the sheer need of money, nothing more, nothing less. I'm a 20 year old recently single woman and I needed a way to sustain myself, I've worked in retail my entire life and from the sounds of things, this was a selling business. I went to the interview and as soon as it was over, I went home and waited to place a call to the interviewer so that I could check back with him. I ended up getting the job. Now, there was mention of unpaid training correct? While that IS true, the reality of it is that it only lasts about 3-4 days. The first day, all applicants who passed the application process go on to the first day of training. There were about 10-12 of us. There was a brief overview of the company and then a request. "If you don't think this is the company for you, then I ask that you do not return tomorrow." This offered an out for those who were not feeling cut out for the work. My argument at this point is that there is no SCAM. In the add there was no mention that this was "easy money" There simply is no such thing. Aspen Air believes in core values. "Hard work breeds profit" and since most people couldn't believe a company would actually ask them to "WORK", a great deal of them did not return on the second day. The second day was an overview again, and finally, there was the third day which honed our skills before we went out on FNRs. Now, onto the personal attacks. People need to realize that this is a place to prove false people wrong, expose lies, scammers, and finally to allow people to research before they buy/apply. As a company, I do not believe that a company would LAST if it were based purely on a scam. The people at Aspen Air were once where I was and worked their way up the ladder. WORK being the operative word there. The Managers are kind (They even helped me out when I needed a little bit of help) and caring, they stand by their products (as do I) and support all of the people who work for them. The trainers are great and even admit when they are wrong, therefore, your baseless lies are here, exposed by someone who is working for them and will hopefully be for a long time. Please don't bash a company as great as ours because something didn't go right for you. There is no need for such childish banter. It's rude and completely slanders the good name of a company that started from ground zero and worked it's way up.


Post Falls,
You too could be slandered, regardless of the truth.

#16REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, March 13, 2008

How do people defend themselves against unnamed sources? We at Aspen Air have pondered this for some time now. Well, here is what we have to offer. The following statements are a collective effort of the people listed below: Rick Beasley Polly Beasley Ryan Schlechte Laurel Duplessis Donovan Adfield Ross Jensen Tracey Tilley Greg Benassi. (As you can see we are not affraid to list our names.) We believe the source of these inflammatory remarks remains unnamed because, he/she knows the statements they are reporting as factual can be disputed and proven to be false. Therefore, he/she fears the consequence of legal action. There is a great need for web-sites that expose fraudulant and illegal activities. However, setting up these sites is the least of their obligation. Reporting accurate and reliable information should be their number one concern. Allowing any Joe Blow to spew lies, half truths, and misinformation has been the downfall of many such sites. Don't you beleive these sites owe consumers the respect of researching the information they report? Well, we do! This is an official request to have our names and the outright lies about us removed from this site. Our intent is not to take legal action, but will do so if necessary. The First Amendment is a constitutional right, but even the Washington Post, New York Times, and the Coeur d'Alene Press have an obligation to verify their sources. Thank you for your consideration, All of us at Aspen Air

Ethical Salesperson


#17Consumer Comment

Wed, March 12, 2008

I have a friend who went to work for this company. After the initial interview, my friend was very excited about these amazing earning possibilities. It seems to me that they take in applicants with limited to no sales experience, and convince them that they will get rich quick. Well, they won't, but that doesn't mean it is a bad job. It is really a straight commission-sales job, with a minimum guarantee like so many commission-sales positions. A minimum guarantee in sales is there to carry people through the occasional slump, and actually improves sales because the salespeople aren't afraid they will starve if they don't make sales, so they will be more confident and actually make more sales. Consistently needing the minimum guarantee instead of making commission will generally result in separation from employment in any sales position if it continues for too long, because it means the salesperson is not making enough sales. If a large portion of the salespeople aren't meeting quotas, it could also be due to other issues with the company, in which case the good salespeople will pursue better options elsewhere if they aren't compensated appropriately for their work. The product this company sells was 50 years ahead of its time. Similar products have more recently come on the market as a sort of fad, but this product is still much better, and it has been around for over 50 years. It is very well made. Unfortunately, although the product can still hold its own against recent models and best them, the sales practices and management of the company seem to be stuck in the mid 20th century. There have been so many instances where they seem to almost get things right, but then snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. They don't seem to understand that these days, reputation is more important than ever, and far easier to research. To sell an exclusive, top-of-the-line product, it is more important than ever to maintain a good reputation and to behave ethically. It is also far easier than it ever has been for people to spread the word about bad experiences. I believe their customers usually have a good experience, and I can find no consumer complaints online; only those of an ex-employee. That said, they are still harming themselves far more than they realize by mistreating their employees. Customers who can afford their product will likely have the resources to find out more about the company that is soliciting them, and what they will find is the above report. I believe it is costing them thousands in sales every month, and will only get worse if the practices that lead to such reports are not corrected. This area is very close-knit, and word of mouth will make or break any business operating in this area. If all the employees have to talk about is complaints about work, the word will get out quickly. The problems with their business practices do not seem to me to be intentional. Nobody would intentionally sabotage themselves like that. It comes from a lack of understanding of the modern way of doing business. There is very little secrecy these days, and bad management practices are public knowledge. Furthermore, the errors I see were common to every small business I have ever worked for, save one. Good management is essential to success these days. Many small business owners have learned how to be managers exclusively through experience. Experience is a good teacher, but it takes a very long time. An amazing amount of study has gone into good management practices, and the information gleaned from those studies is sometimes counter-intuitive. Furthermore, many good management practices will seem to be less effective at first, but will begin to pay off exponentially as time goes on because the business will cultivate a good reputation. The best manager I ever had was an MBA. He knew how to motivate people through encouragement, and make everyone feel like a valued part of a team. On the rare occasion that I did not meet expectations, I was disappointed in myself, and there was no need for him to criticize me. In contrast, novice managers with no real training will feel the need to criticize and berate employees for not meeting goals. The result of such treatment is resentment by the employees. They actually become less motivated to achieve. Similarly, not giving credit where credit is due, in the form of shady payout practices on bonuses and incentives, shows employees that their work is not valued and that good work will not be rewarded. This reaction is human nature, and goes for all employees. I have met the owners of this business, and they seem like very nice people. It saddens me to see them sabotaging themselves. Especially since they so often come very close to success, only to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by regularly failing to acknowledge in any meaningful way the good work of their better employees, by blaming the workers for failures of management, and by misleading applicants about the nature of the job. For such an excellent product, they should be able to recruit excellent salespeople and be very successful. I want to make a disclaimer that this is my opinion as an outsider. It is a difficult business. I do work in sales, however, and I am becoming mildly successful at it. I used to work at a company that is known for its unethical sales practices. A manager there taught me about ethical sales practices, and even in a most unethical company, the lessons of honest, ethical salesmanship finally enabled me to begin to be successful in sales. I would love to sell their product. It would make me far more money than I make now, but only if the quality of the management practices of the company were at least a shadow of the quality of the product they sell. Another disclaimer: I have never run my own company, and armchair criticism is easy. However, if their current practices are not bringing them success, it may be wise to try a different approach, so I hope they will at least give some of these ideas a chance. To potential customers: Their product is of very high quality. It is your decision with whom you choose to do business. In my opinion, the opinions of one ex-employee are enough reason to proceed with caution, but not enough reason to dismiss someone without giving them a chance. These people are marketing a quality product, and if they market to you in an ethical manner, I see no reason you should not give their offer reasonable consideration.


Couer De Alene,
Beware Donovan Adfield Supposid Trainer Filterqueen Aspen Air

#18UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, February 29, 2008

If you get lured into this job via ads in the local paper. Beware the 'trainer' Donovan Adfield. This man will make you think the world of him, he will tell you that you can make 6 to 7 grand a month and explain how great this company is and how easy it is to rank up in the company. He is a trained professional sent it 1 -2 times a month to rake in the cash for the office. Nothing this man says is the truth nor close to it. He will have you go out on a 'training weekend' while you are out selling the systems you only make $100 a sell, meanwhile he makes 6 to 7 hundred off YOUR SELL! Thats right boys and girls you do the work and he rakes in the cash, This man can make up to 8 grand in a weekend after hiring doups like you to do the work. And if you are not making sells or ask too many questions about the company guess what. . . He fires you. Not only that after he fires you he tells all the other people false reasons why he fired you a.k.a. he was not running appointments, he was talking trash about the company, he had a negative attitude, ext it can go on and on and on. This man deserves to be run out of idaho on a rail. He makes money off of the hard work other people perform and he sits in a office drinking beer (its been witnessed) and lounging around. He pretends to be your friend when you meet him and seems like a nice guy at first but infact he is just a fast talker lowlife scum that is sucking people dry of your friends and families cash. BEWARE!

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