Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? ,individual's Name Is Cathy Banks This company misleads one into believing companies are paying people for simply listing items into eBay auctions In Orem, Utah And Also And Address Within Delaware State Internet/Nationwide
This company sends an e-mail invite which appears to be structured in such a way that may lead an e-mail invitee to believe that they can become an "Auction Listing Specialist" and thus receive pay for each item listed on eBay, as a way to make money working for other companies,
Reading the initial pages before one signs-up to become an Auctino Listing Specialist lead me to believe that they have connections with companies who are paying money for listing of items on auctions.
After I signed-up was when I learned, (via telephone with customer service department of auctionworkathome) that pay would only be by commision if and when and item I have taken the time and been charged listing fees for actually gets sold at eBay.
And any and all listing fees would be charged to me, and not to auctionworkathome nor the companies it seems to say are looking for people to work from home by listing items for them.