  • Report:  #864450

Complaint Review: Axiom Merchant Services - Mesa Arizona

Reported By:
Nick - Phoenix, Arizona, United States of America

Axiom Merchant Services
5515 E. Redmont Circle Mesa, Az 85215 Mesa, 85215 Arizona, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I just don't understand how companies like this are still in business?  Axiom Merchant Services called my business in December of last year to set an appointment with me regarding my merchant account.  I did because we were looking into switching since my last company has screwed me over.  That company was called ICON Payment Solutions.  When the rep came out, he actually did a great job presenting to me the savings and told me he would buy out my current contract and my lease.  He told me that the only way he could do that is by leasing new equipment because they need to generate revenue to buy all of the old stuff out.  I signed and was ready to rid my business of ICON Payment Solutions.  I received my terminal in about 4 days and had it installed and up and running.  I was told my check will be here within 30 days.  Well it is April and still no check, now I am stuck with a $495 cancellation fee from IPayment which I guess handles their accounts?  Also, I am stuck in two leases that total $198 a month from 2 different leasing companies.  So, last month I began looking into Axiom and found some interesting facts.  Sean Mecham was the owner of ICON Payment Solutions looks to be in charge of Axiom Merchant Services, his wife Ashley Brisbin is listed as owner along with Jon Cannon who was the rep I signed up with when I signed with ICON.  What is also interesting is this week my sister had an appointment with a rep from Axiom, the rep gave her a card and said his name was Jon Cannon!  Umm, not the Jon Cannon I signed up with, with ICON!  I went online and found a link to thedirty.com and it had pictures on there of the rep my sister met with.  It was Sean Mecham and his wife!!  So, supposedly Sean is running as Jon Cannon.  To top it off, the horrible stuff that people have written on the internet about Sean and how he runs his company and treats his employees and merchants.  It is awful and here I am scammed by both of his companies.  I am an idiot.  All i have for advice to others is research before you do anything!  

9 Updates & Rebuttals

Victim of mecham

Mecham gets his!!!!

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, November 14, 2013

Credit card processing business owners indicted on fraud, money laundering charges

The proprietors of Valley credit card payment processing companies have been indicted on money laundering and wire fraud charges by a federal grand jury in Phoenix.

Sean Clinton Mecham, 36, Ashley Brisbin Mecham, 27, Jonathan L. Cannon, 31, and Jake Brisbin, 26, were indicted on various charges this month. They were executives and employees at Icon Payment Solutions, Axiom Merchant Services and Oracle Payment Services, according to court documents.

Prosecutors allege the Mechams deposited $2.9 million worth of ill-gotten gains into accounts they controlled and used the money to buy a luxury boat, Mercedes and Maserati cars and off-road trucks for racing.

Their companies processed credit card payments for retailers and other businesses. The indictment charges the quartet with misleading customers into signing leases for credit card machines and forging as many as 200 business owners and managers signatures.

They also were charged with changing contract terms after business clients signed other agreements. Sales prospects were told they would pay lower credit card fees if they signed up with the defendants’ companies.

The Better Business Bureau and other consumer websites also list complaints against the company and the executives. One consumer complaint says there may be some family link between Sean Mecham and deceased former Arizona governor Evan Mecham.

Ashley Mecham and Jake Brisbin were arraigned on charges Nov. 7 in Los Angeles and were released. Cannon was arraigned in Phoenix on Nov. 12, according to prosecutors. Sean Mecham is still in custody pending trial, according to prosecutors. The U.S. Attorney’s Office for Arizona want Sean Mecham held arguing he is a flight risk, skipped court hearings for civil complaints against his companies and has previously withdrawn large amounts of cash. Court documents also show prosecutors claiming Sean Mecham threatening employees, family members and others from talking about his business dealings.

Mecham and other defendants could not be reached for comment. David Eisenberg, a Phoenix white-collar defense attorney, could end up representing Sean Mechem. Eisenberg said he has not yet been assigned to the case and declined further comment.

The numbers of that business in the investigation have been disconnected or are no longer in service.

Former employee

This is funny

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, July 28, 2013

 The fact of the matter is this is total fabrication.  The company business cards do not have photos on them and Sean's wife/so-called owner is not Brisbin, but kudos to the Jon Cannon reference. Sean's wife also had ZERO involvement in sales or marketing which anyone in the company would confirm. Most people would spell it John unless you either know him or are him.


United States of America
Icon, Axiom and now Oracle?

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, February 24, 2013

I'm an ex-employee/independent contractor for Icon.  Everything on this report is true.  I ran leads for Icon for about 6 months and had no idea I was ripping off merchants with the lease.  They didn't print my phone number on my business card so all calls went to the "call center" where of course they do not call back.  I didn't get all the commissions I was owed and a lot of the pay checks did bounce.  This is a shady company and I'm sure one day they will pay for what they have done.

I know Sean, Jon Cannon and Ashley is in big trouble but what about the sales reps?  Are they just as liable? I'm worried about my reputation and more importantly a lawsuit.



United States of America

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, December 15, 2012

You like so many are angry at the Mecham's.  If they ripped you off then you need to file a complaint.  The more complaints on record , the better for all victims.

It does not cost you anything.  Laws are set up for the consumer and or the employee in this state.

If they did not pay you, if you worked there, go to the Industrial Commissioner.  He has several cases against him already and you get paid!  They do all the work.

You have the old address on them.

 They are hiding at this point.  There is no where for them to hide.

I will have to agree with you regarding how sean mecham is stupid.  Nobody said criminals were smart.  In sean's mind....he is so much smarted than everyone else.  Well, he has a big surprise coming to him, they are closing in.
 He really doesnt know who he tried to F*&% out of some money.

 Criminals, always think they can hide behind corporations or just simply moving to another state, but it just takes that one person to say...back the F*$@ UP!   Criminals only have the two choices...

 Fight or Flight. What do you think this little pu**y is going to do?

Karma is a bitch

United States of America
Sean is going to enjoy this

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, December 13, 2012

3726 E Omega Circle Mesa Az 85215. Go check him out that's where he lives with his big titty wife and his 6 f**king brat ugly kids, please slash his tires take a s**t on his front porch check out his wife's rack piss in his pool bleach his front lawn or my favorite and wish someone would do it, is take a bat and beat Sean like he stole something wait! He actually did steal thousands of business owners money's and as well as his employees. This scum even hires "freinds" with meth addictions and that love to pop pills "percasets" and then go and steal Sean's Mac book pro his name is Paul for those that are curious he's a fat virgin f*g that hasn't seen his d**k in fire years bc he's fat as f**k. Which reminded me of another piece of s**t that works there her name is Nancy I'm a fat man dressed as a woman and rock a 3 inch d**k lol she works in customer service she's a dumb b***h who has a kid with no dad and a dumb a*s husband who I call a dumb a*s bc he actually married this fat piece of s**t I actually met the stupid f**k I was eager to meet him too bc I thought he was pretty brave for having to marry and f**k a dumb fat whale that looks like a man and prolly stands when she pisses. Big ol wildebeest look b***h, anyway this cow likes to snitch and cry and of yea EAT! She's a moron so if you ever call and need help this dumb a*s won't help you at all! Which brings me to sum up my update. Sean can be reached at 4802067854 it's his wife's phone number bc he's to much of a b***h to answer his phone give him a call and ask his wife to send you a pic of her t**s I still think that b***h prostitues on the side lol. This f**king tool is still in business incase anyone is curious same business address in my other post Karma is a b***h by the way the city is Mesa and the same zip as his home 85215 I hope someone goes and shoots the piece of s**t !

Report Attachments


United States of America
Oracle Payment and ICON and Axiom

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, December 13, 2012

You are Correct when You say this is all the  SAME   people.  Sean Mecham and his wife Ashely Brisbin Mecham.  BEWARE BEWARE BEWARE.    Call your County Attorneys Office.  "Special Crimes Investigations"  602-506-3411.  Cost nothing but, your time. They need to be reported.  If you have been scammed, it is your responsibility to report it!  It will save the Next Business owner and get these two in jail where they belong.  Sean has been in this same industry for a long time.  I am just shocked he is not in jail.


United States of America
now known as Oracle Payment Systems

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, October 18, 2012

If you are called by a company with the name ORACLE PAYMENT SYSTEMS out of arizonia -  beware. Look up reviews for the company called Axiom Merchant Services or Icon Payment Solutions. You will find that they are all the same exact company, run by the same person, committing the same scams. If you value you hard earned money you will not sign up with them. The owners name is Sean Mecham

Professional vendor

United States of America
Professional vendor relationship with Axiom with additional information

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, April 12, 2012

I work for a very large reputable national company.  October 2010 I was contacted by Icon Payment Solutions expressing interest in the service I provide.  I met with Ashley and she engaged in a written service agreement with the company I represent.  It was very strange that she entered the agreement so quickly.  I had a bad feeling about the circumstances and I wish I would have acted on my gut instincts.  Ashley provided legal documentation confirming that she was doing business as Icon, yet within a few days she updated me with new documents under the new name of Axiom.  Explained that they had lost a $50,000 lawsuit and were doing an emergency bank ruptcy and restructure of their company.  In my line of work it isn't uncommon to deal with business owners in this type of situation, so we moved forward with activating our services.  We then began our service, which included a $50,000 debit from the business bank account to cover the service we provide.  Countless promises from Sean of wire transfers; even went as far as giving me fake wire transfer transaction numbers on numerous occasions. 

So, yes - the guy is a crook. Yes, is the same - Icon and Axiom And yes, the story about the lease/contract/etc - I can list a dozen mutual clients that were sucked into the same scam and are stuck in two leases, two sets of hardware, etc. And yes, he doesn't pay his employees payroll taxes - he deducts them from their checks, but never sends them to the IRS or state agencies.  Felony.  Hopefully one day one of his employees will be smart enough to figure it out and file a lawsuit.

Karma is a bitch

United States of America

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, April 11, 2012

So I just want to start off and say like my user name says Karma is a b***h , because simply put it is and Sean, and the f****t Rj and hit butt buddy Jon Cannon will all get what's comming to them one way or another. First and for most I will tell you I am a former employee who worked for this price of s**t company, and yes if you signed up with them or signed anything one of there dumb a*s sales men presented 9 times out of ten you have just been robbed blind. They claim to be wholesalers but in reality they are just another third party company who is trying to get a piece of the pie like the rest of them are the only BIG difference is they LOVE to sign you into leases because simply put that's how they make the bulk of ther money. Lol the leases are Non cancel able leases yes NONE CANCALABLE it says it right on the f**kin lease doc so if you are signing and they tell you "oh you can cancel at any time " te answer is NO you can not if not te d**n lease wouldn't say non CANCALABLE lol. How ever if you did sign a lease and you are now having buyers remorse and absolutely want out just miss your first payment and the lease is them revoked and you are no longer responsible. So if Sean or the two faggots Rj and Jon are reading this your welcome because you are now about to loose some money :-). Which absolutely makes me happy lol. Now as far as the rates go they always try to offer an offline debit rate which you will never if rarely see and then followed by a credit rate which is usually a 1.65% which again if you have any kind of intelligence you will see you will never see bc in reality what you will pay is actually much much higher. In the range of three times that amout don't believe me, just ask them what the fine print says about a non qual rate lol. They have been doing this scam for years and robbing people blind but they have contracts signed by nieve people who don't read to hide behind.

So now to the down and dirty part yes Sean is the owner of Axiom Merchant Services aka Icon Payment Solutions. Yes Sean has and still does rob small business owners blind. Yes he does have a head of sales named Jon " I suck c**k " Cannon & Rj " I lick Sean and Jon's balls " Martoia they are the local reps for Thai company. Invade your wondering why I think they are such trash for starters Sean doesn't pay his taxes or Social Security for his employees don't believe me if you worked for Jim and got check made by him pleas go down to your local SS office and pull your earrnings report for the prior year and you will be pleasantly surprised to see that a big 0 will be there by that reporting year lol. However what Sean doesn't know is that Federal Goverment and local Goverment LOVE to put pieces of s**t like him behind bars and I have and currently am helping in that process as well as Mr Cannon and Martioa. If you are reading this and think this is just disgusting we just got started Mr cannon doesn't even really work for Sean, it's actually his wife Misha who Sean writes Jons checks to lol I wonder why that is I know the truth but I won't share that on this website I'll leave that for the more important people who carry badges. Now here's some more fun facts the company is actually in the name of Ashley Brisbon who is actually Sean's wife hmmmm I also wonder why lol, this moron at one point tried to avoid paying AZ tax by getting the names licensed in Nevada and yet the building where he works out of is located in Mesa 5515 E Redmond Circle to be exact not like his contracts say " Scottsdale " trust me it's in Mesa right off the 202 freeway & Higley Rd :-). More fun facts for a laugh Sean has his dad do the payroll now however at one point he wrote his own and YES CHECKS DID BOUNCE ALLLLLLLLLLL THE TIME why you may ask well the answer to that is because Sean likes to pretend he is rich and go race his trophy truck which cost about 100 k and he likes to drive Mazaratties and Audis and Escalades and a motor home which again is like a 100k I even know where he lives it's right off Greenfeild Rd. Now I can do this for days and days but I will just leave it at this if you have dealt with these people or agave your appointment to please don't be a f**king moron and be real if a bank can't offer you what they are what makes you think they can ? Exactly because they can't and won't all you are going to accomplish from them is a headache and a large sum of debt and frustration. I would like to end this message by sending a personal shout out to Sean and the two faggots " Jon & Rj " this is the beginning of what is to come because I will not stop posting and letting people know what you really are " CRIMINALS " and I see you cowards behind bars or unemployed and begging for money on the street until then best of luck dumbasses, I just wish I could see your f**king dumbass faces as you read this and know you are f**kED!

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