  • Report:  #446053

Complaint Review: Bank Of America - Hampton Virginia

Reported By:
- hampton, Virginia,

Bank Of America
http://www.bankofamerica.com/creditcards/ Hampton, Virginia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Bank of America is the biggest rip-off bank. I had a credit limit of 8000.00 and my limit was around 7500.00. I have set up a payment on my web bill pay for an amount well over the min limit to pay on a certain date. Because of the way Bank of America changes the due dates I kept getting late charges. I did not know this because I turned off the paper statements. I knew my payments are well over the due amount. Once I looked and noticed what was going on I paid a payment of $5000.00 dollars. I did not pay the monthly payment that month because of the large payment. Well because of the changing date I was assessed a 30 day overdue charge and they lowered my credit limit to my actual ballance and then when Bank of America put the late charge on I was charged a over the limit charge. They are continually changing my limit to the ballance or very close. This in turn hurts my credit rating because I an now 95% of my credit ballance.. I will pay this off and am warning all others not to due business with Bank of America. I have tried to talk to them and customer service to the supervisors due not care what they are doing to there customers. It is sad that I actually care about my credit and pay on time but they just ruined my credit rating by keep changing my credit limit.


hampton, Virginia


10 Updates & Rebuttals


Highlands Ranch,

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, April 24, 2009

by Ben Bernanke? Batman: Why do you say that, Robin? Robin: Didn't you 'Google' this- LEWIS: PAULSON AND BERNANKE URGED SILENCE, and read that Article from yesterday? Batman: No, I didn't. I guess I'll 'Google' this- LEWIS: PAULSON AND BERNANKE URGED SILENCE, and read that Article about Bank of America's CEO, Ken Lewis, and see what it says. Robin: Okey-dokey, Batman!!! And don't forget to scroll back to around 2-16-2009, and read the Ripoff Report here that's titled- 'Rip Off Report Bank Of America Won't Give My Family Our Money!!!' It has the 'Update' where Striderg was inncorrect about what 'AD' means. His math was off too! End.


Wayne, Hang In There, Things Are Going To Change

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, April 24, 2009

There are going to be some major shake-ups in the credit card industry in the coming months. The President met with crdit card executive this week, and laid out some of the things that must be done to make the cards more user friendly for consumers. The Presdent laid out some of the same issues you address--changing/increasing interest rates, due dates, and lowering credit limits. Congress is going to be setting out these changes in the very near future because many constituents are complaining about these banks/credit card companies, and their practices that end up hurting the consumer. By the way, Bank of America has already been found by the courts to have used unscrupulous methods in collecting overdraft fees, and have been ordered to pay $35 million to refund consumers who may have overdrafted since December, 2000. Granted, consumers only get $78 dollars per account, but the thing about this is that it sets a standard that can be looked back to to file future court cases if these practices continue. Congress is also looking into banking practices like this, including the way banks process transactions, and the fact that banks PAY OUT overdrafts for the customer instead of returning the item to the person to whom the overdraft affected. In other words, the bank essentially gives the customer a "loan", even when a customer may not qualify for a traditional loan, then charges outrageous fees for the service that they, themselves, undertake at their own perogative. People speaking out about unethical the practices of these corporate banks is beginning to make noise on Capitol Hill. I know this doesn't help you out now, but I can sympathize with your situation. This creates a negative on your credit report, and, as such, may prevent you from transferring to another card with lower interest rates, exactly what the bank wants to do, to make you a slave to payments to them. If you can, pay this card off as quickly as possible. Have nothing more to do with the corporate banks, and move all of your accounts to a credit union in your area. You won't find your credit card rates/limits being changes there, and the credit unions do not practice "creative banking", either. And keep your eyes on the news, changes are coming to help the consumer.


Highlands Ranch,

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, April 24, 2009

read the CNNMoney.com article yesterday entitled- LEWIS: PAULSON AND BERNANKE URGED SILENCE (you can 'Google' it!). Batman: No, I didn't, boy-wonder. Robin: It seems as though Ken Lewis, the CEO of Bank of America, said that Henry Paulson & Ben Bernanke urged him to keep quiet. Batman: Oh my, Robin, that's not a good sign, if, in fact, it's true. Robin: I know, Batman!! What should we do? Batman: We need to call Aunt Bee, & OP. And I think we should also call Dano, in Hawaii. Robin: You mean, Dano, from Hawaii Five-0? Batman: Yes. Robin: Should we contact Ruth Ann, from the TV show- 'Northern Exposure', too??? Batman: What a great idea, Robin, yes, contact Ruth Ann and she'll spread the word all over Alaska. Maybe Rick will alert everyone over the radio. Robin: Batman, why don't we alert the Brady's, in California, too? Batman: You're right. Marsha & Greg can spread the word at school, and Cindy & Bobby can tell all their friends. And you might as well contact Danny & Mr. Kincaid, from the TV show- 'The Partridge Family'. Robin: GREAT IDEA, Batman!!! And I'll contact Jed, & Ellie Mae, & Jethro, out in Beverly Hills!!! Batman: What about Granny? Robin: She's probably down at the river smokin' crawdads! Batman: You're right. We'll have to head out there for some crawdads soon. End. 'Google' this- LEWIS: PAULSON AND BERNANKE URGED SILENCE, and read it!


Highlands Ranch,

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, April 24, 2009

read the CNNMoney.com article yesterday entitled- LEWIS: PAULSON AND BERNANKE URGED SILENCE (you can 'Google' it!). Batman: No, I didn't, boy-wonder. Robin: It seems as though Ken Lewis, the CEO of Bank of America, said that Henry Paulson & Ben Bernanke urged him to keep quiet. Batman: Oh my, Robin, that's not a good sign, if, in fact, it's true. Robin: I know, Batman!! What should we do? Batman: We need to call Aunt Bee, & OP. And I think we should also call Dano, in Hawaii. Robin: You mean, Dano, from Hawaii Five-0? Batman: Yes. Robin: Should we contact Ruth Ann, from the TV show- 'Northern Exposure', too??? Batman: What a great idea, Robin, yes, contact Ruth Ann and she'll spread the word all over Alaska. Maybe Rick will alert everyone over the radio. Robin: Batman, why don't we alert the Brady's, in California, too? Batman: You're right. Marsha & Greg can spread the word at school, and Cindy & Bobby can tell all their friends. And you might as well contact Danny & Mr. Kincaid, from the TV show- 'The Partridge Family'. Robin: GREAT IDEA, Batman!!! And I'll contact Jed, & Ellie Mae, & Jethro, out in Beverly Hills!!! Batman: What about Granny? Robin: She's probably down at the river smokin' crawdads! Batman: You're right. We'll have to head out there for some crawdads soon. End. 'Google' this- LEWIS: PAULSON AND BERNANKE URGED SILENCE, and read it!


Highlands Ranch,

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, April 24, 2009

read the CNNMoney.com article yesterday entitled- LEWIS: PAULSON AND BERNANKE URGED SILENCE (you can 'Google' it!). Batman: No, I didn't, boy-wonder. Robin: It seems as though Ken Lewis, the CEO of Bank of America, said that Henry Paulson & Ben Bernanke urged him to keep quiet. Batman: Oh my, Robin, that's not a good sign, if, in fact, it's true. Robin: I know, Batman!! What should we do? Batman: We need to call Aunt Bee, & OP. And I think we should also call Dano, in Hawaii. Robin: You mean, Dano, from Hawaii Five-0? Batman: Yes. Robin: Should we contact Ruth Ann, from the TV show- 'Northern Exposure', too??? Batman: What a great idea, Robin, yes, contact Ruth Ann and she'll spread the word all over Alaska. Maybe Rick will alert everyone over the radio. Robin: Batman, why don't we alert the Brady's, in California, too? Batman: You're right. Marsha & Greg can spread the word at school, and Cindy & Bobby can tell all their friends. And you might as well contact Danny & Mr. Kincaid, from the TV show- 'The Partridge Family'. Robin: GREAT IDEA, Batman!!! And I'll contact Jed, & Ellie Mae, & Jethro, out in Beverly Hills!!! Batman: What about Granny? Robin: She's probably down at the river smokin' crawdads! Batman: You're right. We'll have to head out there for some crawdads soon. End. 'Google' this- LEWIS: PAULSON AND BERNANKE URGED SILENCE, and read it!


Highlands Ranch,

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, April 24, 2009

read the CNNMoney.com article yesterday entitled- LEWIS: PAULSON AND BERNANKE URGED SILENCE (you can 'Google' it!). Batman: No, I didn't, boy-wonder. Robin: It seems as though Ken Lewis, the CEO of Bank of America, said that Henry Paulson & Ben Bernanke urged him to keep quiet. Batman: Oh my, Robin, that's not a good sign, if, in fact, it's true. Robin: I know, Batman!! What should we do? Batman: We need to call Aunt Bee, & OP. And I think we should also call Dano, in Hawaii. Robin: You mean, Dano, from Hawaii Five-0? Batman: Yes. Robin: Should we contact Ruth Ann, from the TV show- 'Northern Exposure', too??? Batman: What a great idea, Robin, yes, contact Ruth Ann and she'll spread the word all over Alaska. Maybe Rick will alert everyone over the radio. Robin: Batman, why don't we alert the Brady's, in California, too? Batman: You're right. Marsha & Greg can spread the word at school, and Cindy & Bobby can tell all their friends. And you might as well contact Danny & Mr. Kincaid, from the TV show- 'The Partridge Family'. Robin: GREAT IDEA, Batman!!! And I'll contact Jed, & Ellie Mae, & Jethro, out in Beverly Hills!!! Batman: What about Granny? Robin: She's probably down at the river smokin' crawdads! Batman: You're right. We'll have to head out there for some crawdads soon. End. 'Google' this- LEWIS: PAULSON AND BERNANKE URGED SILENCE, and read it!


Help May Be On The Way

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, April 23, 2009

Congress is looking to pass legislation that will set limits on the way banks raise these interest rates, and lower credit limits. The President had meetings yesterday with credit card representatives, and Congress is looking at fast-track legislation to stop some of these practices. There is a good article about this in today's USA Today.


Help May Be On The Way

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, April 23, 2009

Congress is looking to pass legislation that will set limits on the way banks raise these interest rates, and lower credit limits. The President had meetings yesterday with credit card representatives, and Congress is looking at fast-track legislation to stop some of these practices. There is a good article about this in today's USA Today.


Help May Be On The Way

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, April 23, 2009

Congress is looking to pass legislation that will set limits on the way banks raise these interest rates, and lower credit limits. The President had meetings yesterday with credit card representatives, and Congress is looking at fast-track legislation to stop some of these practices. There is a good article about this in today's USA Today.


Help May Be On The Way

#11Consumer Comment

Thu, April 23, 2009

Congress is looking to pass legislation that will set limits on the way banks raise these interest rates, and lower credit limits. The President had meetings yesterday with credit card representatives, and Congress is looking at fast-track legislation to stop some of these practices. There is a good article about this in today's USA Today.

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