  • Report:  #534085

Complaint Review: BEST BUY - Palm Beach Gardens Florida

Reported By:
Brad - Boynton Beach, Florida, U.S.A.

11230 Legacy Lane Palm Beach Gardens, 33410 Florida, United States of America
(561) 694-0366
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Here is my email to the store manager, you can see the story in there... XXXXXXXXXX, I am writing you this email due to the fact I have not heard back from you over the past week. I have left messages at the store by phone and even spoke to XXXX who told me that he would have you call me. I heard there was an issue with my phone number? There is a Rewards membership on every transaction which I givwe the clerk my phone number each time I check out. Today when they finally "ammended" the problem, they were able to do the entire transaction without even asking me my name or anything. If you guys wanted to contact me, we all know you could of. Now let me give you a little background of my adventure at your store... I was 3/4th in line and was immediately belittled by one of your employees.

When I asked for a computer, she asked me to provide proof that I could pay for the item. I have never experienced something like this at a store, but it would be the first of many new experiences. After arriving in the store, I went to the counter to check out for the computers. I showed the ad to an employee in the tv section and he gave me a tv to purchase along with the computers. He ended up giving us the wrong television (it was $200 more than the one in the ad) so we voided that on the receipt. I handed her my 3 tickets (HP desktop, netbook, and a sony laptop). She grabbed them all for me and scanned a printer which i put in the cart. The printers were right outside her checkout and she walked out and scanned them right in the pile. She gave me the desktop and I left with the printer. I ended up finding the right tv (I think I even spoke to you with my mother in front by the tv boxes...you mentioned 4 for $40 accessories for the laptops we had) and purchasing it up front along with a dvd or 2.

After being home for a bit, I opened the HP Desktop box to realize that it only contained the CPU and not the monitor. I checked the trunk and noticed I was never given the monitor. I checked the receipt and noticed that not only did she ring me up for it, but I was paying full retail on the CPU and monitor. I jumped in the car and headed back to your store. I dealt with an employee who immediately wanted to pawn me off on someone else. She had told me that I got the wrong printer so there was nothing they would be able to do about the prices. She explained to me that I was scanned for a monitor so I had to of got one. Her tone was immediately rude and short with me. Obviously she worked earlier for the morning Black Friday so she must be tired and worn out from the rush. But when you buy a package or computer, you come in with a piece of paper (ticket) and they give you all of the items you need. It's not like the customer shops around the store and has to go on a wild goose chase for each item to complete a bundle.

She told me that she wasn't the one who made the mistake so there was no need for me to be upset with her that she could not change the price. I had been charged $270 more than I should of been for the bundle. I waited for an hour or so and a manager told me that she reviewed the tapes and they could give me the monitor that I was never given. She reiterated that nothing could be done with the price because I had not brought the printer back. I had no idea it was the wrong printer as I had not even looked at it since I had only the CPU to setup at the house. I thought this was a bit of an issue due to the fact I had been grossly overcharged for items that I should be able to purchase at the correct price.

I asked the manager if she could change the items to make them reflect the corect price. Ring everything I bought and then just charge me for the wrong printer so I can just take that back and not worry about being on the hook for a couple hundred dollars. That way I would only be overcharged like $80 for a printer and I could take it back to any Best Buy without having to rehash my entire story to the employee. Instead, they decided I could buy the correct printer at the full price. This made no sense to me but I had been there for 1.5 hours and was ready to leave. The manager brought the monitor and printer back to the first employee I was working with. I was arguing with her telling her I thought this was a bogus way to handle the situation. She walked away from the counter and told me that she wasn't going to help me check out. The manager then walked by and I asked for her name.

She told me she was too busy to give me her name and she didn't have a card. The employee then came back and moved my stuff to the side of the counter and asked for the next customer. She told me I would have to wait for the manager to check me out. I did not have time to wait on the 2 employees since they seemed to not be looking to solve the situation in a timely matter. I grabbed the monitor and printer so that I could just check out in the front of the store and leave. The employee walked behind me and grabbed the printer out of my hand and took it back to the counter where she was. This was ridiculous. She wouldn't help me but I can't go elsewhere to be helped. I walked back to the area of the returns and grabbed 1 of the 50 other printers laying there and purchased in the front of the store. On Monday, I decided to call the store and ask for you. I was told you were not working but they would have you give me a call. I decided to call corporate after not getting anywhere with the situation.

I explained to them what I told you above and they patched in XXXX to the conversation. I reiterated everything above and he assured me that all of those practices are not something that the employees at that store are advised to do. He explained that I could come in today and get everything handled with him. I could keep whichever printer and that he would make sure that everything was correct like it should be. I told him I could not make it down there until after work and he told me that I would meet XXXX later around 6:30 or so at the store. He would let XXXXX know what was going on so we could all put this behind us. I got in line and immediately was harassed by your employee that 'snatched' the printer from me a few days before. She asked me "If I had purchased a printer" and something else. I asked her to leave me alone and just mind her business.

I got to the counter and the employee called XXXX over. He explained to them what to do (knew nothing about me taking whichever printer but that is the least of my worries) and leaves. They have to call him over 3 or 4x due to problems with the transaction. All these times, the 'snatcher' keeps trying to ease her way into the conversations. She is being sarcastically nice and offering to help. Due to all of the billing errors, your store has maxed out my Best Buy card. So I guess they do the return and then have to speak with the bank. Your employee hands me my receipt and explains to me what my remaining balance is on my card now that everything is fixed. I grab my receipts and leave the store. I check the credit card to make sure the transactions is correct. I see a credit online and then notice it was charged back on Friday. It seemed the CPU was returned and never billed back to the card. And the $39.99 printer that was incorrectly scanned on Black Friday was returned but charged back to my card.

I can understand the CPU since you guys made a mistake (which is why I wanted a manager to help me out when I went back to the store after talking to corporate/XXXXX), but not the printer. You billed me back for a printer that the employees knew was sitting behind the counter. You also billed me back for the CPU at the incorrect price. I never was called (XXXXX told me you guys had my wrong #) and told about this. I went back to the store today after leaving a message for Patrick and not hearing back for 2 hours or so. I entered the store and asked for XXXXX right when I got in. He walked me over to the returns counter. I told him I needed the receipts showing them billing it back to me so that I could take them all and deal with another store or corparate regarding the matter. He got a CSR and she ended up doing all of the credits again that were charged back to me earlier in the week. She did a PRICE MATCH in about 15 minutes that could of solved the entire matter in the first place!?!?! That would of fixed everything.

I found it real nice that I walked in and didn't even have to tell anyone my name but they immediately did all of the transactions. You could pull all of this up and do it without even hearing from me, but you couldn't do that when you charged it back? You couldn't pull it up for my phone number and give me a call out of courtesy? My email is on there as well I believe. On my way home, I stopped at the Best Buy on XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and spoke with a manager there. She layed out the army of receipts this mess has created and expressed to me that business would never be handled like that there. She explained to me that since it did not occur at her store, there was nothing she could do. I told her I would like to email a regional manager, but she could only give me your email address. She told me that everything could of been handled in 15 minutes with just the price match that was done today. There was no need for all of these full returns and bills. I would like to know your thoughts on the situation as I have now spent a good 6 hours and it is a week later and I finally have paid the correct amount for my computer. Thanks, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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