  • Report:  #1054995

Complaint Review: Bluegreen - Internet Missouri

Reported By:
wboone62 - Nacogdoches, Texas,

Internet, Missouri, USA
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I purchased a Bluegreen Vacation Club timeshare a few years ago and paid $14,000 in full at time of purchase for points only.  It began as I  was approached in a Bass Pro Shop in Garland Texas and offered a free stay at Big Cedars lodge, a Bluegreen entity, in Missouri.  All I had to do is listen to a short sales pitch.  My wife and I wound up being lodged in a Raddison Hotel in Branson, Missouri and had to travel to Big Cedars Lodge for the presentation about 12 miles away.  The salesman was convincing that we could use the club and if we didn't want to keep it Bluegreen they would probably buy it back.  He also told us that it was a great investment and we could rent our points out and make a profit.  We kept it for a few years and kept our maintenance fees up to date.  What we discovered was that for the number of points they sold us it is nearly impossible to book a stay when you want it.  We wound up only using it a few times.  The maintenance fees started out around $350 a year and in a few years have risen to $750+.  Bluegreens suggestion was to buy more points for several thousand dollars if we wanted better options.  When we said we couldn't afford more we were insulted and the suggestion was that we were poor money managers.  It was so insulting that my wife started crying and we had to leave.  Bluegreen suggested that we sell and that Pinnacle Vacations was the only service Bluegreen endorsed.  I paid Pinnacle a fee to sell it and never heard from them again.  I was also scammed by another timeshare sales for over $1000. I kept good records and Florida was able to arrest those scammers.  My wife was suffering from cancer and couldn't travel comfortable.  Due to financial pressure from her illness and my declining health we could no longer justify paying the rising maintenance fees.  I wrote a letter to Bluegreen asking to be released from my contract since I had paid in full at time of purchase and we were having trouble booking and traveling due to our health.  They wrote back saying that they understood but that I still owed maintenance fees for the remainder of my and my wifes life and it would then pass on to our children.  Bluegreen wants you to believe that there is no way out except to sell or pass it on to a relative.  Trouble is the Vacation Club Timeshare is worthless and there are thousands on the market for a dollar or to give away for free.  These are the things you need to know. 1.  Hardly anything in the sales presentation is correct.  They misrepresent and out and out lie to get a sale. 2.  Once you sign, except for a short buyers remorse clause, your locked in to the contract for life and owe maintenance fees that keep climbing every year.  They even say that when you die it goes to your children, etc.   The timeshares are worthless and next to impossible to sell.  No one wants to be locked into the timeshare for life when they are worthless on the market and difficult to use unless you want to pay thousands more for a better chance at booking a place.  Even Bluegreen won't buy them back or take them back for free.  When I refused to pay they immediately turned me over to Pinnacle Recovery (a close cousin to Pinnacle Vactions) who have hounded me daily for my late maintenance fee.  There are three things you need to think about before buying a timeshare or even a vacation club.  They are worthless shortly after you buy and are next to impossible to sell or even give away.  They lock you in and threaten forecloser and legal ramification if you try to back out for the rest of your life and your childrens lives.  They have no sympathy for personal problems that can arise even when you have paid in full for the timeshare.  They want your maintanance fees forever.   My suggestion, after experiencing this, is to steer clear of a Vacation Club or timeshare especially from Bluegreen.  They are like a polished, glowing tomb  full of decay and rotting bones.  Never sign anything until you have an attorney look at it.  Bluegreen will tell you that the offering they have is only for a few hours and then it's over so you need to buy now.  Don't fall for it.  It's just more lies and misrepresentation.  There is a lot more to my story but I think I've said enough.   Beware.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Stay away from bass pro promotions! Aka Bluegreen!

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, June 01, 2013

 I feel for you! These sales people are very good at what they do. I had no idea what I was in for prior to the sales pitch. I went in with an "open mind" - not a good thing for this type of sales pitch. 

Let me go back a little about my story- remember, I went in with an open mind, I was with my boyfriend at the time, who I wasn't even engaged to but we were serious (and married now).... We were one on one with a sales lady. She was attractive, very talkative and we got along well with her. She told us at least 20 different stories, how's she been all over the world with her family to places like Aruba, the Bahamas, etc. she said it wouldn't have been possible without BlueGreen. 
Then she started talking how vacations now days cost anywhere from 2,000-4,000 and each year the cost go up - so she starts talking how expensive it will be to travel in the future and this is where Bluegreen comes in - buy points now (at today's price) and then use them forever - saving thousands because we'd be locking in our cost with our points. It all sounded good and seemed to make sense at the time. 
We then toured some of the cabins at Big Cedar - they looked really nice. This is when my boyfriend started leaning toward actually signing up- he was so excited at the thought of coming to Big Cedar to fish anytime he wanted to for so cheap....Next we went over to a different conference room area. This is where we started talking numbers. We started discussing the cheapest package - I think it was around $15,000... All I remember is we'd be able to take 1-2 nice trips a year. Again, this all sounded good. The lady had several huge brochure books of all their resorts - I mean hundreds of pages of resorts all over the world. She kept asking where our first trip would be to. I was in full vacation dream mode. Again, everything was going well, we were totally mesmorized..
Then I asked the lady for a moment alone to discuss everything with my bf. After she left I grabbed my iPhone and typed in "bluegreen reviews" - the second or third site that popped up was complaints. I started reading thru a couple of horror stories and immediately had cold feet. Then the sales lady returned- literally 2-3 minutes later. This is where I showed my first sign of doubt. She quickly reassured me that this was an investment (of a lifetime) and that we would be getting a great deal. 
There was lots of other things going on during this presentation such as "extras" being thrown in. Again, everything seemed amazing... One thing offered was some yacht club that usually cost about 10,000 but we would have access to it for only a couple hundred dollars (I believe this was another lie)... 
Again, after reading the negative reviews I was showing doubt (but I didn't mention that I had read anything). The sales lady quickly got me out of my seat and took me over to about a 50" plasma tv and showed me all the resorts in HD - yeah they looked good, but they should!
Again, more doubt so this is when a guy in a nice suit came over - he shook our hands and then tried offering us a better deal as in, less money, more points, more extras.... my boyfriend looked at me - it was all up to me at this point.. The sales lady, the sales guy, and my boyfriend all looked at me and I finally said - NO. I couldn't believe I was calling the shots either lol.. But I declined. The lady was quick to say thanks and she was out of there within 30 seconds. I will say that everyone was professional and no one ever got rude with us (which I have read has happened to others)...  I will add that signing off - stating that were were not buying (yes, you have to sign a piece of paper if you don't buy!) felt like I was signing my soul away to the devil - that's how good these people are - they make you feel like you're leaving a deal of a life time!
I felt so bad saying no. I felt like I had an invisible gun to my head - that's how much pressure I felt during this whole thing. The more we talked numbers the closer the gun felt to my head. It didn't help that my boyfriend made me in charge of deciding either... In all my life, I think my blood pressure went up to an unsafe level that day. Again, I cannot truly express the pressure I felt during this sales presentation. All I can say is the people we dealt with we're very good at what they do!
After I said no, I did the "walk of shame" down to another room to get my gift cards Bass pro had promised... I was offered a one time deal for $999 for one week vacation. I wanted to sign up because I felt so bad about not buying but then something held me back - I knew if I bought this package I would have to attend another sales pitch - with that thought in mind, I declined. I got my gift cards and was out of there, almost 3 hours later!
That day, I saw about 6-10 couples signing up!
Here are some red flags after going thru the sale pitch and reading reviews online- 
- initial cost. We were told anywhere from 15,000-30,000 upfront
- annual dues/fees. These can change at anytime and you must pay or you're not awarded points. We were quoted around $700 a year for fees for one of the lowest packages! 
-no airfare is included
Recap: with the large investment upfront, plus annual fees, and NO airfare, it just doesn't make sense to me. I'm sure some people use it to their advantage but I'm so thankful I passed.
- financing - we were told we could finance the large upfront costs at around 18% interest!
-they want you to "grandfather" your kids in and say things like "it's a tax write off" - its more like, you can't get rid of it even after you die because you got your kids involved (it's passed to your kids, they have to pay the fees then!) I also doubt that it's a tax write off. I have read other reviews stating they couldn't write anything off.  
-they say their resorts all over the world are top class. I don't believe this for a second! I have read countless reviews of the "dumps" people have stayed at and learned that members usually get the crappiest rooms! Just use Vegas as an example - bluegreen says they have two "resorts" there - they aren't even on the strip! You mean to tell me, a huge company like bluegreen doesn't even have hotel on the Vegas strip? They don't! Look up some of their hotels/resorts on TripAdvisor - they are NEVER rated in the top 10.. Again, another lie by Bluegreen - they make you think you're staying at the best of the best- not true!
- look up "bluegreen club 36" in las Vegas on tripadvisor- it's rated #118 of 271 hotels in Vegas- that's terrible! The place is a dump but bluegreen makes you think they have "resorts" everywhere - another LIE! You can read reviews from actual timeshare owners on tripadvisor- they say for themselves - the place sucks!
- look up Bluegreen hotels for yourself - they aren't rated good. Here's another example - Bluegreen Fountains Resort in Orlando, FL.. It's rated #77 of 328 hotels... Does anyone see the problems I see? If I'm paying 15000 upfront, I'd at least like nice hotels that have good ratings! 
- if bluegreen had true "resorts" that ranked in the top 10 on Tripadvisor then I'd be willing to have nicer things to say- but they won't and never will.. You know why? Because people keep paying thousands to sign up and someone is getting very rich (remember money makes the world go round) this money, if any, actually goes toward your stay at these places.. It's all a scam.
-I have read hundreds of reviews of people stating they can't get into the hotel or resort of their choice! I believe this claim after waiting 8 months to get into Big Cedar.
- I know some members personally that bought years ago and they said its the worst thing they have ever bought. Yes they use their points, and go to the same dump each year, it would be cheaper NOT to go thru Bluegreen!
-Points - say you have your points and find a resort but Bluegreen says its not available - I can almost bet that if you search online for the same dates (Expedia) there are rooms available! This should piss off Bluegreen members at all costs! Imagine paying thousands, having to wait for your points (because you can't book until you receive your points) and then your hotel of choice is booked thru Bluegreen (but available to everyone one via the Internet) ...
-Using points- Example: say you're awarded your points each year in May, now say you want to take a trip in July (same year). You can't book your July trip until you have the points in your account so by the time you get your points in May - the hotel you're looking at is probably already booked two months later. This is a SCAM! Who wants to worry about this or try to book 1-2 years in advance? NOT ME!
More lies I was told-
--I was told I could book Big Cedar log cabins almost anytime of the year for as little as $59 bucks a night - I don't believe this at all! For of all, I signed up at Bass Pro in April for this deal and the FIRST available dates at Big Cedar (Fri-Sun) weren't until DEC!! That just shows how far in advance this place is booked! I guarantee members get the last available room, if any!
-- I was told a story how a guy came to the sales pitch, declined the offer (signed off saying he declined) and then tried to go thru the sales pitch again (a couple weeks later) because the deal was so good! I believe entirely that this story was a LIE - it was told to me in hopes to make me believe this timeshare is a deal of a lifetime! -That its so good that people try to come back because they didn't sign up the first time around. Keep in mind, during the sales pitch, I believed this. I was believing everything! The lady went on to say that they wouldn't let the guy sign up because he had already decline! Again, another lie- these snakes would take money from anyone! AND, AND- I was at Bass Pro a couple weeks ago and offered this deal again - I told them I already went and they said I could go again since its over a year! -Proof! You can sign up at a later time!
- lie after lie - that is what Bluegreen told me that day. I have no doubt that I made the right decision that day by passing on the deal! I believe Bluegreen sales reps lie to get people to sign up and that is deceptive and isn't good business. 
Last thoughts:
If I want to take a vacation, I don't want to wait for "points" to come, especially after paying annual fees that can and will increase with time! I don't want to stay at dumps either. I work full time and vacations are important to me. I want to stay at top rated resorts and not have to worry about more meetings about updates - which is actually another con by Bluegreen trying to sell more points to members.. 
You may be wondering why I care so much since I didn't sign up and all I can say is, I'm hoping my story will help someone else in the future not sign up! If it wasn't for me reading a couple of horror stories online the day of the sales pitch - I probably would have signed up.
What do I say to those who are happy with Bluegreen? Good for them, it's nice to know some people still enjoy their vacations and don't feel ripped off. As for me, I'm happy I didn't sign up. I will stand by that decision!

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