  • Report:  #348819

Complaint Review: Botsmall - Internet Nationwide

Reported By:
- North York, Ontario,

botsmall.com Internet, Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was deaing with a company called botsmall

botsmall deals in game services for online games.

Website: http://www.botsmall.com

Email: [email protected]

The only way that I know of to contact "Botsmall USA"

is via thier website they don't seem to accept phone

calls for Botsmall USA.

Please note that the part about the CEO is because I posted this on their forum as well asking that this be escalated to their highest level.

Update: looks like they removed the post I made on thier forums because They have an unhappy customer and they don't want people to hear about this incident!

Oh and FYI I had purchased at least 5 - 6 cards prior to

all this happening with no problems. James just has

it out for me.

I am warning you now that the guy that runs Botsmall USA is a real idiot.

I will explain why I say that Botsmall USA distributer is

an individual by the name of James McKee. AKA CodeRed

James is just some immature little kid obviously who

has the maturity of about a 10 year old. Twice now James has just up and canceled bot cards

that I have purchased.

The first time I asked for compensation for the problem that was occurring for the problem with the "auto train" button remaining greyed out. I am sure everyone is quite aware of this That was happening yesterday to a lot of people.

So I was not able to login and asked for some compensation for time on my bot cards since I was not able to login due to this error. Which turns out to be that there is an intermittent routing issue with routes going into China where they host the servers. The servers in china don't have very good routes because of some of the equipment is out in China due to the earthquakes. So routes up to china are ok but once you get into china it is dicey.

This information will become important later on in the


So anyways yesterday June 6 I get a phone call from James

saying that I canceled your cards, he called up yelling and screaming at me and infact hung up on me once then called back about 10 minutes later. At NO time have I asked for my ISROBOT cards to be canceled all I asked for was time compensation on my cards for this error. Obviously James didn't like people asking for compensation and instead vindictively canceled my cards instead.

So I talked to him on the phone for quite a while on June 6 2008 and he said oh that if I wanted cards that I could reorder the cards again. I thought we had everything straightened out. He even promised me one free bot card for my troubles, which I NEVER GOT!

So there was a ticket open about the routing issue

Ticket ID:XMT-939325 which CodeRed AKA James

kept closing off because he felt like it.

The routing issue FYI is not fixed and the ticket shouldn't be closed if the problem is not fixed. So I was playing the game and I thought everything was fine. I went to check my email and I got this email.

From: Bot Networks [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, July 07, 2008 9:44 PM

To: "Undisclosed-Recipient:;"@gmail-pop.l.google.com

Subject: Your Account

Mr. ,

After reviewing your chat logs and talking with all managers and officers of the companies Botsmall Global, and Bot Networks (dba Botsmall USA) it is clear we cannot meet your needs for your online gaming. It is also clear we do not have the same understanding of Bot Networks (dba Botsmall USA) Terms Of Service.

We are sorry it has come to this, but have come to an agreement to end our business relationship with yourself for now on. Due to the risk of yourself filing a dispute with Paypal we have issued a refund once again for you. The Game Card that were purchased Paypal will be cancelled and ask you do not purchase cards from Bot Networks (dba Botsmall USA) in the future.

Again we are sorry it has come to this, but we have to do what is best for us and our customers.

Best of luck to you and yours in your online gaming needs.


James McKee

Thank you for choosing Bot Networks / Botsmall USA

[url=http://us.botsmall.com]Botsmall USA - 600 Error - We Are Sorry![/url] - Payment Site / Game Cards

[url=http://support.botsmall.com]Live Support provided by Botsmall USA[/url] - Support Site

So he once again now for the 2nd time in 2 days have canceled my two bot cards. I was just playing the game and I never understood why he just canceled the cards again for no good reason what so ever. I never asked for the cards to be canceled hell I NEVER even contacted paypal or anything so where he is getting that I dunno. There was no complaint made to paypal or anything like that. I never violated any part of any of the terms of service in any way.

So there was absolutely nothing done on my part

I was enjoying my two new bot cards.

So I went in and just looked at the ticket for

the routing issue and it was closed again and James Mckee

AKA CodeRed left this rather nasty message.

The servers of th eprogrammers are FINE

The network those servers are on are FINE


I am warning you for the last time, do not open this ticket again or I will be forced to refund your money AGAIN and ban you from make another purchase from the payment site I own. No manager can help you, no more phone calls, this is your last chance. Next time I ban without warning.

Thank You for Choosing Botsmall

Support Website: [url=http://support.botsmall.com]Live Support provided by Botsmall USA[/url]

Payment Website: [url=http://us.botsmall.com]Botsmall USA - 600 Error - We Are Sorry![/url]

Main Website: [url]http://www.botsmall.com[/url]

Now remember I never reopened the ticket infact the email

was already sent to me saying that he canceled my cards

and refunded my money before I even saw this and when

I went back in the ticket was closed I have since replied

to the ticket again after this incident.

Nice that simply because you reopen a ticket

regarding a network issue to their server in china

Which by the way is what is causing the issue with

the auto train button to remain grayed out because

it is not getting a connection to their servers in China.

Simply because of this he just canceled my cards and

again maliciously canceled my cards and now has

locked my payment account so I can not get

any more cards.

Bottom line is James McKee has the maturity of about

a 10 year old and just because some one was disagreeing

with him over the ticket he maliciously canceled my bot

cards for no good reason.

Right now I demand to speak with the CEO or vice president of Bots Mall Global and this matter needs to be immediately straightened out.

This guy has NO RIGHT to do this he has NO RIGHT to just

up and cancel my cards with out my permission this is

horrible customer service and I demand to now speak

to either the CEO or Vice President of Botsmall Global

And that if James McKee does not immediately reinstate

my account again and ceases immediately from canceling

my cards that I purchase that he be removed from his

position at as the agent for Botsmall USA and that

you find a new individual to take over this position.

Overall I would not order any cards though Botsmall

USA as you can see the individual right now responsible

for botsmall USA is very abusive and rude and ignorant

and has absolutely no customer service skills what

so ever.

This complaint needs to be immediately esclated

to the Botsmall Global Vice President or CEO.

Also to make matters worse in this case they also stole

84 additional credits that I had on my account above

and beyond the two bot cards that I had on my account.

I had and additional 84 credits and they were stolen

from my account when they canceled my account and I was

never given any kind of refund for the additional 84


Bottom line is Botsmall are THIEVES and have absolutely

no business morals what so ever. Do not deal with this

company they rip people off!


North York, Ontario


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