  • Report:  #653977

Complaint Review: CHASE BANK - NY Nationwide

Reported By:
SMH - Creve Coeur, Missouri, United States of America

270 Park Ave NY, 10017 Nationwide, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

1.  We were told that we are the perfect candidates to receive this so called loan modification  (and still are)

2.  We started the proceedings after my husband had lost his job in 2009 and we had several unexpected medical conditions pop up

3.  I started a new business in 2008 and it is just getting off of the ground

4.  We had never missed a house payment prior to applying for the modification

5   We never missed a house payment during the proceedings of the loan modification trial period in which they lowered our house payment by about 1k per month.

6.  In October of 2009 We went online and downloaded the application, filled it out in its entirety, which took 15 hours of our time to gather and fax.

7.  We had to keep calling to try and get answers on what was happening with the modification, because they would not call us.  However their debt collectors called continually.

8.  We were never able to get a hold of someone who spoke proper, understandable ENGLISH, and could never get a hold of the same person twice it was literally like pulling teeth to get any answers.

9.  When we finally were able to speak to someone in ENGLISH, they said we were still missing some papers (which we werent, because there was a check list and I am meticulous when it comes to files and paperwork) and they told us we would have to start from the beginning and re-fax everything again.  This time we had to re gather current data, so it took another 10 hours of our time and some of the application papers had changed, so we had to redo everything and fax again

10   Another month goes by and we phone Chase and again they claim missing paperwork, due to the fact that the people receiving the faxes are in another state and that they may have lost the papers during transmission.so this time I told them to send me an overnight package and I will send a copy via FedEX.

11.  All along the way they were reassuring us that we were perfect candidates for the modification, giving us hope that things would be fine and the paperwork time was worth it.  I have several letters they sent us telling us how much they wanted to help us.

12.  In June of 2010 they sent us a letter stating that our loan modification was Denied BECAUSE WE HAD NEVER MISSED A HOUSE PAYMENT AND THEY SAID WE MADE TOO MUCH MONEY IN 2008. HOWEVER THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN GOING BY OUR 2009 RETURNS!!!  and that we were now in default of a past due amount of the 1k for each month of the trial period

13.  At this point we decided to put some money into trying to sell our home and hired a listing agent, while still making our house payment.

14.  Then one evening in early September a man delivered a Certified Letter from CHASE stating once again how they wanted to help us and that we should re apply, so we called them on the phone and said that we had listed our house, but that if they thought we could ACUTALLY GET A MODIFICATION, WE WOULD REAPPLY.  At the same time this delivery man was outside our home taking pictures of the FOR SALE sign in our yard.


15.  We took the house off of the market the next day per their advice on reapplying.   I worked until 4 in the morning filling out, gathering and coping another set of these papers, then took it to the Fed Ex office first thing that day.


16.  We and our real estate agent then started receiving strange phone calls from people pretending to have interest in the house and wanting to get in to see it Later we found out that these were people who sneak in on behalf of the bank to change your locks we also started receiving several phone calls daily from the CHASE phone numbers and when we would answer, they would hang up.  I spoke to CHASE again and they said they noticed that the house was marked as a short sale in their records.  A short sale was NEVER discussed with CHASE or anyone else.  We put our home on the market on our own.


17.  Two weeks ago my husband calls to find out what is going on with our loan modification and the woman says again we are missing papers, you will need to start over and resend by this time we are ready to pull our hair out because of the hours and money wasted, and their lack of competence.


18.  We went online and again it is the same papers we have filled out and sent in over and over, 4 times, 2 via fax and 2 sets via Fed Ex.


19.  A couple of days ago we received a letter via the U.S. Postal service regular mail stating that they are going to foreclose on our house on November 15th.  In with that same letter was a letter stating that CHASE bank really wants to help us and that we should apply for a loan modification HA!


20.  I called CHASE one last time today to see what they had to say about all of this and they said that there is not much time but that they are still missing our paperwork I insisted once again that everything was in the Fed Ex and in all of the faxes, but she said it must have gotten misplaced. When I told her I wanted to hand deliver the pack this time and that I am willing to get on a plane to do so, she giggled and said well any office you go to would just be faxing the work to the same number you would be sending it to.  I told her that this was no laughing matter and said that my husband and I have been working since we were 12 years of age to get what we have and then said my good bye, which was a click in her ear.  By the way this girl sounded as though she was just out of high school.


I am sick over this, not because we are losing our home that we worked so hard for, because I know we will be just fine without CHASE BANK, but for all of the people out there who still believe that these people truly want to help us, when the truth is they could care less.


You can fill out the paperwork and they can throw a few pages away, and drag it out until you are so far behind, then refuse the loan and pull the rug out from under you.  My suggestion is to take it in person and sit down with a real person, but after my conversation with this twit today, they wont do that either so I call this one a BIG SCAM!!!  I am now seeking legal action, and a class action suit.


Dear Mr. President WHERE are you?  WHO are you??  And WHY arent you fixing this problem you helped to create???  I did not vote for you, but I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and try to believe in what you said you would do.


4 Updates & Rebuttals


apache junction,
United States of America
Regarding chase bank

#2Consumer Suggestion

Wed, August 10, 2011

I went through the same deal and went from a 820 score to a under 600 credit score.  let me tell you what the end of your ordeal is going to be ....... at the end of loosing your paperwork twenty or more times and giving you the run around they will modify your loan at last !!   GOOD NEWS RIGHT ?   Wrong !!   they will add ALL late fees and charges and any and all penalties they can invent to your loan !  they will ONLY lower your payment about thirty dollars BUT you will not have to pay for insurance ! so your payments will go up ! ..... in my case my loan went from 238k to almost 300k !!   and when you jump or complain they will say  SOOO!! YOU DONT WANT THE LOAN THEN ?  OK !  PAYS US THE CHARGES OR WE WILL FORCLOSE !! this is not a joke !  i have alot more to add but will add in time since there is two years worth of bull crap to include !!    the attorney  general will look away from the situation since they are in their pockets !!   scuba george at m s n dot c o m


Highlands Ranch,
SMH, Since Chase has $11 BILLION in secret life insurance policies on its current & former employees.....

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, October 25, 2010

it makes sense that customers of Chase shouldn't trust the executives who run the corporation, wouldn't you agree?

If a large bank will take out $11 BILLION in secret life insurance policies on its own employees, it is safe to assume that they wouldn't really want to help their customers, right?

Chase, Wells Fargo, & Bank of America, have a combined $45 BILLION in secret life insurance policies on their current & former employees.

*You can 'Google' this- BANK EXECUTIVES PROFITING ON THE DEATH OF EMPLOYEES, and read the articles on the web for proof. ($17 Billion + $17 Billion + $11 Billion = $45 Billion)

Make sure to 'Google' this- COLI, DEAD PEASANT INSURANCE LAWYER & ATTORNEY, and read the related articles and watch the video.

Finally, 'Google' this- JP MORGAN CHASE COMPLAINTS SECRET LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES, and read the article about the banks who hire companies to do "death sweeps" to find out if any current or former employees died so they can collect the insurance money, okay?

Thank You

P.S. If you stay at this site and type in 502469 it will take you to a Ripoff Report where "INSURANCE POEM" appears at 'Consumer Comment #26'.

Good luck to you.


Highlands Ranch,
SMH, It certainly appears that this entire 'Loan Modification' is another SCAM that was devised by....

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, October 23, 2010

the bankers and their lawyers, wouldn't you agree?

If you 'Google' this- WHO OWNS THE FED?, you can go to the site with the 5 charts and see that JP Morgan, which is now JP Morgan Chase, appears in 'Chart 1', right?

It makes sense that the banks want to recoup the money they lost due to the mess that they caused in the first place, correct? By giving millions of people false 'hope', it allows these banks and their legal teams to capitalize on people such as yourself, wouldn't you now agree?

Our government & much of our economy is being controlled by the Federal Reserve. It can no longer be denied. The Federal Reserve is obviously NOT on the people's side, correct?

Send copies of everything you have to your Attorney General and send copies to the New York Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo, also. Since many of these banks have their headquarters in New York, Mr. Cuomo should know what's going on, right?

Good luck to you.

P.S. Make sure to visit the BANK OF AMERICA page of this site for valuable information for people facing foreclosure. (There's a video, which can be 'Googled', that appears in one of the consumer comments.)


United States of America
You are going through a very troubling time...

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, October 23, 2010

What a terrible experience dealing with people that do not care about your situation, playing with our lives like this is intolerable. I have been through some pretty nasty policies and find that the laws passed to regulate the financial institutions did not go far enough. If it did you would not experience this run-around and the banks representatives being indifferent towards your very serious situation. I too believed the advertisements that featured President Obama's new lower rates! Unfortunately, this advertisement was linked to predatory lending companies like QUICKEN LOANS. Banks and mortgage companies have somehow lost any sense of empathy or concern about such far out concepts like CUSTOMER SERVICE and being RESPECTABLE, then alone being ETHICAL! You are right that even though they are human beings like you or me yet they do not have the capacity to speak the truth and have been very stingy after we have helped them stay in business. That person that talked with you was being funded by people like you - only they do not think about this or care. If financial institutions would stop paying the upper tier people and figure ways to help Americans stabilize their lives then we would spend and their long-term growth would be assured. If we cannot get loans or know whether our jobs will remain viable, this is what short sighed banks do not consider or keep in the balance. People like you try to do the right thing and the banks can care less - they just want to squeeze as much money from you as possible and if possible steal your home. There is no shame in this financial institution. Though this suggestion will not relieve your present situation yet I would ask you to consider contacting this government consumer complaint site because sadly your story is all too common:


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