  • Report:  #1075604

Complaint Review: Cheryl Switzer Wizard Investment Group - Bern North Carolina

Reported By:
frustrationer - San Luis Obispo, California,

Cheryl Switzer Wizard Investment Group
4906 Cypress S, Bern, North Carolina, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Cheryl Switzer of The Wizard Investment Group(as she claims) has offered her services as an investment intermediary to our company for over 3 years. We have signed NDA's and sent sensitive information. She has claimed numerous times over these last 3 years, that funding is imminent, then at the last minute, crafts an eleaborate story about world currency crisises, fluctuation in the valuation of the Iraq Dinar and the Dlnar as reasons for a further delay. In the meantime, we have given them very sensitive and proprietory information which could be in the hands of competitors or sold to others providing a roadmap for successful entry into a new market in alternative energy. 

After researching this person and company, we learned that Wizard Investment Group is a defunct corporation. This Ripoff report published information negative regarding this person. We wonder if this is an elaborate sting operation, luring people into the web of deceit, as they hang on in desperation for that moment of closure and funding.

We were suspicious in the beginning when the due diligence was minimal and they informed us that we passed the due diligence and were now on the roster to receive $100M in funding. The deal was incredulous, as well, when she said it wasn't a loan or venture capital, we did not have to give any equity and all we had to commit to was to renumerate 38% of our net profits to the investor, including 3% for them as intermediary for a contracted period of time. Essentially, we didn't have to pay it back, but had to negotiate an exit strategy should we want to sell the company to a 3rd party.

Becausethis deal is too good to be true, we suspect it to be an elaborate sting which will eventually become known, if/when they ask for money as a loan or for some other service fee that wasn't disclosed beforehand.


Has anyone else had an experience with these people and can they advise us as to the legitamacy/illegitamacy of these people?

13 Updates & Rebuttals

David Robbins

San Luis Obispo,
United States
Whining wannabe entrepreneurs

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, March 04, 2019

I read these complaints with good humour. First, has anyone lost money to Ms. Switzer? The assertion she is accumulating intellectual property for some nefarious gain is laughable. If any propective project owner reveals their closest secrets in a business plan, they are fools. I would gladly release any information about my plans with complete transaprency because in the end it takes execution and only the founding team can make minor or major pivots to succeed.

What is the problem? If you believe it is a hoax and a waste of your pecious time, get yourself removed from teh email blast. We don't put all our eggs in one basket and rarely close doors, becuase opportunities come in unexpected ways and at inconvenient times.

I peruse Ripoffeport because we have lost money to scammers and reported as such.

Quit bellyaching and sulk somewhere else. When you have been defrauded call the FBI internet crimes site and report it! Otherwise, take your disappointment and get a job!


las vegas,
United States
Has to be a scam

#3General Comment

Fri, August 03, 2018

There is no way this is real. The amount of secrecy, refusal to answer questions, and broken record weekly ''updates'' are a joke. Are we really to believe these phantom billionaires are just going to hand out millions to scores of people simply for submitting a business plan??? One thing I can't put my finger on - why does she stay in communication on a weekly basis? Just what is the angle? Someone enlighten me on the reasoning.


United States
Cheryl, WIG and potential scam

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, July 18, 2018

 I would like to know by these people who are standing up for Cheryl and WIG, have you finally got your funding? It's been years and years since most of these posts have been reported and I still see no one who has come out and said they've received funding. Furthermore, although it's true that it doesn't appear she is stealing money from anyone, what she is doing is getting hundreds of not thousands of people's intellectual property rights without paying anything for them or providing any clear proof, contracts or legitimate documentation that funding will be provided. My family has been waiting for over 3 years and still is hopeful that the money is coming.

I am more suspicious and believe this is a clear scam to steal intellectual property. The weekly updates, which are almost always complete nonsense, seem to be to be written to confuse people who don't really know how currencies, international trade and economics work. I am not one of those people as I've studied economics and been working in finance for years. The updates are complete gibberish. Meant to confuse and keep people's hopes alive. I would love to hear from anyone who has ACTUALLY MET Cheryl or has received funding to dispute my claims.


Cheryl Switzer keeps on scamming (GCR/RV)

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, February 28, 2017

Cheryl Switzer claims that my projects will be funded by her organization as soon as all the investors get rich. And this will happen when the Global Currency Reset /Revaluation takes place.

The FBI is quite familiar with this kind of fraudulent schemes. Take a look at their Iraqi Dinar Investment Investigation page. If you or a relative have been told that you will make enormous profits from the purchase of the Iraqi dinar, Vietnamese dong, Indonesian rupiah, or other foreign currency, the FBI encourages you to complete their victim questionnaire.


Report Attachments


Can you provide an update?

#6General Comment

Fri, September 02, 2016

 I was just wondering if you and your project have been funded yet and if so, how long ago. Did you receive what you were told you would be getting and are the payments in your bank yet? Thank you for your response as I'm sure you want to keep others updated. Thank you.


Cheryl Switzer - still asking for patience from everyone

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, August 31, 2016

I would like more information, if possible, from the others who have asked if this person and the whole "funders Group" are real.  

It seems they have been waiting for the "sun, moon and stars" to all align in some magical, monetary force before they are able to create all of the great projects throughout the world. 

Then there is the "wait, we can't flood the market with too much wealth" - that might be one of my favorite kind of take on this whole process.  

There appear to be some who have been hanging on for about four years, each time it gets close to funding there is a crisis somewhere, and it is back into the "will be soon" mode.

If someone, other than a person who only goes by "Bob Y" and does not REVEAL a location even, telling the world she is "honorable" in all that she is doing.

Or, "DAVID ROBBINS" who is asking others to "prove otherwise"

I think all of the updates and posts on her prior blog are indicative of someone who has some kind of far far to the right point of view and is going to cnotinue to ask for faith as the rounds and rounds of funding are delayed and delayed and delayed yet again.

For those in the "equity funding" that would "never be in this position with conventional funding" doesn't it make you wonder why that is the case?  Have you continued to hone your product and make it something others would want to fund or are you sitting in your office, home, car, whatever, waiting for this to happen?  

Now they are not even letting you know the name of the group, that will be revealed at the time of funding.....uh, really?  

The sad part is, they are feeding off the vulnerable, who truly want to help others in the world and making a mockery of the goodness of others.  

I hope others reply, I would really like to know.  I also have a feeling the infamous Cheryl Switzer (or whatever her name truly is, I think there are a few variations floating around) will also see this - some of the postings 

Have you seen here blog - lots of notes and updates in 201, until the last one started with "the Founders" group - make any of you wonder what is going on?

Perplexed as to the negative reports

#8Author of original report

Thu, June 09, 2016

I have followed these reports for several years accusing Cheryl Switzer of wrongdoing. Being one of her project owners, my question to these accusers is: What amount of cash have you lost in your dealings with Cheryl and/or her associates and how  were you convinced to provide any money when "up front" fees are illegal? I suspect you lost nothing but hopes an time. Prove otherwise. David Robbins


Can't be Real

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, April 21, 2016

I too have been part of these promises for three years. Desperately would like to know if anyone can prove there actually is anything to this.

Sal P

Morris Plains,
New Jersey,

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, January 05, 2016

 I just have a couple of questions:

Has anyone ever been funded by Cheryl or her group?

How long did it take?

Has anyone been ripped off by Cheryl?  If so, how?


Cheryl Switzer

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, January 15, 2014

 My company has been involved  with Cheryl Switzer/Wig Invesment Group since Spring of 2013. Everything Has been done very professional. Trusted. The procedure they use is not "conventional " by no means. It is not for everybody. All details were spelled out exactly from the beginning and have never waivered from what has originally been explained. Becoming a "participant" has been very well received by myself and associates. We are in our "que " position  to recieve are equity investment  funding.  We would "never "of been in this position with any other type of "conventional " system funding.

The complaint  filed is not justified and no proof of any wrong doing on Wig/ Invstments. Only that they did not recieve their equity investment when" they" thought they should.  Invite can change to uninvited very quickly, facts speak for themselves Investment group is only interested in strong , positive , companys who can stand the test of working thru all things. Maybe the "test"  was to much? A truth


Bob Y.

New York,
New York,
This Woman is Honorable

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, October 08, 2013

Part of what is wrong with this country is that people don't seem to know how to work anymore. Very few people, even modern-day entrepreneurs, know what it truly takes to literally create something from nothing. I have known Cheryl Switzer for years, and I know her to be the hardest working, sacrificing, and tireless individual I have ever known. She is a great grandmother and cancer survivor on top of it all. I have seen her working non-stop, 7 days a week, in an attempt to make things happen-- for herself and for many people who have chosen to climb on her wagon in hopes of success. Most of these people are hoping for their own success to happen from the efforts of Cheryl. I have seen many people come and go in my day, and we will always have the chaff, the fluff, the dust, the fly-aways. Their biggest problem is that they get tired of waiting for someone else to make them rich. They get mad that they haven't been made rich yet. Then they start pointing their boney fingers at the person who has worked the hardest to help them. How dare she not make me rich yet. In my experience this woman has never made any false promises. She has always alerted me and others I know of the status of matters to her knowledge. She has NEVER asked for money. She puts her efforts behind her words and works day and night, much of which is as a free favor to those who haven't a clue as to how to create their own spreadsheets or other necessary matters. She believes in what she does and that all will be duly compensated when matters solidify accordingly. To anyone who claims to be owed money by this woman, if it is true or if she has, indeed, signed a note for it, then I am sure that there must be some very good reason why she has not been able to return your money to you yet. I would also imagine that some of these postings are not true or not entirely true, but wild accusations coming from the imagination of cry baby candy-asses who are mad that Cheryl did not make them rich fast enough. I know far too many other people-- business leaders and professionals-- who continue to work with Cheryl in the hopes of bettering themselves, their communities and beyond. Maybe you have to be smart enough to see through the various barriers that naturally befall enterprise in this regard. Perhaps the true fault of Ms. Switzer is allowing people beneath the standard into the mix. It is this calibre of person that squeals and hollers when the going gets tough. Then they come back and bite the hand that tried to feed them. I stand behind Ms. Switzer and thank her for dealing on this low level with the riff-raff that fell from the rafters. I believe she is genuine and that history will reveal the true story.

David Russell Robbins

San Luis Obispo,
Reputable Company

#13General Comment

Sun, August 18, 2013

I have worked with the Wizard Investment Group(WIG) and Cheryl Switzer since December 2011, haven been introduced to them by a principal in an environmental engineering firm; WIG is an investment intermediary who has introduced us to a group of investors who seem capable of helping us become funded as is the case with a few other project owners I have come to know personally.

I find the previous posts to be false and lacking substance. Cheryl is honest, professional and has gained my trust these last two years. I find that she has integrity and conducts her business tirelessly and professionally. She has always kept us abreast of new developments as related to our 111 million dollar project. We have come to think of her as a friend and close associate. If the authors of the two other posts have something legotimate to report, I would suggest they take it up with WIG or Cheryl before going public with unsubstantiated claims. If you want to contact me regarding your claims, talk to Cheryl first. You must know her whereabouts, as the city you cited is the city that I recognize.

David Russell Robbins


Cheryl Switzer Group, New Bern NC: Major Fraud Investment Group

#14Consumer Comment

Sat, August 17, 2013

 I am another victim who wants to support the complaint filed with Ripooff Report on 8/13/13 concerning the Cheryl Switzer Wizard Investment Group. 

Cheryl Switzer, of also the Switzer Group, in the Carolinas, has been conducting fraudulent activities since before 2006.  She claims to have businesses, real estate developments, and purported major investors that are involved in her estate developments.  All of this is false, and made up.  She continuously claimes that funding and developmlent are imminent, only to create eleaborate stories to explain why this doesn't happen. 

I know for a fact that she has established an elaborate operation, luring people into the web of deceit, as they hang on in desperation for that moment of closure and funding.

She is telling lies, misleading and decieving people, and committing fraud.  She knows exactly what she is doing, is crafty at her work, while appearing to be extremely dependable and knowledgable.  Meanwhile, she is stealing people's money and destroying peoples lives and dreams.  She destroyed mine! 

Do not involve yourself in any of her activies.  She will steal your money right out from under you before you wink an eye.  Such an deceiving devil yet she claims to be a Christian. 

I would like to know who submitted the coplaint on 8/13/13.  This requires a class-action suit since other people have been involved as well and gotten ripped-off.

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