  • Report:  #1044790

Complaint Review: Chiropractic Care and Rehab - Internet

Reported By:
Patient Services - Fort Myers, Florida,

Chiropractic Care and Rehab
9250 Corkscrew Road Suite 4 33928 Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I worked for this chiropractor for just shy of two years (10 days to be exact), I put up with being bullied, cursed at, having office items thrown at me, being called an idiot/embecile/moron, called a liar and asked if I were learning disabled, all the while not ever having been written up or reprimanded on back work performances.  On several occasions his veral abuse brought me to tears, two different occasions while on personal time, I was again abused to the point of tears.  Always being told that I was untrustworthy and being told it does not matter what I do right or wrong, I will always be bitched at, cannot win for losing, those were his words as he left for the evening.

He hates 90% of his patients and those that he does not hate, he does favors for that in the eyes of the licensing authorities would find his acts fraudulent.  He has different pay schedules for different patients, based on how much he likes you and if he thinks you are a PITA (pain in the a*s), he makes these references often.  Just because he flirts with you does not mean that he is in anyway attractred to you, it is his way of keeping you coming back.

He makes employees call patients repeatedly to keep them on the schedule, he freaks out on slow days and gets pissed off on busy days.

As a former employee being there longer than anyone else, I bent over backwards for this clinic.  I was harmed by this employer fired without cause, no severancce pay, not vacation pay.  He keeps in his employee a Gay massage therapist who comes to work high daily, because he cannot function any other way, this person being high as often as they are has hurt several patients, buring one with the cold laser because he did not keep track of the time, and others come out of massage in tears because he hurts them.

The male CA that looks like a truck driver is just that a truck driver, he drove a truck for something, is looking to go back to being an EMT and does not care about the patients, he just wants a paycheck.  He pushed a male enhancement clinic into the ground before coming to this office.

The wife who is the office manager has no control over the chiropractor, even when you take a situation to her she blows it off because she cannot handle him either. 

It is a right to work state, however, it is not a right to abuse, assault, discriminate, or make the workplace intolerable state.  The EEOC will without a doubt shut him down, in the meantime find another chiropractor.

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